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Obviously long term Carey is not the answer but he's about as good as we've currently got. Fonts was far worse today. And what about Foster? Yes he's fast but what else is there to his game? He's poor. The frustrating thing is we can actually score goals now - 11 in three home games. Makes you wonder what we could do if our defense wasn't dog shite.

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Here we go, massive, massive over reaction to a defeat against a team full of Premier League quality and international standard players.

Take a reality check, we are not able and will not be able to compete at the top of this division, we are able, and will be able to compete around the fringe of the play off places.

That will be a massive improvement on last season.

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Today wasn't an off day for our CB's. They are simply not fast or dominant enough to deal with the power they came up against today.

I wouldn't be scared to play against them. However, I wouldn't fancy playing against big Mr Dann!

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Love how some fans focus on the negatives than the positives! Thought we matched Blackburn who are ex-prem and spent millions upon millions putting that squad together for 90min! Of course we do need a solid commanding CB but we played very well today I thought.. The 4th goal they scored was a contested free kick when Skusey clearly took the ball which led to the corner for that resulting goal and still we chased after that equaliser!! Just got suckered thats all. Despite losing 5-3 im happy with the game as a whole and there are alot of encouraging signs for Posh and Udinese B in the next two games.

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In fairness chaps, I think a modicum of perspective may be required!!

Blackburn are rightly favourites for promotion and have forwards and attacking midfielders the like of which we won't see every week this season. Clearly a centre back remains a priority, and I think it is unrealistic to expect Carey to do it every week. In fact, I'm sure Del offered him the additional year to supplement what he thought would be a new defender coming in. In my opinion, Nyatanga isn't up to it at this level and Fonts only performs when paired with a big dominant C/H.

the centre back signing can't come soon enough!!

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Let's just put this into perspective for a minute, these two were up against 36 goals last season on one side & 120 goals for Benfica on the other.

No coincidence that Carey especially has looked solid for the rest of the season. They were both left horribly exposed at times.

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Fontaine was awful today. End of. Carey wasn't perfect but he helped stop Rhodes a few times. Let's just agree we need someone. Soon.

Absolutely so.

Carey actually was the better of the two today, he shouldn't retire but our CB options need strengthening or we should give James Wilson a go..

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Guest robinmad

Absolutely so.

Carey actually was the better of the two today, he shouldn't retire but our CB options need strengthening or we should give James Wilson a go..

I agree Fonts had a bad game today both of them struggled with the movement of Rhodes so it's not a commanding CB that's needed it's one that dose not have the turning circle of a steam boat
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Guest robinmad

Absolutely so.

Carey actually was the better of the two today, he shouldn't retire but our CB options need strengthening or we should give James Wilson a go..

Thought Wilson was going on loan as Del said he wasn't in his plans and could leave
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I agree Fonts had a bad game today both of them struggled with the movement of Rhodes so it's not a commanding CB that's needed it's one that dose not have the turning circle of a steam boat

On today's evidence Rhodes is a Premier League striker. The link-up play between him and Gomes at times was a different class. Let's not go nuts.

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Guest DarTheRed

Time to retire not good enough anymore

Did you see the sliding takle a made about 2 mins from the end of normal against Jordan Rhodes i think ?? Then he got up and passed the ball back into midfield that was outstanding, let's be honest Blackburn probably got the best forward line in this league, and arguably the best team !!

Let's not overeact remember they were Premier League last season and they've still got quality players

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Guest robinmad

Did you see the sliding takle a made about 2 mins from the end of normal against Jordan Rhodes i think ?? Then he got up and passed the ball back into midfield that was outstanding, let's be honest Blackburn probably got the best forward line in this league, and arguably the best team !!

Let's not overeact remember they were Premier League last season and they've still got quality players

Rhodes was in lg 1 last year
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That was the most shocking defensive display from Fontaine i have ever witnessed and believe me there been a few! if we don't sign a centre back who can actually run and track his man soon i refuse to go to Ashton Gate again this season! 5 goals at home? ******* AWFUL.

You will miss some great games then!

If this game was mid-march with us in mid-table and them at the top of the league nobody would be complaining. look at there teamsheet, how many international caps between them?? Today was a freebie in my opnion and we had a good old go at them

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Did you see the sliding takle a made about 2 mins from the end of normal against Jordan Rhodes i think ?? Then he got up and passed the ball back into midfield that was outstanding, let's be honest Blackburn probably got the best forward line in this league, and arguably the best team !!

Let's not overeact remember they were Premier League last season and they've still got quality players

They have spent between 15-20M to have the best team!! Mad money... Can't understand why Blackburn never spent that last season?

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That was the most shocking defensive display from Fontaine i have ever witnessed and believe me there been a few! if we don't sign a centre back who can actually run and track his man soon i refuse to go to Ashton Gate again this season! 5 goals at home? ******* AWFUL.

Don't let the door hit your arse on the way out will you.

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Did you see the sliding takle a made about 2 mins from the end of normal against Jordan Rhodes i think ?? Then he got up and passed the ball back into midfield that was outstanding, let's be honest Blackburn probably got the best forward line in this league, and arguably the best team !!

Let's not overeact remember they were Premier League last season and they've still got quality players

Spot on, probably equal with Blackpool.

We won't face such quality too often this season. Fonts was awful today, but with a new commanding partner, he should be o.k.

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In fairness chaps, I think a modicum of perspective may be required!!

Blackburn are rightly favourites for promotion and have forwards and attacking midfielders the like of which we won't see every week this season. Clearly a centre back remains a priority, and I think it is unrealistic to expect Carey to do it every week. In fact, I'm sure Del offered him the additional year to supplement what he thought would be a new defender coming in. In my opinion, Nyatanga isn't up to it at this level and Fonts only performs when paired with a big dominant C/H.

the centre back signing can't come soon enough!!

In a nutshell!

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Fonts was just as bad but is good with a commanding cb

Sorry if it'd

Not want people want to hear but he is past it he needs to retire

Maybe you should retire from this forum . You are constantly posting and its all shite.

You made yourself look a fool when posting about Hillsborough and then quickly tried to back track after the truth was made public and now this post.

I was working today so not at the gate so I can't comment about Careys performance however Del not a man of sentiment gave him a years contract do do you honestly believe Carey is going to retire himself ? IF he was poor today Del might drop him for a game or two but we need Louis this season still 41 games to go.

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Defensively we were shown up today, but also contributed to our downfall by some very poor defending by Fontaine, also Skuse had a poor game in midfield today and seemed to always be out of position and behind the player he should have been closing down.

We do look threatening going forward with Albert's flashes of brilliance, and Baldock looks very sharp. Plus Taylor looks strong and is improving each game and Davies looks a threat and has some good touches. Should make for an entertaining season!

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Just seen the goals. Carey at fault for at least 3 if not 4.

I hate to disagree. But no. First goal, fontaine basically created the goal for them twice. Second goal, ball bypassed fontaine and gomes stuck it away. Third goal, more Skuse's fault but Carey was the only one who even attempted to get in his way. Fourth, admittedly no idea who was marking Dann. Fifth goal, I can't think of anything else Carey could have done, we were also incredibly stretched at this point.

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I don't understand why after every game there needs to be such a post mortem with so many things said on the back of individual games.

We know we're a man short at the back, but how often is it that our two centre halves simultaneously have nightmares in a game? And, lets be honest, Blackburn have one of the best sides (on paper at least) that we've faced since our promotion. Rhodes is Prem class, Murphy, Etuhu, Robinson, Rochina, Pedersen, Ollson and Dann are far too good for this division too. They're shite at the back but we were their match for most of the game... Perhaps I'll be accused of being a happy clapper here, but a performance like todays is actually quite good considering where we've come from (last season and the one before that)

The way I look at it is, we've got the attack sorted, we can definitely score goals this season... Now we just need another body or two at the back to give us the balance to actually mount a challenge for the top half/play offs.

Think positive guys, We've progressed such a long way under McInnes already.

Quite right, young 'un.

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I don't understand why after every game there needs to be such a post mortem with so many things said on the back of individual games.

We know we're a man short at the back, but how often is it that our two centre halves simultaneously have nightmares in a game? And, lets be honest, Blackburn have one of the best sides (on paper at least) that we've faced since our promotion. Rhodes is Prem class, Murphy, Etuhu, Robinson, Rochina, Pedersen, Ollson and Dann are far too good for this division too. They're shite at the back but we were their match for most of the game... Perhaps I'll be accused of being a happy clapper here, but a performance like todays is actually quite good considering where we've come from (last season and the one before that)

The way I look at it is, we've got the attack sorted, we can definitely score goals this season... Now we just need another body or two at the back to give us the balance to actually mount a challenge for the top half/play offs.

Think positive guys, We've progressed such a long way under McInnes already.

That is a top post. Well said.

I was worried on the way back from the game that people would go over the top in their criticism of Fontaine today, but I certainly didn't expect Carey to be receiving abuse. A couple of times Louis was exposed by Rhodes' superb movement, but apart from that he had a solid enough game and, as always, made some cracking tackles. Fontaine on the other hand had a shocker. I highly rate Liam and believe that when we get the dominating first ball centre half we need we will truly see Fontaine at his best. But today there can be no getting away from it, he was dreadful, truly a day to forget. With the attacking players that Blackburn have we were always going to need our skipper at his best, but unfortunately he had an off day and that ultimately played a large part in us shipping 5.

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I don't understand why after every game there needs to be such a post mortem with so many things said on the back of individual games.

We know we're a man short at the back, but how often is it that our two centre halves simultaneously have nightmares in a game? And, lets be honest, Blackburn have one of the best sides (on paper at least) that we've faced since our promotion. Rhodes is Prem class, Murphy, Etuhu, Robinson, Rochina, Pedersen, Ollson and Dann are far too good for this division too. They're shite at the back but we were their match for most of the game... Perhaps I'll be accused of being a happy clapper here, but a performance like todays is actually quite good considering where we've come from (last season and the one before that)

The way I look at it is, we've got the attack sorted, we can definitely score goals this season... Now we just need another body or two at the back to give us the balance to actually mount a challenge for the top half/play offs.

Think positive guys, We've progressed such a long way under McInnes already.

All spot on, agree completely

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Maybe you should retire from this forum . You are constantly posting and its all shite.

You made yourself look a fool when posting about Hillsborough and then quickly tried to back track after the truth was made public and now this post.

I was working today so not at the gate so I can't comment about Careys performance however Del not a man of sentiment gave him a years contract do do you honestly believe Carey is going to retire himself ? IF he was poor today Del might drop him for a game or two but we need Louis this season still 41 games to go.

Well said, the Truth.

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I dont see why some people are making a big deal about foster. Baring in mind he was up against a player who had been in the prem or moe than 6 years in Pederson. I thought he backed up albert, and tracked his man well, the issue my view is that Skuse and Pearson kept ****ing around with the ball with the defenders. Fonts was shocking to say the least, especially when he was last man, he panicked. Careys age means he cant track back fast anymore, so it leaves us exposed.

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Putting it into perspective...we scored three goals against a team which will be this years champions...there wont be may who put three past BB this season.

With a bit more composure and a little luck it could easily have been a 3 all draw. We seemed to drop off when baldock scored the equaliser

Carey is still good enough for this division for this season and our defence wont come up against much better forward lines than that

I thought we were excellent at times and although conceding two late goals is a bitter pill to swallow it was definately a step in the right direction.

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I am a huge Carey fan but agree thought today he was found wanting. Rhodes is superb and took his goals well, but poor defending did not help. I think today City played against the possible champions and to be fair a draw would have been a fair result, just a slight difference in class

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I've said for a while we're 3 players short of a really good side, two center halves and a quality center mid capable of passing the ball further than 5 yards and ideally forward

Agree with Jordan Tansley's post and this. We are just 2/3 players short of a very good side.

A dominant leader at the back and someone with a bit of class and guile in CM would make all the difference to us.

Despite the result i enjoyed it today. Annoyed that all 5 goals were all avoidable but i dont think we will come up against a better strike pairing all season. We will learn alot from that today.

Key moment for me was Skuse not bringing down Rochina letting him run all that way.

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I think every fan and certainly Del Boy, knows that we need a big strong centre back. However, we should not have a knee jerk reaction over shipping five goals today. Firstly, Blackburn possess the best attacking options we will face this season, secondly Fonts and Carey both had poor games, much below how they usually perform week in, week out. Football is a squad game and is not just about eleven players. I would like a new centre back to add to our options not so that Carey has to retire or Fontaine is shipped out.

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Love how some fans focus on the negatives than the positives! Thought we matched Blackburn who are ex-prem and spent millions upon millions putting that squad together for 90min! Of course we do need a solid commanding CB but we played very well today I thought.. The 4th goal they scored was a contested free kick when Skusey clearly took the ball which led to the corner for that resulting goal and still we chased after that equaliser!! Just got suckered thats all. Despite losing 5-3 im happy with the game as a whole and there are alot of encouraging signs for Posh and Udinese B in the next two games.

Got to agree with this, I thought there were a fair few positives today.

Nothing is ever done about these ref's that favour ex-prem teams, we got sod all today.

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Maybe Carey wasn't at ease with a central defence partner who only managed to get one tackle in all match.

Exactly. I hear it mentioned a lot - Fontaine is better next to a commanding centre back.

Well thats great - id look better alongside a commanding centre back to do all the hard work for me!!!

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I really am getting fed up of hearing about Fontaine needing to play alongside a commanding centre half. If he is so good is it not about time he steps up a bit? Yes I understand his game is not to smash through strikers and be this 'commanding centre half' type, but this doesn't stop him from leading by example, making sure we are organised or putting his body on the line. He is the captain after all!

Some players on here come in for very unfair criticism, but for me Fontaine gets away with an awful lot. When was the last time he even had a good game? He must be an awesome trainer because I don't see what he has done for Del to put so much faith in him. On his day Fonts can be a good steady defender at this level, but I don't think it benefits him at all knowing that he will play week in week out. Surely any player would become complacent knowing their place in the team is assured every week whatever he does.

For me he needs to be dropped. NOT Carey.

Yes we all know Louis has seen better days, but the bloke is in his mid 30's! What do people expect? At least he still puts his body on the line for us and never lets us down.

On here it seems to be the popular thing to say is we need a 'creative centre midfielder' but not for me. Not one bit. We have proved we can score goals. We don't need another midfielder as such. I think we need two more centre halfs.

Carey will not last forever and he is still our best defender by far but we cant expect him to last all season surely!? Fonts at the moment is nowhere near up to it, and Tango and Wilson definitely are not if neither can get in.

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