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I hope the stewards who confiscated the couple of young lads cans of coke in the EE before the game are pleased with themselves.

I realise they were probably following orders but surely a bit of common sense would have sufficed.

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I hope the stewards who confiscated the couple of young lads cans of coke in the EE before the game are pleased with themselves.

I realise they were probably following orders but surely a bit of common sense would have sufficed.

Appreciate what you are saying however, in the week when Rio Ferdinand was hit and injured by a coin, can you imagine what would happen if an oppo player taking a corner was hit by a full can of coke?

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Appreciate what you are saying however, in the week when Rio Ferdinand was hit and injured by a coin, can you imagine what would happen if an oppo player taking a corner was hit by a full can of coke?

That was a full blooded, literally, local derby this was Bristol City v Derby and the lads couldn't have been more than 14 and had been drinking from one of said cans, the other was produced from a carrier bag.

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That was a full blooded, literally, local derby this was Bristol City v Derby and the lads couldn't have been more than 14 and had been drinking from one of said cans, the other was produced from a carrier bag.

Then you can't blame the stewards who took it off them, you have to blame the stewards outside who never searched the bag in the first place.

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That was a full blooded, literally, local derby this was Bristol City v Derby and the lads couldn't have been more than 14 and had been drinking from one of said cans, the other was produced from a carrier bag.

Can't bring in cans, easy to break an empty one into a sharp blade. Full one thrown as a missile. Shake it and open it in someones face :punish: , all crimes that would face lifetime bans

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Guest bcfcsouth

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Kenn Loyal" data-cid="1682715" data-time="1355691573"><p>

Stewards, brains, the two dont mix. Most of them are agency clowns out to earn a easy 20 quid, people skills are non existent, god help you all if something really did kick off</p></blockquote>

I worry that if there was a genuine problem, how many would actually be any good.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Kenn Loyal" data-cid="1682715" data-time="1355691573"><p>

Stewards, brains, the two dont mix. Most of them are agency clowns out to earn a easy 20 quid, people skills are non existent, god help you all if something really did kick off</p></blockquote>

I worry that if there was a genuine problem, how many would actually be any good.

Very few i would think looking at them, there either vastly over weight or spotty kids. Would really be interested to know how much training they have had to do this job.

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Guest bcfcsouth

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Kenn Loyal" data-cid="1682800" data-time="1355699728"><p>

<br />

<br />

Very few i would think looking at them, there either vastly over weight or spotty kids. Would really be interested to know how much training they have had to do this job.</p></blockquote>

A day at the max I imagine. amazing how so much faith is put in people with a hi viz on

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Guest poland_red

the stewards were only following their rulebook. but, to become one in the first place you've got to be a bit of a jobsworth jizzbag.

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Guest Brian Butterfield

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Bcfc-Chris" data-cid="1682699" data-time="1355689972"><p>

The stewards getting pissy about people standing on the seats, and then us all singing about standing up, and seeing them skulking away was the best bit of the game!</p></blockquote>

I don't think we've heard the last of that. Stewards looked proper peeved when everyone gave them a metaphorical two fingers.

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Guest bcfcsouth

<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Stucks" data-cid="1682808" data-time="1355699995"><p>

What do people want though? If stewards did their job correctly they would one by one eject the whole east end for standing up ! Not sayin they should do, just if they did job by the book</p></blockquote>

The club could always ban a hell of a lot of fans for entering the ground drink.

Ss officers were just following orders and rules etc.

segregation rules in the USA were rules, didnt make them right.

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You'd think someone on minimum wage wouldn't actually give much of a shit but they seem to take their job really seriously.

There's one too who's got some kind of camera on his head, thinks he's terminator and one pr1ck who's so colossally overweight (and I think only one eye). Seriously where do they get these goons.

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You'd think someone on minimum wage wouldn't actually give much of a shit but they seem to take their job really seriously.

There's one too who's got some kind of camera on his head, thinks he's terminator and one pr1ck who's so colossally overweight (and I think only one eye). Seriously where do they get these goons.

Doctor who by the sound of your description.

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Was speaking to a steward at the cup game a while bk we tryed to leave early and weren't allowed- I asked what kick do you actually get from this job his response was I get paid £45 for less then 3 hours doing **** all! He was quite young and have never seen him there since. Was good to see them put in their place on Saturday.

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I hope the stewards who confiscated the couple of young lads cans of coke in the EE before the game are pleased with themselves.

I realise they were probably following orders but surely a bit of common sense would have sufficed.

Appreciate what you are saying however, in the week when Rio Ferdinand was hit and injured by a coin, can you imagine what would happen if an oppo player taking a corner was hit by a full can of coke?

Or a cup of coffee?

I've never tried to throw a cup of coffee but that could also be thrown onto the pitch;

Banning taking a golf umbrella into the ground is one thing but small things like cans of coke are taking it too far IMO

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This one always amazes me, I always take a flask in for a half time coffee and they always search my bage and never have a problem with it. I would not however be allowed to take a can of coke in.

I reckon I could do more damage with my 3/4 litre stainless steel flask than anyone with a coke can. Come and have a go.....!

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It does sound officious, but national ground regs almost certainly state?

Recently my friend had an an error with his season ticket card and it failed to work for the Eastend. The stewards directed him to the the nearby person from customer services, he was let into the stand quickly, and within two days the club were in contact to arrange a replacement card. An example of City getting things very right.

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Very few i would think looking at them, there either vastly over weight or spotty kids. Would really be interested to know how much training they have had to do this job.

i = I
there = they're
them, = them.
there = They're
Shit grandma

Technically sir, your own corrections are incorrect and still wouldn't form a proper set of sentences in the English language. Just to add another level of pedantry to your own helping. Probably best just to refrain from correcting people though when the post was perfectly understandable in the first place...

On topic, a more sensible solution would have been to ask the kids to drink the coke that was open, confiscate the unopened one/s, and return them at the end. Common sense though, never seems to prevail when people feel that their occupation gives them certain powers over others, and that they need to abuse them.

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I have no problem with stewards asking people to not stand on the seats if it's done in a polite way,but they were just shouting "get off the seats" at the top of their voices,if they had just said "come on lads get off of the seats" no problem.They were going to eject one lad who wasn't even stood on a seat,he said that no he wasn't going any where,cue loads fo people gathering around and pointing out that they had started the whole incident.They said they were only doing their job and that it was a health and safety issue,before beating a hasty retreat.

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On topic, a more sensible solution would have been to ask the kids to drink the coke that was open, confiscate the unopened one/s, and return them at the end. Common sense though, never seems to prevail when people feel that their occupation gives them certain powers over others, and that they need to abuse them.

Or pour the coke into a cup from the kiosk; tell the lads that they shouldn't have got the cans in, its not their fault and that security will be tighter on the gates in future.

No need to confiscate anything in this situation.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="CotswoldRed" data-cid="1682981" data-time="1355751955"><p>

It is a strange one. If its taken to its logical conclusion then coins would also be banned. <br />

<br />

Either the half time food would need to be free or they'd round up the prices to the nearest £5.</p></blockquote>

We'll know who to blame when that happens :grr:

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My brother got told that because he put his middle finger up at a derby fan that he could of been kicked out. yet the derby fan was doing it back? seriously they're going to attempt to ban swearing/offensive guestuers, soon we won't be able to talk at a game just sit down and watch.


As long as you're paying your entrance/season ticket, the club will be happy with that. Does anyone at the club know or care about these moronic security staff?

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Guest Prestbury c of c
I hope the stewards who confiscated the couple of young lads cans of coke in the EE before the game are pleased with themselves.

I realise they were probably following orders but surely a bit of common sense would have sufficed.

He would get in a right fizz!hahahahaha.well ,I couldn't resist that pun.!
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