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New Bcfc Blog

Guest BCForeverC

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Guest BCForeverC

I have just started up a new daily Bristol City blog, and i would appreciate any comments whether constructive criticism or praise. If you enjoy it then please reccomend to fellow reds. Never done anything like this before, so help or recommendations would be great. The website is https://williamstand.wordpress.com/


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Guest BCForeverC

Ouch, a daily blog? How do you plan to get 500 words out of a Djbril Cisse rumour?

The amount of rubbish that is spouted on here should keep me going until the season starts!

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Good stuff.

On the subject of James I think he was a justifiable luxury when we had an eye on promotion, as we did at season start. However as we are now, in my view comfortable survival represents an acceptable year, I can't see how we justify it.

Fantastic keeper, losing him would downgrade our options significantly, but unless he is solely the difference between 15th and 21st, which I'm not sure he is, I'd look to lose him from the wage bill.

Agree with someone above too, a daily blog is a big effort.

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If there were two words I would ban from the English language are TOMORROW and YESTERDAY.

Every day of the week has its own name.

So your tommorrow is now some one else's yesterday.

BCFC official site take note also.

By the way keep up the good start

Agreed, the first thing I deleted was 'Yesterday' to make "After securing the signature of Yannick Bolasie"

The blog is ok - but your post are to long, people have short attention spans and you really need to look at 500 ish words at most.

You could have split the post into 2 as the headline is about Keepers, then goes into Bolasie, that could make it snappier, shorter read, and more relevant.

I would suggest that you add a facebook/twitter feed as well if you are looking for people to follow the blog - you can see what I mean on a blog I used to do with a friend a while ago http://engliscdragon.wordpress.com/ you can update the facebook with short snippets, and also lead it to your main blog articles http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=126884833992621&v=wall

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I'm a tad confused with the whole idea of "blogging", so please, don't take this as critisism! Merely enquiry.

What is the point in starting up a seperate blog, only to promote it on here, when surely, if you feel the need, a daily post on here would surfice...?

Again, a genuine question, not a dig.... But are people who start up blogs not a little bit self important, assuming that people want and need to know their opinions on all aspects of life or a particular topic?

I understand so called celebrities doing it, so the sad cases that need to know the ins and outs of their lives, can follew their every move and feel more connected to them. However a general blog seems to be a little bit redundant whilst there is a perfectly good (with some exceptions!) forum offering the same outlet for your opinions and probably presents them to a wider audience.

Anyway, all just my opinion and maybe im missing the point! Im certainly no techno whizz! I'm even considering getting one of those mobile phone thingy's one day!!

Good effort either way.

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I just cannot read it, far to much verbose, I do not read newspapers that put a short story over several pages or a book that tells a story in 20,000 pages that could be told in 2,000.

For me, the most encouraging news coming out of this article is not that we are expanding and improving our scouting system, but that Keith Millen realises that the system we had been using under former managers Gary Johnson and Steve Coppell was not up to scratch.

The most encouraging news in this article is that Keith Millen realises the system used under former managers Gary Johnson and Steve Coppell was not up to scratch.

far to much to read on the internet and so little time.

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Guest BCForeverC

I'm a tad confused with the whole idea of "blogging", so please, don't take this as critisism! Merely enquiry.

What is the point in starting up a seperate blog, only to promote it on here, when surely, if you feel the need, a daily post on here would surfice...?

Again, a genuine question, not a dig.... But are people who start up blogs not a little bit self important, assuming that people want and need to know their opinions on all aspects of life or a particular topic?

I understand so called celebrities doing it, so the sad cases that need to know the ins and outs of their lives, can follew their every move and feel more connected to them. However a general blog seems to be a little bit redundant whilst there is a perfectly good (with some exceptions!) forum offering the same outlet for your opinions and probably presents them to a wider audience.

Anyway, all just my opinion and maybe im missing the point! Im certainly no techno whizz! I'm even considering getting one of those mobile phone thingy's one day!!

Good effort either way.

I was promoting it on here because I thought that other fans might be interested in a daily round-up of City related news.

I for one am interested in other people's views on City, and that is why I started the blog. I thought it would be an easy way of simplifying city news without having it dotted around the forum.

As much as I love this forum, there is a lot of rubbish that is also put up on it, so I decided to create the blog to put all of what i considered to be relevant city news, into one place.

Thanks for the comment and I hope that has cleared a few things up.

I just cannot read it, far to much verbose, I do not read newspapers that put a short story over several pages or a book that tells a story in 20,000 pages that could be told in 2,000.

For me, the most encouraging news coming out of this article is not that we are expanding and improving our scouting system, but that Keith Millen realises that the system we had been using under former managers Gary Johnson and Steve Coppell was not up to scratch.

The most encouraging news in this article is that Keith Millen realises the system used under former managers Gary Johnson and Steve Coppell was not up to scratch.

far to much to read on the internet and so little time.

I am sorry you feel this way, and I understand your point, but that is just my style of writing. So if you cannot read it, then don't.

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I was promoting it on here because I thought that other fans might be interested in a daily round-up of City related news.

I for one am interested in other people's views on City, and that is why I started the blog. I thought it would be an easy way of simplifying city news without having it dotted around the forum.

As much as I love this forum, there is a lot of rubbish that is also put up on it, so I decided to create the blog to put all of what i considered to be relevant city news, into one place.

Thanks for the comment and I hope that has cleared a few things up.

I am sorry you feel this way, and I understand your point, but that is just my style of writing. So if you cannot read it, then don't.

He is just trying to give advice mate from reading the blog i would suggest you take it if u want it to take off, just my oppinion though. Good start keep up the good work.

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