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Forza Revolution

Forza Revolution

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Dear Bristol City Football Club,

The time has come for both you and us as supporters to rise together and make Ashton Gate the fortress it once was and we all know it can be once again!

We all feel as supporters,that Bristol City as a football club is neglecting what for many of us is the most important part of our match day experience........... THE ATMOSPHERE!

The reason that I post this thread is because I and everybody else who supports the football club wants a Bristol City home game to be full of PRIDE, PASSION & BELIEF! Something which we all feel has died over recent years!

Everybody who watches the city whether it be regularly or on the odd occasion, All those who post on this forum, Anybody who has lost the belief over the last few years, Anyone who's blood is red and Bristol city takes up a piece of your heart, This thread is your opportunity to get a message across to the club!

Do you ever think "I would love to buy a ticket for the East end on Saturday"?

Do you ever sit down before a match and think I wish we were as loud as the away fans?

Are you ever tempted to start a song but feel that others around will frown at you?

Ever sit down at half time thinking "What was I so excited about this morning"

Ever wonder away from the Gate in the evening thinking, "It's just not like it used to be?

Well you shouldn't, the time has come for change! FORZA REVOLUTION

Any suggestions, large or small, post them on this thread!

Lets not take the mickey out of each others ideas, let us unite as one! Whether it be opening the East end to all, getting the club to provide us with a surfer flag, printing out song sheets or moving away fans to another area, lets tell our football club that WE WANT OUR CITY BACK AND IT'S TIME FOR THEM TO HELP US!


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Guest lanerr95

Dear Bristol City Football Club,

The time has come for both you and us as supporters to rise together and make Ashton Gate the fortress it once was and we all know it can be once again!

We all feel as supporters,that Bristol City as a football club is neglecting what for many of us is the most important part of our match day experience........... THE ATMOSPHERE!

The reason that I post this thread is because I and everybody else who supports the football club wants a Bristol City home game to be full of PRIDE, PASSION & BELIEF! Something which we all feel has died over recent years!

Everybody who watches the city whether it be regularly or on the odd occasion, All those who post on this forum, Anybody who has lost the belief over the last few years, Anyone who's blood is red and Bristol city takes up a piece of your heart, This thread is your opportunity to get a message across to the club!

Do you ever think "I would love to buy a ticket for the East end on Saturday"?

Do you ever sit down before a match and think I wish we were as loud as the away fans?

Are you ever tempted to start a song but feel that others around will frown at you?

Ever sit down at half time thinking "What was I so excited about this morning"

Ever wonder away from the Gate in the evening thinking, "It's just not like it used to be?

Well you shouldn't, the time has come for change! FORZA REVOLUTION

Any suggestions, large or small, post them on this thread!

Lets not take the mickey out of each others ideas, let us unite as one! Whether it be opening the East end to all, getting the club to provide us with a surfer flag, printing out song sheets or moving away fans to another area, lets tell our football club that WE WANT OUR CITY BACK AND IT'S TIME FOR THEM TO HELP US!


Spot on!
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Surfer Flag! With smoking no longer an issue surely this can be reinstated! Or a possible 3 big flags per stand!

The biggest thing I would like with the gate in its last 3-5 years is the away fans moved and if all city in the EE not feasible then 3/4s full would have Ashton Gate rocking!

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First things first.

No restrictions on the EE... treat it like another stand. How can we achieve this or show how strongly we feel? Petition?

Also, if that goes well, possibly having the east end for home fans only from next season. This could be difficult, but could improve the atmosphere no end.

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Surfer Flag! With smoking no longer an issue surely this can be reinstated! Or a possible 3 big flags per stand!

The biggest thing I would like with the gate in its last 3-5 years is the away fans moved and if all city in the EE not feasible then 3/4s full would have Ashton Gate rocking!

I've said it for many years, Ashton Gate would be so much better if the away fans were somehow moved to half the Atyeo and the whole East End was given back to the rightful occupants.......home fans!

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I've said it for many years, Ashton Gate would be so much better if the away fans were somehow moved to half the Atyeo and the whole East End was given back to the rightful occupants.......home fans!

I would have thought that the Williams nearest the away fans would be less disruptive... Not as many season ticket holders?

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1: EE open to ALL city fans

2: possibly move the away fans to have half the Williams/ atyeo

3: surfer flag

4: megaphone guy in the EE might help

5: play 'drink up thy cider' every home game just before the kick off

6: encourage the fans to get behind the team before the game i.e. "make some noise!"

Just some ideas to generate the atmosphere. I believe the song sheets will not work though.

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Guest mikeyBCFC

Not saying things couldn't be improved, but you find the away fans outsinging the home fans at all other grounds too, not just here. The away fans tend to be the more harder core support...and more importantly, they've normally had a few more jars too

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Moving away fans to the Williams would be a massive step in creating the atmosphere required.

The eastend then pay on the day

Just like the old days when it was a cauldron of noise

They've had our home for too long

Time to evict the squatters, go on bcfc do what your paying audience wants, being back the home end, bring back the passion, bring back the fortress

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The opposing teams keeper warm up sessions put back to the Dolman corner of the East end. We can then give the opposition keeper some grief while warming up. They have an easy time in front of their own fans, I don't know why they were ever moved. Being cynical, it was probably the club being friendly, sod that let's have it in our favour.

Unreserved seating in the center blocks of the Attyeo. At present it's not people that are likely to sing and shout going in that area, it's people buying cheap seating and not shouting.

Linked bus/train tickets for outlying towns. Let's get more people there by making it easier.

Take the heating out of the away dressing rooms.

East End, put the away fans in the corner, where city fans are. Then link the other corner to the Williams. There's a natural barrier/break where the EE meets the Dolman, resulting in those in the EE being isolated from other areas and the songs and atmosphere they create do not spread automatically to adjoining areas, because there are no adjoining areas and fans.

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1. Make the east end open to all

2. Can we locate away fans elsewhere?

3. Surfer flag for one of the home ends?

4. Can we have 3/4 flags for fans to wave at the front of each stand?

5. More red and white night?

6. Can the announcer wind up the fans more? (ok might not liven up the EE but should get other stands going)

7. Lets play zyder drinker moments before KO! Let it run into the match, lets make home our advantage!

8 . Tell the ball boys to keep the ball when were winning (everyone else does)

9. Could the wurzels play before a home game?

10. Do we need that many police for a home game in the East end?

11. I feel the atmosphere in the EE is poor because non members are not allowed in! What this has resulted in, is two different groups competing against each other (Fast/slow/left & right)! When there's a proper atmosphere it doesn't allow for things to occur like this! Remember Rotherham at home last game of the promotion season? No individuals then! Just one ground united

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There's things that can be done that done need to be radical. Like said above, shift away fans into the corner. It used to be done. Re/instate the unreserved block in the Williams. Can a block in the Atyeo and Dolman also be unreserved for seats that are vacant? Get rid of the ee membership barrier.

Small steps lead to great things, and this can be a achieved without dramatics.

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The East End/Forza East End has been the single biggest success story in terms of atmosphere at Ashton Gate for years.

Make it affordable and accessible, ALL of the time.

Make it £20 potd and watch numbers swell

I agree mate, need this passion to spread around the ground! Hopefully the club will realise if this sort of thread catches on!

Lets make the EE pay on the day for palace and make the evening a red and white night! Imagine that!

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Far too early for a petition. Dave L asked for thoughts, no need to jump the gun.

It's something that has been requested many times, but nothing ever happens....

Do others think a petition is worth it or not?

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Guest Stockwood bcfc

Purple and Lime Green scarfs........

"we want our East End back"

Quite like that idea! always loved the purple and green!

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I think that is a great idea. Obviously need fans in every stand to have one though and not sure how they would be funded?

Important to also remember for a real AG atmosphere, we need the whole ground to get behind the team!

Maybe with an East End full of home fans this will encourage others? Combined with producing a surfer flag or 3/4 flags given out to each stand, we could be onto a winner?


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Guest Stockwood bcfc

I think that is a great idea. Obviously need fans in every stand to have one though and not sure how they would be funded?

Important to also remember for a real AG atmosphere, we need the whole ground to get behind the team!

Maybe with an East End full of home fans this will encourage others? Combined with producing a surfer flag or 3/4 flags given out to each stand, we could be onto a winner?


I'm pretty sure if someone can get them made, people will def buy them! Sign me up for 10 at least! :)

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I'm sure theres guys here with enough contacts to get some scarfs made


Sell them at the ground , profit to atmosphere fund

Purple and lime, now that was a shirt

Purple army at away games

Surely about time that came back as the away shirt

Would send a message to the fans, we listen , we want back the pride in our club, we want back the passion.

There won't be many more years to do this as no doubt we will have a new home, but until then revive the eastend, revive the passion.

The club surely must see its dying, they can change that, they can be bold, move the squatters out

Reclaim the turf

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Fair play, it's great to see such a positive thread!

We City fans can create an atmosphere and in many away games we still make alot of noise. We've just got to recreate that sense at home. For me the key difference at away games is that I feel I'm surrounded by like minded fans who won't care if I stand up or make some noise. Everyone seems alot more confident. The club should try and do something along the lines of allocating specific blocks in each stand as areas where you expect the noise to start from. This way people who want to sing know where to go and if some people want a good view and no standing up (fair enough) know not to go there. These areas could be identified through unreserved seating. It would be good to have areas in the Atyeo, Dolman as well as the old Williams Block F because then with a bit of luck others in the stand will start to join too.

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I think the first step could be the club scrap their EE membership and make it open to all.

For me personally I think the guys have got the EE sorted how they want it, more pressing matters lie elsewhere, the challenge is for the Atyeo to get it's act together. There are a lot of people in that stand who get behind the team, the problem is they are too scattered. You can't readily move people into different areas without them feeling aggrieved, maybe it's possible to look at providing an allocated unreserved area that's close to the middle as possible, not sure how it could work personally without peeing off a lot of people. But that's where I think the fans should be looking at developing, get something going at both ends of the pitch.

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I have to admit something. I'm an old East ender (when it was terracing) and had a SC in there for the last 2 years before moving back to the Dolman to sit with my dad.

I had a wish that the East end should be turned over to home fans only for our last year at the Gate. Not bothered where the away fans go TBH but I want my last season at the Gate to be in the East end as it used to be (or as near as Health and Safety will allow nowadays).

I have no idea of the logistics of doing it, even if it's possible but please BCFC, give us OUR home end back before it's too late! The view is crap, the seats are crap but it's OUR HOME end.

A thriving East end is something to behold, not just 1/3 of it. We want ALL of it one last time.

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Guest EastendFanatic

Great work WOLVES BCFC and the rest of you guys getting behind the Forza Revolution idea.

For the past few months we've had a facebook page dedicated to those who want the good times back in the Eastend. Ill post this thread onto the page so other Eastenders can have a look and get behind the idea.

Here's the page!!! JOIN UP!! - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Lets-Get-The-Eastend-Bouncing-Again/266484203362166

Feel free to use this page to highlight any need for people to sign a petition or whatever else you may need. We have over 150 followers to this page and it was only stated as a basic page but is slowly picking up momentum. This is an ideal way to get hold of people who aren't on OTIB but follow th epage and the fantastic ideas on this thread.

FORZA REVOLUTION!!!! :yahoo::worship2::yahoo:

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I think the problem with the atmoshpere isn't just the EE,

We had a sustained period of top 6 finishes in league one then promotion and a top 6 finish in the championship every one is then buzzing and behind the team, followed by a sustained period of poor football and 2 relagaion battles which has killed it,

Sucsess again we re-build the atmosphere,

But having the whole EE back would help too

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Give the entire Eastend back to the Bristol City fans, this is a must. Why should the away fans out sing the home fans in our own ground? We sound pathetic in our own castle.

A dance or action like bounce around the ground where all the fans can join in. When bounce around was in full swing it was awesome. You could see the opposition fans watching in awe

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I think trying to get the whole eastend open to city fans will be a bit hard, its a good place to keep away fans etc, you couldnt put them where we are at the minute and give us more, due to the space behind and by the dolman et, and i cant see them sticking them in any other part of the ground,.

Think just trying to get the club to let anyone in the eastend is a good start.

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The East End/Forza East End has been the single biggest success story in terms of atmosphere at Ashton Gate for years.

Make it affordable and accessible, ALL of the time.

Make it £20 potd and watch numbers swell

£20 POTD? That would be brilliant. The EE would be packed!

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I think trying to get the whole eastend open to city fans will be a bit hard, its a good place to keep away fans etc, you couldnt put them where we are at the minute and give us more, due to the space behind and by the dolman et, and i cant see them sticking them in any other part of the ground,.

Think just trying to get the club to let anyone in the eastend is a good start.

Of course it will be difficult. No harm in asking though....

If they say no, then we havent lost anything.

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Of course it will be difficult. No harm in asking though....

If they say no, then we havent lost anything.

No, i understand that. I just think, buy sugggesting that the club can overlook the other part, and say "Due to the current layout of the ground, we cannot move away supporters", while overlooking the main part of actually opening the east end for all.

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I'll sign when I get home, I'm still dubious as to it's worth if this isn't an organised movement... It's going to take a petition on the scale of the stadium one to get any attention on its own.

I'm more than willing to help out in anyway needed though. Not that I'll be much use ;)

Someone should get in touch with trust figures such as cider head and ensure he knows there is a rekindling of the appetite for getting out home end back. They had/have dialogue with the club already.

Well that was a subject that concerned the whole of bristol (well the red side at least)

But this is a subject just for the club and its supporters. Its also, something we've complained about and put up with for a while....

Dave L said he'll listen to what the fans say and if we can show that we all feel strongly, I hope the club will take us seriously.

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No, i understand that. I just think, buy sugggesting that the club can overlook the other part, and say "Due to the current layout of the ground, we cannot move away supporters", while overlooking the main part of actually opening the east end for all.

The main point on the peitition is to relax restrictions.

In the peition, we've asked the club to consider moving the away fans - at the end of the season. A reasonable request I think.

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I'll sign when I get home, I'm still dubious as to it's worth if this isn't an organised movement... It's going to take a petition on the scale of the stadium one to get any attention on its own.

I'm more than willing to help out in anyway needed though. Not that I'll be much use ;)

Someone should get in touch with trust figures such as cider head and ensure he knows there is a rekindling of the appetite for getting out home end back. They had/have dialogue with the club already.

The supporters trust have been in talks with the club to which is on going

The main point on the peitition is to relax restrictions.

In the peition, we've asked the club to consider moving the away fans - at the end of the season. A reasonable request I think.

To relax restrictions should be the main focus, moving the away fans to another part of the ground is a nice idea but a million miles away from happening, although moving small away numbers to the far corner (williams stand side) should be possible and allow more

home fans in who really want to be there on pay on the day.

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That's what I mean, I can't see the club being arsed if it's just a reasonably large petition. For this to work there has to be a concentrated pressure group formed using things like a petition as a tool as opposed to the only means.

Hopefully Lloydy will see that nearly every fan to comment on his post has said that the eastend has the biggest value to the atmosphere, if the club are serious about making us happy, boosting attendances (which should be the main point of the argument to convince the money men) and improving the dreary atmosphere then they will do whatever they can to ensure that the eastend is inhabited by mainly City next season (or this) and is easily accessible to all. If there are 'sorts' that the club do not want in the EE then why not make membership free? They can still vet the fans for those who the club know the be trouble...

A few emails and a petition won't have the same effect as some organised protest. If we can get the ground brimming with purple and lime scarves, banners at the front of the dolman facing the directors box and a plan the club cannot refuse if they're serious about improving the atmosphere.

Well, it will do no harm.... we can do a organised protest too....

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The supporters trust have been in talks with the club to which is on going

To relax restrictions should be the main focus, moving the away fans to another part of the ground is a nice idea but a million miles away from happening, although moving small away numbers to the far corner (williams stand side) should be possible and allow more

home fans in who really want to be there on pay on the day.

Indeed it is. I dont hold much hope in moving the away fans and understand that would be a very difficult issue for the club.

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Guest Almondsbury_red

There's no chance of getting enough people to wear a purple and lime scarf. Too many people hate the colour and can you really see those who are behind moving the eastend forward wearing these horrendous coloured scarves. Not to mention the fact that winters almost over and people won't want to wear scarves in hotter weather

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Guest Almondsbury_red

Don't wear them then, just wave them. It's not a flipping fashion statement.

And who could hate those colours?!?!

That's not practical is it? Do you really expect people to hold these scarves instead of wear them just so they can be waved. Don't get me wrong I get the idea behind it but there won't be sufficient interest in these especially in the eastend to give it any effect.

Most people hence why despite a minority banging on about purple and lime every year we have never had that kit again.

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Guest Almondsbury_red

Its not a fashion thing, its a visual thing and colurs that stand out that also means something to this club. Surely scarves are carried all year around? Utd did ok with theirs, Liverpool fans seem able to carry them all year around.... Its a statement, and i might even turn into a fashion.

Maybe Jordan and I are alone in thinking this is a good idea?

That's something that has been done by there fans for years and simply won't happen at this club. Man United fans had a massive cause to fight which could appeal to all there fans plus had colours related to there roots. We have colours related to a awful away kit that we won at Anfield wearing. I would say you are tbh and I know most people in the Eastend wouldn't buy them, it just doesn't fit in with us as a club.

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Keeping it "old skool" clearly isn't working though...

They might do, but it needs to be visual. Red and white will blend in. People well ask "whats with the Purple and Lime scares. Imagine Purple and Lime scarves being swung around in the EastEnd.... IMO it would look amazing.....

To make your voice heard it needs to stand out or otherswise it'll just blend in. Whatever people decide to do it needs to be different or things will just stay as it is. Singing louder won't help as thats what the issue is. People aren't singing loud. For people who dont want to sing they can wear a "symbol" of what they want. Just think of it as the rubber bands people wear on their wrist but a scarf is a football themed item and we can show them.......

Maybe a poll could be made to see who would buy one... ALL MARGINS GOING TO THE COMMUNITY TRUST?

Seems like many are against it. Forza Eastend has a forum - Do a poll on their and see what they think.

I have no opinion on the subject to be honest.

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Its not a fashion thing, its a visual thing and colurs that stand out that also means something to this club. Surely scarves are carried all year around? Utd did ok with theirs, Liverpool fans seem able to carry them all year around.... Its a statement, and i might even turn into a fashion.

Maybe Jordan and I are alone in thinking this is a good idea?

Scarfs are a good idea but it's a personal taste thing and i'm not knocking those who like purple and lime green or those who wear this seasons away kit (with blue in it yuk) however the colour is not for me, i'm too much a traditionalist when it comes to kit colour, especially if it's used at home, red, white and black and i've never accepted anything else as city colours, not yellow, not purple and lime green, but thats just me.

If people want to wear these scarfs then fine but like this seasons away kit then forgive me if i'm not seen wearing it, red, white, black then i'm in.....

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I personally think just aiming to relax the rules is best, can focus on other parts when it happens, if it ever does.

I only the part about moving away fans, because so many wanted it on this thread.

I've changed it now - it can be a battle for another day...

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You might need a banner to hold up. Let the club know. You either do this full on or it isn't going to work. Anyone up for buying some cheap sheets from B&Q and some red paint? "WE WANT OUR EAST END BACK"

AND/OR we could just chant it?

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