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£700 Flights To Oz/wife Has Flu

Br 1st ol

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A mate has just called from sydney, he has 10 face value tickets for the rugby final and i can have one of them....

Travel bag have flights leaving heathrow tomorrow returning sunday for £700.

I am the boss, so can take the time off.

BUT: My wife has flu and we have a 2 year old daughter at home....

To quote the clash:

Do i stay or do i go now?

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Go mate, you have to

You'll never get over it if we win

I saw the rugby league world cup final at Wembly and it was the most amazing experiance ever - YOU HAVE TO GO

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BUT: My wife has flu and we have a 2 year old daughter at home....

A once in a lifetime opp, I'd be amazed if you Mrs couldn't understand that, bring her back a nice present, call the in-laws to help, whatever, you gotta go you'll only regret it. :rolleyes::wacko::clap:

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Guest east_dundry_red

You simply HAVE to go. If i had the money i would. England are in a world cup final and that hasnt happend for over 10 years but may not happen again in your lifetime so go.

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well, I also have a missus with flu and two kids.....if I had the chance, it would be box of beechams for her, see you later love, keep yer chin up....I'm off to the WORLD CUP FINAL!

Behave yourself mate....it's not even a decision is it??

Sure, she'll be ######y for a few weeks but it has to be worth it!

She'll get over it!

Go ya loon.

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Just promise her a new pair of shoes when you get back, that handbag she wanted and say you'll take her away somewhere special on your anniversary.

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No brainer - England's first ever Rugby world cup win, beating Australia IN Australia to avenge the 1991 RWC Final defeat by Australia at Twickenham. Wife will forgive you if she loves (and if you sell it right) Flu' isn't an issues, she'll be feeling a lot better by Wednesday which is when you'd have to leave so...


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Guest bristol south end

just tell her you are nipping out for the evil post and fly, sydney this time of year is lovely i wouldn't bother coming back till springtime if she loves you she'll understand,i wouldn't bother with the egg-chasing though

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Swimming against the tide here but I would suggest NOT going. You can watch the game on telly, and you are talking about the woman you are presumably hoping to spend the rest of your life with! And your daughter will miss you, and if your wife is too ill to look after her, then (I'm guessing here so forgive me if I'm wrong), the ma-in-law will take over and fill her impressionable head with God knows what poision about you.

And the brownie points you will amass will see you through the next few years worth of awaydays!

Oh yes - and I hate to burst everyone's bubble but you DO all realise the Aussies are going to win - don't you ?

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Guest Harry May

Learn my lesson...........

I got made redundant from a bl00dy good job back in 2002 . I also had a decent redundancy package .

I am a family man , with a mortgage , wife and kids .

Just after getting made redundant , I was offered another job . But what I really wanted to do was go to the World Cup in Japan/Korea. The wife said go to Japan - you will never get another chance . The old man said go to Japan - it's the chance of a lifetime.

What did I do ? Started the new job , hated every minute of it and jacked it in 2 months after the World Cup had finished . And I 've regretted it ever since.

If you sincerely want to go , then go. You are a long time dead.

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