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That is very sporting of you!! Thank you. Likewise - if you would like a lift to the games, I usually go very early to be sure of my favourite parking space and to be ready for a quick getaway after the match. I think my email is on the link.


Brilliant, shows what this forum can do. :yes:


I'm sure it could link up alot more fans if there was some sort of permanent car sharing thread.

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Just a few extra random points I've thought of whilst reading this thread.


- I thought the club wanted to put more executive boxes in at the back of the replacement East End, but it was the fans who turned their noses up and forced them out.


- The rebuilt East End is going to have a couple more hundred seats than the Atyeo, and yet the roof height is going to be the same as the Dolman, which leads me to think that it's either going to be a steep gradient, or maybe they're leaving space for executive boxes in future?


- All this talk of golf driving ranges reminded me about a thought I had a couple of years ago. With the Avon gorge being just up the road, couldn't the club create a

false climbing wall on one of the stands to encourage stadium use on non-match days - surely it would be high enough for members to have a decent ascent?, or what about a built in zip slide from the top of one stand, across the pitch etc.. surely it wouldn't cost a lot, but could offer a nice little return? Imagine as an away fan having the chance to have a bit of adventure when you turn up early at a ground.

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Just a few extra random points I've thought of whilst reading this thread.

- I thought the club wanted to put more executive boxes in at the back of the replacement East End, but it was the fans who turned their noses up and forced them out.

- The rebuilt East End is going to have a couple more hundred seats than the Atyeo, and yet the roof height is going to be the same as the Dolman, which leads me to think that it's either going to be a steep gradient, or maybe they're leaving space for executive boxes in future?

- All this talk of golf driving ranges reminded me about a thought I had a couple of years ago. With the Avon gorge being just up the road, couldn't the club create a

false climbing wall on one of the stands to encourage stadium use on non-match days - surely it would be high enough for members to have a decent ascent?, or what about a built in zip slide from the top of one stand, across the pitch etc.. surely it wouldn't cost a lot, but could offer a nice little return? Imagine as an away fan having the chance to have a bit of adventure when you turn up early at a ground.

I think away fans can have all the adventure they could handle If they go into the wrong pubs !

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4 objections is enough for the green hag to get her teeth into :(


I see the BP do have a sense of humour after all . . ..


here are five possible objections some would say are typical of Bristol, which some have dubbed the biggest village in the UK, or "Lymeswold-on-Avon".

1"I wanted a Sainsbury's. I saw a recipe for a spiced meringue Christmas wreath on their website and I want to be able to get all the ingredients in one place."


2 "When I lie on my back in Ashton Court on a summer's day, I like to be able to see the houses of Knowle West. The giant new Williams Stand will block the view."


3 "I run a solar-powered knitting group in Greville Smyth Park. We will have to move over towards the Cumberland Basin or the bigger stadium will put us in shadow, and I do so hate the sound of passing lorries."


4 "I note from the planning application that there is no provision for allotments along the side of the pitch. Please amend."


5 "This new stadium will put us on a par with other English cities, and signal a desire for progress. This cannot be allowed."

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So much about the planning process / investment / economics is baffling.


People will have personal agendas to prevent development then complain that the nation as a whole can't look after them properly.


The same people who (often understandably) complain about development will also be the same people who whine that there's not enough in the governement coffers to pay healthy pensions, maintain roads and the state of public services.


Where do they think jobs and prosperity come from?  They are very lucky that they will be broadly insulated from the lack of investment in their area.  If they were told their pension was being cut this year due to the cancelling of planned development revenues or their hospital operation couldn't go ahead ...

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The land size of Ethiad stadium is 38% smaller than AG.

Just think about that. Maybe we have to play games away for a year. But the plot of land that we have is big enough to do something lasting and special.

Maybe the club need to step back, and look overseas to see what can be made.

I dunno - it's not my money, but the plans on offer are pretty poor.


You make a valid and well researched point about how to do corporate.

But - without wishing to completely take the jam from your doughnut, in the nicest possible way...what planet are you on?!?

38% smaller? No way, I'd say it is the other way round. And that's being kind (without including the huge oval of open land around the stands themselves).

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Just a few extra random points I've thought of whilst reading this thread.

- I thought the club wanted to put more executive boxes in at the back of the replacement East End, but it was the fans who turned their noses up and forced them out.

- The rebuilt East End is going to have a couple more hundred seats than the Atyeo, and yet the roof height is going to be the same as the Dolman, which leads me to think that it's either going to be a steep gradient, or maybe they're leaving space for executive boxes in future?

I did speak to the architect regarding the boxes being removed from the Wedlock design. It was not due to fans. It is straight economics. They will be more profitable elsewhere and each stand will cater for a different demographic. Top end facilities in the Williams, then the Dolman and then the Wedlock/Atyeo.

The architect oddly could not confirm the rake of the stand by % v the Dolman. It will be steeper obviously than it is now.

The design at the open day was not the final Wedlock design.

Many of the points here should have been already addressed by the "wide" consultation. They have not been!!

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I did speak to the architect regarding the boxes being removed from the Wedlock design. It was not due to fans. It is straight economics. They will be more profitable elsewhere and each stand will cater for a different demographic. Top end facilities in the Williams, then the Dolman and then the Wedlock/Atyeo.

The architect oddly could not confirm the rake of the stand in % v the Dolman. It will steeper obviously than it is now.

The design at the open day was not the final Wedlock design.


Glad to hear this, as a lot of eastenders wanted the standing to go at the back. Any idea when we will know what the final design looks like?

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Glad to hear this, as a lot of eastenders wanted the standing to go at the back. Any idea when we will know what the final design looks like?

I don't know. I was informed by those who have no habit of just making stuff up.

It seems appropriate that somebody should be informing supporters what that stand actually looks like. Fans were going to be consulted and informed at "every" step said BCFC.

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Glad to hear this, as a lot of eastenders wanted the standing to go at the back. Any idea when we will know what the final design looks like





These are the drawings submitted for planning in July so this is pretty much what will be built:

Plans and sections towards the bottom




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Does anyone know if the Atyeo nearest the Dolman will be modified internally (a bit of a curve or angled section built)? If not, given that there is already a considerable pitch overhang and the pitch is moving further away, people in the seats nearest the Dolman will need to turn their heads to a 45 degree angle for the whole match!

This has also been my question since the plans were first revealed. I think the answer is: no. It will stay the same, according to all the info at our disposal (including the planning docs) anyway.

Unbelievable really, isn't it, that they seem to have overlooked it. Maybe there lies a clue in this that they intend to redevelop the atyeo properly in the near future.

In fact, I was so confused by this glaring 'mistake' - whatever we want to call it - and the omission of an explanation, along with the fact that the architects were relatively unknown and complete novices on stadium design that I actually wondered for a good while whether the plans were a sham, a faked distraction to avert rites from Ashton Vale...

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These are the drawings submitted for planning in July so this is pretty much what will be built:

Plans and sections towards the bottom





What's interesting about those plans is that there is a standing area in the corner of the east end/williams, and the corner of the eastend/dolman, as well as standing along the front of the east end.

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The objections all relate to increased traffic the lack of light,and a loss of sunlight.

I understand why they would be upset... But it's not as if we wanted this.. It's been forced upon us so people can have a 43 acre "village green"


In planning

There is a rule.

Nobody has a right to light

It is a shame, a couple of SELFISH people have stopped Ashton Vale (I hope their Grandchildren remember them for what they have achieved with their SELFISHNESS, for there futures.) 

They will get the 43 acre site, but it will be full of weeds and them (An ugly sight)

But they do not realise in about 10 years time, there will be houses built there! (SL will make his money that way instead) And they will not have the pretty park land that SL said he would provide, with 2 Pond/ Lakes for wildlife and pretty walkways through woodland. (This is when the Law changes for the better.) And he would have managed and maintained it!

A Major road will join the A38 with the A370 (Quarter of a mile long) Part of the Bristol Ring Road, and  better access to Bristol Airport.

They are living in Cuckoo land if they have not realised this already.

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In planning

There is a rule.

Nobody has a right to light

It is a shame, a couple of SELFISH people have stopped Ashton Vale (I hope their Grandchildren remember them for what they have achieved with their SELFISHNESS, for there futures.)

They will get the 43 acre site, but it will be full of weeds and them (An ugly sight)

But they do not realise in about 10 years time, there will be houses built there! (SL will make his money that way instead) And they will not have the pretty park land that SL said he would provide, with 2 Pond/ Lakes for wildlife and pretty walkways through woodland. (This is when the Law changes for the better.) And he would have managed and maintained it!

A Major road will join the A38 with the A370 (Quarter of a mile long) Part of the Bristol Ring Road, and better access to Bristol Airport.

They are living in Cuckoo land if they have not realised this already.

SL sells the land for social housing thus follows an inevitable decline towards unsavoury behaviour, noise, litter, crime etc etc. Let's hope that 50% is left aside for the travellers permanent site with easy access to the A370.

They need somewhere to live too and the AV brigade, I'm sure, will be delighted to have a helped.

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I see the BP do have a sense of humour after all . . ..

here are five possible objections some would say are typical of Bristol, which some have dubbed the biggest village in the UK, or "Lymeswold-on-Avon".

Here! That's my expression :grr:

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To Manon


Ethiad has no outside space, where has the AG site does - I should have been clearer.


The Carparking at Etihad is underneath the stadium - 3 levels I believe, but most come by train.


With some gumption, the train could be the best and cheapest option at AG as well.


When I went to the Etihad last season for a CL game, there was a mahoosive car park just over the huge footbridge from the stadium complex. I appreciate it's not actually the stadium site but that car park was enormous! The actual stadium site is relatively small but parking really wasn't an issue due to the car parks all around it.

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When I went to the Etihad last season for a CL game, there was a mahoosive car park just over the huge footbridge from the stadium complex. I appreciate it's not actually the stadium site but that car park was enormous! The actual stadium site is relatively small but parking really wasn't an issue due to the car parks all around it.

Are we talking manchester or melbourne? Thought we were discussing melbourne personally but now I'm confused!

Talking manchester though, it really is frightening the amount of growth taking place there right now. There is a 7000 seat stadium along with a while sports village emerging next to the etihad. That club is going places, in a way chelsea failed to.

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The etihad in melbourne is much much bigger than ashton gate.

The stadium alone measures approx 900 ft x 700 ft compared with ashton gate's 550 ft x 450 ft. The etihad suits atop a plinth- a large raised perimeter walkway (presumably under which lies the car park), which completely dwarves the space around ag stadium.

I really would be interested as to how you came by this figure of 38% smaller! Did you pluck it out of thin air?

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Temple Meads or a car park that is a twenty minute walk away for people who take walking for granted may be fine but its a tad discriminatory if we discount those older folk or those unable to walk. On the rare occasion I am able to get back I now have to spend a fiver extra to park in the City car park assuming I book it in time so that my elderly mum and dad can watch as well. I suppose the alternative is to drop them off and then go park; not exactly what we should accept in the 21st century is it? All in all parking is a huge issue that the club would be wise not to forget about. They do that by being serious about the issue and not just say there u go we are providing 200 spaces but its going to cost a tenner oh and it's only for season ticket holders. If local parking is impossible then there simply has to be a rail station or a free shuttle from realistic park and ride locations. Without that you can knock off literally thousands from the gate because people will simply not bother coming for the hassle factor.

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If you are willing, I'm always up for a good internet brawl...no spitting or scratching allowed. Might be hard with the time difference tho.

Seriously though, I'm honestly bemused by your figures, which you've stated twice and once in bold. Doesn't matter how slowly you say it - of which land outside the stadium boundaries do you speak, and how did you reach the figure of 38% smaller?

I don't see the relevance of any future development of the walkway. The stadium, of which the walkway is in no doubt an integral part, was still built within a footprint almost twice the size of ours.

Over to you.

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What's interesting about those plans is that there is a standing area in the corner of the east end/williams, and the corner of the eastend/dolman, as well as standing along the front of the east end.

Last one. Somebody from the working party can confirm or deny that the safe standing area has been altered. The image of the Wedlock at the open consulation day isn't the one now on the verge of being built. That will not affect the outline application.

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I agree. Re-opening the station seems a must to me, green capital of Europe and all that. I was rather hoping an elected mayor would cut through the crap and bang the respective companies heads together.


The only problem with the station is that you can only get to it from the North or by changing at Parson Street

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There are plans a foot to reopen the Portishead line to passenges its part of the metro plan for rail travel in the Greater Bristol area.

More likely to get built first is the South Bristo Link road from Hengrove to the Long Ashton by pass this will also include a dedicated bus route which carrys on through to the City Centre on the old Harbour rail line.

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