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As I understand it, once the safe standing is official, there will be room for another 3,000 or so due to the fact that you can get 2 people standing as opposed to one sitting in the safe standing seats (if you see what I mean...). So capacity could be around 30k once safe standing is formally adopted.


That is a fair point but its not a certainty it will happen. In the meantime an investment of, what is it, 60% of the AV option is, in my view, not money well spent.

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Since Ashton Vale was announced, and with the impact of financial fair play rules I've always felt that, as far as our stadium is concerned, doing nothing would never be an option.


Ashton Vale would have given the best chance of putting in place all the facilities that would enable the club to maximise income both on match day and also on non-match days - hotels, conference facilities etc.


I don't  think that AV is necessarily dead in the water, but suspect that SL realises that to get it will take a long game, so in the meantime the only alternative is to make the most of AG through redevelopment. Ok it might not give us a hotel and conference facilities, but we can get better spectator facilities and some corporate boxes in place and while we are in league 1 will we really miss a 30,000 capacity?


At the time AV was announced we could conceivably have been a season from the prem. Realistically, and with the new football philosophy, player recruitment and bringing through young players we are at least 5-7 years from a shot at the prem - baring something quite remarkable so will we need the ability to increase the capacity of AG if, during that time other stadium options materialise - either AV resurfacing or your idea of SL having a trick up his sleeve.


It surely would have to be 'the trick up the sleeve' because after spending somewhere between 40 and 50 million on a redeveloped AG it is not going to be ditched for a new stadium altogether unless someone comes up with some sort of wizardry business case for AG becoming the sole new home for Bristol Rugby.


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It will happen, its already happening with some clubs now allowing, in accordance with their local council, supporters to stand in designated areas.


Do you know which clubs these are?


I don't think we'll need the extra capacity unless we make it to the Premiership and I don't think they allow standing areas.


I have a feeling pro standing football supporters are going to be disappointed as this is about rugby, not football. At the moment, I'd rate the chances of standing at Ashton Gate to watch football as similar to bringing back smoking.  

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Some clubs already 'allow' standing. If you go to watch villa a huge section of the holt end stand for most of the game-without being pestered by stewards. Similar at Tottenham and watching games on tv you can always see fans standing, its almost an unwritten rule at some grounds.

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Some clubs already 'allow' standing. If you go to watch villa a huge section of the holt end stand for most of the game-without being pestered by stewards. Similar at Tottenham and watching games on tv you can always see fans standing, its almost an unwritten rule at some grounds.


Fans standing up and stewards turning a blind eye is different to increasing capacity by 3000 due to designated standing areas.


I know some clubs with older grounds still have standing areas are still allowed to use them, but has anyone in the top two divisions been allowed to build a new standing area recently?

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Fans standing up and stewards turning a blind eye is different to increasing capacity by 3000 due to designated standing areas.


I know some clubs with older grounds still have standing areas are still allowed to use them, but has anyone in the top two divisions been allowed to build a new standing area recently?


No your right there are no 'designated' standing areas in the top two divisions. I was just making the point that you can in effect stand at a lot of games, and big contingent of fans actually prefer to. Hopefully by putting in place safe standing we can be the club that trials it, and gets the laws changed back. Lets not forget the reasons for the laws have been shown as basically bad policing, totally different to safe standing, hell if its good enough for 80k plus crowds at Dortmund it should be good enough for the top flight in England!

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also when was it bad to have a back up plan? unlike the gas we are able to redevlop because our owner has the money to do so, if the gas lose to trash they are stuck with the minimal forever


Not bad to have a back up plan at all, for what it's worth I think BCFC's dealings over AV are i'm afraid to say are symptomatic of how the club has been run in recent years, the biggest mistake was putting far too much trust in the Bristol council in that they could firstly be trusted and secondly even get the legal procedures correct, had SL taken a look around Bristol he would see what barren wasteland various councils in Bristol had allowed it to become, when it comes to first class venues.



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Not bad to have a back up plan at all, for what it's worth I think BCFC's dealings over AV are i'm afraid to say are symptomatic of how the club has been run in recent years, the biggest mistake was putting far too much trust in the Bristol council in that they could firstly be trusted and secondly even get the legal procedures correct, had SL taken a look around Bristol he would see what barren wasteland various councils in Bristol had allowed it to become, when it comes to first class venues.


I think the single biggest mistake was taking the original TVG inquiry too lightly. I'd say they got everything else about right. Tagging the new stadium to the world cup campaign was exactly the right thing to do. Getting the then leader of the city council on the front of the evening post waving her "bring the world cup to Bristol" flag was a classic. Even the Lib Dems had to support that and that meant supporting a new stadium. I doubt it would have got through planning without the world cup carrot. They so nearly got it right.

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I think the single biggest mistake was taking the original TVG inquiry too lightly. I'd say they got everything else about right. Tagging the new stadium to the world cup campaign was exactly the right thing to do. Getting the then leader of the city council on the front of the evening post waving her "bring the world cup to Bristol" flag was a classic. Even the Lib Dems had to support that and that meant supporting a new stadium. I doubt it would have got through planning without the world cup carrot. They so nearly got it right.


After that particular dream died, the council ****** up more than once over legal procedures.



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No your right there are no 'designated' standing areas in the top two divisions. I was just making the point that you can in effect stand at a lot of games, and big contingent of fans actually prefer to. Hopefully by putting in place safe standing we can be the club that trials it, and gets the laws changed back. Lets not forget the reasons for the laws have been shown as basically bad policing, totally different to safe standing, hell if its good enough for 80k plus crowds at Dortmund it should be good enough for the top flight in England!


FYI, while most of the standing areas at the WFS are safe standing, the south tribune is pure old fashioned terracing with proper old school barriers. They have clip in rail seating which is only used for European games.

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After that particular dream died, the council ****** up more than once over legal procedures.


For sure, we'd be disappointed if they didn't! However, If we'd have dotted all the i's and crossed all the t's at the original inquiry we wouldn't have got into all this split decision/judicial review nonsense in the first place.

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I think it will be demolished early next year, but not necessarily for the reason you state.

I think the earlier they crack on with it, the more time they will have the following summer(2015) to start phase 2 - moving the pitch and modifying the dolman.

These structures can be erected surprisingly fast - I seem to remember that wolves had completed demolition before the summer was out, and even had fans populating the new lower tier before november on their impressive new stan culis stand.

Just one other thing. Was wondering about the flats behind the dolman. They have been there for over 50 years; I doubt whether their life span has much left...10-15 years at best. Imagine the space if they were demolished. They'd prob have to locate the bowling green, but still...

Maybe we've been looking at it the wrong way with regards to the industrial units to the west.

Remove the flats, and re locate the mini ind est north of them to the car park behind the east end, and...voila! Rotate and build. Sorted.

Not so fast. I'm sure that I used to go skating and walk the dog on that bowling green. Besides which "Nelson Mandela House" is likely to be designated a world heritage centre for the role that it played in the history of British light entertainment. It'll shortly be a Grade 2 listed building for sure. We couldn't possibly build upon it.

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I have one hope and that is if we do not achieve planning permission for AV, that SL achieves planning permission for something that'll make every single nimby wish that they hadn't opposed the stadium, a maximum security prison, a big travelers site, speedway, a huge hospital, a leper colony anything because boy don't they deserve it.

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I have one hope and that is if we do not achieve planning permission for AV, that SL achieves planning permission for something that'll make every single nimby wish that they hadn't opposed the stadium, a maximum security prison, a big travelers site, speedway, a huge hospital, a leper colony anything because boy don't they deserve it.

Ideal spot for a sewage farm and nuclear waste recycling plant.

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Not so fast. I'm sure that I used to go skating and walk the dog on that bowling green. Besides which "Nelson Mandela House" is likely to be designated a world heritage centre for the role that it played in the history of British light entertainment. It'll shortly be a Grade 2 listed building for sure. We couldn't possibly build upon it.

Don't forget Chris Garland grew up there!

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If the stadium is not built in AV - it would make a great site for affordable housing. They could then be let out to the Roma immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria. The nimby clan should be careful what they wish for....

This is exactly what will happen. Housing will be built on the land which will have to include about 40% social housing. Any housing development these days have to have a certain amount of social housing to obtain permission.

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This is exactly what will happen. Housing will be built on the land which will have to include about 40% social housing. Any housing development these days have to have a certain amount of social housing to obtain permission.



If the stadium is not built in AV - it would make a great site for affordable housing. They could then be let out to the Roma immigrants from Romania and Bulgaria. The nimby clan should be careful what they wish for....


Indeed, with Lib-Lab-Con EU traitor politicians having signed us up to the EU project I doubt if little or any of the social housing at Ashton Vale with be allocated to local Bristolian families.

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With the stories from Sheffield about Roma trying to sell babies - it would be thoroughly unpleasant for local AV residents and worthy Bristolian social housing tenants to have to live with a big concentration of Roma on the new estate. However it may be a cheap way for BCFC to enhance the youth policy ;-)

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This is exactly what will happen. Housing will be built on the land which will have to include about 40% social housing. Any housing development these days have to have a certain amount of social housing to obtain permission.


This is where the club should look to take advantage by trying to get the residents of the "Nelson Mandella" flats behind the Dolman moved to AV !

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Can anyone tell me (us), whether the proposed capacity of 27k in the revamped AG, takes crowd segregation into account?
For instance, If we drew a "Big club" in the cup, or even the squatters, would that then reduce the capacity to, say, 25k with segregation?

The capacity as it is now is something like 21,497, but realistically, it's actually about 3k less when segregation is taken into account (I think...)

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Can anyone tell me (us), whether the proposed capacity of 27k in the revamped AG, takes crowd segregation into account?

For instance, If we drew a "Big club" in the cup, or even the squatters, would that then reduce the capacity to, say, 25k with segregation?

The capacity as it is now is something like 21,497, but realistically, it's actually about 3k less when segregation is taken into account (I think...)


The club are on about relocating the away fans back to the Atyeo, so without any remedial work, there will be a reduction in capacity to segregate fans.


I would imagine they'd install railings down the middle of the seating at some point to split the fans up, and seeing as the rake of the Atyeo is steeper than the east end, this may just work.

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Being a supporter of 'Long Standing' This is my two penneth!


AG holds many memories for most of us and it will be a huge wrench to move to a new ground if that is the case.


Nevertheless a brand new stadium at AV is by far and away the best option for the club, the board, shareholders and its supporters.


Much of the funding would come from the sale of the current ground, supported by other sources, which I will assume some of which the Landsdowne family will underpin.


AG is largely an outdated relic of a bygone age, under pinned by the Dolman Stand and Atyeo Stand, both of which have there own limitations.


A new stadium for The West of England is long overdue. Bristol is one of the biggest and fastest growing City's in the country and it has been stated many times that it is one of the best City's to live in the UK. Yet Bristol remains a backwater in the minds of the many outside of the area and rarely figures in the same terms as other regional powerhouses.


A new stadium will give us and the town something to be proud of and I would suggest would help our team as well. Perhaps the next time you see a Man U/Liverpool shirt worn by a local kid, perhaps we should think about what it is about our City and our clubs that those kids can not identify with...?  

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Being a supporter of 'Long Standing' This is my two penneth!


AG holds many memories for most of us and it will be a huge wrench to move to a new ground if that is the case.


Nevertheless a brand new stadium at AV is by far and away the best option for the club, the board, shareholders and its supporters.


Much of the funding would come from the sale of the current ground, supported by other sources, which I will assume some of which the Landsdowne family will underpin.


AG is largely an outdated relic of a bygone age, under pinned by the Dolman Stand and Atyeo Stand, both of which have there own limitations.


A new stadium for The West of England is long overdue. Bristol is one of the biggest and fastest growing City's in the country and it has been stated many times that it is one of the best City's to live in the UK. Yet Bristol remains a backwater in the minds of the many outside of the area and rarely figures in the same terms as other regional powerhouses.


A new stadium will give us and the town something to be proud of and I would suggest would help our team as well. Perhaps the next time you see a Man U/Liverpool shirt worn by a local kid, perhaps we should think about what it is about our City and our clubs that those kids can not identify with...?  


There are PL glory hunters in Bristol for sure, but many Bristol kids grow up supporting, and wearing the shirts of, the teams of their non Bristolian fathers who are constantly relocated to Bristol from all over the country.


I remember seeing a news story about Newcastle Utd where their local TV station went into Newcastle town centre to interview 6 people at random to ask them their opinions of recent goings on at the club.


Five of them (of all ages and genders) turned out to be supporters of NUFC who were able to give in depth answers, the other was a visitor to the CIty. Basically it seems just about everyone in the city grew up there and supports Newcastle. You wouldn't find Man.Utd or Liverpool shirts up there whichever division Newcastle were in - the support for the local club is ingrained through the generations.


If you tried that with 6 random people in Bristol city centre you'd be lucky to find a single born and bred Bristolian, let alone one who was interested in either of the local clubs.


We may have a big population in Bristol but it is an extremely cosmopolitan and transient one. There will never be 30-40,000 Bristolians who want to watch Bristol City every week, even in the PL.


A stadium of that size would simply be providing extra space for neutrals and Bristolian supporters of the opposition. There would also have to be the added intention of giving huge allocations to the away team in order to fill the stadium as much as possible, along with our perhaps 20k max.regulars.


Doesn't sound to me like an ideal way to support your local club when we might be close to being outnumbered by non Bristol City fans at our home ground every week.


We've never in our history needed a 30-40k stadium on anything like a regular basis, less so than ever in 2013 when the make up of the population of Bristol has altered so much.

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There are PL glory hunters in Bristol for sure, but many Bristol kids grow up supporting, and wearing the shirts of, the teams of their non Bristolian fathers who are constantly relocated to Bristol from all over the country.


I remember seeing a news story about Newcastle Utd where their local TV station went into Newcastle town centre to interview 6 people at random to ask them their opinions of recent goings on at the club.


Five of them (of all ages and genders) turned out to be supporters of NUFC who were able to give in depth answers, the other was a visitor to the CIty. Basically it seems just about everyone in the city grew up there and supports Newcastle. You wouldn't find Man.Utd or Liverpool shirts up there whichever division Newcastle were in - the support for the local club is ingrained through the generations.


If you tried that with 6 random people in Bristol city centre you'd be lucky to find a single born and bred Bristolian, let alone one who was interested in either of the local clubs.


We may have a big population in Bristol but it is an extremely cosmopolitan and transient one. There will never be 30-40,000 Bristolians who want to watch Bristol City every week, even in the PL.


A stadium of that size would simply be providing extra space for neutrals and Bristolian supporters of the opposition. There would also have to be the added intention of giving huge allocations to the away team in order to fill the stadium as much as possible, along with our perhaps 20k max.regulars.


Doesn't sound to me like an ideal way to support your local club when we might be close to being outnumbered by non Bristol City fans at our home ground every week.


We've never in our history needed a 30-40k stadium on anything like a regular basis, less so than ever in 2013 when the make up of the population of Bristol has altered so much.

Hi! NTB. I will respond to your post just give me a day or two!

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I would I used to live in there during that period. Always remember our first game back in the big time. Aston villa, my old man let them in big mistake, the pub was a wreck come kickoff, they were climbing in through the windows there were so many villa fans trying to get in. He asked the police to try and get some of them out, they just said "you let them in its your problem" and they just walked off.

From that game onwards he always had usually roger pope on the door just letting in the locals.

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As I understand it, once the safe standing is official, there will be room for another 3,000 or so due to the fact that you can get 2 people standing as opposed to one sitting in the safe standing seats (if you see what I mean...). So capacity could be around 30k once safe standing is formally adopted.

While all for safe standing its not likely to increase income streams as tickets will be cheaper than seats.

And unless we are confident of filling the ground every week it could reduce revenue as fans trade down to a cheaper option.

As such I would not be surprised if the board did not persue this option with maximum effort....

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Guest Rowley Birkin

I would I used to live in there during that period. Always remember our first game back in the big time. Aston villa, my old man let them in big mistake, the pub was a wreck come kickoff, they were climbing in through the windows there were so many villa fans trying to get in. He asked the police to try and get some of them out, they just said "you let them in its your problem" and they just walked off.

From that game onwards he always had usually roger pope on the door just letting in the locals.


Ha,ha, I can remember that day. Came round the corner to be greeted by a load of Villa fans with a big flag with "VILLA KILLER" on it. Marvellous.

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Just because the Mayor owns the Tobacco Factory - we are railroaded into staying at Ashton Gate and having to forgo Ashton Vale, which would have better parking, transport links, facilities and future expandability. If we go down this route - people will look back on the decision for years to come and see it as a BIG mistake.

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Not for me. A shiny new Stadium with all the added benefits would have been great and my preference but this is a very good "next best thing" IMO.


I won't be at all disappointed if/when we re-develop Ashton Gate.

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Not for me. A shiny new Stadium with all the added benefits would have been great and my preference but this is a very good "next best thing" IMO.


I won't be at all disappointed if/when we re-develop Ashton Gate.





I am all for the Vale and my blood boils about how a few people have scuppered it but this is still a good alternative.

If City had never mentioned moving and come up with these plans on day one most people would have been pretty happy with what is being proposed.

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Just because the Mayor owns the Tobacco Factory - we are railroaded into staying at Ashton Gate and having to forgo Ashton Vale, which would have better parking, transport links, facilities and future expandability. If we go down this route - people will look back on the decision for years to come and see it as a BIG mistake.


Whatever happens I hope we can incorporate some PUBLIC TOILETS into the development....

Bristols 1st elected mayor Mr George 'Loo-Pee-Loo' Ferguson is taking the pee out of Bristolians everywhere by shutting all the bogs. What a pain in the butt that's gonna be!

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It was always a given imo. Ferguson is behind it so the revamp will happen. Im with kibs on this one, I was all for moving to av but having looked at the ins and outs, pros and cons- redeveloped gate is just as viable and imo still looks impressive. It will be interesting to see if safe standing is still at the bottom of the ee and not the top, as a lot of fans requested a change.

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Just because the Mayor owns the Tobacco Factory - we are railroaded into staying at Ashton Gate and having to forgo Ashton Vale, which would have better parking, transport links, facilities and future expandability. If we go down this route - people will look back on the decision for years to come and see it as a BIG mistake.


He has little influence with these decisions, he has supported UWE and that has gone pear shaped.

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Not for me. A shiny new Stadium with all the added benefits would have been great and my preference but this is a very good "next best thing" IMO.


I won't be at all disappointed if/when we re-develop Ashton Gate.

Disagree.  Compared to a brand new stadium this is a very poor alternative.  That's why it was only proposed once it became apparent the new stadium may never happen. 


A revamped AG will never be able to generate the revenue a new stadium would have.  On top of that, the new stadium was achitecturally different whereas the redeveloped ground is much more the like the 'souless bowl' we all fear.  If we are forced to choose this distinctly second-best option it will be to the deteriment of the club and the city and, for me, will forever be a symbol of Bristol's antipathy towards sport and progress in general.

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Ashton Vale would have been better bit this is the most pragmatic option under the circumstances.


Perhaps if the club achieves sustained success over the next 10-15 years they could look at Ashton Vale again, but the redevelopment solves most of the immediate problems.

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No surprise. It'll get approved next week, wait 6 weeks to ensure no JR comes in then get building/demolishing early next year. Probably March time.


Hadn't thought of this, could we possibly have another av situation with a review etc? Or not so much because its already a stadium!?

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Cracking news,never fancied watching us in a stadium that was over half empty every other week anyway

This argument represents a very short term view.  Ultimately the new stadium would give the club a chance to be more financially sustainable, be able to attract better players, and ultimately be more successful.  This would then bring in the bigger crowds.  I just don't think the redeveloped AG could do this to the same extent.

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If the chance to develop Ashton Vale is missed, City will always be limited as a club and would never be able to generate the revenue to stay in the Premiership if we ever managed to get there. In my opinion we would have a nice stadium for the Championship and maybe have the odd season in the Premiership (very big maybe!) The stadium is permanent but league positions are strictly temporary (I hope!). Arsenal had to move from Highbury because it only held 38000 people and they felt that they could not continue to compete with the likes of Manure with 76000 capacity. Sporting excellence is about ambition - I hope that the Landsowns have more than they are currently demonstrating.

The Mayor was happy with housing on the AG site and would be happy keeping City on the site because both of those options feed The Tobacco Factory with paying punters. If the proposition is looked at objectively - the AG option is grossly inferior to AV. We are being legged over by vested interests, green loonies and a very small number of local nimbys. It stinks!

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The NIMBYs have won :grr:


Pity the Bristol sports clubs and fans couldn't have worked together to fight them, but them's the conditions that prevail :(


Now let's hope the new AG is better than the old. Getting in some decent catering for the masses would be a good start, followed by some stewards who know the job, rather than whatever Rentathug chooses to provide.

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Parking is becoming more difficult year by year and just imagine how it would be if we did get 27000 crowds. If the bus services improved - where could they all pick up? There are no viable transport links and the revamp will take away even more parking spaces. This has no been though through.

It should be a very nice Championship level stadium once you are inside - the trouble is going to come in trying to persuade people to go through great difficulty in getting to the stadium for every match. Short of concreting over the park and making it into a car park - (with lousy road access) this is not the right solution for the next 100 years.

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Parking is becoming more difficult year by year and just imagine how it would be if we did get 27000 crowds. If the bus services improved - where could they all pick up? There are no viable transport links and the revamp will take away even more parking spaces. This has no been though through.

It should be a very nice Championship level stadium once you are inside - the trouble is going to come in trying to persuade people to go through great difficulty in getting to the stadium for every match. Short of concreting over the park and making it into a car park - (with lousy road access) this is not the right solution for the next 100 years.


When (OK, if) the Portishead line is re-opened, Ashton Gate Halt could take a lot of the load.

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Ashton Vale would have been better bit this is the most pragmatic option under the circumstances.


Perhaps if the club achieves sustained success over the next 10-15 years they could look at Ashton Vale again, but the redevelopment solves most of the immediate problems.

I tend to agree. Who knows what will happen in 15 years time. Maybe Bristol rugby will be a huge club and need a stadium of their own after sharing with us for years. Who knows where we will be, I would hope well established in the Championship if not above (surely it must be our turn somewhere in the next decade or so to be in he Premiership).

It just seems a huge waste of time:

'We cannot possibly develop Ashton Gate for xyz reasons, we want the World Cup blah, blah, blah.'

'No you cannot build on the land you own, it's green don't you know'

'Ok then we will develop Ashton Gate'

And this has taken how long? I think most of us are fed up with the situation, I cannot imagine how SteveL must feel.

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What the club needs is the executive boxes and non-matchday facilities, not the capacity. A redeveloped Ashton Gate can provide these, thus solving the immediate problem and helping the club finance itself without outside investment.


If this proves successful and the club is regularly pulling in 25k+ crowds at Premiership level then they'll be much better placed to get a new stadium built. Maybe not at Ashton Vale if the TVG is in force but somewhere, and the argument of "they'll never need it as they're not successful" will not apply to the same extent.

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If we revamp AG then I think we all have to accept this club will never go anywhere in terms of sustainable growth... not unless the revamp involves flattening the whole site and rebuilding from scratch...

A poor mans compromise IMO.. and not a very good or farsighted one at that.... we will still have the same transport issues and the lack of revenue generating bars / Restaurants etc -

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Do people actually think we would fill a new stadium if it were granted? My guess is not even close which would make it almost like a lifeless bowl regardless of its design.

I am more than happy to have Ashton gate redeveloped and brought into the 21st century. It's what we all know, it's our home of football.

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Do people actually think we would fill a new stadium if it were granted? My guess is not even close which would make it almost like a lifeless bowl regardless of its design.

I am more than happy to have Ashton gate redeveloped and brought into the 21st century. It's what we all know, it's our home of football.

its not about filling the stadium it never has been, its about increasing mtach day revenue (hospitality boxes) and non matchday revenue which we have missed out on for years now,

atmoshphere and accustics doesn't put money into the bank account sadly

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its not about filling the stadium it never has been, its about increasing mtach day revenue (hospitality boxes) and non matchday revenue which we have missed out on for years now,

atmoshphere and accustics doesn't put money into the bank account sadly

Atmosphere and accoustics surely increase the appeal to fans attending the game though which should increase attendance which in turn would put money into the bank account?

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I'm so under whelmed by the new AG design it's beyond belief. I appreciate the corners have to be used bit it is so bowl like it's unbelievable. I know there are space constraints but how unspecial is the EE. It may be the first end to be built with safe standing in the country, but once safe standing is the norm it will just be another stand. Very disappointed by the plans. Crisp bowl here we come 

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Hadn't thought of this, could we possibly have another av situation with a review etc? Or not so much because its already a stadium!?


A JR is entirely possible, but I just don't see the motive. There have hardly been any objections to a revamped AG, literally a handful online and no opposition groups formed like in the case of Sainsburys (at the Mem and AG) and AV.


To those concerned about a revamped AG, put it like this, do you honestly think we couldn't sustain C'ship football with a 26,500 capacity, exec boxes, new conference facilites, bars, museum, club shop etc? As others have said, a new stadium could become a reality further down the line but right now that shot is not on the board and we are in desperate need of upgrading AG otherwise we will continue to slide on and off the pitch, I believe.

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