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Where Is The Leadership?


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It appears to me that we are drifting big time on and off the pitch because of a lack of Leadership.

On the pitch we have been reduced to appointing Skuse, yes Skuse as a Captain of our team. A player who is a fringe squad player at best captained our team! To me he encapsulates all I hate about football, mediocrity. But Shuse is just a refllection of Millen on the pitch. A muddler with no game plan or any idea of the big picture. I bet they are both lovely blokes but please go and run a care home, not my club.

City have gone backwards on the pitch over the last three years. The football has been dreadfull, no system and no style. I'm almost misty eyed thinking of Carle, Johnson and Noble who could pass the ball in midfield and revelled just in keeping posessesion. The shower we have now just run around with the aim of getting rid of the ball as quick as possible.

The Leaders in the team have all gone. Hartley, Orr and Carey were all winners in their pomp and lead by example. Kilkenny shows priomise but he is a lone voice. This doesnt mean we dont have good players, we do, but they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Millen plays Pitman on the Wing. Its a joke. Round pegs in square holes comes to mind.

Off the pitch Steve Lansdown must be distraught. We owe everything to Steve, without him tthere is no City but since he took a back seat we are in free fall. I have no idea what the aims of the club are now. Things like the new stadium are a complete mystery to me. Steve for goodness sake get back involved. Get a Manager who has a philosophy of Playing, a system and wants to entertain occaisionally. I feel we are in the desert at the moment and we need to find an Oasis, quick!

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It appears to me that we are drifting big time on and off the pitch because of a lack of Leadership.

Off the pitch Steve Lansdown must be distraught. We owe everything to Steve, without him tthere is no City but since he took a back seat we are in free fall. I have no idea what the aims of the club are now. Things like the new stadium are a complete mystery to me. Steve for goodness sake get back involved. Get a Manager who has a philosophy of Playing, a system and wants to entertain occaisionally. I feel we are in the desert at the moment and we need to find an Oasis, quick!

Whilst I'd question how SL can possibly be distraught...having run the club for the best part of a decade the current situation is one of his making...I nonetheless completely agree that leadership is lacking. It was my biggest doubt about Keith Millen - and off the pitch I - like you - have no idea what our current strategy is...

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It appears to me that we are drifting big time on and off the pitch because of a lack of Leadership.

On the pitch we have been reduced to appointing Skuse, yes Skuse as a Captain of our team. A player who is a fringe squad player at best captained our team! To me he encapsulates all I hate about football, mediocrity. But Shuse is just a refllection of Millen on the pitch. A muddler with no game plan or any idea of the big picture. I bet they are both lovely blokes but please go and run a care home, not my club.

City have gone backwards on the pitch over the last three years. The football has been dreadfull, no system and no style. I'm almost misty eyed thinking of Carle, Johnson and Noble who could pass the ball in midfield and revelled just in keeping posessesion. The shower we have now just run around with the aim of getting rid of the ball as quick as possible.

The Leaders in the team have all gone. Hartley, Orr and Carey were all winners in their pomp and lead by example. Kilkenny shows priomise but he is a lone voice. This doesnt mean we dont have good players, we do, but they have no idea what they are supposed to do. Millen plays Pitman on the Wing. Its a joke. Round pegs in square holes comes to mind.

Off the pitch Steve Lansdown must be distraught. We owe everything to Steve, without him tthere is no City but since he took a back seat we are in free fall. I have no idea what the aims of the club are now. Things like the new stadium are a complete mystery to me. Steve for goodness sake get back involved. Get a Manager who has a philosophy of Playing, a system and wants to entertain occaisionally. I feel we are in the desert at the moment and we need to find an Oasis, quick!

Very well put.

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Good shout. Tactically on the pitch we have no plan a let alone plan b.

Off the pitch the new board and CE aren't helping.everything Sexstone says contradicts km and the CE is anonymous.

Hopefully if the stadium build starts it can get a bit of feel good back.

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We need a player in the Robbie Savage mould, a player who is forever shouting at his team mates giving out bollockings or shouting encoragement when needed. A Player who is forever winding up the opposition (remember Steve Galliers) getting in their faces all game long, sadly our players are all to quiet on the pitch and just dont look up to a fight half the time, thats why we are so easy to beat at the mo.

We all love to hate these pantomime villains (and dont say oh no we dont :laugh:) but god i would love to have one in our team at the mo

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