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Welcome To Our World...r*vers Jr

Kid in the Riot

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They will get the same amount of support from me as they gave us over av, childish I known, but the sheer eruption of ecstasy, gloating sneering and name calling from their fan base when av went pear shaped was truly nauseating and I for one will neverf forget it ! of course now they've got their own problems it's, " football fans should unite against the green, our new stadium is desperately needed by the city of Bristol ( ours wasn't of course ) out of 5 major local sporting clubs, bath rfc, Bristol rfc, Gloucestershire ccc Somerset ccc, and Bristol rovers afc, four of them publicaly supported our plans for a new stadium, guess which club did not ? now some gas heads have even got the nerve to claim that anybody who cares about Bristol sport must back their application ! the sheer nerve of this nasty hypocritical club and their nasty hypocritical fans never ceases to amaze me ! hope they loose the judgement and go bust ! which is exactly what the vast majority of them would wish for us !

:clapping:  :clapping:  :clapping:  :clapping:  :clapping:  :clapping:

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Gas heads now moaning on about a tiny minority of selfish people ruining it for the majority ! these are the same people who lauded the av 22 as heroes, and vociferously defended their " Democratic right " to thrawt our plans, as always from the family club, total and utter hypocrisy !

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I for one am hoping they get the stadium. If it means we can both eventually be challenging for and in the championship and beyond, its time for Bristol football to get into the 21st century. Am I right in thinking the JR period for the original plans is over with next week? If so could be a massive week for Bristol football on the whole!

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Let's also not forget that a solicitor based in Queen Square who acts for BRFC, actually made FOI requests in order to give any help he could to those opposing AV. Whether that was an individual act or he was acting for BRFC is not known. The gas friendly Post tried to integrate them into the WC/ stadium support, by printing statements by former gas staff and supporters. BRFC were against AV because they'd have been leaft behind, so did their utmost to hinder it.  So I'm with Tim on this.

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I for one am hoping they get the stadium. If it means we can both eventually be challenging for and in the championship and beyond, its time for Bristol football to get into the 21st century. Am I right in thinking the JR period for the original plans is over with next week? If so could be a massive week for Bristol football on the whole!

Excellent post. The sort of reply I would expect from most level headed true Bristol football supporters.

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Excellent post. The sort of reply I would expect from most level headed true Bristol football supporters.

I can't talk for anyone else on here but I personally don't give a toss about 'Bristol Football' or both clubs competing at the highest level. I only want Bristol City to do well. Does that make me a bad supporter?

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I can't talk for anyone else on here but I personally don't give a toss about 'Bristol Football' or both clubs competing at the highest level. I only want Bristol City to do well. Does that make me a bad supporter?


No, That makes you a Bristol City fan. Anything to do with any other club is irrelevant. What it says for you as a Bristol resident is another point, bt you can have you r point heard at local elections - that don't mean you have to fight on the Rovers' behalf.

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Judge will give his decision at 2 p.m. next Thursday. :fingerscrossed:


I'm hoping that KITR might have some inside information before then! ;)


Doubtful, I can't read the judge's mind!


I think the judge announcing he'll have a decision ready within a week is another little indication that he'll be chucking TRASH's case out though.

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Doubtful, I can't read the judge's mind!

I think the judge announcing he'll have a decision ready within a week is another little indication that he'll be chucking TRASH's case out though.

That was my take on it as well.

When he says he'll announce his decision next thursday, it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be mulling it over until then, as some of the blue bunch seem to have presumed.

Judges are very busy people with full diaries.

I'd think it much more sensible to assume that he's already come to a decision, just needs to find a bit of time to write it up and a suitable gap in his diary to be able to announce it...ie next thursday at 2pm.

Could be wrong but.

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Pretty much fair comment.


I was speaking to Steve Lansdown about the UWE bowl going tits up and he was grinning like a Cheshire cat.


Not really surprising is it...


"Nobody will talk of bristol rovers anymore"..


That didnt really go to plan did it???

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That was my take on it as well.

When he says he'll announce his decision next thursday, it doesn't necessarily mean he'll be mulling it over until then, as some of the blue bunch seem to have presumed.

Judges are very busy people with full diaries.

I'd think it much more sensible to assume that he's already come to a decision, just needs to find a bit of time to write it up and a suitable gap in his diary to be able to announce it...ie next thursday at 2pm.

Could be wrong but.


Oh yeah, he certainly will already know which way he's going.


Apparently TRASH brief took 5 hours yesterday and the Council's defence just 1.


Assuming the judge goes in the Council's favour then the big question is: will he allow TRASH the right to go to the Court of Appeal?


If he does allow an appeal, I fancy TRASH will take it and that is just as bad news for Roverzzz as it means further delay.

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Oh yeah, he certainly will already know which way he's going.


Apparently TRASH brief took 5 hours yesterday and the Council's defence just 1.


Assuming the judge goes in the Council's favour then the big question is: will he allow TRASH the right to go to the Court of Appeal?


If he does allow an appeal, I fancy TRASH will take it and that is just as bad news for Roverzzz as it means further delay.


Surely an appeal would cost them more money that they don't have?

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Guest BS3 GAS

One of the main bits of TRASH's claim was about a 12% Loss of custom for Co OP Ltd .... so much for caring about the independent traders but possibly a big clue as to where the funding has come from so far... it sounded like a ... and now a word from our sponsors...

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Yeah I have a feeling they would take any option for appeal as well.

Be hard for the dog to let go of the bone when so much has already been invested in it and as we already know from our own experience things are never set in stone.

They might have questions to answer from the traders and residents who had already donated if they didn't.

On the other hand an appeal would likely coincide with the local elections, so the likes of Radice might not be willing to risk it.

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Surely an appeal would cost them more money that they don't have?


They would risk incurring the Council's costs as well. They've come this far though and I'm sure they'd take it further.


Their arguments look weak to me though, really wouldn't surprise me if it was a failed case, no right to appeal and you have to pay the Council's costs! Then they'd be stuffed.

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Not really surprising is it...


"Nobody will talk of bristol rovers anymore"..


That didnt really go to plan did it???

I believe that nobody would talk of Bristol Rovers anymore primarily because you'd renamed yourselves Barcelona of League Two. Ironically that didn't go to plan either.

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Yeah I have a feeling they would take any option for appeal as well.

Be hard for the dog to let go of the bone when so much has already been invested in it and as we already know from our own experience things are never set in stone.

They might have questions to answer from the traders and residents who had already donated if they didn't.

On the other hand an appeal would likely coincide with the local elections, so the likes of Radice might not be willing to risk it.


Think they're already burned their bridges !!

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Guest GoingUp

Erm, the statement is still true though, apart from the "anymore", no one has ever talked about you

Says he in post number 171 on a thread called welcome to our world rovers jr.

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I believe that nobody would talk of Bristol Rovers anymore primarily because you'd renamed yourselves Barcelona of League Two. Ironically that didn't go to plan either.


Dont worry Fred, you too can become the new Barca of L2 next season....

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Dont worry Fred, you too can become the new Barca of L2 next season....

I prefer the reality, which will be Bristol City of League One. It is the equivalent of the real Barcelona playing in League Two in terms of size and status though, I'm sure you'll agree.

Good luck in your quest to avoid relegation to non-league football. Yet again you deluded lot got your wild predictions of promotion, overtaking City and dominating the world horribly, horribly wrong. Much to our continued amusement.

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I prefer the reality, which will be Bristol City of League One. It is the equivalent of the real Barcelona playing in League Two in terms of size and status though, I'm sure you'll agree.

Good luck in your quest to avoid relegation to non-league football. Yet again you deluded lot got your wild predictions of promotion, overtaking City and dominating the world horribly, horribly wrong. Much to our continued amusement.


I like the other angle see, conspiracy theories and all that behaviour....


city get back to losing ways and go down and the gas have a late surge to the play offs, wembley and L1 and beyond... I



Sent from my windmill with smoke signals from my reefer..

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I like the other angle see, conspiracy theories and all that behaviour....


city get back to losing ways and go down and the gas have a late surge to the play offs, wembley and L1 and beyond... I



Sent from my windmill with smoke signals from my reefer..


Good result for your boys today pep, your dream of non league football could soon be reality :)

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I like the other angle see, conspiracy theories and all that behaviour....


city get back to losing ways and go down and the gas have a late surge to the play offs, wembley and L1 and beyond... I



Sent from my windmill with smoke signals from my reefer..

Such a shame you come on this forum four nothing isn't it?

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Guest GoingUp

Says he who calls himself 'GoingUp' when everyone in the Bristol area knows that ain't gonna happen anytime soon..

Yeah Bitch slap mudda****a

Force of habit.Im a bellhop at the holiday inn.

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I like the other angle see, conspiracy theories and all that behaviour.... city get back to losing ways and go down and the gas have a late surge to the play offs, wembley and L1 and beyond... I  Sent from my windmill with smoke signals from my reefer..

Always had a soft spot for Hartlepool, ever since the Roberts/Goodfellow show.

Is it 13 years now?

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I just didn't understand why they were talking about playoffs last week, they have the worst away record in the country. They should be looking down not up.

Always been the delusional types, bless 'em. Born out of chronic deprivation is my only guess :)
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I just didn't understand why they were talking about playoffs last week, they have the worst away record in the country. They should be looking down not up.

Greatest defence in the league they were all telling me..


I guess European giants Hartlepool and Dagenham and Redbridge knew how to get past them..

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Good result for your boys today pep, your dream of non league football could soon be reality :)

I gotta say that was one horrendous result... I didn't go, (had to take my goldfish for a walk) but listened to a fair chunk if it on radio Bristol.. Depressing to say the least...

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Guest BS3 GAS

Looks like the judgement has left TRASHorfield with a right to appeal though...ouch.


they can appeal within 7 days ... must stump up a shed load of cash for that though and cant see co-op funding this one... the fat lady is clearing her throat for a good old song :yes:

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they can appeal within 7 days ... must stump up a shed load of cash for that though and cant see co-op funding this one... the fat lady is clearing her throat for a good old song :yes:


They haven't a pot to piss in so think it is all over.

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Guest BS3 GAS



The one in Bishopston?


a lot of reference to co op in the JR hearing from TRASH laywers. (ironic seeing as the greens are meant to be anti supermarket chain).. suggestions/assumptions they were involved?

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As should have been the case with AV too.


I can't help but think that our highly publisised case would of only helped the cause. Bristol is so desperate for new stadia and an arena that one had to be given the green light sooner or later

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agreed... no complaints from TESCO in the application where as co-op objected....im a lot more confident than i have ever been ... the appeal has to find a problem with the JR judges decsion... effectively fighting 2 decsions ... the original planning and the JR outcome... im sure they will appeal if they have funds... its there way


Obviously us lot on here are all to aware of how this process works. They will surely appeal, as late in the day as they can without it looking too deliberate. They will know its pretty much a lost cause, but if it can delay things for a tad longer it increases the chance of derailing the project or at least increasing the cost.


No idea what time lines your working with, but just say the appeal would push the start of the works over until sometime during next season, what if you get relegated before then? Building a new multi-million pound stadium is unlikely to be a high priority.


For the record, i think the location and size of your new stadium is spot on, really sensible place to have it. However, having spent the majority of my life living in the area around Glos Rd, never in a million years is there a need there for a another huge supermarket there and certainly not a the cost of a war memorial.

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Guest DancinDannyD


For the record, i think the location and size of your new stadium is spot on, really sensible place to have it. However, having spent the majority of my life living in the area around Glos Rd, never in a million years is there a need there for a another huge supermarket there and certainly not a the cost of a war memorial.


Well thats one of the great things about the scheme:  the Memorial will actually be enhanced with a Memorial Square and garden, will still be used for the Armistace Day ceremonies, and be seen and respected by many, many more Bristolians than at a crumbling old sports stadium that Bristol Rugby will no longer play at after this season.

Their plans have been designed with consultancy from, and the support of, the British Legion and Bristol Rugby ex-Players Society (who wrote actively in support of the application to the BCC Planning Committee).

So a much better Memorial for the great fallen of the city than before.  Much better than one had the Greens got their way and flattened it and put housing or allotments on across the whole site 

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