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The cynical view.

International football is by and large shit and boring to watch. There have been less than half a dozen England games I can remember enjoying. It's very hard to support a team with scumbags like Terry, Cole, Rooney and a few others in. The press make a mockery of the entire England scene by pandering to the dumbest and most illiterate engerland fans, trying to tear down everybody associated with England football (particularly those evil foreigners) but at the same time pretending we have some sort of right to compete with the best. And then there's the English FA, too incompetent to even be corrupt properly and massively self interested. There are too many borderline racist wallies at England games trying to relive past inglories. Besides, who can really be proud of being English these days? One look at the Daily Fail's circulation figures is all you need to rip that last shred of patriotism out surely?

In short, **** watching England sideways. City all the way.

As for the debate about winning the world cup vs promotion, it's irrelevant. There's more chance of Lord Lucan winning the next national on Shergar than England getting to the world cup final. Besides, City in the Prem would actually make a difference to my life whereas England winning the world cup would just mean having to queue up behind knobheads for a drink if I ventured to a pub that week.

I don't say it often but, This.

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