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Guest Fireman Sam

What is happening to Maynard

We were told by EP and KM that a deal was to be done next week 2 weeks ago

Now nothing being said!?

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With all due respect, it does not matter at all what people are thinking, or how many rumours there are. At the end of the day, less than 10 people know what is really going on. Even then, only Maynard can actually make his mind up to sign or not. If he signs now or on July 31st it doesn't matter, and the fans will need to stick with him.

Wait for official comment before saying things like "he's left it on the table too long, he won't sign".

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It depends on how long you keep them open for... Theres "keeping your options open" and theres taking the piss... (looking for a move somewhere else) oh well, all will be revealed soon enough i guess!

There is over 2 months until the start of the season. Plenty of time for anything to happen yet.

He is in his last year of his contract and only a fool would rush in and sign when most of the action happens in July. Maynard will rightly wait and make a decision once the options become clearer.

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I take your point but the later he leaves it the harder it will be to recruit other players with the cash generated from his sale! the club must have some say aswell surely?

You would think so wouldn't you, who cares though, as long as Nicky gets the best deal for himself I support him all the way, even if it means the club suffer. Nicky Maynard is bigger than the club.

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I take your point but the later he leaves it the harder it will be to recruit other players with the cash generated from his sale! the club must have some say aswell surely?

And I'm sure the club will be saying that too but you try and rush him into something now then he will feel pressured and be more likely to want to go.

A fair time for something to happen would be by say mid-July I reckon- until then I don't think we need our fans speculating that Nicky must make his mind now.

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So many assumptions, so many people in the know.

None of us know exactly is going on, so why speculate this, that or the other. We could just wait and see.

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So many assumptions, so many people in the know.

None of us know exactly is going on, so why speculate this, that or the other. We could just wait and see.

Kind of missing the point of a discussion forum Tom. Todays post count would be zero, much easier for the mods granted.

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Kind of missing the point of a discussion forum Tom. Todays post count would be zero, much easier for the mods granted.

It's not the discussion its the mass hysteria of 'oh he's not signed, he's off' blah blah blah. All the players are on Holiday for fecks sake.. people seem to be getting worked up about it.

If he goes, he goes. If not, hurrah. Life goes on.

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It's not the discussion its the mass hysteria of 'oh he's not signed, he's off' blah blah blah. All the players are on Holiday for ****s sake.. people seem to be getting worked up about it.

If he goes, he goes. If not, hurrah. Life goes on.

I couldn't care less one way or the other tbh. He's a good player, but as you say life has and will go on without him. My view is well publicised I think hes taking the piss, and I'll air my views on it on here if thats ok.

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I couldn't care less one way or the other tbh. He's a good player, but as you say life has and will go on without him. My view is well publicised I think hes taking the piss, and I'll air my views on it on here if thats ok.

Don't think anyone has a problem with that but thanks for asking

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The only worrying point is that if he's over 24, from February 1st if he hasn't signed a contract he is allowed to talk to clubs and could sign any deal and leave the club for nothing. Personally I think he'll sign a year extension but I would imagine the club have written down a few potential targets in case he doesn't want to stay so that when he is sold, they can try and amend the matter quickly.

When those Sextone officially take over, if Maynard is not part of his squad with a new contract i will eat my hat, my computer. He is staying.

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When those Sextone officially take over, if Maynard is not part of his squad with a new contract i will eat my hat, my computer. He is staying.

Hope you are right. The Watford player who scored over 20 goals in cc, I dont know his name. Will he still be in Watford next season?

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Hope you are right. The Watford player who scored over 20 goals in cc, I dont know his name. Will he still be in Watford next season?

Look at Maynards record with City scores goals in bunches, the season before that as just gone he was playing week in week out he went along time without scoring, a major knee op, yes he has come back done well, scored the goals, would you gamble on him?, he will play prem one day, but imo he has not been mention in any of the red tops, and these people have got to fill alot of useless shit transfer talk?

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I understand Nicky has ben offered a 2 year extension to his current contract that would also make him the higest paid player at the club.

Yet to sign as prem clubs are sniffing about. Cant really argue with that. Lets say he has beeen offered 18k a week? Prem teams can treble that at least!!!!

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I understand Nicky has ben offered a 2 year extension to his current contract that would also make him the higest paid player at the club.

Yet to sign as prem clubs are sniffing about. Cant really argue with that. Lets say he has beeen offered 18k a week? Prem teams can treble that at least!!!!

Arn your mental if you think a Prem club would pay M aynard £50k+ a week.

Personally wish he would sign with a £6-£7m release fee and get it over and done with,

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I'm convinced that if any Prem club makes us a sensible offer (£5m+) he'll be gone and as Tom says with everyone on holiday at present, nothing is likely to happen for at least 4 weeks, IMO.

If he does go then at least we have a Championship standard strike pairing of Stead and Pitman already at the club, something we haven't had in reserve in any of the previous 4 seasons...

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I understand Nicky has ben offered a 2 year extension to his current contract that would also make him the higest paid player at the club.

Yet to sign as prem clubs are sniffing about. Cant really argue with that. Lets say he has beeen offered 18k a week? Prem teams can treble that at least!!!!

Not a chance a premier league club would pay Nicky Maynard 50 k a week, i dont know what planet your living on...

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I'm pretty sure that around the time he signed, Dj said himself that he took a significant wage cut when joining us.

He may well have done but with Portsmouth paying stupid wages at the time it wouldn't suprise me if he was on £50k+ a week there so dropping to £15-20k is still significant

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He may well have done but with Portsmouth paying stupid wages at the time it wouldn't suprise me if he was on £50k+ a week there so dropping to £15-20k is still significant

Fair enough, I've just always thought he'd be on about 10k a week.

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Have you seen s copy of his contract?

Haha no but I have it on VERY reliable information that David James is paid 8k a week.

Of course, my informant could be spouting bollocks but I have no reason to believe he/she would.

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Not a chance a premier league club would pay Nicky Maynard 50 k a week, i dont know what planet your living on...

If NM was to leave then the new contract with a prem club would def see him earning 25k a week at least. Probably a 4 year deal with an increase every year and also top ups with how many goals he scores and how his new team were doing.

Your probably right, 50k is not a realistic figure but i guess over 30k is?

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Why does it have to be a case of "If he doesn't sign, he must want to leave the club this summer"? Why is it not a case that he signed a contract with the club for a fixed period of time and maybe, just maybe, he wants to honour the contract he's on before finalising a decision on his next move. He may just wish to see out the final year of his contract, whilst doing the best he possibly can for the club in the meantime. If his goals fire us to promotion then he may reconsider and stay. If we stay down but he scores lots of goals again then his own stock has increased further and he can negotiate a better deal for himself next summer. Of course, the club then have to decide if they wish to gamble on keeping him and losing out on £4m+ next summer or selling him and not being able to replace the goals that could have fired us to promotion.

I'm not saying that I think for a second we will go up next year, but more so that the clubs aim (not to be confused with belief) has to be as high as possible and so that will be promotion.

I just don't know why everyone's getting so strung up about the fact that he's not signed yet. If he doesn't sign, but stays, who bloody cares? So long as he does his best, which i've no doubt he will, then what more can we expect of the lad. If he doesn't sign, and the club cashes in, then hopefully in Pitman and Stead, embedded into the team (and Pitman settled in at this level), we have enough goals that we won't miss Nicky and the money we get for him can go towards a good back up. Hopefully it's a win win for us!

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...................... I have it on VERY reliable information that David James is paid 8k a week.

Of course, my informant could be spouting bollocks but I have no reason to believe he/she would.

So your "informant " is very reliable - but could be spouting bollocks.....

make up your mind !!

Fact is no one on here knows what players are earning - just guess work and BS


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Am I right in thinking our record received fee is 3.5mil for Akinbiyi? If he didn't want to stay we really would have to let him go, we can't miss out on a record received fee which you'd hope we'd get.

There was talk at the start if the season that Stead and Pitman choose us over Blackpool because we could top their wage cap of 10k/w?

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frist off City haven't recived a single bid for Maynard (As stated on our website recently) so we can't sell him for that reason,

Second thing City haven't set Maynard a deadline to sign the contract so he may well take all summer to mull over it,

4 people know whats going thats Colin Sexton, Keith Millen Nicky Maynard and his agent,

Until one of those 4 come out and say anything we should drop it,

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Ha, this is so funny. I was led to believe that clubs would be climbing over each other for the forums golden boy.

No doubt Pep and Jose we be slugging it out in the coming weeks, tempting Maynard with a fancy trip to La Tasca to experience potatas bravas and a chance to shine on the world stage.

Or more likely, other clubs realise we overpaid to secure his services and they realise he just ain't that good.

Take £3m and run, Brett Pitman as far far far better!

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Ha, this is so funny. I was led to believe that clubs would be climbing over each other for the forums golden boy.

No doubt Pep and Jose we be slugging it out in the coming weeks, tempting Maynard with a fancy trip to La Tasca to experience potatas bravas and a chance to shine on the world stage.

Or more likely, other clubs realise we overpaid to secure his services and they realise he just ain't that good.

Take £3m and run, Brett Pitman as far far far better!

You make it sound like he's the worst player you have ever seen. He's a decent player at this level, I'm not convinced totally he can be a success in the Premier League but, I certainly belive there would be a handful of clubs in the top flight who might want to take a punt on him. We're talking the likes of Wolves, Blackburn, Wigan, Stoke, West Brom, although some of the prices talked about on the forum are frankly ridiculous. Anything around £4m and over would be about right.

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Ha, this is so funny. I was led to believe that clubs would be climbing over each other for the forums golden boy.

No doubt Pep and Jose we be slugging it out in the coming weeks, tempting Maynard with a fancy trip to La Tasca to experience potatas bravas and a chance to shine on the world stage.

Or more likely, other clubs realise we overpaid to secure his services and they realise he just ain't that good.

Take £3m and run, Brett Pitman as far far far better!

Yep, I remember thinking that at least 20 times in 2009/10.

Like when he scored that goal at QPR, when he bent the ball round Steve Harper at home to Newcastle, the 2 against Boro' and the screamer on the last day at Blackpool.

I mean- outscoring Andy Carroll over a whole season whilst only taking one penalty, "ain't that good"?


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Interesting also to note the remark CS made at the end...referring to player signings he said beyond 3 or 4 signings we will need to look at players going out. In short, Millen does not need to further trim the squad to get those 3 or 4 in.

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CS touches on the Maynard situation in this link


Thanks for the link.

I thought the part about Carey was interesting too:

Louis had quite a nasty injury at the end of last year so we need to make sure he's fit. We'll sit down to look at how we can extend his contract..

So it seems less clear cut than we thought perhaps.

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Saw Nicky today by the Marriot Hotel, don't know whether he was in there or whether he had just parked in the Broadmead Car park. Was on his phone so I didn't manage to talk to him, but if he was in the Marriot would that be somewhere where he may be talking to City or other clubs about a contract?

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Saw Nicky today by the Marriot Hotel, don't know whether he was in there or whether he had just parked in the Broadmead Car park. Was on his phone so I didn't manage to talk to him, but if he was in the Marriot would that be somewhere where he may be talking to City or other clubs about a contract?

Yes of course....

"Nicky is away at the moment but there's lots of discussions going on," added Sexstone.

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Yes of course....

"Nicky is away at the moment but there's lots of discussions going on," added Sexstone.

Very reliable source yesterday informed me that both QPR and Norwich have enquired about Maynard and both are talking of around 5m. Maynard is reluctant to to sign for either if he's going to be a fringe player.

Watch this space......

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Very reliable source yesterday informed me that both QPR and Norwich have enquired about Maynard and both are talking of around 5m. Maynard is reluctant to to sign for either if he's going to be a fringe player.

Watch this space......

your sources must of been reading the papers as both of these have been in the mirror and the sun 2 or 3 weeks ago,

If we'd had an offer and were prepared to accept it Sexton would of said so yesterday in his interview to try and get a bidding war going

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Norwich have already signed Vaughan, and probably will sign Morison, they won't go for Maynard as well.

This will be another Basso situation, where the player kids himself that a host of Premier League clubs are desperate to sign him, only to find that nobody's interested. In the meantime, he rejects a new contract at City, finds himself frozen out of the first team and generally forgotten about by the football world. When he eventually becomes a free agent he finds that there are no offers on the table.

Nicky, don't be a dick, sign the contract offered to you by BCFC and accept that you aren't quite as good as you, and your adoring fan club, think you are.

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This will be another Basso situation, where the player kids himself that a host of Premier League clubs are desperate to sign him, only to find that nobody's interested. In the meantime, he rejects a new contract at City, finds himself frozen out of the first team and generally forgotten about by the football world. When he eventually becomes a free agent he finds that there are no offers on the table.

Nicky, don't be a dick, sign the contract offered to you by BCFC and accept that you aren't quite as good as you, and your adoring fan club, think you are.

wind your neck in,

its nothing like Basso's situation

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Guest Barneyredballs

I can't see anyone paying 5m for Maynard.

Morison and Graham will go for nowhere near that amount and Maynard has done no more than them in the Championship. Don't get me wrong, he's a player we should do everything to keep, but he's had one good season - the same as those mentioned above.

It may well be that he is viewed in that way by those outside of this football club - which is good for us if so.

I think that Maynard would easily be the top of those three. Age, goals and the fact he has already commanded a big transfer fee. Guess his £ will depend on whether he signs a contract extension.

Maynard - 85apps-37 goals (24yrs)

Graham - 91-38 (25)

Morison - 40-15 (27)

Currently £4.25 is my guess....

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If he wanted to furthur his career with BCFC he would have signed the contract. He is keeping his options open to see if a bigger club will come in for him.

and your prove of this is?

Have you seen his demands?

have you seen what city has offered him?

Ar you currently on holiday with him?

no then you haven't got a clue and are just being an idiot

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the proof is that discussions start at the beginning of April, with him being offered a new deal in the middle of April.

2 months later he still hasn't signed.....dont remember Albert's contract being such a long, drawn process.

Don't get me wrong, I think he will eventually sign an extension with a minimum release fee.....but thats more due to no teams showing an interest in him, something he has clearly been holding out for.

discussions took place in April no contract was offered until the end of the season

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I have the feeling that it's the trigger value of any release clause thats the stumbling block....

I can see the club wanting something high like 5m+ and the agent advising low (3+) or somat like that

Everything else appears to be in place & agreeable to NM & BCFC......

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I have the feeling that it's the trigger value of any release clause thats the stumbling block....

I can see the club wanting something high like 5m+ and the agent advising low (3+) or somat like that

Everything else appears to be in place & agreeable to NM & BCFC......



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Gusy, the windows has not even opened, and look at us :laugh:. Maynard is quality, quality players attract interest. We have to deal with the media and the gossip. Until I see somthing on the OS i'm trying not to worry about Maynard, more interesting in who we are brining in as I hope Nicky sill sign.

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Yes of course....

"Nicky is away at the moment but there's lots of discussions going on," added Sexstone.

I also saw Nicky Yesterday at cabot circus.... was on his phone as the other poster said...... maybe nothing to read too much into

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I can't understand some of the less than complimentry comments about Maynard on this thread. I can only guess they are born out of frustration that Maynard hasn't signed a new contract rather than his ability and worth to the club.

When Maynard made his first full appearance of the season after his lengthy lay off, City were 19th and still a worrying 6 points off the relegation spots.

Nine games and six Maynard goals later, City had climbed to to 15th and were a comfortable seventeen points off the drop.

His goals and the momentum that they gave the team, in my opinion, saved us from an uncomfortable end to the season at best, relegation at worst.

A fully fit Nicky Maynard is the difference between us being a good Championship side and us being a below average one.

As for Pitman being an adequate replacement if Maynard goes, hopefully he will be, his goals per game suggest he can be. I just wonder why Millen seemed fit to put him on the bench eighteen times last season. Ask yourself, would Millen of put Maynard on the bench so often?

I would love to see Maynard playing for us come August. :fingerscrossed:

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Not Maynard related however:

Watford accept 3.5 Mill bid from Swansea for Striker Danny Graham.

Surely gives more of a indication of what Maynard is worth, about the same or a little more ??

As QPR have failed in landing Graham, does anyone reckon they will bee after our Nicky ?? !!!

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