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Who's Our Greatest Prospect?

Guest WillsbridgeRed

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Guest WillsbridgeRed

Danny Coles. Well he's certainly made himself our first centre back, strong, good with the ball and confident. Big and powerfull he's my type of defender, with quailty assured performances. Surely someone who would still be first on the team sheet if we went up.

Aaron Brown. Now we all know this lad is capable of quality performances, but he doesn't seem to have the consistancy to really show what he's capable of. A dangerous threat when he plays, could well end up our top scoring midfielder this year, and if he maintains what he is capable of, wouldn't be out of place at least in Div 1.

Joe Burnell. Certainly changed peoples minds from the start of this season. Right or wrong the stick he received it certainly didn't phase him, and with Tommys absence has become the mainstay of our midfield. Not sure if he would be as good in Div 1 against faster and more skillfull opponents, but given time would certainly be a great defensive midfielder.

Matt Hill. Surely Matty has the highest jump in football, and maybe the funniest walk? one of the better players to arrive through the ranks I feel, it has also been good to visibly notice how his game has improved - To a stage now where it is spot on. Makes a few mistakes, but the head never goes down and always gets stuck in. Would he be capable against higher opposistion? Certainly on past performances in cup games.

I could add Miller, Amankwaah, Woodman, Lita or Wilkshire but I can't be botherd

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Guest Red_Rat

Being serious here i can see Danny Coles or Aaron Brown playing in the premiership in a few years. They both have the perfect physical attributes for the role they play:

Coles: Big,Strong,Tall,No-nonsense attitude

Brown: Pacey,Agile and most importantly left footed,having a left footer on the left side is something loads of premiership managers crave.

Hill could go to Div.1 but i think he lacks the ambition,but Burnell..i just don't believe he'l ever really establish himself in higher divisions..he'll probably get the chance to play in div. 1 but i don't think he'l have what it takes.Sorry joe.

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All good prospects I think, Coles is probably the pick of the bunch at the moment, not quite on form recently but all players have slow times and he has been playing with an off form T Butler lately.

I think the physical aspects of the current crop are what set them apart, in the past we have good youngsters which never seemed to grow and a good big 'un is generally better than a good little 'un.

What's even better is that there are others coming through, Darren Jones is out of sight and mind at the moment but he's a cracking lad, Darren Hawkins gets lot's of mentions here as well. I like the look of Joe Anyinsah and especially Joe Flurry if they are developed the right way they could be special, that's a big if at City though.......... :rolleyes:

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Guest The Clevedon and Romford Vessel

What about Marvin Brown - One day I believe he will be the one

Yes I know he hasn't set the world on fire so far, but having seen him look like he was from another planet (in a good footballing way not a so bad he was from another planet way) in reserve games, one day he will transform this ability to the first team.

Or in geek speak...

QUI-GON : A boy... his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form. It is possible he was conceived by the midi-chlorians.

MACE WINDU : You're referring to the prophesy of the one who will bring balance to the Force...you believe it's this boy??


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The fact we are even talking about this is a good sign :rolleyes:

I think Coles is our best prospect, he's the only one to have had any intrest from other clubs, and Miller i suppose with Wigan going for him with us last year. Also Aaron Brown if he really wants it.

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