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Your Favourite City Song

Guest Jack

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Guest lilciderhed

I dont really have a favorite song, but I do like;

Carnival de Paris (OOO-oO....CITY)

And its Bristol City,

Bristol City f.c

Were by far the greatest team

The world has ever seen

Amankwaah, wooaaoh

Amankwaah, wooaaoh

He plays in red n white

He plays out on the right

Amankwaah, wooaaoh.

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Guest cidered
Post All The Words To Your Favourite City SOng Mine Has Got To Be

:clap: Danny Wilsons Cider Army! :clap:

:D Theres only 1 danny wilson :clap:

1 danny wilson

walking along singing a song walking in a wilson wonderland

Theres only 1 danny wilson

1 danny wilson

:clap: walking along singing a song walking in a wilson wonderland :clap:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Hello Hello

We are the City boys

Hello Hello

We are the City boys

And If you are a Rovers fan Surrender or you die

He's only a poor little gashead

His face is all tattered and torn

He makes me feel sick

I'll hit him with brick

and then he wont sing anymore

Where were you at Ashton Gate

And My fav

Do be do be doooo

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Lee Miller, Woo-aa-oh

Lee Miller, Woo-aa-oh

The Scot's are usually ########e

But he's ****in' dynamite...

Everywhere we go,

People wanna know,

Who we are,

Where we come from,

So we tell them,

We are the Bristol,

Bristol City,

We are the boys in red and white,

We love to drink and we love to fight,

We hate the Rovers,

Graydon is a ******,

Ohhh... City we love you...

And Percy Parrot's is probably...

Flying High up in the sky,

We'll Keep the red flag flying high,

Cider Redz until we die,

We'll keep the red flag flying high

:how funny:

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I always liked singing Jingle Bells at away games about this time of year.

My favourite other was at Twerton when Devon White was playing :-

He's big, he's blacks,

he's had a knife attack

Devon White, Devon White

Before anybody even bothers claiming racist, nothing in the above is anything but factual!

5 men went to burn (down Twerton) was another classic especially as I have met a couple of the kiddies who did it. What some people decide to do after a few pints.

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Guest Eighteen97

Drink up thy cider

drink up the cider

for tonight we'll merry be

we're going down the rovers

and do the ######s over

there's still more cider in the jar

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I always liked singing Jingle Bells at away games about this time of year.

My favourite other was at Twerton when Devon White was playing :-

He's big, he's blacks,

he's had a knife attack

Devon White, Devon White

Before anybody even bothers claiming racist, nothing in the above is anything but factual!

5 men went to burn (down Twerton) was another classic especially as I have met a couple of the kiddies who did it.  What some people decide to do after a few pints.

As do i, be suprised how nice some of those people are who did it.


Up the football league we go

When we win promotion

This is what we'll sing;

We are City! We are City!

Wilson is our king!

verywhere we go,

People wanna know,

Who we are,

Where we come from,

So we tell them,

We are the Bristol,

Bristol City,

We are the boys in red and white,

We love to drink and we love to fight,

We hate the Rovers,

Graydon is a ******,

Ohhh... City we love you...

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I'm a bow legged chicken I'm a knock kneed hen

I ain't been so happy since I don't know when

I walk with a wiggle and a giggle and a squawk

doin' the east end Boot Walk,

la la la la la la la :clap::clap::D


Ok so I'm old and most of you don't remember it but it was tops.

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Guest budbcfc

Ive always liked the cheer up holloway(graydon) song but going back few years bonelegged chicken was the best. a lot of us grew up in the east end. good days.

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The best universal football chant must be "you're not singing any more", cos you only sing it when you really have something to shout about and shut the opposition fans up.

Drink up thee Zider must be my favourite city song though.

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Guest Ciderhead Reynolds

He's only a poor little gashead

His face is all tattered and torn

He makes me feel sick

I'll hit him with brick

and then he wont sing anymore

** west country la la la **

fight fight whereever we may be

we are the boys from the west counrty etc etc :clap:

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In the Eastville slums

They look in the dustbin for something to eat

They find a dead cat and they think it`s a treat

In the eastville slums

I'd forgotten that one, great stuff! Time for a resurrection?

So many of these seem to be about getting at someone else, fighting or swearing.

I still hanker after the Red red Robin.

Wake up, wake up, you CityHeads

Get up, get out of bed,

Cheer up don't be sad,

Sing, shout, be happy......

When the Red, Red, Robins, come bob bob bobbing along.

I know, what a wuss! :rolleyes:

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Talking of hurting people songs........

If your standing on a corner with a blue scarf round your neck

City boys will come and get ya, and we'll break your ######g neck

nah nah nah nah

Charming little ditty that!

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Guest citylady

nice to remember the good old songs from the east end i remember them well they bring back very happy memories as for the songs of today my favs must be drink up thee zider and tinman is a ######

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No longer current, but still makes me smile. :rolleyes:

As I was walking along Stapleton Road

Singing, singing City are the Champions

I saw Don Megson crying in the road

I O, I O

I said to him whats up my friend

He said the East End's here again

Singing, singing City are the Champions

Singing, singing City are the best

From the same era :wacko:

We're going to division 1, we're going to the top

We're better than United and we're louder than the Kop

Our name is Bristol City and we play at Ashton Gate

So come along you City fans and sing to celebrate.

Going back further still,

Aye, aye, aye aye

Gibson is better than Yashin,

Crowe is better than Eusebio

and rovers are in for a thrashin'

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I thought Don Megson was "lying there" after his unfortunate, ill - conceived meeting with the East End, twenty2A!

Reminds me of another one:

"Don Megson's got his bra on

Hip hip hip Hooray!

Don Megson's got his bra on

And he's coming out today!

I think Ray Greydoom would fit in quite nicely there!

Remember "if you're tired and weary, and want to test your fate" ? - an East End "hard nut's" classic.

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Guest citysnumber7

he's here, hes there, he's every ###### where, matty hill, matty hill

joe burnell my lord, joe burnell

o tommy tommy, tommy tommy tommy tommy tommy do-her-ty

we r goin up, say we r goiin up

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Guest city slicker 71

Some nosalgic stuff, although I doubt the present chairman and his 'never fired a shot in anger brigade' would be too impressed.

So all those entering the REAL church on Jan 17th, give em the old salute:



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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"I say we sing ALL the east end songs when we have the chesterfield game"

Apart from..

East End Aggro, East End Aggro.

Probably wouldn't fit in the with the sanitised family atmosphere!

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Guest Cider_Army

What is this Do Be Do song. As I dont get to many away games due towork and have given up hearing much at the gate I heard it at Bournemouth but ddnt know what is was.

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Guest lilciderhed

It is getting sung more and more in the atyeo, its basically just a tune, ut its quite good!

OOOOOOOOOOOOO do be do be do, do be do be do be do

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Got to be Drink Up Thy Zider when sung at full volume (i.e. rarely!)

Also underused is:

"My old man said be a Rovers fan...

I said "###### ######, b*******, you're a ##**."

I'm afraid the swear-checker would wipe out pretty much the whole of that second line!

And my favourite away song? Once more, massively underused:

"Whoooooooaah, dooby dooby dooooo

"Whoooooooaah, dooby dooby dooby dooby dooooo

"Whoooooooaah, dooby dooby dooby dooby dum dum

"Dooby dooby dum dum

"Dooby dooby dum dum dum."

Ah, they don't write lyrics like that any more.

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And what happened to the chant of "Get in to them." at the start of every match, i miss that.  :rolleyes:

I always thought it was the East End urging "activity" from the Park Enders at the other end.

Agree though, it was great at kick-off and should be revived.

Also the welcoming chant of "Danny, Danny, Danny La Rue" at the opposition goalie as he approached the East End for the start of the match/second half.

Was it just City fans who sung that, pity it died out.

Although it might be construed as being aimed at another Danny these days. :wacko:

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cant believe no one has mentioned the best, most original, and dare i say it, the most tricky song to rememeber:







(repeat to fade...)

And of course the classic from 1986,

Que Sera sera,

Whatever will be will be

We are going to Wem-ber-ley

Que Sera sera.

And this years favoutite, again a little trciky to get the hang of:

Going up

Going up

Going Up

Going up

Going Up going uupp

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