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Players We Could Do Without.

Guest CityHead33

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Guest CityHead33

I know its a bit harsh, but recently KM was on about shortening squad size. Just think it would be interesting to see you opinions on players we could do without. My list:





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I know its a bit harsh, but recently KM was on about shortening squad size. Just think it would be interesting to see you opinions on players we could do without. My list:





Hoban was released at the end of last season

Dont reckon we would miss Errington Kelly much !! :whistle2:

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I know its a bit harsh, but recently KM was on about shortening squad size. Just think it would be interesting to see you opinions on players we could do without. My list:





You're right about Hoban. He's already gone.

Cisse and Stewart are both first team squad players so I'm not sure why you think we could do without them.

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In my opinion Johnson, Clarkson and Hunt should be the first three shown the door.

Another two experienced first team squad players who for some reason should be 'shown the door' according to you.

Thankfully you're not the manager.

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Guest CityHead33

We could do without?

Blimey this could be a long list:










Thats half the bloody squad haha and Skuse....

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McCallister... are a very poor left back. Probably the worst LB in Npower Championhship




SPEED = 3 miles per hour.....

AGE = old.. we need a young LB 22-27 years.

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We could do without?

Blimey this could be a long list:










He said without :doh:

Giving you the benift of the doubt here, don't come back and say we would be better off without these players, especially Skuse and Elliot.

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He said without :doh:

Giving you the benift of the doubt here, don't come back and say we would be better off without these players, especially Skuse and Elliot.

Gave 9 names there I think, if they could be replaced with 5 or 6 I would happy to be better off without them.

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Guest Tony Montana

I know its a bit harsh, but recently KM was on about shortening squad size. Just think it would be interesting to see you opinions on players we could do without. My list:





Cisse!??? You cant be serious? He's one of the best proper footballers we have at club. He can pass the ball and hold his position well, a much better player than Marv and Skuse in my opinion

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could have fooled me.

Yeah because I love it when city lose! all those heavy defeats at home last season were very enjoyable!

wanting to slag off Mccalister at any given opportunity is becoming something of an obsession. Funny because as far as I can tell he has given his all every time he plays for us and is hard as nails playing through the pain barrier. He ain't the best but he certainly ain't the worst either.

You also seem to have it in for Millen regarding the productivity of this transfer window and any counter arguments or reasons for this supposed lack of productivity are cast off as excuses.

Sometimes it isn't as clear cut as we all want it to be, and I certainly feel this is so in regard to the murky world of football transfers.

Millen hasnt addressed any of our problems apart from signing kilkenny. Our main problem is left back and there is no sign of one. 9 days to go until the season starts. Thats a poor show.

I've never questioned the fact he has given his all for us - why would I? But he has'nt been good enough for a few seasons - yet he's still here?!

You seem to suggest that I have a problem with Millen or McAllister - I dont - I just dont rate them.

Other than not rating them - they have been good servants to Bristol City.... so I dont know why you would imply I have something against them??! I am not Robbored.

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Yeah because I love it when city lose! all those heavy defeats at home last season were very enjoyable!

Purely on pre-season, I'm sure you used to be far more perceptive and patient, where did it all go wrong?

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As long as it the fantastic and unbeatable Scotland away kit, effing fantastic

Jamie McAllister always said he wanted to play for Scotland again - Its the next best thing I suppose!

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Always makes me laugh when these threads come up and people just pick the players they have seen that in there opinion have not played well. Its always turned into pick the first teamer that I dont appreciate thread rather than who we could do without.










Amidi-knobhead (nothing personal just dont like the name)

To me these are the players we could do without but most of them are youngsters that will hopefully progress in the future.

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wanting to slag off Mccalister at any given opportunity is becoming something of an obsession. Funny because as far as I can tell he has given his all every time he plays for us and is hard as nails playing through the pain barrier. He ain't the best but he certainly ain't the worst either.

You also seem to have it in for Millen regarding the productivity of this transfer window and any counter arguments or reasons for this supposed lack of productivity are cast off as excuses.

Sometimes it isn't as clear cut as we all want it to be, and I certainly feel this is so in regard to the murky world of football transfers.

I really believe at times, that soccer fans think you can pop down to costco and sign players.

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I was amazed to see that too. He was brilliant last season and arguably our best midfielder.

For me.

Johnson-Why is he still at our club? Clearly not good enough, he'll never hold down a spot in the team and still on a good wage.Clarkson-Too slow and predictable.

Woolford- Could prove me wrong but looks poor.

Carey- Times up old fella. Great service but past it.

Answered your own question there mucker !

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Guest Ashton1

Can't believe cisse was mentioned ??? It would cost a fortune to replace a player of that standard with the experence level ! Skuse and marv would come before him any day !

I think LJ is now ready to move on with Kilkenny at the club

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I'm another Clarkson fan. He's good backup at least and can be a useful squad player.

I'm not I don't rate him and never had can't see him getting in ahead of Maynard Taylor Stead or Pitman which is why he's on my list,

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Hunt, Johno, and Stewart out of our senior pros. Decent loan moves for Jackson, Lennox, Ball, and Holloway at a reasonable level. If Maynard stays and Brett, Steady and Ryan Taylor stay fit, would look to recoup as much as possible for Claky by selling him (hopefully) back to a SPL club.

I am fully behind Riaz when it comes to McAllister. Only reason I am not including him, is because he is our only specialist senior lb. If we signed another, I would gladly wave him goodbye. No disrespect intended just don't rate him.

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Players who I think we don't need:

McCallister (need a decent LB)

Lee Johnson (Done his time. Good for League 1)

David Clarkson (not good enough)

Nyatanga (again not good enough)

We badly need to replace McCallister and Nyatanga with decent players who will give us a chance of doing well in this league.

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Maybe i need a slap but i quite like Clarkson, id give him another season.

I think he's the fifth choice striker out of six and we only need four. He's also a big earner, we paid the best part of a million for him and that means he's on 6-8k a week.

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Nyatanga was probably our best defender last season behind the loanees.

I'd probably agree, wasn't a fan of him at all in his first season but he won me over, whenever I saw him he was either deputising well in the left-back roll or overshadowing Stewart at centre-back.

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I don't really understand why people are saying we could do without Ball... He's young, probably not on anything like the wages the majority of the squad are, and hasn't had a proper chance yet really. He's only got a 6 month contract anyway, give the lad a chance!

Currently I think the only players we could move on without needing a replacement are Johnson and Clarkson.

Also a bit amazed Gerken's name has been mentioned, we only have 2 keepers, and Jamo wasn't fit for the whole of last season (didn't play every game)... We definitely need Gerken as back-up.

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It seems there's a lot of players on our books who in honesty aren't championship winning standard. To me the more interesting question is who would you be gutted... I mean properly gutted if we sold. I'm an optimist but my list is shorter that the 'wouldn't mind going' column. To win the champ I'd keep:







Hoping for a cracking start to the season... but in my mind this sums up where we actually are!

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It seems there's a lot of players on our books who in honesty aren't championship winning standard. To me the more interesting question is who would you be gutted... I mean properly gutted if we sold. I'm an optimist but my list is shorter that the 'wouldn't mind going' column. To win the champ I'd keep:







Hoping for a cracking start to the season... but in my mind this sums up where we actually are!


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He is never going to be a championship striker or winger, pointless keeping him. IMO.

Agree with your point Jordan. Not trying to antagonise but being a regular reader but non poster can I make a potentially contentious point... isn't IMO the most pointless thing to write possible? Surely everything anyone on here ever writes is in their opinion!? Just a thought...

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No, we had a big discussion and if you don't put it at the end of a post you get accused of stating your opinion as fact!

I'm obviously an amateur at this game - not aimed at u but it seems entirely pointless... IMO

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It seems there's a lot of players on our books who in honesty aren't championship winning standard. To me the more interesting question is who would you be gutted... I mean properly gutted if we sold. I'm an optimist but my list is shorter that the 'wouldn't mind going' column. To win the champ I'd keep:







Hoping for a cracking start to the season... but in my mind this sums up where we actually are!

Ribiero - Because if he could get over that injury problem then he looks no worse than anyone we could buy (at a sensible fee).







EDIT: IMO - apparently thats what the kool (cool with a k hey hey) kids do.

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No Stead, Kilkenny or James? and Skuse? good enough for the Prem/championship winner?:surrender:

Would you really be that gutted if stead left? Why? The other 8 sets of fans don't appear to traumatised.

Well, Kilkenny only just got here so i reserve judgement.

And James has 1 season at best left and isn't that good anyway (gasp) so no i wouldn't be that gutted. Would be more disappointed if gerken left (just ignore it Riaz).

I like Skuse. :blush:

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I'm obviously an amateur at this game - not aimed at u but it seems entirely pointless... IMO

facepalm.gif You really are an amateur. What you have stated in your sentence is a fact especially the "entirely pointless" bit. Therefore you don't need a IMO. FACT. IMO

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As things stand at the moment I'd say we could do without these players

Dave Clarkson - We have Pitman to cover Maynard and Taylor for Stead

One from Elliott, Skuse or Cisse - All 3 are similar so an ideal chance to trim the squad without weakening it

Lee Johnson and Nicky Hunt would also be on my list mainly because they'd both be on a hiding to nothing. The only problem would be leaving the cover in those position to Bobby Reid and Joe Edwards although in the absence of Killkenny one of the DM's could cover.

There are others I would look at such as Riberio and Wilson due to their injury record but as we are light in defence and I assume their not on extortionate wages I give them this season to prove their selves.

Our real problem is we have to have replacements ready before we look at players such as JamieMc (who I don't think is quite as bad as some make out) and they need to be significantly better that what we have. We also need a youth or development squad with players who could be called upon in an injury crisses. We have a few of these such as Edwards and Reid but the acedemy needs to be more productive on this. Despite Keith telling us about the size of the squad we only have 21 experiance first teamers now. The rest of that so-called large squad consist of the likes of James Wilson, Marlon Jackson etc even Ribs has only a handful of games under his belt.

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Yeah, I would. He's the classiest striker at the club. He's the first player we've had in years that just looks Prem class. Not only that but he's such a top bloke, really seems to care about the club already.

(I'm a fan :wub: )

I don't want him to leave (obviously). He's a good player, but Prem class? Your O i suppose. What about maynard though? I see your point about caring for the club however, which is why i'm always a little sad (well. not sad, but you get me...) when one of our longer serving player leaves. I don't really know what i'm chatting about but fyiicbaatmtbh - yeah. Decipher that!

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I wonder - would the lists be any shorter if each poster had to donate £1 to the statue fund for each player on their list that made the starting 11 against Ipswich? And how much shorter again if it was if they were in the matchday squad?

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facepalm.gif You really are an amateur. What you have stated in your sentence is a fact especially the "entirely pointless" bit. Therefore you don't need a IMO. FACT. IMO

That was the point sparky... someone had to nibble!

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Guest leetrundlesrightfoot

wanting to slag off Mccalister at any given opportunity is becoming something of an obsession. Funny because as far as I can tell he has given his all every time he plays for us and is hard as nails playing through the pain barrier. He ain't the best but he certainly ain't the worst either.

You also seem to have it in for Millen regarding the productivity of this transfer window and any counter arguments or reasons for this supposed lack of productivity are cast off as excuses.

Sometimes it isn't as clear cut as we all want it to be, and I certainly feel this is so in regard to the murky world of football transfers.

jamie mac is made to look worse by the exposure from jcr- when danny rose was playing left winf, or even woolford did no body notice we played with a more solid unit, conceded less goals, and long behold.............mccalister looked ok..........its fashionable to hate a player, its been lj, its been nicky hunt (who some morons are now in love with) and now jamie mac is the new target-

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jamie mac is made to look worse by the exposure from jcr- when danny rose was playing left winf, or even woolford did no body notice we played with a more solid unit, conceded less goals, and long behold.............mccalister looked ok..........its fashionable to hate a player, its been lj, its been nicky hunt (who some morons are now in love with) and now jamie mac is the new target-

That is the shittest excuse I keep hearing for mcallister - Even IF this was true, this does not make him lump it, when he has plenty of options!!

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Guest dougal135







Whoever said get rid of Skuse + Elliot should be shot........Are you mad?!!

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Whoever said get rid of Skuse + Elliot should be shot........Are you mad?!!

I think one of them have to go. Not because I dont think there good enough, but Skuse and Elliott play a similar role to Cisse and to have 3 of them is too many.

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