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Sod Gone


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It is difficult to argue with that. Especially when Tuesday's performance was a lot better.

Which makes me think their hand is forced timing-wise on a specific candidate.

Can be the only reason. That someone they think is better timing wise is available. Absolutely shocked by this though!

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great all the SOD haters have got there wish, i for 1 am gutted as slowly but surely the progress was coming. we are right back to square 1 again now with a huge downward spiral on its way. thanks sean and best of luck

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Yes, it's true: I've also just received the email from Lansdown. They've got it wrong yet again in my opinion and caved in to the pressure and negativity from a section of the fanbase. Stupid, stupid, backward step and another indication of the weakness at board level. This will cost more money the club can ill afford and cause more upheaval and discontinuity. Further evidence for me of the dysfunctionality at the heart of the oprganisation. They had better get the new appointment right or this will disrupt everything we've been trying to do and could be as likely to take us backwards as forwards. Well done to all the moaners: you've got your way. You'd better hope it works. I won't be holding my breath.

Agree. I'm now about as disillusioned with the ****wits running the club and the minority of ****wits that support it as I've ever been. I dread to think who we will end up with now.

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we will now lose pemberton and burt who came to work with him. Jet will also leave as he prefers to work under SOD who is the only man who knows how to get the best out of him.

back to square one just as we were about to turn the corner.

Who ever the new manager is will not play the youth and will not get on with JET.

Very bad ecision by the board again and I can only see it getting worse.

Disgraceful decision.

Don't panic! Don't panic!

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Guest TommoBS3

Pleased the right decision was made, disappointing performances and results to match. Poor with the media and offered little to inspire the fans.

Surprised though I thought the board would stick with him.

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Agree. I'm now about as disillusioned with the ****wits running the club and the minority of ****wits that support it as I've ever been. I dread to think who we will end up with now.


Spot on.


I wouldn't be so disappointed if there was an obvious candidate to come in, but I can't see one.

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we will now lose pemberton and burt who came to work with him. Jet will also leave as he prefers to work under SOD who is the only man who knows how to get the best out of him.


back to square one just as we were about to turn the corner.


Who ever the new manager is will not play the youth and will not get on with JET.


Very bad ecision by the board again and I can only see it getting worse.


Disgraceful decision.

Sorry but your assuming an awful lot, any way you can back your drivel up!

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great all the SOD haters have got there wish, i for 1 am gutted as slowly but surely the progress was coming. we are right back to square 1 again now with a huge downward spiral on its way. thanks sean and best of luck


Just as the Del haters got their wish. And the Millen haters. And the Johnson haters.


It has nothing to do with people hating him, and everything to do with a record that reads 7 wins in 38 games.

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Guest Threshersleftboot

The one constant in all of these appallinging managerial appointments is the board they have continually showed a complete lack of judgement in their selection of managers i think it is time they did the honourable thing and disappeared as quickly as possible i would much prefer people to be running our club with some real football knowledge because as has been proved over the previous years it doesent matter how much money you throw at it if you dont know what you are doing you will not be successful.

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4 choices:


1) Proven Manager at this level: e.g. SO'D mark 2


2) Young up and coming manager: U18s coach etc


3) Old Boy: Carey, Murray etc


4) Big name: Colin, Di Canio, Skeletor


Can't see the point in option 1, SOD was proven and couldn't succeed, option2 massively risky, option 3 would be a disaster, unless maybe Tinnion has learned a thing or 2, I think it will be option 4...

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So all that talk of "long-term goals" and "building for the future" was just bullshit? Wtf are you doing Lansdown... As others have pointed out, JET'll be after a move come January I imagine

I wonder who the next chump through the door is going to be? ******* joke City

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Sums up the board, and why i am no longer going.  As I have said they never follow anything through, never stick to a polan, you can go back through my past history saying if they Dump SOD, that will tell you all you need to know about long term planning and their strategy.


That is me done now, I won't be going to away games either, i am officially a arm chair supporter until these toss pots and owner are gone.

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Bloody hell thought they would keep him till Xmas ,but I realize some thing had to be done now . But not much time for the new man to get loan people in .i think will have to wait to January so will have to go with what we have. Wonder if who ever it is ,they bring back killa and fonts to look at

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.

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I am very disappointed that he's gone.Top,Top bloke ,who treats us fans fairly and honestly.He evidently has made mistakes but i felt it was just coming together.

Thank you Sean and good luck for the future.

As for us ,i am worried,very worried.if the board clock it up this time we are in it up to the neck.

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.

What I have been saying for Years Spud, eventually it is all coming  home to roost.  **** this club while the Lansdown's are in charge **** them to hell I am done with investing any of my time or money into it while they are in charge

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Guest billybob



From the tone and timing of the announcement it would seem that there has been a row and the board have reacted in haste. And now they can repent at leisure. Again.


Who would ever want to join this club as head coach/manager?

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Well he was right about some weeling and dealing but this wasnt what i suspected.


Well at least we dont get this new defender now !


I heard rumours of this ore match Tuesday which is why I haven't posted anything at all since, I was told the board expected us to lose and he would be sacked after the match, of coarse we played peob the best ive seen them this year so that didnt happen directly after the match.


Not at all happy to hear this today though


And as said it has to be a time critical issue especially with the Crawley job up for grabs as well now




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Excellent decision.


Diabolical end record with Doncaster, awful record with us.


Attrocious football for 10 months, just wasnt working. Results improved, performances didnt.


Bad for our rep and we look like a laughing stock but had to be done.

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.




Exactly this!

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Totally disagree with the decision, 9 points from last 6 games, 1 defeat in seven, progress was being made.  


Agree with you completely. The team and formation with this 3-5-2 system was starting to come together. Progress was being made, and now this! I'm appalled and starting to question my loyalty towards the club. 

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Not happy at all. I'd be amazed if we could get someone with the same pedigree. He inherited a poor squad with no confidence and massive budget issues. SOD might not have done as well as we all hoped but his record shows he is a long-term, not short-term fix. Pity our board didn't have the patience to allow him time on an unenviable task

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.

It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.

I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.

I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...

I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.

Spot on. The board are the one constant in the wave after wave of shite we've been fed.

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What's interesting is the level of criticism of the board and the support for SOD which that implies. What's been more prominent on the forum for much of the season is anti-SOD sentiment, until now. It tends to confirm what many people have said in the past - that moaners are by far the most noisy section of the forum membership and the fan base in general, whereas there is a substantial but largely silent majority who see the sense in retaining SOD and in the overall, long term strategy.


I haven't been this despairing or as furious with a City board since Les Kew allowed Joe Jordan to leave without putting up a fight to hold on to him, an episode that preceeded a slow, inevitable decline that it took years to reverse. Lansdown & Co have done the exact opposite of what they've been preaching all season. It indicates an alarming lack of nerve and susceptibility to fan pressure. It bodes ill for the future of the club.

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There must be more to this than meets the eye because it looks like an obviously stupid move. SOS was making progress with huge limitations to his budget. We will have to pay a year of his wages to get rid of him and the new coach will want further turnover of players. Backroom staff will be likely to leave and need to be replaced. All this costing money from a budget that is hugely limited by the 60% cap. If this is just a knee jerk reaction because of results then the board are the ones in the wrong. SOD had the ability to recruit on a budget and it is easy to forget that many of his team are in their first full season of league football. SOD had given hints about this - so it might have been in the offing for a long time. Maybe Gary is coming back??

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.


Spot on as usual.


Johnson, Coppell, Millen, McInnes, O'Driscoll. There's one constant there. They can't all be bad managers, and a couple of them have since proved that they aren't.

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Why all the panic and insults. SOD himself said that if he leaves then the club structure now in place will make sure the approach and strategy will continue and not change. If we were bottom 4 in January, you would all be on here saying how we were replicating last season where we held on too long. We are in a relegation battle, we have to try and get out of it, and after a relegation last year, just maybe a fresh voice is needed. There will now be endless debate about who comes in, with the likes and dislikes of all thrown in. Whoever it is must buy into the system we now have , but also have some ideas about how we get the team up the table. It probably needs, right now, someone with experience. I still think, due to timing, the club have some ideas already.


So a new manager every week then? Like the presenters on have I got news for you. Maybe season ticket holders could take it in turns to be manager for a week. Great idea...

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Lots of scaremongering. I never engaged with Sean at all. I don't think we were turning a corner as some are saying, we may have scraped together some points but they were not earned convincingly.

This could be the start of a recovery, Sean's attitude was miserable and so was his style of football.

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Guest Lew Veg

Board is an absolute joke, get JL out just proves who you know and not what you know, why keep sacking manager after manager after manager it just proves it gets you nowhere and as a club we keep proving this, i bet the players are gutted and definitely means JET will be gone as he said he wants to be wherever SOD is. Ridiculous decision we have boards in place to look at the bigger picture, well supposed to.

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Because the system, Pillars dont directly affect the tactics used on a match day, and formations used. There are other things including personality, results already gotten and so forth. The Coach/manager has always been an interchangable part of the system, even So'D recognised this.

New Guy, new ideas that may take us to a better place using the proto system we have to build a better future

The new guy may well do that and more, but conversely he may change things for the worse. If what you're saying is within our system the head coaches only role is to pick the team and formation on a Saturday afternoon then it makes no more sense as we've lost 1 in the last 7, i.e. the tactics are starting to work. I fail to see how we can have a long term coaching structure but not a long term attitude to the coaches operating within it? This isn't Burger King where you can replace your chief burger flipper with an advert in the job centre

As others have said, there must be more to this than just the results and to be honest, if its pretty much any of the names I've seen mentioned so far, I will seriously question the sanity of this board

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The new guy may well do that and more, but conversely he may change things for the worse. If what you're saying is within our system the head coaches only role is to pick the team and formation on a Saturday afternoon then it makes no more sense as we've lost 1 in the last 7, i.e. the tactics are starting to work. I fail to see how we can have a long term coaching structure but not a long term attitude to the coaches operating within it? This isn't Burger King where you can replace your chief burger flipper with an advert in the job centre

As others have said, there must be more to this than just the results and to be honest, if its pretty much any of the names I've seen mentioned so far, I will seriously question the sanity of this board


Is he available?

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Shocked generally, I thought the club was slowly building from the bottom up and starting to get the bigger picture correct with its youth policy and playing style, I also liked having a proper manager - some people might like an idiot waving his arms about all day but SOD was an articulate man who if you heard or spoke to, you couldnt help but understand how he knew the game and was very methodical in his ways. But ultimately it is a results business and that stipulates what had to happen despite a recent upturn in performances/results.


Whos next....... well I hope its not Warnock or Holloway as this would just divide supporters and its the last thing we need right now. I think we are either going to be looking at a unknown foreigner (perhaps someone that Tinnion has recommended) or someone like Paul Tisdale or Karl Robinson who would be my personal choice. The timing of this does seem strange and it wouldnt suprise me if someone has become available

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Some have talked on here of insanity from the Board by sacking SOD. But how insane would it have been to keep a bloke who was taking us down to league 2. No one enjoys someone losing their job. But where I always worked if you do not perform to a standard you are sacked so why should be any different in a football club.


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They've done it now probably to give the new man a month to assess the squad before the transfer window opens


Exactly. In these days of the transfer window the board have to decide to make a change now or never. Either that or we end up living off of crap from the loan market as we have for the last 3 years.


Might seem strange after an improved performance, but I guess he was given a minimum points pick up over the 2 home games and failed to get it. Stadium yesterday, so put back to today.    

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I just received the email also  :(   Really strange.  Maybe there's been a bit of a bust-up behind the scenes?

Only explanation I can think of. If this was performances you do it a month ago. Tuesday was one of the better and more balanced performances and against the league leaders. Disagreement on something between SOD and board.

Agree with people saying we're completely mis-run in our recruitment of managers. Can't believe JL is still paying lip service to a strategy in his email today. Who is suddenly available now that has made the make this move?

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