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Fighting Culture

The Humble Realist

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After events at man city...

Why do fans (especially younger ones) fight or believe they should?

Why do fans (in east end for example) charge at the stewards by the segregation...what does it achieve?

This isn't a post to provoke argument...more a question of interest ....to try n get in their heads. Surely its more than booze n rivalry.

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After events at man city...

Why do fans (especially younger ones) fight or believe they should?

Why do fans (in east end for example) charge at the stewards by the segregation...what does it achieve?

This isn't a post to provoke argument...more a question of interest ....to try n get in their heads. Surely its more than booze n rivalry.

Because they know it won't succeed and they won't get hurt, if the stewards stood aside and said 'go on then get on with it', they would shit themselves.

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After events at man city...

Why do fans (especially younger ones) fight or believe they should?

Why do fans (in east end for example) charge at the stewards by the segregation...what does it achieve?

This isn't a post to provoke argument...more a question of interest ....to try n get in their heads. Surely its more than booze n rivalry.

Manhood? test of metal? Im too hippie like to bother myself, too laid back plus I couldnt punch my way out of a paperbag anyway. Leave it to the kids to embarras themselves :)

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I would venture a guess that it is a way of venting our inner caveman. We are predators, as well as highly territorial (most wars are caused by this). However in modern society, it is unacceptable to punch someone or fight. However, when another football team comes to town, it's like our territory is being invaded. So we intimidate using the mob for protection. It is for this reason that people (including myself) say things at the football at opposition fans and players that outside of the ground you would never dream of saying, because we're nice people right?

Edit: I, like 'Beyond the red sea' have never fought anyone and i too could not fight my way out of the fore mentioned paper bag

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Man has always felt the need to fight, even in the early days when they fought over the freshly killed dinosaur.

Think football violence is more tribal, travelling to someone elses manor to try and 'take it' as the saying goes.

The adrenalin rush you get before a ruck or travelling to one, is better than any drug on the market.


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I would venture a guess that it is a way of venting our inner caveman. We are predators, as well as highly territorial (most wars are caused by this). However in modern society, it is unacceptable to punch someone or fight. However, when another football team comes to town, it's like our territory is being invaded. So we intimidate using the mob for protection. It is for this reason that people (including myself) say things at the football at opposition fans and players that outside of the ground you would never dream of saying, because we're nice people right?

Edit: I, like 'Beyond the red sea' have never fought anyone and i too could not fight my way out of the fore mentioned paper bag

Within lies the answer, segregation made from paper bags...simples

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Guest tom from sunny side

I would hope that most Bristol City, Man City or any fan of any team would never throw objects or attack an opposition player...I know it's reported that many objects were thrown at the Etihad (esp at Rooney) but surely we're dealing with a few idiots not the majority. If I saw someone doing that at AG, I would tell them to pipe down and report them to a steward/the police. That doesn't mean fans have to tone down their "passion" just that there's a line that shouldn't be crossed

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Guest tom from sunny side

Man has always felt the need to fight, even in the early days when they fought over the freshly killed dinosaur.

Think football violence is more tribal, travelling to someone elses manor to try and 'take it' as the saying goes.

The adrenalin rush you get before a ruck or travelling to one, is better than any drug on the market.


we've come a long way from freshly killed dinosaur buddy! I'd say something is missing in someone's life if they get their "rushes" from fighting

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Man has always felt the need to fight, even in the early days when they fought over the freshly killed dinosaur.

Think football violence is more tribal, travelling to someone elses manor to try and 'take it' as the saying goes.

The adrenalin rush you get before a ruck or travelling to one, is better than any drug on the market.


Impossible, but you knew that really, right?

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After events at man city...

Why do fans (especially younger ones) fight or believe they should?

Why do fans (in east end for example) charge at the stewards by the segregation...what does it achieve?

This isn't a post to provoke argument...more a question of interest ....to try n get in their heads. Surely its more than booze n rivalry.

Younger ones? Hang on a minute. I'm no hooligan but by the sounds of it, back in the ' old days ' it was much much worse than it is now.

You old sods can't say anything! ;)

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Why do fans (in east end for example) charge at the stewards by the segregation...what does it achieve?

Is it not just the excitement after scoring a goal?? Some fans stand and clap and may even smile others go mental and naturally are drawn towards the enemy (away fans)....

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Man has always felt the need to fight, even in the early days when they fought over the freshly killed dinosaur.

Think football violence is more tribal, travelling to someone elses manor to try and 'take it' as the saying goes.

The adrenalin rush you get before a ruck or travelling to one, is better than any drug on the market.


HAHA WTF? Suggest you read up on your human history rather than get it from the Flintstones...

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Guest VillageRed

Growing up in the 60's and 80's I don't believe it was a case of thuggery, it was seen as a matter of pride and status to keep the opposition fans off the East End, away from home it was sometimes a matter of survivial unless you were going to Swindon where roles were very much reversed and we regularly took the Town End and had a got at the Tote. I've been chased all over various Towns and Cities. It was tribal and good fun.

Today's yobs tend to get their kicks getting wrecked in the City Centre over the weekend and reeking havoc in the ealry hours, we just did it differently.

Nothing to be ashamed of, it was just the way it was, and it was absolutely fantastic.

I'm all grown up, proper job, kids, all that stuff, but I still look back fondly on that era.

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Guest poland_red

Once a thug - always a thug. Why do you need football as your conduit? Is it because you have police and stewards to protect you?

Sexist as well it appears...

do you not think most people who go to football for a row would prefer it if the police kept their beaks out of it and let them get on with it? Or do you think people enjoy getting banged up for throwing a punch, being plastered in newspapers or being sacked from their job? Your post lacks basic logic and thought.

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What's all this about ? cant get my head round it, we have always had, and we probably will have a culture at the gate that like to have a row, it's been with us since the seventies at least, we have all seen and witnessed it at home and away maches, for my part i used to be associated with that culture, that feeling of being part of the firm was for me ,in the past a very important part of my being, i never thought or said it was right, to be honest i never really gave a toss...

being part of and belonging to a firm, crew, mob or whatever name you choose to brand it with was part of who i was at that time, and to be blunt, i friggin loved every moment, the rush of kill or be killed ( slight over exaggeration ) was a fuel i used to run on, i lived for saturdays, i actually miss that feeling on saturdays, i was never a bully, i never to my knowledge caused harm to anyone other than like minded peeps like myself who understood the rules of engagement,.....sorry to admit this, but that's who i was, i am now worse ! xxx i shop at Asda !

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When did this place become so self righteous?

Everything is so instantly condemned, people spouting off about who's right and who's wrong.

Don't sing this, don't sing that, this is offensive, you're a bunch of thugs, Hooligans, drunkards, thatchers gold, don't stand up, lee johnson, our away following is horrible, the dark ages, the man with the tattoos said a naughty word, it's why I don't travel away, would someone please think of the children.

Get over yourselves this I'm holier than thou attitude is pathetic. Can we please just get back to having a laugh and a bit of banter without people casting judgment on each other because their match day experience differs from yours.

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Guest poland_red

When did this place become so self righteous?

Everything is so instantly condemned, people spouting off about who's right and who's wrong.

Don't sing this, don't sing that, this is offensive, you're a bunch of thugs, Hooligans, drunkards, thatchers gold, don't stand up, lee johnson, our away following is horrible, the dark ages, the man with the tattoos said a naughty word, it's why I don't travel away, would someone please think of the children.

Get over yourselves this I'm holier than thou attitude is pathetic. Can we please just get back to having a laugh and a bit of banter without people casting judgment on each other because their match day experience differs from yours.

too bloody right :thumbsup: and fair play to you mask for sticking your head above the parapet.

originally the self-righteous preachers on this board amused me, now i'm starting to wish they'd fall down the stairs or summat.

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When did this place become so self righteous?

Everything is so instantly condemned, people spouting off about who's right and who's wrong.

Don't sing this, don't sing that, this is offensive, you're a bunch of thugs, Hooligans, drunkards, thatchers gold, don't stand up, lee johnson, our away following is horrible, the dark ages, the man with the tattoos said a naughty word, it's why I don't travel away, would someone please think of the children.

Get over yourselves this I'm holier than thou attitude is pathetic. Can we please just get back to having a laugh and a bit of banter without people casting judgment on each other because their match day experience differs from yours.

Best post on this thread by a country mile.

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Guest tom from sunny side

"What's all this about ? cant get my head round it, we have always had, and we probably will have a culture at the gate that like to have a row, it's been with us since the seventies at least, we have all seen and witnessed it at home and away maches, for my part i used to be associated with that culture, that feeling of being part of the firm was for me ,in the past a very important part of my being, i never thought or said it was right, to be honest i never really gave a toss...

being part of and belonging to a firm, crew, mob or whatever name you choose to brand it with was part of who i was at that time, and to be blunt, i friggin loved every moment, the rush of kill or be killed ( slight over exaggeration ) was a fuel i used to run on, i lived for saturdays, i actually miss that feeling on saturdays, i was never a bully, i never to my knowledge caused harm to any"

ok but what if during one of your fights you had got killed or you killed or seriously injured someone? I imagine that would effect countless family and friends of the people involved, and they would have had no say in the matter. Do you think the family of that city fan who battered the Leeds fan in the Dman think it was worth it when he went to prison? Perhaps the reason you are no longer part of that culture is because you found what was missing in your life, a wife or husband,new friends or perhaps just shopping in Asda?

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Guest poland_red

My logic is Understandable - keep thugs away from football.

Your logic, however, is baffling. If you don't wish to;

see your face in the newspaper

be 'banged up'

lose your job

Then don't fight at football grounds...

I've clearly got the wrong end of your stick. I took your comments to mean people fight at football because they don't have the cojones to do so in an environment that isn't policed should things get on top for them.

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"For those who know, no explanation is necessary.

For those who don't, no explanation is possible."

How true is that,by the way is that one of yours or a famous old saying that is so famous i've never heard of it.

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Guest poland_red

How true is that,by the way is that one of yours or a famous old saying that is so famous i've never heard of it.

a philosophical quote that's been used in many different forms over the years. Have also seen it used in one of the books topical to this thread - i think stoke's possibly??

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a philosophical quote that's been used in many different forms over the years. Have also seen it used in one of the books topical to this thread - i think stoke's possibly??

Thanks for clearing that up,as I said very true.

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"For those who know, no explanation is necessary.

For those who don't, no explanation is possible."

I'm sorry, but that's just a load of old tosh.

What you're trying to say is that people who don't go fighting at football will never understand so we should just keep our noses out?

Just because we're not all thugs it doesn't mean we can't understand how you can get hooked to the adrenaline rush, the sense of belonging etc., it just means that we can still see it for the idiocy it clearly is.

At it's basest form it's no different to belonging to any sort of 'club', be it the local Round Table, a group of trainspotters, whatever. But it is socially unacceptable and illegal, both of which should give some kind of clue to the aggressors that what they are doing is just plain wrong. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to get through, meaning that football supporters in general have to put up with substantial losses of civil liberties every time they attend a match.

If you really want to fight and display your manliness to the world get some gloves and take up boxing. If you don't fancy that then go and do something else, anything, but please leave football the heck alone. It doesn't need you, and never did. It might have started as a bit of 'fun' in the 60s, but by the 80s it had run it's natural course and was just plain nasty.

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I'm sorry, but that's just a load of old tosh.

What you're trying to say is that people who don't go fighting at football will never understand so we should just keep our noses out?

Just because we're not all thugs it doesn't mean we can't understand how you can get hooked to the adrenaline rush, the sense of belonging etc., it just means that we can still see it for the idiocy it clearly is.

At it's basest form it's no different to belonging to any sort of 'club', be it the local Round Table, a group of trainspotters, whatever. But it is socially unacceptable and illegal, both of which should give some kind of clue to the aggressors that what they are doing is just plain wrong. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to get through, meaning that football supporters in general have to put up with substantial losses of civil liberties every time they attend a match.

If you really want to fight and display your manliness to the world get some gloves and take up boxing. If you don't fancy that then go and do something else, anything, but please leave football the heck alone. It doesn't need you, and never did. It might have started as a bit of 'fun' in the 60s, but by the 80s it had run it's natural course and was just plain nasty.

So you've not experienced the smell of the crowd and the roar of the greasepaint ? :ill:

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Somone once said to me, football is tribal.. mild mannered people are turned into warriors defending their land from rival tribes. Although slightly ludicrous does have a ring of truth to it.

Tribal......... is a deep instinct that we (most of us rational people) overcome but even the most mild sometimes lapse to a state of 'basic instinct' at given times/points or under certain circumstance?

e.g ........ We are all BCFC....... but generally we don't want to punch someones lights out over it............. but

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Guest poland_red

Tribal......... is a deep instinct that we (most of us rational people) overcome but even the most mild sometimes lapse to a state of 'basic instinct' at given times/points or under certain circumstance?

e.g ........ We are all BCFC....... but generally we don't want to punch someones lights out over it............. but

but... whatever floats your boat. as long as the 'punching of the lights' is between consenting adults I'm not too bothered.

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When did this place become so self righteous?

Everything is so instantly condemned, people spouting off about who's right and who's wrong.

Don't sing this, don't sing that, this is offensive, you're a bunch of thugs, Hooligans, drunkards, thatchers gold, don't stand up, lee johnson, our away following is horrible, the dark ages, the man with the tattoos said a naughty word, it's why I don't travel away, would someone please think of the children.

Get over yourselves this I'm holier than thou attitude is pathetic. Can we please just get back to having a laugh and a bit of banter without people casting judgment on each other because their match day experience differs from yours.

Oh my lord! ....Good Post Sir!

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And away from the gate... So I can go to Cardiff on a whim and not be treated like a criminal?

This, surely, is the main point.

If groups of repressed homosexuals want to exchange numbers and meet up for a close-quarters grapple, whilst admiring their hideous 'designer' clothes, they are free to do so as long as they keep it well away from the ground and don't involve any innocent people.

'Having a good old ruck' 'back in the day' has lead to both the image of the sport being tarnished and to football fans having to put up with being treated like vermin by the coppers - as well as the ridiculously high policing costs that clubs get landed with.

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Guest poland_red

This, surely, is the main point.

If groups of repressed homosexuals want to exchange numbers and meet up for a close-quarters grapple, whilst admiring their hideous 'designer' clothes, they are free to do so as long as they keep it well away from the ground and don't involve any innocent people.

'Having a good old ruck' 'back in the day' has lead to both the image of the sport being tarnished and to football fans having to put up with being treated like vermin by the coppers - as well as the ridiculously high policing costs that clubs get landed with.

the thing is, most do. when you look at most of the incidents that have been reported on this season, eg. that clown at leeds, and the student in the bobble hat at man city, those aren't hooligans per se, just mongs who can't handle their beer and get caught up in a moment. I think that pair would struggle to fight their way out of a crisp packet. it's wrong to apply words like hooligan or casual to that pair of pillocks, but people do.

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That's a good point - without the moronic thugs who want to fight, the policing and stewarding costs would be minimal - and we wouldn't be treated like vermin and tarred with the same brush.

Same Brush !! ?

So being tarred and brushed for your own crimes, and covered with feathers is a good idea, my mind is running riot,

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