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Watford Game


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Hello People :)

First post I know but often a reader; Used to participate on BBC forums now and then; Anyhow...

I am a uni student down in Reading (Yeah the amount of crap I get is unbelievable) however I am season ticket holder just due to uni and stuff can only go based on last minute decisions. I am almost certain this wont help my situation but its worth a shot - I spent the best part of the day on trains down to and from the gate to get myself a Watford ticket only for me to get told that I "ineligible" for a ticket; No more than that for an explanation even after explaining that I had just travelled all the way down after ringing the ticket office and being informed I would only be able to get a ticket that way.

I am a desperate man so to speak, If there is anyone who has a spare ticket on the go due to any late pull outs and I would be more than happy to pay a little over price value plus a few drinks if you are a drinker. This is a genuine offer and for those who are curious why I am so desperate two of my flat mates down at uni are Watford fans and the amount of banter I can provide for the upcoming days is worth every penny :D

If anyone knows of any one or any method of help please could someone contact me before 4pm (5pm at the VERY latest) tomorrow. Contact can be made at luke_7458@hotmail.com

Thanks & COYR's!

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If you don't get a response my advice would be to just turn up.

There's no way you won't get in the ground somewhere, even if it's the home end.

I know tickets are cheap but there will still be plenty of empty seats.

I've never failed to get into a game turning up without a ticket at a match like this, just ask around the pubs and outside the ground.

Good luck.

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Surely the ticket office have screwed up... I was told I could collect my ticket from Watford so dont see why they made you travel to the ground?

Due to my Post code (Living in Reading due to Uni) They were a bit miffed why I want a city end ticket - I went to then give them my parental address and hope to pick up from there and they were having none of it. I hopefully touch wood have managed to sort out a ticket from a helpful guy who has emailed me; either way now Ill b e travelling up.

so COYR!

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Guest Skuuuuuuse

In the same situation really, I know I've left it late but I wasn't 100% that I'd able to make the game until the past couple of days.

May still travel down but the trains are gonna be expensive.

My house mate is a big Watford fan though so that will give it a bit more excitement. Anyone know if there will be anywhere to listen on the radio online? If not I may sign up to Bristol City player just so me and my house mate aren't following the game by SSN.

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Guest theweasel

Due to my Post code (Living in Reading due to Uni) They were a bit miffed why I want a city end ticket - I went to then give them my parental address and hope to pick up from there and they were having none of it. I hopefully touch wood have managed to sort out a ticket from a helpful guy who has emailed me; either way now Ill b e travelling up.

so COYR!

I'm at Reading Uni too. I phoned up for my Watford tickets about a week ago and they got delivered to my house in Reading with no questions asked, so I don't think the Reading postcode should be an issue for you.

Hope you get it all sorted!

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I'm at Reading Uni too. I phoned up for my Watford tickets about a week ago and they got delivered to my house in Reading with no questions asked, so I don't think the Reading postcode should be an issue for you.

Hope you get it all sorted!

Lucky for some! Ha; I don't Have a clue then, I thought it was a bit off but I Wasn't going to just kick up a fuss. Thanks for the concern and as i said previous touch wood I have managed to sort a ticket out. :)

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