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No Twentyman Talks Back This Friday

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What a relief!!! 20man talks #### it should be called. He's awful.

I disagree. He clearly knows a lot about local football. He's witty and passionate and forthright too. It's how he manages to put up with some of the perennial whingers on there that beats me. Terry from Shirehampton. Mike from Stockwood and our old mate Calvin (Danny's Demon).

They should call the show 'I don't know what's going on down there Geoff, I really don't".

I did feel quite sorry for him the week before last though, as quite clearly nobody had rung in. After about 20 minutes of Geoff playing trailers, giving us the phone number, the email number, the text number and his inside leg measurement, someone finally came on the line.

"Just a quick word Geoff..."

"No...." cried our Scouse host, barely hiding the desperation in his voice "Take as much time as you want...." :rolleyes:

Required listening for a Friday night.

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He should stick to football though'

It does get boring when egg chasers phone in and clearly Twentyman's knowledge of rugby is patchy at best.

And since Yeovil joined the league we've been bothered by their fans.One went on and on about tickets the other week. :Sleep12:

In fact I reckon he should he make the show exclusively a City and Rovers.Let Yeovil get their own show...

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Twentyman Talks Back is a typical local sports programme, second rate and dull.

It's only mildly interesting because there's nothing else, there's no competition. Maybe switching it to an after match slot would "spice things up" a little, but I expect there's a stunning broadcast already filling this air time.

I find myself agreeing with DaveL about Alan from Backwell, what a bore. :Sleep12: :Sleep12:

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Twinkletoes Friday show is the funniest programme on the radio.

You could not invent the people or the comments.

My favourite is the guy who always seems to be in the Rovers car park when "Mr Graydon comes up to me and said... ".

I also enjoy, as someone mentioned, Twinkletoes writhings when no one phones in.

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