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Ban Red Robin From Forum

Guest 1948

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Freedom of speech is one thing - but treason deserves a lifetime ban.

Giving his personal thoughts on a rival site slagging off our lads - is he worth breath...

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Freedom of speech is one thing - but treason deserves a lifetime ban.

Giving his personal thoughts on a rival site slagging off our lads - is he worth breath...


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Your being a bit unfair lads , everyone has their own opinnion and are intitled to express it. A forum is for that purpose and if he wants to go onto the rivals site whats the problem?? I look and sometimes post on the rivals site and i know quite a few others from here who do as well , should i be banned from the forum??

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Your being a bit unfair lads , everyone has their own opinnion and are intitled to express it. A forum is for that purpose and if he wants to go onto the rivals site whats the problem?? I look and sometimes post on the rivals site and i know quite a few others from here who do as well , should i be banned from the forum??

I agree Cider red. In my opinion, Red Robin has posted a load of old bilge on this forum in the past few weeks, but at least he's engendered a healthy debate in the process.

Going on the Brighton site and telling them how rubbish we were and how Brighton were going to stuff us was a stupid thing to do, but talk of bans is ridiculous. No-one should ever get banned for expressing an opinion about Bristol City FC .. even opinions as daft as those of Red Robin ;-)

Talking of which, he seems to have gone a bit quiet. No doubt he'll be back next time we lose. Let's hope that's not for a while yet. I feel an unbeaten run coming along.

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What did he do that was so outragous?

Somebody called RedRobin_bcfc posted this on the Brighton message board:

"Guys don't worry about BCFC causing to many problems this year.

We are a spent force from last year.

The football is dire,the players aint interested,and MANAGER DANNY WILSON is in cloud cuckoo land.

Dont expect to many coming down,We are all ######** off up here with the start this club has had and the rubbish being spilled from it.

Under normal circumstances you would not be able to supply anything like the amount of tickets required but we aint happy at the moment.

City have not got a hells chance of the playoffs this year."

Sounds familiar????

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Guest KingswoodRed

Somebody called RedRobin_bcfc posted this on the Brighton message board:

"Guys don't worry about BCFC causing to many problems this year.

We are a spent force from last year.

The football is dire,the players aint interested,and MANAGER DANNY WILSON is in cloud cuckoo land.

Dont expect to many coming down,We are all ######** off up here with the start this club has had and the rubbish being spilled from it.

Under normal circumstances you would not be able to supply anything like the amount of tickets required but we aint happy at the moment.

City have not got a hells chance of the playoffs this year."

Sounds familiar????

So can anyone actually trace it back to the same Red Robin that posts here?

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Guest KingswoodRed

Sorry Tom I meant it in his defence rather than to make it a witch hunt.

I agree with you in the sense he has rights to a view.

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How juvenile.

As far as I can tell most of what he has said is true. This is an open discussion forum so whats the problem?

yep i agree you got a point there :clap:

untill now city have been poor and most fans have been

a bit unhappy and some have written off our promotion

hopes off, from what we did last season compared to this

season so far we haven't been at our best he may have

put stong words but the feeling is justified and i don't see

how he can be banned for comments made on another

forum :Confused13:

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Somebody called RedRobin_bcfc posted this on the Brighton message board:

"Guys don't worry about BCFC causing to many problems this year.

We are a spent force from last year.

The football is dire,the players aint interested,and MANAGER DANNY WILSON is in cloud cuckoo land.

Dont expect to many coming down,We are all ######** off up here with the start this club has had and the rubbish being spilled from it.

Under normal circumstances you would not be able to supply anything like the amount of tickets required but we aint happy at the moment.

City have not got a hells chance of the playoffs this year."

Sounds familiar????

So what , this is his view and the whole point in a forum is to express it , whats the point in having a forum if people get slated for giving their views? If you dont like that then i suggest you dont view or post on the forum.

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If there's one act I hate on the football field it's when a player gestures to the ref that another player should get a yellow or be sent off.

Always wished personally that it was the player gesturing that got told where to go.

Same principle should be adopted for many things.

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If there's one act I hate on the football field it's when a player gestures to the ref that another player should get a yellow or be sent off.

Always wished personally that it was the player gesturing that got told where to go.

Same principle should be adopted for many things.

yep i agree :clap:

there is also a report button on this forum if the guy is unhappy

click it and report him and let the moderators decide if there

is a justified reason to ban someone i see no need to air dirty

laundary in public :clap:

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Freedom of speech is one thing - but treason deserves a lifetime ban.

Giving his personal thoughts on a rival site slagging off our lads - is he worth breath...

1948 open your eyes mate.

City have been performing well below last seasons standards and are not a patch on last season in football terms.

One game and you think all is well,Lets see what happens over the next 2 or 3 games and then judge if things are turning.

Forums are for fans to air there views mine maybe more stronger against what I am seeing at present than yours.

I personally did think we get anything from the Brighton trip.

But who posted on here and gave my his upmost pleasure ME WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF THE FINAL WHISTLE.

Sorry matey I have been watching city alot longer than most of you and I expect a certain standard from the players and management and this has not been the case for the majority of the season.

I had PHATWILL slating me for my opinions last week fine I have no problem with that however not all city fans will follow my views and not all city fans will follow yours.

As said forums are there for debate.

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Guest Bristol_Babe

I agree with both sides of the opinion. RR is entitled to his views and our constititution in Britain allows us to do so.

But also, constant moaning (which I admit to doing occasionally Neo!) and trash about players who have done so well, shouldn't be broadcast.

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But also, constant moaning (which I admit to doing occasionally Neo!) and trash about players who have done so well, shouldn't be broadcast.

You did see my post then. Glad to see your signature has improved.


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RR, i dont 100% but i respect your opinions but, what is wrong with what he had just said? I Would rather RR actually have an opinion which causes discusion then some of the mindless idiots on here whose whole opinion ends at "Yes, i agree".

He has been proved wrong, but at the end of the day, i thought we would get hammered yesterday, and so did a few others. If RR wants to slate our team then fair enough, he pays to go in the ground every week so he is entitled to his opinion like everyone else.

I Think its bloody stupid that he should even be warned for it, if he was to be banned it would be a crime! You would think this place was a primary school with all the grassing and the moderation!

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Ho, Ho 1948 - I clicked on your '1948' username then clicked on 'find all posts by this member' and hey presto.....what do I find???!!!!! - but your post "Ban Red Robin From Forum". I've looked at all your posts for this forum and all you ever seem to do is slag off other forum users.  ;)

Here's one to bring up!

"Treason - The Sentence - Death By Killer Corgis!"

Any guesses where I got that from? ;)


PS: Mr Goblin, Good animation (and wallpaper!!!) the Yellow Submarine is ain't it? ;)

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Ho, Ho 1948 - I clicked on your '1948' username then clicked on 'find all posts by this member' and hey presto.....what do I find???!!!!! - but your post "Ban Red Robin From Forum". I've looked at all your posts for this forum and all you ever seem to do is slag off other forum users.  ;)
Call for the Witchfinder General!! Ban these foul creatures from our Wilson Blunderland, I say!! ;);):D

Sod being PC, bored with it, speak your minds and be damned!! :D:D:(

what a load of @rse!!! :(:(

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I cannot understand the basis for 1948 to actually ban RR; what wrong has he committed? He has spoken the facts as he see it and why should he be silenced for that? The only three types of people who can silence others for speaking the truth or facts are lawyers, the government and the PC police.

This is a football forum and we are entitled to express opinions, although I'd rather it be in a reasonable way rather than some of the OTT nastiness that sometimes surfaces. Thankfully most here do present their opinions sensibly. We don't have to agree, and I am like most in that I see postings every day here I agree and disagree with. Each to their own. I know many disagree with postings I have made in the past and that's fair enough.

After all, the healthiest societies are those that encourage freedom of expression. To suppress it would be akin to the Nazi or Soviet regimes of the 30s-70s and we wouldn't like to live under that sort of regime.

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Ho, Ho 1948 - I clicked on your '1948' username then clicked on 'find all posts by this member' and hey presto.....what do I find???!!!!! - but your post "Ban Red Robin From Forum". I've looked at all your posts for this forum and all you ever seem to do is slag off other forum users.  ;)

Yeah...... as we all know that normally such posts read ........ Red Goblin , has been , banned


Sorry Mr.Goblin....... I just could not resist, I know you will take it well or you know the results ;)

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Dorset Cider - I see that your sheep avatar is jumping with joy after escaping the unwanted attention of 'Sam Hamman the Taliban Man'  ;)

Or it could be the symbolic symbolism of Bardiff City leaping over us and getting promoted last year or I'm just typing symbolics (as usual )

You are indeed a esteemed dignitary ;)

hey it works........ it's an in joke folks but I like it ;)

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Guest realjet

The fact that you are all making such a fuss ("omg, RR should be banned" or "omg, your p!ssing yourselves over someone posting on another forum") makes you all look like retards ;)

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This forum is run by n o b s - see I got away with it by putting spaces between the letters  :P

Mr Goblin,

How many times do you have to be told to foxxing around, all you do is lead the mindless sheep astray. :D:D:D

Its not PC, it is funny, and it is clever!!! What happened to the Witchfinder General then, gone on his tea break, or going to have a word with St Tony?? :(:(:(

Damn the thought police are comin to get me , and put me in wilsons wonderland.......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrggggghhhhhh!!! ;););)

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Red Robin has done this kind of thing before.

His views are detrimental to this club and quite frankly he/she/it is an embarrassment.

Freedom of speech I s'pose though, all the same I'd rather read what a 2 year old baby has to say about quantum physics.

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I personally did think we get anything from the Brighton trip.

But who posted on here and gave my his upmost pleasure ME WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF THE FINAL WHISTLE.

NO argument on freedom of expression(as defined by our wonderful moderators ;) ,hmm sounds Orwellian dont it ;) )

But,could you translate that bit of your post above for me my babs,its making my 'ead hurt ;)

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