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I found the meaning of enjoyable football again today, I have long forgotten what it feels like to really enjoy the experience of watching and really enjoying the atmosphere of a game!

I went with the toon army to Swansea and from the moment we arrived in the bar beneath the stand to the moment the final whistle went, they didn't stop singing and supporting with absolute passion. We all stood up throughout the game and it felt reminiscent tof the 70's and 80's felt, far better than sitting down!

The point I am making is that Swansea were all over Newcastle and Newcastle hardly touched the ball but not once did they get on the players backs and they never stopped singing their team on. I realise they are in a very different situation and they won today by scoring twice with their only two chances in reality BUT having supported Newcastle for many years it is the same when they aren't winning and they aren't doing well, they stay with their team.

I just wish there were more fans at Ashton Gate who came along to make a positive difference and to lead by example - we need our fans more than ever at the moment hence it's time to rise to the occasion and show some similar collective pride and passion!?

(Before you ask I have been a ST at Ashton Gate for over 10 years and have supported BC for close on 20)

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This is the same toon army who yelled sickening abuse at Bobby Robson because they wernt top 4?

Sorry? At which point did the Toon ever yell 'sickening' abuse at Bobby?

That's blowing something out of epic proportion!

Would REALLY love to see the 'sickening' abuse video on Youtube... But unfortunately i can't, as they adored the bloke and your chatting.... mumbles.

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Guest Bristolface

Toon Army is a bloody myth, remeber the days when they were dropping down the divisions and brought hardly any to Ashton Gate. Only reason they get good attendances is they are a one town club like someone said in our pub other day if the Gas F**ked off out of business we would have 18-19k every week with no succsess let alone if we looked like winning anything.

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Sorry? At which point did the Toon ever yell 'sickening' abuse at Bobby?

That's blowing something out of epic proportion!

Would REALLY love to see the 'sickening' abuse video on Youtube... But unfortunately i can't, as they adored the bloke and your chatting.... mumbles.

Look out your window you ******* mug. It was all over the papers.

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Weirdly, I thought there support was shite at Ashton Gate when we played them.

Yeah they weren't the best to be honest. Sheffield Wednesday a few years ago were the loudest down the gate, as were Antwerp.

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Toon Army is a bloody myth, remeber the days when they were dropping down the divisions and brought hardly any to Ashton Gate. Only reason they get good attendances is they are a one town club like someone said in our pub other day if the City F**ked off out of business Gas would have 18-19k every week in their new definitely coming stadiaum with no succsess let alone if they looked like winning anything.

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Look out your window you ******* mug. It was all over the papers.

I dont think there is any need for the attempt at usuing foul and abusive is there !?! I believe you are the mug sir as you were obviously a NOTW or Sun reader....never wrong are they the papers...?!?

Absolute tosh...if you know anything about football, you know there are always a minority bunch of fools that spoil it for everyone else. If you know anything about Newcastle United, you'll know that 99.9% would never hear a bad word against an absolute legend and gentleman like Sir Bobby Robson.

To the original poster, thanks for your views, I appreciate them and have myself visited St.James PArk where the atmosphere is electric, unfortunately the keyboard warriors on here will slaughter you for suggesting you even think about following another team. They like to feel like they are City's biggest and most loyal fans. Yet strangely when you look through maytchday threads the majority are giving it large on here when City are playing !!? How does that work ?

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If you know anything about Newcastle United, you'll know that 99.9% would never hear a bad word against an absolute legend and gentleman like Sir Bobby Robson.

Not so sure about that...plenty of older Newcastle fans never forgave Robson for dropping Keegan from the England team / squad in the 80s. I remember reading some of Robson's obituaries when he sadly died a couple of years back, some of them said Newcastle fans spat on him in the 80s when he dropped Keegan.

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This has no relevance to Bristol City - A prem club who are over achieving playing away from home is obviously going to be loud compared to a Champ team fighting for their lives.

BTW with reference to some of the other posts...they were pretty quiet at the gate and when I went to watch Spurs v Toon last season all I heard was moaning about the chairman.

No relevance.

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A good mate of mine is a Newcastle fan and as a result I've seen them from the away end several times, down here at Southampton and Bournemouth.

They certainly moan as much as any other set of fans - the last time I saw them was at Portsmouth when Scott Parker was playing for them in a borefest 0-0 and they gave a few absolute pelters, including a LOT toward Souness (I think he was in charge then...).

The only thing they do well and surprised me was the sheer number of fans they would take on a trip like Portsmouth, most times I've seen them the away end has been pretty packed which is no mean feat given where they start that journey I suppose.

Oh and Laurent Robert used to get some serious stick. And Stephen Carr. I remember a game at St Mary's that was something like 3-3 and he scored a last minute equaliser from a distance, most were pretty critical of him shooting from where he did until it rippled the net!

As for Robson, as with England fans time loves a hero but he did get some stick from the fans, though Freddy Sheppard started their downfall by sacking him and replacing him with Graeme Souness.

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I think the OP should go up north and sit on some Gordy ****.

What I the point of this thread? Who gives a **** about newcastles fans???? Shall I create a thread about all the clubs who have decent support that I have seen?

Couldn't give a **** about newcastle or Newcastle fans....:if u want a love in with them **** off to to Newcastle.

The point is they've won nothing for years as many people have commented on BUT the majority of them remain positive and support their side. At Ashton Gate we seem to have many who just like a moan and some who aren't happy if they don't have something to be negative about?

I see the Pompey support as similar to Newcastle, they are loud and vocal and positive and look what challenges they have?

My point is that 'we' have the choice whether to get behind the side or not and that Ashton Gate would be a much better place with an improved atmosphere if more of us took the opportunity to be positive and to got behind the lads?

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These over-payed bunch of spineless shits have shown **** all fight for BCFC.....it's very hard to be positive to people who are failing us so badly.

Yeah totally agree.

There's been occasions this season where there has been a good vocal support, remember a few tweets from Stead saying about how good the atmosphere was and Fontaine commenting that we needed another good atmosphere in another game. Where did it get us? 3rd bottom, maybe some players like Stead can feed off it but clearly the others can't, I'm all for going in to work hoarse after signing but some of these wasters need to put a shift in once in a while.

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What is the difference between us and Pompey/Newcastle? They are playing wit fight, hunger and passion......we are showing **** all.

How can you expect fans to be positive with the shit we have been served up this season????? Do you even go to games?

These over-payed bunch of spineless shits have shown **** all fight for BCFC.....it's very hard to be positive to people who are failing us so badly.

If you check my OP it answers your question, I have been a ST for over 10 years and have hardly missed a home City game in close on 20? I understand your frustration, I guess my point is that I wonder what we could achieve if we stayed behind the lads more often?

The reason I also follow NUFC is through having a geordie father, City are my local team (despite living in Wales) but we take in Newcastle when we can. Football is more like a relegion up there and all you see on the streets are Newcastle or Sunderland shirts, it is more of a hot bed of football, that's just an honest statement, in the south west football isn't valued in the same way.

It's just an opinion but I also appreciate how tough matters are at the moment. That said there have been far worse periods in my time following City! These players will come and go but City will still be 'our side', I just wish there were more passion and 'support' down here and if we all choose to we could make a difference!?

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