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You Fickle Lot...


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It would appear the vast majority of this forum are as fluctuating as the Portishead tides. City win, we're great - they lose, we're awful.

Saturday we weren't that different from what we've been the last few months save for the fact that Wilkshire was inside &, therefore, involved & Roberts must have had his oats Friday night as he looked interested & was up for it. The rest is as was. Miller showed that, with service, he's the top striker that some of us always knew him to be. His touch Saturday was, like Knight's, of the highest order. Some of his trap, turn & take on three defenders at once was the audacious stuff you expect to see in the playground, not in the Nationwide. Top fella ! He also won everything that was pinged to him in the air. Defensively, we came up against the best striker we'll face all season in our division & Hill & Coles handled him magnificently, though playing on his own poor Leon was always going to be massively outnumbered.

One thing that appears to have been omitted from most posts herearound is the fact that Brighton were absolutely dire. No, they were shocking ! Not that City bossed the game & made them look poor (though for periods first half we did) but rather they turned out from the start the most disorganised, ramshackle eleven I've seen all season. Their defence must have been having it large down the seafront for they sure as hell weren't at the Withdean. Not even substantial assistance from the Referee, who appeared determined to put the ball in the back of City's net himself, could inspire them. But that is not to distract from City's performance, too many times this year we've met very poor sides & come up short - Saturday we didn't.

And so what does Saturday tell us? Nothing that we didn't already know, except Danny it might appear. In Peacock & Miller we've the strikers who'll score more than enough to get us out this division , IF given quality ball. Wilkshire can only play INSIDE, gasp, shock, horror. Big Kev gives us the ATTACKING OUTLET we so badly need. Roberts is fine when INTERESTED, problem being Danny's got to get him interested week in, week out, not once every couple of months. Our defence should be able to cope with most stuff at this level.

City remain a mediocre side in an poor division but Saturday showed what we should have been doing all season, mullering teams less able than ourselves & boy is that good to watch.....

Fair Play to Hill at the end - did his bicep develop a musculuar spasm?



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Guest graham b
And so what does Saturday tell us? Nothing that we didn't already know, except Danny it might appear. In Peacock & Miller we've the strikers who'll score more than enough to get us out this division , IF given quality ball. Wilkshire can only play INSIDE, gasp, shock, horror. Big Kev gives us the ATTACKING OUTLET we so badly need. Roberts is fine when INTERESTED, problem being Danny's got to get him interested week in, week out, not once every couple of months. Our defence should be able to cope with most stuff at this level.

City remain a mediocre side in an poor division but Saturday showed what we should have been doing all season, mullering teams less able than ourselves & boy is that good to watch.....

My belief is there are a large caucus of posters who are being far from fickle. These are the people who throughout the agony of the Wilson dictated defensive performances have been begging all along for more pace, more width and more invention. Indeed reading your quote above you appear to be in that category yourself.

Having myself criticised Wilson for the above, I now find myself wondering if his amazing metamorphesis of Saulian proportion is sustainable. Will inform sides 'like Barnsley' take quick advantage of this new attacking lineup to win the midfield battle for possession? Will Amankwaah ever be given that amount of space again and is he a genuine winger? Will Roberts put in back to back good performances?

...... but I'll tell you one thing. Despite all the inner worries the trip down the M4 this week will be taken with much more anticipation of both a positive performance and result!

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I think it shows that a hell of a lot of posters and others have been dead right in their summing up of our problems and DW has finally realised that they are right!

I'm not suggesting that he reads this Forum but, as you say, a lot of the changes are those taht have been suggested on here for the last 2-3 months.

Wilkshire in the middle.

Pace on the flanks

Crosses from the bye line with pace and accuracy

Midfielders getting past the ball

Having people in midfield who can pass

Drop players out of form

TD & JB can't play together in central midfield

It's not difficult!

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BTR, aren't YOU the fickle one here? After months of complaining (well, I'd regard it more as identifying the problems without suggesting any concrete solutions other than "the board shouldn't have extended Wilson's contract" blah blah) you finally damn the Team with faint praise. Some of us have been doing that for months whilst waiting for a concrete reason for doing it.

Jump aboard the bandwagon Mr BTR. I don't know, one good performance, everyone's happy... :Cheeky22:

Scooter Red

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What's fickle about suggesting that we're not so dissimillar this week than we were last? What's fickle about being consistent?

I, like many around here, have suggested solutions to where we've been going wrong, not that Wilson would take a blind buit of notice from me or any other supporter.

"...damn the team with faint praise." All I stated was that City are a mediocre side - that contains not one ounce of damnation. Unfortunately, it's the reality of the situation.



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