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Kid in the Riot

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Would make sense for it to be on the last day...

However Alistair Durden put on twitter June 12th

Bristol Rovers aim to start work on UWE Stadium at end of September. Mem Stad Section 106 signed by all parties. 3 month JR period begins

3 month period would mean there would still be a couple of weeks? and it would be about 1 and a half months till now?

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KITR is ahead of the game on this one!

Have now heard this from THREE different people.

It came in on the last day, yesterday.

On retail grounds.

Someone is winding you up mate.

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Would make sense for it to be on the last day...

However Alistair Durden put on twitter June 12th

Bristol Rovers aim to start work on UWE Stadium at end of September. Mem Stad Section 106 signed by all parties. 3 month JR period begins

3 month period would mean there would still be a couple of weeks? and it would be about 1 and a half months till now?


To kitr, would you like to explain retail grounds a bit more, tbh it's about time gloucester rd had some competition as it's way too expensive in the existing shops

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Guest DancinDannyD

Maybe Dancin Daniel can shed some light on this for us.

No I cant :)

It's not the last day of the JR period yet, that's in mid-September.

I hope whoever submitted the JR is wealthy, because as far as I'm aware no incorrect procedures were followed - remember you can't call for a JR just because you don't agree with the outcome, only if due process hasn't been followed.

The planning application considered the impact on retail, had expert reports prepared for BOTH sides, recognised there would be an impact on a limited part of the retail sector (mainly co-op express type shops) but introduced s106 measures to mitigate those impacts including free car parking and funds for promoting the area proactively etc

The application was passed noting those concerns but realising the bigger picture benefits to the area - and Eric Pickles felt there was nothing in the decision that warranted government intervention via a Public Inquiry.

If you call for a JR and lose, you become liable for all costs .... ;)

I'll not lose any sleep on this yet .... ;)

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I'll leave the winding-up to Randy Marsh mate - he's much better at it.

Fair enough if it wasn't the last day yesterday - unusually courteous for a NIMBY!

The JR is in though...and BCC have been notified of that fact.

Fair enough we will wait to hear news.

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I'll leave the winding-up to Randy Marsh mate - he's much better at it.

Fair enough if it wasn't the last day yesterday - unusually courteous for a NIMBY!

The JR is in though...and BCC have been notified of that fact.

Talking litter..

Move along, nothing to see here...

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To kitr, would you like to explain retail grounds a bit more, tbh it's about time gloucester rd had some competition as it's way too expensive in the existing shops

There are more than enough supermarkets in the area and with them offering free parking it is a threat to local businesses.

I hate supermarkets though so I'm a bit biased.

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There are more than enough supermarkets in the area and with them offering free parking it is a threat to local businesses.

I hate supermarkets though so I'm a bit biased.

I'll agree to disagree, the only threat to businesses on glos rd are themselves, overpriced ,sluggish service, there's one shop there where they are so far up thier own anuses its untrue, the only shops i use are daltons, maplin and the post office. and will continue to do so when sainsburys is built as for the other shops, when a lot of them realise they are only shopkeepers and lower the prices then people like me might use them more simple as.

I wanted kitr to answer as his original post was vague, need more specifics to believe what he wrote

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There could be a bit of confusion about the JR period because as of the 1st July 2013... The JR period changed from 3 months to 6 weeks...

Therefore, if you were to apply the new 6 week period, the Sainsbury JR period would have ended this week. However, this is somewhat trivial, as the application was determined pre-1st July and thus the JR period will end on the 14th September 2013.

The new shorter period, however, was introduced to stop claimants abusing the JR system to delay development proposals. Under the old legislation (which still applies to the Sainsbury's application) it was possible for the judge to throw out a claim if they felt it wasn’t a timely application. Therefore, if a claim has indeed been made, it would probably be advisable (given the context of the new 6 week period) to get any application in front of a judge before the expiry of the six weeks period (which coincidentally ended this week…) to avoid the risk of the judge throwing out the application on grounds that it was not made in a timely fashion (as he is likely to have regard to the new 6 week period in his decision even though doesnt legally bite to the Sainsbury's decision).

I have also heard a rumour that a JR has been made; but the source is a third party (albeit one which is close to the project).

In the end of the day a JR is unlikely to do anything other than delay the commencement of the stadium.

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I have also heard a rumour that a JR has been made; but the source is a third party (albeit one which is close to the project).

In the end of the day a JR is unlikely to do anything other than delay the commencement of the stadium.

Glad I'm not the only one, my sources are also very close to the project.

As the defendant BCC would've had to be notified first as the claimant had to first attempt to reconcile to avoid litigation.

Assuming this fails then the JR is heard before the High Court who either choose to accept it or reject it.

That's my understanding anyway.

Agree it's a delaying tactic but as we saw with AV what can appear to be the most spurious of claims can end up massively delaying a project and having huge knock on effects.

I continue to watch this one with interest :)

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Glad I'm not the only one, my sources are also very close to the project.

As the defendant BCC would've had to be notified first as the claimant had to first attempt to reconcile to avoid litigation.

Assuming this fails then the JR is heard before the High Court who either choose to accept it or reject it.

That's my understanding anyway.

Agree it's a delaying tactic but as we saw with AV what can appear to be the most spurious of claims can end up massively delaying a project and having huge knock on effects.

I continue to watch this one with interest :)

Do they get an appeal as well if the JR is rejected.....i lose track of what happened with ours. Either way, if it has gone in, i cant see them breaking ground this year.

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Do they get an appeal as well if the JR is rejected.....i lose track of what happened with ours. Either way, if it has gone in, i cant see them breaking ground this year.

you can basically appeal until some one gives up thats how the courts seem to act these days

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No I cant :)

It's not the last day of the JR period yet, that's in mid-September.

I hope whoever submitted the JR is wealthy, because as far as I'm aware no incorrect procedures were followed - remember you can't call for a JR just because you don't agree with the outcome, only if due process hasn't been followed.

The planning application considered the impact on retail, had expert reports prepared for BOTH sides, recognised there would be an impact on a limited part of the retail sector (mainly co-op express type shops) but introduced s106 measures to mitigate those impacts including free car parking and funds for promoting the area proactively etc

The application was passed noting those concerns but realising the bigger picture benefits to the area - and Eric Pickles felt there was nothing in the decision that warranted government intervention via a Public Inquiry.

If you call for a JR and lose, you become liable for all costs .... ;)

I'll not lose any sleep on this yet .... ;)

Talking litter..

Move along, nothing to see here...

You pair of absolute clowns.

And by the way dancinfanny, yes the person who submitted the JR is VERY wealthy.

Best of luck girls.

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Guest Centenary Gas

I can understand why people didn't believe me to be fair. Also surprised it's taken 8 days or whatever for them to go public or without anyone else spilling the beans.

Since you seem to know about these things...

Does the name/address of the person who submitted this become available at any point?

Also, would I be correct in saying this does not mean a JR will actually happen, just that they have applied for one?

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Since you seem to know about these things...

Does the name/address of the person who submitted this become available at any point?

Also, would I be correct in saying this does not mean a JR will actually happen, just that they have applied for one?

I can definitely confirm that we are laughing at you!!

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Their forum is hilarious. How about this little beauty, bunch of scroungers if ever there was one!!


Haha that is comedy gold.

Desperate to get to the game? I mean S****horpe are a huge club, massive attraction for the Gas ;) but fair play he got his spare ticket it seems.

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Haha that is comedy gold.

Desperate to get to the game? I mean S****horpe are a huge club, massive attraction for the Gas ;) but fair play he got his spare ticket it seems.

Someone's offered him a spare now. I expect he's now on Oxfams forum to see if anyone's got any spare clothes for his day out.

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Just remember before you laugh that your "Redevelopment" has to go through the Planning people and if their fingers get burnt with ours then they are going to go even more careful with yours and maybe reject it.. This really is a case of Bristol Football against the World. Its a shame the whole of Bristol isn't within the jurisdiction of South Glos. We might have both had our stadiums now in both our first choice places ie you at Ashton Vale and us at UWE.

We're laughing at you because you refused to believe the word of KITR who has his nose inside these issues.

Your lot were all so supremely confident that everything would smooth through and had the audacity to take the p*ss out of KITR.

I couldn't really give a sh*t whether you get your sh*thole built or not, but I'm laughing at you because your lot were outsmarted by the opening poster here.

Just because he's what you'd so humorously and inventively call a "Sheed" you immediately took his opinion as worthless.

Have you learned any valuable lessons? Probably not you thick tw*t.

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Just remember before you laugh that your "Redevelopment" has to go through the Planning people and if their fingers get burnt with ours then they are going to go even more careful with yours and maybe reject it.. This really is a case of Bristol Football against the World. Its a shame the whole of Bristol isn't within the jurisdiction of South Glos. We might have both had our stadiums now in both our first choice places ie you at Ashton Vale and us at UWE.

The trouble is you have been brainwashed by that moron the bright side of life on your forum who claims everything is fine but actually knows bugger all. KITR seems to know more than any of your lot.

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Just remember before you laugh that your "Redevelopment" has to go through the Planning people.

This is my main concern, no guarentees with planning applications.

It does amuse me however that there were plenty on the Gas forum slagging off KITR accusing him of being a wum, bitter, jealous etc.

Kid in the Riot maybe Kid in the Know.

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Just remember before you laugh that your "Redevelopment" has to go through the Planning people and if their fingers get burnt with ours then they are going to go even more careful with yours and maybe reject it.. This really is a case of Bristol Football against the World. Its a shame the whole of Bristol isn't within the jurisdiction of South Glos. We might have both had our stadiums now in both our first choice places ie you at Ashton Vale and us at UWE.

No its not you ****. You could not give a shit when it was us and now we could not give a shit that it is you. WE have a fall back which is a class looking AG. You have nothing. ha ******* ha.

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I cant see BCC making any legal mistakes, especially after the cock up with AV, if they did then the whole lot of em should be sacked, If the challenge gets thrown out it could have a beneficial effect on AV

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No its not you ****. You could not give a shit when it was us and now we could not give a shit that it is you. WE have a fall back which is a class looking AG. You have nothing. ha ******* ha.

No, he's right, it is Bristol football v the world.

Well, it is now they want something out of it. When it was just us and AV they were starting threads on their forum, urging people to sign petitions against our Sainsbury's application.

I think my old mate Mr J Lennon esq. sums it up best.


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This is my main concern, no guarentees with planning applications.


Not a concern for me, living in BS3 even the Southville Green Councillor has said she's in favour of developing AG.

They can hardly support blocking AV and also oppose the alternative, can they?

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Bristol Rovers' move to Frenchay hit by judicial review warning

This report (posted today) says that the council is aware that someone is considering lodging an application for a judicial review, but that they have not done so yet.

I wonder if there is any truth in the rumour that the person involved is based in the Channel Islands?

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Not a concern for me, living in BS3 even the Southville Green Councillor has said she's in favour of developing AG.

They can hardly support blocking AV and also oppose the alternative, can they?

True, I think 'concern' was probably the wrong word to use. I would hope any planning application for AG sails through just that you never know who's going to throw a spanner in the works.

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Bristol Rovers' move to Frenchay hit by judicial review warning

This report (posted today) says that the council is aware that someone is considering lodging an application for a judicial review, but that they have not done so yet.

I wonder if there is any truth in the rumour that the person involved is based in the Channel Islands?

None whatsoever.

Do you honestly think that he'd waste his time and effort on something as trivial as this?

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You should read some of the crap being spouted on their forum. This situation may come to nothing but they are so in denial and desperate to try and deflect their frustrations.......

I quote.....

"I find it hard to believe that this was started by local Horfield Nimbys or due to the incompetence of BCC. Sainsbury's and other supermarket chains build their stores all the time without too many problems. This is hardly a new build in an historic controversial area.

Far more likely in my opinion that this has been started by people with a vested interest in seeing our club lose their new stadium, and we can all imagine who those people might be. I'm seeing Red about this."


So building on a war memorial is not an "historic, controversial area"???

We have our own stadium issues to deal with and they seriously think SL or city related people are behind this!

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Just remember before you laugh that your "Redevelopment" has to go through the Planning people and if their fingers get burnt with ours then they are going to go even more careful with yours and maybe reject it.. This really is a case of Bristol Football against the World. Its a shame the whole of Bristol isn't within the jurisdiction of South Glos. We might have both had our stadiums now in both our first choice places ie you at Ashton Vale and us at UWE.

You have no idea I'm afraid.

You're trying to build a supermarket on a memorial in an area which is already well served and has a unique high street full of independent traders that the council have said they will protect by limiting supermarket planning applications... You are a long way from getting that done, you have two or three years of legal battles ahead of you yet and watch what happens to the project cost in that time.

All of this has nothing to do with the planning for our new ground, building a supermarket on our old one (both of which are already safely through) or a plan to redevelop our existing ground which will sail through. None of which benefited from anything but derision from the blue few I might add.

I think the odds are good that us and the rugby club will be playing in a new or redeveloped stadium a long time before Higgs has managed to deliver.

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As much as it makes me chuckle, I do feel sorry for the blue few.

We have and are still going through this ourselves.

Its crazy that the 2 football clubs who generate money for the city can be rail roaded like we have.

Makes me sad.

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Bristol Rovers' move to Frenchay hit by judicial review warning

This report (posted today) says that the council is aware that someone is considering lodging an application for a judicial review, but that they have not done so yet.

I wonder if there is any truth in the rumour that the person involved is based in the Channel Islands?

I believe that that is the first step to get a JR... you have to have contacted the organisation you are complaining about and give them the chance to take action to rectify the issue before you can make a formal JR application

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Guest Pepsii


Pretty much yeah,

It was a formality that some weaselish little scrote was gonna pipe up and start sticking there snouts in where its not wanted, you lot knows that one already..

His far they will get with it is another matter, not very far I'd imagine..

Just a minor setback which will put a few weeks on top of our wait for building...

Good luck at Coventry today. Not.

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You should read some of the crap being spouted on their forum. This situation may come to nothing but they are so in denial and desperate to try and deflect their frustrations.......

I quote.....

"I find it hard to believe that this was started by local Horfield Nimbys or due to the incompetence of BCC. Sainsbury's and other supermarket chains build their stores all the time without too many problems. This is hardly a new build in an historic controversial area.

Far more likely in my opinion that this has been started by people with a vested interest in seeing our club lose their new stadium, and we can all imagine who those people might be. I'm seeing Red about this."


So building on a war memorial is not an "historic, controversial area"???

We have our own stadium issues to deal with and they seriously think SL or city related people are behind this!

I, for one, hope it is City behind it.

So R*vers fans openly and actively attempt to highjack City's desired move and that is all fair game of which they are proud. Then with no claims from us or a shred of evidence you have outrage from people like you've quoted.

What is it with these dillussional, self-pitying hypocrites? Also, self-profiteering from areas of extreme, iconic value such as war memorials built in honour of Bristol's sacrificed is in every way wrong but try explaining this to the dillussional blue few. It will be them, happily condoning such actions and you with a bollocking about attempting to take moral high ground.

Un-#####-ing believable this lot, honestly. They're as a shitty little football club as their supporter base deserves, long may it continue!

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I, for one, hope it is City behind it.

So R*vers fans openly and actively attempt to highjack City's desired move and that is all fair game of which they are proud. Then with no claims from us or a shred of evidence you have outrage from people like you've quoted.

What is it with these dillussional, self-pitying hypocrites? Also, self-profiteering from areas of extreme, iconic value such as war memorials built in honour of Bristol's sacrificed is in every way wrong but try explaining this to the dillussional blue few. It will be them, happily condoning such actions and you with a bollocking about attempting to take moral high ground.

Un-#####-ing believable this lot, honestly. They're as a shitty little football club as their supporter base deserves, long may it continue!

I took the liberty of browsing their forum this morning and the vitriol and bile directed towards us is just incredible. It is so OTT that it is comedy gold!

We seem to have got right under their skin and yet their own evidence suggests the JR is absolutely nothing to do with us! What a bizarre bunch of simpletons.

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I took the liberty of browsing their forum this morning and the vitriol and bile directed towards us is just incredible. It is so OTT that it is comedy gold!

We seem to have got right under their skin and yet their own evidence suggests the JR is absolutely nothing to do with us! What a bizarre bunch of simpletons.

It's ******g brilliant especially as they were calling KITR all sorts!! Stupid *****.

Lets hope they lose again today so I can start watching all the posts about JOhn ward and is he the right man!!

We're fickle but they are worse!!

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Its amazing how almost every thread somehow degenerates into a dig or swipe at the city regardless of the topic. They deflect all their own failings on and off the pitch towards us to try and perpetuate this myth they are something special or different to us and any other fans.

Nobody at the moment knows who is behind this JR application but without any knowledge or evidence they are pushing the usual "sheeds" line. Maybe just maybe somebody has a legimate claim and is not happy with how the process was carried out. Unfortunately, it's too easy for them to ignore that and vent their long standing bitterness and anger towards us

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