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The Falkland Islands

Cambridge Batch Red

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its because there is oil off shore thats why there is renewed intrest from argintina,

~that or the people are protesting against her govenment they normally talk about the falklands then to try and take peoples mind off of more important things

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its because there is oil off shore thats why there is renewed intrest from argintina,

~that or the people are protesting against her govenment they normally talk about the falklands then to try and take peoples mind off of more important things

Which is the reason they were invaded in '82.

What the Argentine government really wants to do is get their population hooked on Celebrity Big Brother, X Factor, Strictly Come Dancing etc. and they will then become fully compliant citizens.

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Was gonna start a thread on this, as we are in great danger of losing them if what i hear is true, the government is more interested in trade with Brazil et al that the Islands themselves, or its people.

All the government is concern about is sorting a deal with the Argies behind British peoples back so we can reduce the debt. This is what happens when you are bankrupt, people can just take your stuff and there is nothing you can do because you simply cant afford to do shit.

And don't think we will get help from the UN or the USA, infact once they invade again, the UN wil immediately intervene, back by the USA, China dn Russia to bring up old colonial shit and force us to back down, and in that concede the islands.

As simple as that, thats why Argentina will attack, they will win and our hands are tied.. From Empire to not even being able to contest its Islands.. It makes me so angry all i want for us t do drag their diplomat from his residence by the ear and literally boot him out. HOW DARE THEY even bring this up?

The government squander your money, they throw away and rip apart everything that it is to be British, our borders are under attack, its happening right now and its full devastation cannot be known.

We forget the cold war too soon, we forget the differences between the Russian and Westerns like the UK. .. Yet everyday, thousands flood into the UK and expliot us. Like dogs they care only about eating sleeping and ***ing, and if anyone of you have been to Eastern Europe or Russia you will know the place is a backwatershithole with values still in the 18th centry.

Everyday, they flood flood in, more and more, because some stupid **** or ***** didn't really know what thy were doing when they signed us into the EU, didn't ******* read it did they?

I will vote UKIP in the next election, and just hope they are tough enough to enforce borders and throw out the Russians and Poles, and also it will be the Romanians too, oh and all hell will break lose in 1 years time, you think its bad now, you wait till several million come over in the space of months... we have given the key to the devil, no people are more adept at exploitation and living for nothing than the Romanians.

I'm sick of recent weak governments, im sick of this coalition too. *crys*

We are buggered, this country and Europe is buggered, get out now, sell your houses if yo have them in London especially, buy food shares in Asia, farming, farming, that's where its at.

Just get out of Europe before its too late, do you want to pick up the bill for bankers coke habits?

Get out now, if you can, the government simply dont care, cant believe we put up with it i really cant, we should write to the Queen, i would like her to intervene more with matters of state.

I have lost my confidence in this government, they cannot be trusted with matters of such importance, that should be decided by the Queen and followed out by administrators, not politicians, if we want to get out of this mess kick this government to the wall and bring in a new type of government.

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Where do you suggest we go ?

Depends on if you want to work and make money or simply retire somewhere nice, also depend on your skills. If you have a good degree and or proven in a qualified field you can take your pick.

Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Burma, Veitnam and developing at a high rate, Thailand is a net food exporter, soon the market will open for westerns to buy land and farming companies.. once the King dies, Thailand will open up, but beware! Watch for a Taxin comeback special! the and if you have the balls, try China out for size. Anywhere in South East Asia will welcome people to teach, not great money, but if you have a spare few years..

Umm, South America?, but you can forget life insurance, chances are you will get kidnapped or murdered so best avoid.

I'm thinking of Canada, pretty stringent rules for entry, but its peaceful and work is well paid.

If i was a younger man, I would goto China, learn the language and bring western class to their business, stop them making cheap shit!

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Argentina could not take the islands by force even if they wanted at the moment - we have Euro-fighters stationed on the island and on Ascension. The islands have rapier air defence, a Type 45 Destroyer on patrol duty as well as the ever present threat of one of our nuclear subs being in the area. The Islands have over a 1000 UK military personnel as well as it's own Falklands Defence force made from the islanders themselves.

If they do however try anything, maybe a we should drop some leaflets over Buenos Aires pointing out that next time "this could be a bomb - leave if you do not want war"

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By the way - some may find this interesting. It's footage from 1969 showing a Royal Navy Hovercraft on the Falkland Isles (before we cut back our forces on the Isle) - within the first 40/50 seconds the wrecked ship they pass in Sparrow Cove is none other than our beloved S.S. Great Britain.


The Story of what happened after is on youtube here

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Chalk the first invasion down to Barrs Court's favourite, Mrs T.

Just read the very interesting Max Hasings book on the war.

Argentina's invasion plan dated back to the mid 60s and the military were dead keen to invade from that time on. Under a previous military dictator to Galtieri, the plan was given the go ahead in 1976 and forces started massing at embarcation points. Luckily for the Falklanders - who would have all been shot under this plan - Jim Callaghan was a keen reader of the intelligence files (being an ex-Navy man). He instantly ordered two nuclear subs into the area - which the Argies "accidentally" were allowed to find out about - and the invasion was shelved.

In 1982, Galtieri's junta were wavering over their plans - especially when it became clear that the Yanks, their principle backers, would not support the scheme. But Mrs Thatcher's decision to exclude Falkland Islanders from the automatic right to a British passport, the reduction of the Stanley garrison and her plan to scrap the ice-ship Endeavour (the only UK government ship in the whole South Atlantic) convinced the junta that the UK would not go to war over the islands and their forces would meet only token resistance.

Nice one Thatch :facepalm:

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