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Guest DapperDarch

surely this has been done to the death already?!

I cant beleive how quick some people are to jump on his back, hes hit a dip in form but that happens to every player at some point in their career.....give the bloke a break ffs

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Though the thread is a big of a dig for no real reason. I personally feel Fontaine is not good enough for this level overall. I've never been impressed with him apart from the League 1 days. He cannot read the game and anticipate the opposition attacking which puts him out of position and loses his marker too easy. Now someone will defend him saying well he cannot be that bad as Southampton were in for him. So what? Carroll went to Liverpool for 35 million does that make him a world class player? No Saints had a lucky miss there. I'd like to see two new CB's come the end of January and look to sell our dodgy defence between January and next season.

Just my opinion though!

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It's not a dig its just that the back 4 is being shuffled around to try and find the best combination, I know injuries dictate to a certain degree how the back 4 shape up but all the others seem to be playing to fit around him

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I also thought was bad form and yet you think he can't get worse but again proven wrong. I think if we get a decent Cb next to him once has confidence back could be okay. If we get no one in is a very worrying season ahead. For now he needs to be dropped though.

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Well Del rates him enough to make him CAPTAIN so what do we know?

As probably 13+ thousand of us see it, possibly more than 'Del'!

I've rated Fonts in the past. While never a world-beater and rarely spectacular, he was a solid defender on a consistent basis. He ferked up now and then, but what player doesn't?

This season though, he's been our worst player in every match and as other players have been dropped after hard-working shifts, the fact he hasn't must worry everyone.

I always liked what McCombe could do (and whilst rating him I acknowledge he wasn't quite good enough for a second tier defender) HOWEVER I bring him up as fans started to turn on him en masse after he gifted our opponents a goal in exactly the same way Fontaine utterly ballsed up for Blackburn's first goal.

I just can't understand his apologists.

Reserves for Liam, or, Derek McInnes, I just don't understand the basis on which you pick the side....

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Rated enough for Southampton to make a £1m offer that was only scuppered by an injury issue. He's a better player than he is showing in recent games and I suspect the captaincy doesn't fit well with him. He's a good competitor but not a natural leader.

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Fonts has had a dip in form no doubt but is a quality defender. I think his form has suffered due to a lack of a commanding player along side him. When we get one in we'll see his performances improve. How people can say Carey should come in is a joke. He was a very good centre half and captain but age has caught up with him sadly and is not good enough anymore.

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Fonts has had a dip in form no doubt but is a quality defender. I think his form has suffered due to a lack of a commanding player along side him. When we get one in we'll see his performances improve. How people can say Carey should come in is a joke. He was a very good centre half and captain but age has caught up with him sadly and is not good enough anymore.

I love this argument that Fonts - who has undeniably looked worse than Carey, and Wilson - is suffering because other people aren't up to it.

You could as easily turn the argument on its head and say Wilson etc looked shakey because they didn't have a quality CB next to them: they had out-of-position, first-touch-gone Liam Fontaine.

And yes, I do say he has been the worst player all season. Even in the comfortable wins against Palace and Cardiff, he gave me moments oof concern.

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Its my OPINION that he is hugely overrated and is far from being the player that Southampton "thought" he was, at the time I was overjoyed at the price being thrown around, if only his "medical issue" hadn't stopped him joining, we a crying out for decent competition at centre back, IMHO Carey is the only one of our central defenders who is championship standard, Wilson needs to prove himself or accept his fate & take Nyantanga with him.

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Rated enough for Southampton to make a £1m offer that was only scuppered by an injury issue. He's a better player than he is showing in recent games and I suspect the captaincy doesn't fit well with him. He's a good competitor but not a natural leader.

Alex Ferguson thought Ralph Milne was good enough to play for Man Utd. Good managers make bad decisions. Personally I think Fontaine failing that medical was one of the most damaging things to happen to the city for a long time. For a million quid we could have got a couple of decent players who would offer more than Fontaine

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You don't turn into a bad player overnight. Fonts is suffering from a massive confidence crisis at the moment and needs to be dropped.

His biggest problem is that he is not a leader, he is not ball winner nor is he a crunching tackler. He needs a dominant centre back next to him as he loves sweeping up the pieces. He could be a good centre back partner for the right player.

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You don't turn into a bad player overnight. Fonts is suffering from a massive confidence crisis at the moment and needs to be dropped.

His biggest problem is that he is not a leader, he is not ball winner nor is he a crunching tackler. He needs a dominant centre back next to him as he loves sweeping up the pieces. He could be a good centre back partner for the right player.

Exactly. Very good defender who gets so much better with a proper leader alongside him. He must show something to Del to make him captain, and captains don't necessarily need to be massively vocal, but it helps when organising a defence.

I think he needs taking out of the team for his own good, and if Del is worth his salt, he won't hang Fonts out to dry in full view of a a baying City public

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Fontaine is a very good defender.

He is in a bad run of form, which I might add, a lot if players go through in their career.

Not good news, granted, we need our BEST players on form all year BUT who else us there to take his place?

We are lucky to have him.

Here's a question, what would we do without him?

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Guest leetrundlesrightfoot

about trying to pick up the lads then all the players rolling over and dyeing its not good enough being a 2 man team

for the championship but yet make mistakes that sunday league players are not making and if you persist as being captain how 3/4

that you either remove yourself from the captaincy maybe the pressure is too much or sort it out you are good enough 2/4

this is some constructive criticism you have been poor this season and today you looked weak naive and not a CH for this i ask 1/2

this is probably why he deleted his twitter- i have deleted the persons name who sent the tweets, and before you all ask, no it wasnt me!....... tbf if you use social media you have to take the rough with the smooth, woolford took loads of abuse and fronted it up, and then put in some really good performences, if he can do that, why cant fragile little liam......... probably needs a dominant cb alongside him to help him with this abuse!

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Have no-one to blame then turn our anger and frustration to Nyatanga

Why? He does not deserve criticism he's played 2 games in god, what, 12 months. Give the Taff a break.

Look.everyones pelting the defence, and probably, righly so.

However DB has improved our offensive line brilliantly this summer, once he gets his teeth into the defence (which he will) this team will he fantastic. Rome wasn't built in a day.

Just have fun guys and trust DB to do the right thing he knows the score, he's no mug.

Lets all have a bounce and see what happens its only October

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It took Wooly 18 months to put 3 decent performances in a row in. You don't think moronic abuse made that longer?

There should be intelligence tests for access to the Internet just like their is competence tests for driving a vehicle.

Agreed can't see how posting that helps the lad regain his confidence. The tweeter's a gas head in my eyes.

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Got to say that tweet is not exactly abusive, even says he is a good player.

I doubt it has done anything for fonts confidence, but it wasn't a all out spineless hate filled attack on the guy.

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Are you serious! Heaton is a fantastic goalkeeper

Great shot stopper. Cannot deal with corners (2 v Cardiff and the disallowed goal against Leeds).

Another part of a keeper's game is to organise the back 4. Our back 4 Is not organised. The same players were organised at the back end of last season....

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14k :bored:

Where do people get these ridiculous guesstimates from ?

And a week off ! Yeah, right.

Daft - just like the moron who tweeted that shite.

Just saying exactly how it is.

14K or 4k does it really make a difference ? I dont understand a word that Twitter blokes saying but the fact is Fontaine has been playing poorly and he has opened his self up to a universal world of abuse so he needs to shut his account down or play better, simple really.

Just saying exactly how it is.

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I've said before that Fonts desperately needs "resting" to get his form and confidence back. Unfortunately our defence is so weak at the moment that we can't carry any passengers. Having said that, I don't know who Del could replace him with. Maybe Carey and James Wilson in the centre could work. One thing I am sure of,Fonts is no leader on the pitch and should lose the captaincy at once. He couldn't inspire me to butter toast!

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He isn't a bad player, he isn't captain material but that is another topic and argument (who is in this squad?)

I think Del has tried to help the lad by playing him in spite of his form so he could 'play through' it. Unfortunatly this isn't working and he needs to be 'rested' which is doubly unfortunate as we still have no other option but to carry on with him. Maybe play Carey next to him and use M. Wilson and Fozzie as the FB's with Skuse (if fit) in front of them.

But hey, i don't see him train everyday and I can't read the game as well as those who are in the know, it is far too easy and naive to think we know better, we know a lot but not nessecarily better,

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Guest mangogerry

I think its really simple, Fonts is a player who needs to be led, he is not a natural leader and this is probably affecting his game and therefore a contributing factor in the many mistakes recently against Blackburn, Leeds, Leicester etc.. solution, sign two CH's as soon as possible and let Fonts watch from the bench to see how its done.

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Heaten is miles apart from gerken, it doesn't help when you have the worst defence in the league infront of you, heaten stopped the game from bein 4-0 yesterday

Yes, he stopped it being 4-0 because he's, as I said, a great shot stopper. What I also said is that the same players seemed organised last year with Gerken behind them...

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the highlights make it look like another shocking fontaine performance (skuse pulling out of a challenge leading to the 2nd goal wasn't pleasing either), totally outpowered and in the wrong position for the first goal and on a number of occasions.

i absolutely refuse to buy the argument about needing a leader alongside him. he is an experienced player earning enough not to need someone to hold his hand

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It took Wooly 18 months to put 3 decent performances in a row in. You don't think moronic abuse made that longer?

There should be intelligence tests for access to the Internet just like their is competence tests for driving a vehicle.

Let's hope not....we'd miss you ;-)

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the highlights make it look like another shocking fontaine performance (skuse pulling out of a challenge leading to the 2nd goal wasn't pleasing either), totally outpowered and in the wrong position for the first goal and on a number of occasions.

i absolutely refuse to buy the argument about needing a leader alongside him. he is an experienced player earning enough not to need someone to hold his hand

I don't even blame the guy....in fact I feel as sorry for him. McInnes should have dropped him weeks ago....his confidence is completely shot now

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