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Guest little danny

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Guest little danny

I'm having my doubts. He obviously loves the club through and through in my eyes but since Wycombe I don't know if he's to be trusted. The teams finally hit a good performance to build from through to January/February time when we can access whre to go from there and I want to know if he's in Dannys plans.

Is he in yours?

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It's his own fault that he's suspended. If he still wants to be a part of the team (I'm sure he does), then the only thing that he can do, is force himself into the first team again, and play like a full international player.

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He was in mine, up until about a month ago when I changed my opinion. Last season it seemed as if he could do no wrong with his gritty performances and tigerish spirit. But recently he has just lost his head and cost the team a few games with stupid tackles, headbutts etc.., which makes him look a fool.

But problems with his discipline have happened in the past under Wardy (recklessness) and it's starting to rear it's ugly head again which I am very concerned about.

He is also getting a very inflated opinion of himself after his international appearances and it needs good man management to bring him back down to earth with maybe relieving him of the captaincy a positive step.

At the moment a Wilkshire/Tinnion partnership in the centre should be given a chance and Tommy D will have to be patient, but he will get his chance - especially when Wilkshire's off for a month in January.

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Well, I'm going to go against the grain here and say we should cash in on Tommy as soon as possible. He has proven to be a liability not only with his discipline and self control, but also his general fitness. His bad/silly/stupid performances far outweigh his good/international class performances that would make me want to keep him.

We have cover in the form of Joe Burnell and could use the money from any transfer to strengthen the midfield and other areas of the squad with real quality, who aren't likely to get sent off every other week.

Let's not forget this man is the top drain on the clubs wage bill and club captain.....(tries not to laugh!) Fellow fans at this club are very blinkered in regards to Tommy, they love the way he throws himself head first into tackles, wears his heart on his sleeve and all the other washed up cliches we use when we talk about passionate, ill disciplined footballers. The question we have to ask ourselves......Is he any good? OK, he plays for NI, but I had a Jamesons Whiskey once and I'm sure I could get a game, not exactly a hot bed of footballing talent is it?

There was talks of him going to a 1st division club, back in the summer (tried not to laugh again). Tommy in the 1st division? You must be joking? If anyone comes with a serious offer, we should bite their hands off.

Sell him, make JB or Matt Hill club captain and lets move on and spend the money wisely.

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Guest ziderhead2003

i used to really like him but i aint so sure anymore. i just see him as a backup player now since wilkshire has established his self in the middle of the park. He will only play i think if we nedd some 1 to cover an injured player! :clap:

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

I still believe he is the best player in Division Two!


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The impression given is that he is City through and through, although I understand his agent touted him all around the 1st div before he came back to extend his contract here. :Confused13: :Confused13:

He is still one of my favourite players though, which makes it all the infuriating when he does something completely stupid like at Wycombe. I would have thought he would have got past that sort of action by now (like Beckham) and "channelled his aggression" as the pundits like to say. :sport5: (is this the Doc in disguise?).

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

I lost confidence in him after Wycombe, although doubts first entered my head against Mallorca - He should have been sent of in the first 10 mins.

And IF it's true he was touted around div 1 I have no time for him.

Give me Burnell everyday of the week.

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Guest vixen_03

i've known tommy for a good few years and he'd be devestated if he knew the sort of things city fans were saying about him!!!!!!!!! :Rage:

i know that what he did against wycomve was an act of utter stupidity and tommy himself knows that aswell but people make mistakes in football and he's paying for it now.

you can't keep dwelling on the past, players need encouragement. if they think the fans hate them then it will effect their performance (eg: joe burnell).

when tommy plays great and makes excellent challenges etc people think he's god, yet when one mistake is made people are on his back so quickly. you need to make up your mind and decided if you like him or hate him, it can't be both. :sport5:

indeed we are all allowed to have an opinion but we should back the team no matter what, aftre all we're meant to support them throughg thick and thin.

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when tommy plays great and makes excellent challenges etc people think he's god,  yet when one mistake is made people are on his back so quickly.

I actually don't think that's true of Tommy, he gets away with far more than some players without criticism.

I can think of a few that would have been hounded out of the club for missing that header against Cardiff in the 2nd leg.

Tommy is taking criticism at the moment for being the inflatable boy with a pin, (let the team down, let us down and let himself down) but I think the huge majority of us want him playing every week but that can't happen until he calms down!

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

i've known tommy for a good few years and he'd be devestated if he knew the sort of things city fans were saying about him!!!!!!!!!    :Rage:

i know that what he did against wycomve was an act of utter stupidity and tommy himself knows that aswell but people make mistakes in football and he's paying for it now.

you can't keep dwelling on the past, players need encouragement. if they think the fans hate them then it will effect their performance (eg: joe burnell).

when tommy plays great and makes excellent challenges etc people think he's god,  yet when one mistake is made people are on his back so quickly. you need to make up your mind and decided if you like him or hate him,  it can't be both.  :sport5:

indeed we are all allowed to have an opinion but we should back the team no matter what, aftre all we're meant to support them throughg thick and thin.

I agree.. I viewed this board a few months ago and then didn't view it again for a few months.. I was almost in fits of laughter because a few months ago everybody thought Tommy Doc was the king.. Tommy was a god and Joe Burnell just wasn't cut out for league football.. Tommy was our best player and our key player and Joe Burnell was definately our weak link bigtime and everybody HATED Joe Burnell bigtime whilst ADORING Tommy.. Joe Burnel was the worst player in Div2.. Joe Burnell was our worst ever player.. with no exaggerations Joe Burnell was a complete and utter joke and Tommy Doc was an absolute gem a few months ago to all of you.. you could not stand Joe Burnbell and you could not get enough of Tommy Dohery.. now all of a sudden I come back on here after a few months during which time Tommy was sent off early on for headbutting in an important game and then Joe scores his first ever goal undeservedly wearing the captains armband and number.8 shirt.. all of a sudden its the complete opposite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT TRULY IS INSANE!! :rolleyes:

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Guest Red_Rat

In my view Tommy needs to calm it down a bit,he's got the perfect attributes to be our holding midfielder though,he just needs to lose a bit of weight, and get more stamina,his disipline is a worry,but all the great holding centre midfielders like doherty have those problems e.g Roy Keane,Patrick Vieira,Edgar Davids

i'm sure he's got city at heart 95% of the time,but that 5% lets him down too often

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Guest Tins4Gaffer

Well I certainly dont see Tommy Doherty as a holding midfield player! Fair enough he pocesses alot of naturally good timing with his challenges/interceptions etc but that naturally good timing is there on everything he does. Tommy really should be allowed to break out into more advanced positions instead of easing back/sitting which frustrates him alot because it's just wasting his talent. As far as I'm concerned he's the best in Div2 when he is at his sharpest. It's Tommy's attacking attributes and good vision that impresses me about him.. he shows glimpses of real quality with his quick feet and is a really good little passer at times.. Tommy Doherty prefers to release effective balls forwards unlike a certain Joe 'the Joke' Burnell! :Rage:

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Guest vixen_03

he's knows he's done wrong and believe he's well and truly upset he's missing out on the one thing that he loves doing.

i do think that this will calm him down as he realises it could jeopardise he's playing career.

lets just get behaind the team, theres no point in singling out one player for criticism and it's the entire 11 that get us the wins we need.

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With due respect to the Northern Ireland team, the fact that he's an international means nothing. Looking at the last NI starting XI against Greece in October, I reckon there are at least five, if not 6 City players who could've got in the squad, so lets not get too excited about his 'international' quality.

It comes down to this for me - are there four better midfielders than Tommy? I think the answer is yes - Tinns and Wilkshire are more creative and pass better. Brown, Amankwaah, Bell and Woodman all cross better. Roberts, Brown, Amankwaah and Wilkshire are quicker. Burnell and Tinnion have a better engines and stamina. Burnell, Amankwaah, Tinnion, Wilkshire, Bell, Woodman, Clist, Hulbert, McGuire (well, everyone apart from Aaron) have a better temprement.

If we play 442, I'd go with Amankwaah, Tinnion, Wilkshire and Brown in midfield. If we play 352 it'd be Amankwaah Wilkshire, Burnell, Tinnion and Brown/Woodman.

Tommy would only ever make the bench in my starting XI. I don't doubt that he has more passion for the club than most but I personally think there are always (at least) 3 better players on offer for whatever formation DW chooses. Sorry, Tom :rolleyes: .

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Guest vixen_03

lets be fair, tommy has never fast so anyone who keeps going on about him being a slow ass they obviously have'nt been paying attention to him over the past 3 seasons.

he's always been picked beacuse of his passion and skill not his pace.

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