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Loyalty Rewarded


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Just a quickie to all the part-timers/fair weather fans.

If you follow your club through thick and thin then the highs (like yesterday) will seem so much sweeter.

I think everyone who wasn't there (me included, if only I could of gone) wishes they were and it goes to show that City's most passionate and loyal supporters were rewarded yesterday with a great display from the lads.

THAT's the reason all City fans should turn upto every game they can. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, no matter how grim it may seem at times!


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Guest ziderhead2003
Its probably Karma or something...

Cost of match-ticket  £21

Cost of train ticket  £52

Cost of 'burger'  £2.50

Cost of extra train ticket to Bristol when I realised there were no more trains back to Shrewsbury  (doh !)  £32

Cost of seeing Bristol City thump Brighton away, playing like Brazil in the first half and AC Milan in the second


there are somethings money cant buy for everything else theres mastercard! how funny

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Guest KingswoodRed

On the grounds that I am not a part-time fan or a fair weather supporter, I resent that.

On the basis you have seen how many games this season what are you if not 'part time'?

And, if as I suspect it is less than 5 games so far this season, how dare you post a message to so called 'part time fans'.

I have never resented these so called 'part time' fans as you obviously do by your attitude toward them, hence I have never posted any resentment or tagged them as 'part time'.

I think before you begin with your tagging of fans you need to look slightly closer to home before you earn the right to 'tag'.

I know it is more than difficult for you based in Pompey to get to games, but I find it quite sad you still feel the urge to use the old excuse of 'part timers'.

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On the basis you have seen how many games this season what are you if not 'part time'?

And, if as I suspect it is less than 5 games so far this season, how dare you post a message to so called 'part time fans'.

I know it is more than difficult for you based in Pompey to get to games, but I find it quite sad you still feel the urge to use the old excuse of 'part timers'.

Just to dispell the myth I have actually been to almost half of City's games this season and most of the friendlies.

The point I'm making is that I do not pick or choose games due to City's form or in what league we are in.

For instance I wouldn't come on this forum for the past week saying I'd stopped going to City, then after one good result at Brighton decide to attend the next home game.

In my view that is fair weather/part-time. BCFC needs all the support it can get and its a true test of support if when a team is not on a 20 match unbeaten streak it still has dedicated support that will turn up to games.

You seem to get very aggrovated whenever the term "part-timer" is mentioned. The fact is that all support towards BCFC is valued, but thank God we don't always choose our games on team form.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

"You seem to get very aggrivated whenever the term "part-timer" is mentioned. "

I do too - It's not up to you how people follow football. I couldn't care less if I missed City win 4-1 yesterday - For me the point is that they won, still get the same feeling of euphoria I would normally, and I'm sure thats true of people that hardly ever go, the one's you seem to have such a problem with.

I'd rather sit next to someone that hardly ever goes that talks sense and knows his football, rather than a muppet that goes every game and has no clue.

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Guest KingswoodRed
For instance I wouldn't come on this forum for the past week saying I'd stopped going to City, then after one good result at Brighton decide to attend the next home game.

That's ok by me. By I have posted that, and that is my right. I will gladly give BCFC my custom along with my daughters as long as I see that they as a team, including the management team, are willing to put up a decent performance.

I have watched and waited a long time for this so called 'one good performance'.

In my view that is fair weather/part-time. BCFC needs all the support it can get and its a true test of support if when a team is not on a 20 match unbeaten streak it still has dedicated support that will turn up to games.

If BCFC needed all the support it could get and you have a view on what true support is, would you ever have better things to do than watch BCFC if you had the money?

You seem to get very aggrivated whenever the term "part-timer" is mentioned. The fact is that all support towards BCFC is valued, but thank God we don't always choose our games on team form.

I only get aggrivated by hypocrisy.

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