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Who Is Actually A 'proper' Fan Here?

The Humble Realist

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Simple , I'm reading a book by Adrian chiles in which he follows west brim fans for a season with a variety of different fans ..as u can imagine it is an intresting read but got me thinking

1. What sort of fan are u? How many games do u attend per season ? How long have u supported city

2. What is a proper fan?

I'll start off...

1. I've been a city fan since 2000 and would call myself a 'classic typical fan' , iv been a season ticket holder for all but 2years since (when I was at uni), the only other home games iv missed was when I went travelling for 6months. I'd say in an average season I attend 20home games and 1 or 2 away games...I only miss home games if I 'cant go' due to holiday etc

2. I think a proper fan is just essentially someone who just cares about the club, u don't have to go to the matches but on a Saturday morning u should know who city are playing and know the result asap after 5!

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1) Have followed City since I was a kid and used to go every week with my Dad until I was about 18/19. Around this time I got deeply involved with Dance Music and that takes up most of my weekends now. I still pop down for the odd game but I really hate what football has become and I don't really feel that much attachment to the game anymore. Especially as it's such a rip off. That might change though when I get older and can't run around Europe going to as many events as possible, although I don't think that will happen either.

2) I would agree with what the opening poster has said. Probably because that's how I am now and although I don't go every week I always know whats going on and I will probably always keep up to date. I would say that I am a fan but admittedly it doesn't matter as much as it used too. Would be a fan of City at any level though and would go to games at any level regardless. In fact if we dropped down a couple of divisions and games were cheaper I would probably make more games than I ever would if we reached the Premier League!

Also, "Proper Fan" is probably a bad way of putting it. Who am I to decide what a proper fan is or not?

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1- Been a city fan since i was four years old 98/99 was my first season ticket i think, and had one every season since. First game was a 6-1 hammering against Wolves, I go to all the home games and about 5 away days a season, except for 08/09 when i went to 10 i think. Last home game i missed was our 3-0 win against Hull.

2. I think it's hard to say what a 'Proper' fan is, but i'd say you have to go to watch the team at least a few times a season to be one. I hate it when people claim to be a 'fan' of Liverpool/Man U/Arsenal when they never go watch them except for on sky. I'd say they follow their team.

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I dont live near bristol but up in glasgow so can only make 3 or 4 home games a season and about the same amount of away games (usually nearer) but I would say a proper fan is someone who knows more about the club than just who they are playing and what the result is. eg. team, players etc. been a city fan for about 12 years(not been alive much longer) so almost all my life.

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I always separate a fan & supporter. A supporter goes to games, buys programmes, shirts etc or aids the club by giving their time to help it in some way. A fan is someone who looks out for the scores often claim they're supporters but have never been anywhere near their team's stadium.

Personally I think I'm a decent supporter having been a season ticket holder for 17 years (i'ld have got less for murder) & try to get as many away games as physically & financially possible.

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If anyone chooses to support City then, to me, they are a proper fan.

Overall, I'm not bothered by how many games they go to, how much they spend, whether they like cider etc..If City are their team and proud and enjoy being a fan then good for them.

Been in love with City since my first game in '93. Used to go with old man once or twice a season and I bought my first season ticket as soon as I had my own source of income. Go to a few away games a season. My old man still only gets to a couple of games a season - he is as still as much of a fan IMO.

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Whilst I disagree with the term "Proper Fan" I would class myself as one. Been a self enthused City fan since I was 4, my dad never got me into football (I was actually the one who got him into supporting City). Went to about 15 games a season with whoever I could convince to take me. Got a season ticket at 11. Unfortunately I no longer have one due to Uni. However I am planning to make it to at least 10 more games this season, having been to 2 home games and an away game. Never been to that many away games, being unemployed student with parents who work long hours.

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Guest Sidebet

1- Been a city fan since i was four years old 98/99 was my first season ticket i think, and had one every season since. First game was a 6-1 hammering against Wolves, I go to all the home games and about 5 away days a season, except for 08/09 when i went to 10 i think. Last home game i missed was our 3-0 win against Hull.

2. I think it's hard to say what a 'Proper' fan is, but i'd say you have to go to watch the team at least a few times a season to be one. I hate it when people claim to be a 'fan' of Liverpool/Man U/Arsenal when they never go watch them except for on sky. I'd say they follow their team.

Carl Hutchings score citys only goal that night and we did go one nil up i think. Also, im pretty sure that was the 3 piggy punch up game.

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Carl Hutchings score citys only goal that night and we did go one nil up i think. Also, im pretty sure that was the 3 piggy punch up game.

Don't remember the goalscorers very well, although i remember an own goal being scored i think... and yeah it was the three piggy punch up haha

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I really cannot imagine that

Probably should clarify, the interesting part is not chiles but the stories with the fans. One has seen 750conescutive matches, one had only missed 5games since the war and one never saw his first game at aged 87! Point is they were all in my opinion fans and it was interesting to read about their reasons, devotions as regardless of the team we support we are all football fans .

Can u imagine watching 750 consecutive city matches? Some fans went n watched wba train on thurs n Fridays n all reserve matches? Talk about devotion (perhaps stupidity!).

Point is I love city n people think I am mad n it drives my missus mad but compared to someone who watches training or has attended 750games on the trot I am a casual!

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Probably should clarify, the interesting part is not chiles but the stories with the fans. One has seen 750conescutive matches, one had only missed 5games since the war and one never saw his first game until aged 87! Point is they were all in my opinion fans and it was interesting to read about their reasons, devotions as regardless of the team we support we are all football fans .

Can u imagine watching 750 consecutive city matches? Some fans went n watched wba train on thurs n Fridays n all reserve matches? Talk about devotion (perhaps stupidity!).

Point is I love city n people think I am mad n it drives my missus mad but compared to someone who watches training or has attended 750games on the trot I am a casual!

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A proper fan is someone who cares about the club, be it a happy clapper, or a miserable old sod who complains. Either type is fine, they have a interest in the club.

Doesn't matter if you go or support from afar.

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only been to 1 game, the play off final 2008 other than that i now support man utd and watch all their games on sky sports.


On a serious note as a 'proper' fan this is the one thing in Football which I really do complain about. The plastic fans such as Utd, Chelsea, Arsenal & Liverpool who claim to be a fan of the club, but have never been to see the team play or even ventured into the teams town/city. Even now around Bristol and other places in the South West I have witnessed men wearing Man City tops now. I wonder if these chaps were United followers last season who have decided to change because that team is 'winning'.

People who follow United and not their own local team are missing out big time. I always ask these chaps why do you support Man U then? The most common answer is "Well my grandfather was from Manchester". So if that be the answer why not follow Man.C, Blackburn, Bolton, Wigan, Oldham etc.

I try to explain the feeling of getting up Saturday morning, driving to the ground, parking up getting a bite to eat from your local chippy or a Clarks pie. Having a few pints while discussing the way City are at the moment and giving your view to the other what you hope the line up will be. Venturing into the ground, watching the players train and waiting for the players then to come out and hopefully give an exciting performance to which we can drive home and discuss our views on the game while listening to Radio Bristol.

These guys seriously do not know what real football is and the real passion of supporting a club.

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A proper fan is someone who cares about the club, be it a happy clapper, or a miserable old sod who complains. Either type is fine, they have a interest in the club.

Doesn't matter if you go or support from afar.

Thanks for the support Mum

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Been a st holder since 1990 only missing 1 home game in that time. Used to go away once or twice a season but kids stopped that as its too much for myself let alone taking them as well.

Get the jitters every saturday morning no matter who we play still.

I consider myself a proper fan but others wont as i dont join in with singing during the game. Im more of a watcher trying to apreciate how we play and enjoy the game for what it is.

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Supporter... Fan ( short for Fanatic ) and Follower.... I've been all 3.

Due to work commitments i would call myself a follower right now, as I don't support the side by going to games. I'm no longer Fanatical about City...but have a deep ingrained love for the Club.

I follow what is happening via the media, websites and television.

Wish i was able to support more often.

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Yes as long as you showered afterwards and didnt have a "semi on" as the Barca of the Basement got three points!

They looked a better team after Clarkson and Riordan had gone off to be honest - Clarkson was awful!

Just to explain, I am a volunteer Mentor to a teenager and he described himself as a Manchester United/ Bristol Rovers fan, part of what we are there to do is give them the chance to experience things they normally wouldn't get to and so I thought it would be better for him to go and watch his home club so I took him along.

It was a very strange day, I felt like a undercover spy at times.

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They looked a better team after Clarkson and Riordan had gone off to be honest - Clarkson was awful!

Just to explain, I am a volunteer Mentor to a teenager and he described himself as a Manchester United/ Bristol Rovers fan, part of what we are there to do is give them the chance to experience things they normally wouldn't get to and so I thought it would be better for him to go and watch his home club so I took him along.

It was a very strange day, I felt like a undercover spy at times.

Undercover spy??? We don't want to know any of their secrets - how to end up in League 2? How to ban your own directors? How to get an average gate of 5500?

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They looked a better team after Clarkson and Riordan had gone off to be honest - Clarkson was awful!

Just to explain, I am a volunteer Mentor to a teenager and he described himself as a Manchester United/ Bristol Rovers fan, part of what we are there to do is give them the chance to experience things they normally wouldn't get to and so I thought it would be better for him to go and watch his home club so I took him along.

It was a very strange day, I felt like a undercover spy at times.

Fair play to you for helping a youngun out taking him to a game. I couldnt do it. Ive woke up in a cold sweat before now after dreaming i was watching a gas home game and ive woke up and been sick after dreaming i had a gas shirt on. True story. Should probably go and see someone.

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Guest cowleyred

Dad took me in the late60s when I was 7 and have been home and away for 43 years and I still love it.Got arrested for graphiteing "Bristol city rule ok" on a subway wall and road sign in hometown of Cheltenham in 1980 as "Chelsea slogans really peed me off.!Had a season ticket as long as I remember and have a 80 mile round trip each home game- I love it.Bolton for the weekend in two weeks is already exciting me.Am I a proper fan.?!!!!!!!!!

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Saw first match 1957 v Leyton Orient. Dad ( sadly now passed on) was a £100 shareholder and proud of it. Put me on the wooden bits of the Old Stand (Now the Dolman) Thats where I get my name. Have lived all round the world but always the magic was tuning in at 4.40pm on a Sat anywhere in the world to see how the Robins had got on. On and off had ST, in old days in the Dolman, now, the Williams.THERE IS NO OTHER TEAM. We come from Bedminster and trace family back to 1812 .Grand-dad was a City fan and I expect , the family before him.

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Used to go to all home and most away games back in the late 60`s early 70`s; now cant really be bothered much anymore; although I follow still on Sats and on here; for a variety of "reasons";

Been there done it got the t shirt;

All seater stads are sh1te

To many players passing through our club and not giving a sh1te,

PC sit down shut up, non smoking,drinking farting swearing crap,

Other things to do with my deminishing money supply,than waste £50 on a Sat afternoon watching sh1te,

The list goes on but now pushing 60 I have other things to do with my wife and family.

City in the blood always and I may get to a couple of games this season but not bothered much anymore :o

Proper fans ? load of bol looks, we all are "proper fans", no-one is better than anyone else;

Have a nice season you all; hope you get what you want from our club, that is, actually whatever you put into it. :city:

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I was born and brought up in Frome and my father brought me and my brother to Ashton Gate to watch a match for the first time (City and Wolves, I think), just before the Dolman Stand was opened, so it must have been in the early sixties. I didn't get the chance to come again for many years, but always 'followed' City and Rovers, and looked out for their results. When I eventually moved to Bristol, with my own family, I took my young son to games at both Ashton Gate & Eastville, so that he could decide which team to support.The decision was made while standing on the terraces, amonst the Gas, at Eastville when he cheered a City goal. From that time we, became City supporters and fans. I became a ST holder and both my son, and daughter, became City Junior Reds.

My children now have families of their own, and other commitments, but both are still city 'fans'. (my daughter has even turned her husband, a Spurs fan, into a City fan/supporter)

I am still a ST holder and try to get to at least one or two away games a year, mostly in the midlands where my son now lives, so that we can go together.

Having said that I am also a Man U fan, and have been since I was a small boy and Duncan Edwards was my idol. I do not consider myself a Man U supporter as I have only once been to Old trafford. I do enjoy watching them on TV, though, and theirs is the first result, after City's of course, that i want to know.

Does this make me a 'proper' fan?

Btw - if City play Man U., there's only one team I support - BCFC.

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The responses are intresting.

Someone I know recently went to the milwall game and said it was the worse 'we had played in a long time' I had never realised he was or claimed to be a city fan and asked him when he had last seen us,he said he couldnt remember...well is he a 'proper fan' or just daft to say milwall was our worse performance wen there was much worst last year n year before!

I guess there is no definition of a 'real' fan , its each to their own

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Old man took me to my first game when I was 6months old in 1991 at home to Sunderland, think we won 1-0? Anyway, he took me every year after that up until 2006 when I started to go with the yoof. From there untill 2010 I had a season ticket, but haven't renewed for the past two seasons due to my love of the game decreasing and most of my friends have stopped going/working/found better things to do.

From what I've been told (obviously I cannot remember), I had a season ticket 14 years in a row from 1993 to 2006. Used to do a lot more away games when I was younger and I've been to 43 stadia across England and Wales. The most away games I did was our first season in the Championship (19), but the last away game I went to was Peterborough in 2010 when those fire crackers were set off.

To conclude, in my opinion, I would say I was a proper fan (hate this term) when my dad used to take me and when I used to go regularly, but now I'd say I'm more of an observer. I always, without fail, listen to all the City matches and I always know who we're playing and the result come 5pm, but as previously stated, my love for the game has somewhat declined. Whether this is external factors (getting older, different interests, more responsibilities etc) or internal factors (shit football, expensive etc) is up for debate. What I do know is, I definitely used to love the game much more when I was younger. I'll always love football and it will always be a huge part of my life, but there's part of me thinking it's too commercialised and the fan culture is non-existent.

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As a twelve year old i have stood shivering outside the old programme shop waiting for it to open....frig...i never bought one , but they had an old gas heater that me and my mates used to stand around to keep warm untill the turnstiles opened, then to the east end for a cup of crap boveril and another dissapointing day....57 now and still love it....

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1. Been a fan since I was about 6 in 2000, my dad took me to a few games in the 00/01 season and the 01/02 season. Finally got a season ticket from 2002-2005 then one in the 09/10 season and didnt miss a home game in all 4 of them season ticket seasons. Money is the problem and work why I don't go down every saturday, ever since my first game I watched (4-0 win against Reading) I have absolutely loved it. City is also in my family, my Grandad went to games in the 50's and 60's, my Uncle and my Dad started going around 1988 and have been ever since.

Like many who love the club like me, we can't make it every week - it doesn't mean we're not proper supporters.

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Propper fan?

Maybe if you said supporter then we could probably all work out how much we have spent on ST's and merchandise. then compile a list and see who is the biggest supporter or fan, then hand out badges with our positions on them, SL would be number 1 I bet, but thats unfair so he can't play

So where do you think you would come? God, I would hate to come last

The question is subjective and inflammatory

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Proper fan? What a ridiculous thing to say. I work on match days so can't go, does that make me a less of a fan?

Yeah, exactly! I mean who cares who is more of a fan than not? Who cares if someone likes City and Man United, I'm not saying I do because I hate glory supporters, but who actually cares? As long as they follow the club!

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Guest LongwellRed

first game with old man 1978 - I actually got him in to city just like another poster. Went off and on throughout school years then more regularly from '86 onwards til '95 when i got pissed off with it and started playing on saturdays as well as sundays. When I retired from playing had a season ticket for 4 years til kids arrived and money got tight. Can't afford to go down at all at the moment, do I miss it, sometimes, do I still think I'm a 'fan' ? Hell yes, I'll be back !!

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1. Been a fan since my Dad told me i was in about 93 when i was about 5! I cant remember my 1st game but i played up, didnt like it. However, i remember my second, i was in Year 2 at Holy Cross and the club gave our whole class a ticket and we beat Notts county 4-1, then i pestered my Dad to take me again. He played football at a decent standard at this point and we played the Gas away at around 95/96 and we had a bet if City beat the gas, he would take me to the game the following Tuesday and would buy me the shirt and we beat them 2-1. Im guessing that this was one of the 1st at the rugby ground. He then took me in and out until our promotion season in 97/98 and that was it then, been hooked ever since.

To be honest, the amount of pain and heartache this club has gave me i rather he didnt but i do love the club, even got a naff tattoo on my wrist of the angry Robin! I graduated to going on my own in Wilsons last season where i went away with CJS and did every game for 2 years, with all my school mates. It created memories that we still talk about now, even though alot of them dont go down every week.

Im now in the Eastend, had a season ticket last 2 seasons, but didnt bother with one this year and ive just ended up seeing every game (bar Gillingham because of the ques!) because i wanted to play football this year, but ive got a bad ankle injury which has only cleared in the last week (made my return last night, unfit but imagine Trundle vs Scunny for the goal i scored ;)). Results havent gone our way the last few weeks but if we keep scoring goals and ending up with 4-1's, 4-2's, 5-3's, ill end up seeing every home game and like an idiot regret not getting a season ticket and get one at Xmas. With the half season ticket that will probably what i ask for xmas off mother and pa!!

I love City, they make me happy, they make me sad, they give me every emotion possible. Some of my closest mates dont come down often, only when there are deals on or big games, but every time they win, i meet up with them after and i end up having brilliant nights because it just puts me in the mood. If we lose, City talk is forbidden because it makes me angry and sad.

2) A proper fan? Someone that buzzes on a friday about who we are playing and knows who we are playing then, whatever they are doing, if there in the pub, at work, whatever, they know the result. Some of my mates love the club but cant afford to go or are playing, yet when i see them at 5.30pm after a home game, all they wanna know is how they done. That too me is a proper fan. COYR

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As a twelve year old i have stood shivering outside the old programme shop waiting for it to open....frig...i never bought one , but they had an old gas heater that me and my mates used to stand around to keep warm untill the turnstiles opened, then to the east end for a cup of crap boveril and another dissapointing day....57 now and still love it....

We must of been going from the same time 67/8; used to get no 14 bus from outside the anchor (new cheltenham) down to old market or get a coach from near Soundwell Baths;****il I got a car) must know you or certainly went to same schools :o

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First game was in 1977 and in the following few decades literally shed blood sweat and tears as well as a big lump of my income following City.

I think once you've been that keen a fan, you'll always have City in your heart.

Having said that. now I'm exiled and can't make every game, I do feel a bit of an outsider at games compared with when I was a season ticket holder. Plus I never feel able to contribute much to the forum with regard current team tactics etc. If I haven't been to the game. which once again leaves me feeling a bit on the outside.

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Only real fans remember this!

What if you were born after that period? That's kind of out of anybody's hands.

That was probably the easiest time to support the reds as they were doing well. I take my hat off to the supporters who followed City in the bottom two leagues over the years. That's loyalty.

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Simple , I'm reading a book by Adrian chiles in which he follows west brim fans for a season with a variety of different fans ..as u can imagine it is an intresting read but got me thinking

I really cannot imagine that

Firstly - It is quite an interesting read, he isn't alot of people's cup of tea but this book brings out the true football supporter in him.

Also a very moving chapter on Jeff Astle when he meets his daughter/grandaughter.

For me there's too many permataions of a 'fan' to define a proper fan. I'm happy with having City as the top club on your list to call yourself a fan and nobody needs question it.

I go very regularly, Dad took me when I was 5/6 to Bradford at home in Feb' 1996, I got a pencil case and revelled in going to football. Having moved to Solihull by that time its still a 180 mile round trip but easier to access alot of away games. City have shaped my views on football, through 95-99 and probably beyond I detested constant success, grew up with Man United winning everything and at times felt like it was forced on me. I loved it though and feel like City as a mythical thing supported me when I lost my Dad, he went with friends, his Dad got him involved and I still sit with his mates at home games, I love going to away games but feel like I haven't seen a great one since QPR in January 2011 probably miss 10 games a season league and cup. I did most of my '92' with City and was delighted to finish with City at Brighton in January.

I do have a fair few mates that follow United and they are more of a fan than some that follow Birmingham & Villa round here, they can't get up every week because of the cost, some can and have no connection to United but I have started to accept them as proper fans, anyone's a fan if they care for City first, I'm still of the opinion you can't consider yourself a fan of a second club.

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To be a proper fan you don't have to go to every game, you don't even have to live in the UK.

But like the OP says you do have to care about the club being successful. You at the least should want to find out who we are playing next before a game passes by or better still know who and when that this because you have a copy of the seasons fixtures somewhere or in todays world you should at least look at the official website, the BBC or Sky Bristol City pages and/or follow Adam etc on Twitter.

But most importantly you must have an emotional connection to the club which for me (as I don't get to many games) is:

Wondering "how we are doing" during any game and a need to know how "we got on" as soon as possible after the game.

It can all start with the first game you went to, your Dad's influence or a favourite player. For me, I was lucky enough to have been born in Bristol, have had lots of connections to the club, from past employee to current "small" shareholder .... But however a club gets to you when you can not deny the "feelings" and what it ends up meaning to you ... then you are a fan.

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What if you were born after that period? That's kind of out of anybody's hands.

That was probably the easiest time to support the reds as they were doing well. I take my hat off to the supporters who followed City in the bottom two leagues over the years. That's loyalty.

That would include myself and another poster on here 'i hate you butler'. I can remember , young and stupid as we were , walking the length of the Portway on New Years day to play Swindon about 83/84. Drew 1-1 , Alan Crawford equalised right at the death if I remember right.

Blimey that makes me feel old !! Great days though.

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What a great thread, enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

My story is I was born in Bristol but moved away to North Glos at the age of 3. Attended my first game in 1992 in the FA Cup at home to Wimbledon - my Dad has been a diehard since the 60s and his dad was the same. He took me along to Ashton Gate and I thought the amateur league in the park across the road was actually Ashton Gate on my first visit! We drew 1-1 and weirdly I can remember us hitting the post late on and nearly nicking it - this might be a figment of my imagination though, as I was only 6!

I became a season ticket holder in 97/98 after a brief (ill advised) flirtation with Liverpool when I was 7/8 years old. Growing up with no City mates was difficult, everyone at my school followed a big Prem team or Swindon Town - who I detest as much as the Rovers due to my upbringing. I held a season ticket right through til 2005 when I started Uni. Me and my Dad sat with the same people in the Atyeo for 8 years and he's still there now. I've never had a mate who's a City fan, one of the biggest regrets of my childhood - I've never experienced what it's like to be part of a group of mates who go to games together and support the same team. I say to all the Bristol lads and lasses on here, you're very very lucky! It really is me and my old man, and maybe always will be.

I now live in London and haven't held a season ticket for 7 seasons now, which I find truly shocking. I still miss it every week but tight finances and the long distance means I can only pick and choose these days. I'm 26 now but I'm still as passionate as I was as a teenager, though I've realised there's more to life than City, however much I love them. My last game was Watford away - I took an Arsenal mate from work (a 'proper' fan who goes to all their home games) and the buzz in the pub beforehand (away pub in Watford) was brilliant. To be honest it was as fun as the match itself.

My girlfriend actually asked me last night 'if you didn't support Bristol City who would you support?' - she genuinely found it hard to understand that I could never support any other team. It's a rite of passage, it's part of my life and even though I can't go to games that often, it consumes every single Saturday afternoon for me. As another poster alluded to, there is only one club. If City died I'd probably stop watching football altogether. CTID.

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I try to explain the feeling of getting up Saturday morning, driving to the ground, parking up getting a bite to eat from your local chippy or a Clarks pie. Having a few pints while discussing the way City are at the moment and giving your view to the other what you hope the line up will be. Venturing into the ground, watching the players train and waiting for the players then to come out and hopefully give an exciting performance to which we can drive home and discuss our views on the game while listening to Radio Bristol.

These guys seriously do not know what real football is and the real passion of supporting a club.

This x100.

This is the first season i've missed any home game since 06/07 due to working in London for the year - you would not believe how much getting up, watching soccer am, getting to the ground, watching the lunchtime kickoff in the dolman etc is missed! Only game i've got to was Watford away - and next game will probably be Watford again boxing day before Leeds away in Jan

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One thing I often say to end any argument with the local plastic Man Utd fans when they are mocking me for supporting City is this....

Let's imagine that Bristol City get bought by some Russian/American/Saudi/Chinese billionaire and we find ourselves in the Premier League. Our new owners spend a fortune and in 5 or 6 years, we are challenging for the title, and make it to a major European final. It's never going to happen I know, but Man City were in league 1 in the not so distant past. If Bristol City got to a final, faraway in some obscure country, I would beg, borrow, steal, get a loan, use a credit card, or whatever it would take to get me to that final. There's no way I'm missing it. I just couldn't. Supported City all my life, it's my club, my family. Man Utd have been in 3 Champions League finals in the last 15 years. How many of them did you go to?

Always shuts them up. They've never even considered going. Never crossed their mind. For me that's the difference between proper fans and plastic ones.

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One thing I often say to end any argument with the local plastic Man Utd fans when they are mocking me for supporting City is this....

Let's imagine that Bristol City get bought by some Russian/American/Saudi/Chinese billionaire and we find ourselves in the Premier League. Our new owners spend a fortune and in 5 or 6 years, we are challenging for the title, and make it to a major European final. It's never going to happen I know, but Man City were in league 1 in the not so distant past. If Bristol City got to a final, faraway in some obscure country, I would beg, borrow, steal, get a loan, use a credit card, or whatever it would take to get me to that final. There's no way I'm missing it. I just couldn't. Supported City all my life, it's my club, my family. Man Utd have been in 3 Champions League finals in the last 15 years. How many of them did you go to?

Always shuts them up. They've never even considered going. Never crossed their mind. For me that's the difference between proper fans and plastic ones.

Nice one fella, i would sell my granny to get to one of them there finals
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What a great thread, enjoyed reading everyone's posts.

My story is I was born in Bristol but moved away to North Glos at the age of 3. Attended my first game in 1992 in the FA Cup at home to Wimbledon - my Dad has been a diehard since the 60s and his dad was the same. He took me along to Ashton Gate and I thought the amateur league in the park across the road was actually Ashton Gate on my first visit! We drew 1-1 and weirdly I can remember us hitting the post late on and nearly nicking it - this might be a figment of my imagination though, as I was only 6!

I became a season ticket holder in 97/98 after a brief (ill advised) flirtation with Liverpool when I was 7/8 years old. Growing up with no City mates was difficult, everyone at my school followed a big Prem team or Swindon Town - who I detest as much as the Rovers due to my upbringing. I held a season ticket right through til 2005 when I started Uni. Me and my Dad sat with the same people in the Atyeo for 8 years and he's still there now. I've never had a mate who's a City fan, one of the biggest regrets of my childhood - I've never experienced what it's like to be part of a group of mates who go to games together and support the same team. I say to all the Bristol lads and lasses on here, you're very very lucky! It really is me and my old man, and maybe always will be.

I now live in London and haven't held a season ticket for 7 seasons now, which I find truly shocking. I still miss it every week but tight finances and the long distance means I can only pick and choose these days. I'm 26 now but I'm still as passionate as I was as a teenager, though I've realised there's more to life than City, however much I love them. My last game was Watford away - I took an Arsenal mate from work (a 'proper' fan who goes to all their home games) and the buzz in the pub beforehand (away pub in Watford) was brilliant. To be honest it was as fun as the match itself.

My girlfriend actually asked me last night 'if you didn't support Bristol City who would you support?' - she genuinely found it hard to understand that I could never support any other team. It's a rite of passage, it's part of my life and even though I can't go to games that often, it consumes every single Saturday afternoon for me. As another poster alluded to, there is only one club. If City died I'd probably stop watching football altogether. CTID.

Great post! Enjoyed reading

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It's a non starter really. completely irrelevant.

can you measure it in years? no. if you're born in 1996 lets say, then anyone who has been going since 96 would automatically be considered more of a fan, so that doesn't work.

can you measure it in amount of games? no. many others live too far away/dont have time or money to see city or have other more important things than football e.g family.

and here's the biggest reason why this whole thing is a non-starter. about 10 years ago we were getting crowds of 9,000 or so (and before that we undoubtedly had had spells with less regular fans) on average while today we get closer to the 14,000 mark, are the extra 5,000 regulars any less of a city fan than those original 9,000? no. likewise if we get a new stadium and reach the premier league and start attracting 30,000 a week. are the extra 16,000 any less important than those who go today? no.

in all honesty, the "proper fan" debate is just a show off contest, rather like peacock's trying to show their feathers. the reality is it honestly doesn't matter.

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Well I go as many times as possible and since I started supporting them I have known who they are playing each week without fail. I live in the Midlands now so try and go as much as I can, taking account of my Saturday morning football with Cheltenham Town youth I manage to go about 1-15 times in a season.

So Id count myself as a proper fan! :surrender:

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My god you've got it!

I always say being a City Supporter gives you the reward of a lot of crap Saturday nights

But I wouldn't swap any of it

So so true! There are many Saturday evenings where I've wished my dad had never taken me down Ashton Gate. But there are those days when it all seems totally worth it. And that's why we are all hooked!

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Apologies...it seems my opening post has Bern misinterpreted slightly...I never meant to say anyone wasnt a proper fan etc more ask what u think one is and whst sort of fan you are

If u live in Dubai your never goin to watch city ..but you could Still be a proper fan.

I guess my main aim was to provoke some stories n opinion which it seems to have done. We all love city n we are all fans but the journey we have to now is often so different but we are united by the outcome

Sport has a great power in this way

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Watching them since 65.

Season ticket holder since early ninties

Done 90 odd grounds (some now defunct) watching the City.

Only proposed to my girlfriend coz I was still bollexed the day after we had beaten Leeds in '74

Nearly got killed coming back from Brentford on the M4 in '87

When we lose it ruins my whole weekend/week.Don't even bother to watch MOTD and rarely go down the pub.

Long ago decided not to move away (coz of City) when had the chance to better meself.

Also ,long ago decided that when supporting City, the downs I feel, seem to be alot "downer" than the ups I get!

Proper "supporter", dunno, you tell me !

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i'm 28, watched the city since i was old enough for the old man to take me down the gate, about 5/6. don't have a season ticket any longer, football has changed over the years and as much as city will always be a part of me, going down to watch the lads (home or away) doesn't consume me with the fun that it did say 10 years ago. football is a different creature now, it's evolved and is without doubt more mainstream and socially accepted (nice, perhaps).

i love sport, really love sport, there is nothing better than watching a great sporting accomplishment in my mind, it lifts the soul. i now find myself watching sport from around the world and have developed a love of american football, due to the "must win" attitude and draft system (which is a breath of fresh air in sport, wage cap also). i now "support" 2 clubs, bristol city and green bay packers. i must admit, due to success in the past few seasons, green bay have started to win my heart. i will always be a football fan (soccer ;) ) and i will only have one team but times change, i'd love to go back to the days of the 90's and be a young lad following the city home and away but watching football is not that much fun anymore and i'll pick my games as and when.

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