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Liverpool V Man U

Carey 6

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Not a lot else to talk about today, should be a heated game.

Liverpool gone with a 4-3-3


Kelly Skrtel Agger Johnson

Shelvey Gerrard Allen

Borini Suarez Sterling

Man U 4-4-2 (Sky Sports live scores has them set up this way anyway)


Rafael Ferdinand Evans Evra

Valencia Carrick Kagawa Giggs

Van Persie Nani

I'll go with 2-1 United.

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from first look it looked a straight red card.. but slow motion and different angles it's probably the in-correct decision. so harsh on liverpool iswell as they were dominant for 40 minutes, man utd are complete shit.

Still thought they dominated after the red!

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Point is you cant jump into tackles

watch it again at half time and you will see they Both jumped in

Agree they both jumped in although I'd say only Shelvey's stud made contact with the opponent. Possibly both yellows but I do think that Shelvey deserved a red due to the contact he made.

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If ever there was a game I want them BOTH to lose......


Always hated ManUre but have always been neutral on Liverpool until all the whinging crept in, now they are up there with Baardiff & Millwall.

Would rather watch the Singapore GP.


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On his way down before contact. Looking for it all day long. Same as Suarez was.

He was about to shoot, and Johnson's challenge blocked him without touching the ball. Even if you were right about him being on his way down, which I don't think he was, it would still be a foul.

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Two legends of the game included, both who have a career in analysing football.

Yeah, they know nothing.

It was a penalty, Johnson stopped him shooting by impeding him. Why do glory hunting Liverpool fans always cry that it's unfair? The only complaint you can have about that referee is not sending off Evans, he got the rest right.

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Was deffo a pen, Johnson caught his foot and pushed him. Shelvey was a red, rvp was close got to remember he kept one foot on the ground so booking is about right.

Suarez should of been pen second half but as Neville and Redknapp said on sky doesn't help himself by throwing his head back when he goes down.

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Glory hunting? I'd be a Man City fan if that were the case and I most certainly wouldn't be a Bristol City fan.

As I've explained several hundred times, My family are from Liverpool, My Father a Scouser and a red. I had no choice. Luckily he also loves City, worked for the club in the 80's including during '82 when the club was in meltdown.

Football is a game of opinions, because mine (and evidently many others) is different to yours does not mean I or anyone else is crying. I could be accused of holding a bias, but several neutrals have posted in this very thread that the referee had a poor game. Twitter is awash with this opinion too.

Are you more knowledgeable than what I can see is a majority verdict?

You definitely have a bias.

What was it about the incident you think wasn't a foul? Are you saying there wasn't contact? Or that the contact didn't impede Valencia? Because for it not to be a foul, one of those has to be true and I can't see any way watching the replay you can claim either. Lazy pundits can use words like "soft" but in reality if you stop someone with contact without playing the ball it's going to be a foul.

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He was on the way to the ground before any contact was made. Johnsons hand touched Valencia making it looking like he might of contributed to the fall... It didn't.

It certainly was no more of a foul than that on Suarez, which I too thought was a little divey.

Evans and RVP did nothing different to Shelvey and recieved different punishments.

Several fouls given in the last few minutes were dubious.

The amount of Added on time had absolutely no correlation with the stoppages in the game.

That's about all I've got on Halsey.

Makes no real difference if it was or wasn't a penalty, if Shelvey should have been sent off or not.

Until Liverpool can put the ball in the back of the net, and find a goalscorer to do so, they will get what they deserve. Shocking transfer policy by the club is trying to be hidden by complaints of being hard done by on the pitch.

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He was on the way to the ground before any contact was made. Johnsons hand touched Valencia making it looking like he might of contributed to the fall... It didn't.

It certainly was no more of a foul than that on Suarez, which I too thought was a little divey.

Evans and RVP did nothing different to Shelvey and recieved different punishments.

Several fouls given in the last few minutes were dubious.

The amount of Added on time had absolutely no correlation with the stoppages in the game.

That's about all I've got on Halsey.

It doesn't matter if he was on the way to the ground or not, and I don't think he was. Johnson wrapped the back of his right leg around Valencia's left leg when he was about to shoot and brought him down. He could have got a shot away but for that. It was a rash, clumsy challenge made with the wrong leg and Johnson didn't even argue about it - that's a big clue right there.

Evans wasn't quite as bad as Shelvey as it wasn't as high, but IMO should have been a red too. RVP was no more than a booking IMO, not as bad as either of the others. Suarez would have had a decent penalty shout if he wasn't a diving cheat, but he's already ruined his reputation so will never get the benefit of the doubt, particularly not with the somersault.

There was over 8 minutes of injury time, which is as much as Fergie ever gets so I wouldn't complain about that.

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Glory hunting? I'd be a Man City fan if that were the case and I most certainly wouldn't be a Bristol City fan.

As I've explained several hundred times, My family are from Liverpool, My Father a Scouser and a red. I had no choice. Luckily he also loves City, worked for the club in the 80's including during '82 when the club was in meltdown.

Football is a game of opinions, because mine (and evidently many others) is different to yours does not mean I or anyone else is crying. I could be accused of holding a bias, but several neutrals have posted in this very thread that the referee had a poor game. Twitter is awash with this opinion too.

Are you more knowledgeable than what I can see is a majority verdict?

Funny though that all if your opinions involve Liverpool being wronged? Shelvey was unlucky given that Evans went in two footed, but it wasn't exactly a 'good' challenge by JJ though was it? Van Persie on the other hand went in with one foot, slid along the ground rather than flew through the air and actually took the ball. Ot wasn't even a foul as far I could see. Saurez's penalty claim didn't appear at first to be a penalty but in zoomed-in, super slow-mo would probably have been a penalty. Can't really blame the ref for missing that. The Valencia one was a nailed on penalty; Johnson caught his foot as he was about to strike the ball. It may well have been accidental but it was still a penalty. Incidentally, it was only the 2nd penalty Ferguson has won at Anfield so perhaps Utd don't get favourable treatment everywhere they go

As for Ferdinand and 'choc-ice gate' he never called anyone anything, he ':laugh:-ed' (to use the modem vernacular) or similar at someone elses tweet. Its a bit of a leap from there to insulting someone because of their skin colour which is essentially what Suarez did. The fact that Evra continues to be booed by Liverpool fans is a sad indictment on the 'everyone's out to get us' mentality of Liverpool fans, fuelled by the clubs reaction to him being a racist

I do feel sorry for Liverpool today; they were the better team for much of the game, even with 10 men. However, they lost the game because they lack a cutting edge not because there's a conspiracy against them. I do find Jordan that you seem to be much more willing to find excuses for Livrpool and Liverpool players than you do for City. Where as Liverpool are cheated, City were just shit

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