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Welcome To Our World...r*vers Jr

Kid in the Riot

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Pretty much yeah,

It was a formality that some weaselish little scrote was gonna pipe up and start sticking there snouts in where its not wanted, you lot knows that one already..

His far they will get with it is another matter, not very far I'd imagine..

Just a minor setback which will put a few weeks on top of our wait for building...

Good luck at Coventry today. Not.

If you think that you could be in for a nasty shock we didn't think it would get this far with ours but here we are a couple of years down the line.

It is amusing though how smug you lot were about all this I said to a gashead mate of mine that don't believe your through it all until the diggers have moved in and I got called jealous. No building work goes through smoothly in Bristol even you lot should know this.

Oh and we're playing tomorrow thought you know that with your little obsession with us

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Some kiddy put a post on Facebook last week about the death of his father, a staunch gashead, it was quite touching really,all about how great the rovers board had been and how grateful he was for their support and compassion, he then took the opportunity of his fathers death to have a dig at city, utterly beyond belief.

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Some kiddy put a post on Facebook last week about the death of his father, a staunch gashead, it was quite touching really,all about how great the rovers board had been and how grateful he was for their support and compassion, he then took the opportunity of his fathers death to have a dig at city, utterly beyond belief.

Nothing surprises me with them, they could be talking about any subject even irrelevant to football and still have some pathetic dig at City.

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I see they seem to think SL is possibly behind this. I can't see that SL would have anything to do with this for 2 reasons.

1. It has no bearing on Bristol sport or the ongoing debacle re AV.

2. Should the AV town green decision go our way, it would be rather silly of our owner to seriously piss Sainsburys off when they are planning to build on the AG site forming a fair old chunk of the funding for AV.

I can't see it being SL, what would his motivation be?

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I see they seem to think SL is possibly behind this. I can't see that SL would have anything to do with this for 2 reasons.

1. It has no bearing on Bristol sport or the ongoing debacle re AV.

2. Should the AV town green decision go our way, it would be rather silly of our owner to seriously piss Sainsburys off when they are planning to build on the AG site forming a fair old chunk of the funding for AV.

I can't see it being SL, what would his motivation be?

It is not SL, I can guarantee you that. It was the mention that the person behind the JR is wealthy that sparked the paranoia from that lot that 'Pantsdown', as they so humorously like to call him, was that person.

They are weird.

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Some kiddy put a post on Facebook last week about the death of his father, a staunch gashead, it was quite touching really,all about how great the rovers board had been and how grateful he was for their support and compassion, he then took the opportunity of his fathers death to have a dig at city, utterly beyond belief.

thats pretty incredible..how could he in any way give even one percent of himself to such a thing at such a time.very sad individual.my old fella was City through and through as am i and certainly no thaught of the Rovers invaded my mind at the time of his passing.
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I have an update on this.

It seems BCC are going to make representations denying any procedural wrong doing (no surprise there).

HOWEVER, an opinion has been expressed to me that everything is not all good and well with the decision specifically the Section 106 Agreement.

It is therefore a strong possibility that BCC will take the application back to Committee with some proposed re-wording.

Realistically, it ain't going to a Committee meeting until October at the earliest and so a delay on building work seems a strong possibility.

Wonder if the gappers will tell me I'm making all this up as well?!

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Oh, and also the slags might want to bear in mind that ANOTHER JR is still of course possible.

Supermarkets love a JR on the last day deadline.

It would be well worth Tesco slapping one in purely to delay the build by 6 months as it's 6 months extra profit for their stores which easily covers their legal costs. Happens all the time.

Might not happen hashtag justsaying

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No I cant :)

It's not the last day of the JR period yet, that's in mid-September.

I hope whoever submitted the JR is wealthy, because as far as I'm aware no incorrect procedures were followed - remember you can't call for a JR just because you don't agree with the outcome, only if due process hasn't been followed.

The planning application considered the impact on retail, had expert reports prepared for BOTH sides, recognised there would be an impact on a limited part of the retail sector (mainly co-op express type shops) but introduced s106 measures to mitigate those impacts including free car parking and funds for promoting the area proactively etc

The application was passed noting those concerns but realising the bigger picture benefits to the area - and Eric Pickles felt there was nothing in the decision that warranted government intervention via a Public Inquiry.

If you call for a JR and lose, you become liable for all costs .... ;)

I'll not lose any sleep on this yet .... ;)

Maybe a sleepless night tonight then.

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Not a concern for me, living in BS3 even the Southville Green Councillor has said she's in favour of developing AG.

They can hardly support blocking AV and also oppose the alternative, can they?


Are you really that naive?

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Guest BS3 GAS

Very true,  but this comes from a source that knows more about these things than you and I....we'll see


your normally spot on with this stuff tbf KITR.... i know that Rovers chair/board are indeed very confident... this is the first time you seem to have posted a feeling it may go the way of Sainsburys rather than TRASH...


The interesting stuff starts then .... like how the blooming heck its being funded !! a interesting change of wording from Nick Higgs last week... he did a Q & A pre game last week and stated the UWE stadium would be debt free.....(ie not adding to club debt).. previiously the statement was that the building of UWE Stadium would leave the club debt free.... big difference in those 2 things!!

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Another update: the noises I'm hearing seem to suggest that Roverzzz are confident this JR will be chucked out and they'll be on site in the spring some time. Could mean UWE bowl ready for 2015/16 season, same time as new EE will be ready...


They were also confident there wouldn't be a JR lodged but there was................

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your normally spot on with this stuff tbf KITR.... i know that Rovers chair/board are indeed very confident... this is the first time you seem to have posted a feeling it may go the way of Sainsburys rather than TRASH...


The interesting stuff starts then .... like how the blooming heck its being funded !! a interesting change of wording from Nick Higgs last week... he did a Q & A pre game last week and stated the UWE stadium would be debt free.....(ie not adding to club debt).. previiously the statement was that the building of UWE Stadium would leave the club debt free.... big difference in those 2 things!!


Absolutely no doubt that the cost of the build has escalated since when it was first proposed during the economic downturn. Building costs are higher now than a few years ago, indeed there is a national shortage of some construction materials.


They were also confident there wouldn't be a JR lodged but there was................


That was Higgs chatting shite, privately they were panicing. Now they don't seem to be, on the contrary they're ready to roll come April.

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Guest BS3 GAS

Absolutely no doubt that the cost of the build has escalated since when it was first proposed during the economic downturn. Building costs are higher now than a few years ago, indeed there is a national shortage of some construction materials.



That was Higgs chatting shite, privately they were panicing. Now they don't seem to be, on the contrary they're ready to roll come April.



TBF we could cut back on things ....like the number of seats for now.... by about 14000!! ;)

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Guest BS3 GAS

Yep, true.


1 of the directors of TRASH has resigned.... rumour that the company is heading for Bankruptcy... she jumped ship rather than have director of a Bankrupt company on her record


Thoughts are that TRASH is no longer a "working" company ... The JR still goes ahead but it looks like TRASH have all but conceded...


All rumours  mind you! expect that one of the directors has resigned

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Guest ernie goodthing

If the rumours are correct and this does turn out to be a challenge without any real substance, regardless of whether you see a new Rovers' ground as good or bad, every council tax payer should ask how we can have a system that lets a minority group waste a huge amount of time on a major project at significant expense to the council, when all along they are in a limited company that will just fold if they loose, leaving council tax payers to pick up the bill.

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If the rumours are correct and this does turn out to be a challenge without any real substance, regardless of whether you see a new Rovers' ground as good or bad, every council tax payer should ask how we can have a system that lets a minority group waste a huge amount of time on a major project at significant expense to the council, when all along they are in a limited company that will just fold if they loose, leaving council tax payers to pick up the bill.


A good question, and one that people should bear in mind when it comes to voting in the Euro-elections. The Greens sound nice but they are, in fact a seldf-righteous PITA. Myself, I'm going for Mebyon Kernow ;)

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I hope they are successful.


Can we not make any decisions without judicial review any more? At this rate, councils should consider making a judicial review part of the planning approval process.



I really would like to see a judge be brave enough to ask a JR applicant why they've waited 2 months and 29 days to get their piece of paper in, when it should take no longer than 2 weeks. If they can't provide an adequate explanation there and then, throw it out.

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Good luck to Rovers. I want to see this built. For the benefit of Bristol as a whole and an end to JRs.


My only regret is we didn't fight as hard for AV. Club did their upmost. That twonk Ferguson didn't back AV even though he said he would (shock a politician who says one thing and does another). Too busy worrying about cars and putting people out of work. God I hate that guy.

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Good luck to Rovers. I want to see this built. For the benefit of Bristol South Gloucestershire as a whole and an end to JRs.


My only regret is we didn't fight as hard for AV. Club did their upmost. That twonk Ferguson didn't back AV even though he said he would (shock a politician who says one thing and does another). Too busy worrying about cars and putting people out of work. God I hate that guy.


Just got that one for you...

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !


Pretty much fair comment.


I was speaking to Steve Lansdown about the UWE bowl going tits up and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !

Bang on,    f--k 'em

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our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application

I think the Football Club themselves showed neither support or opposition towards AV which is probably what you would expect to be fair, given that they are in direct rivalry with us (unlike the cricket clubs for example).

If the tables were turned and we were a mid table league 1 club playing in a Rugby ground and Rovers had recently been on the brink of the Premiership, I wouldn't expect City to actively show support for anything that would potentially put our nearest neighbours even further ahead of us on and off the field, I include the World Cup bid in that.

I've stated my personal view on the War Memorial aspect of this situation in the past, so I'll leave it at that.

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !

Well said Mr Tim.

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !


Fully in agreement on this one tim, well said. :clapping:

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Early doors, but it's beginning to sound like a BCC administrative failure could de-rail yet another stadium.


Lunch break, and it is sounding a bit more positive (depending on your preferred outcome!). Judge has pulled up the TRASH barrister on a couple of occasions, apparently he's not looking overly convinced by their case so far.

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Bloody well hope so. Traffic is gonna be a nightmare if their stadium is built. It's bad enough as it is.

As by the time it's built there support will have dwindled even less I can't imagine it creating that much extra traffic. In fact it may improve things around the area as people will avoid it lest they get tarred as a rovers fan!

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