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Sod Gone


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It's a strange one this. His personality annoyed me at times and some games were dreadful but on the other hand he was rebuilding and that needs time. Then you look at the league table and think a change is need before it gets too bad then you realise there isn't exactly a massive pool of great managers waiting to come in. For me it feels like we got rid of a 5/10 manager when there's only 4/10 managers out there, just one slow step backwards. This season just sucks really.

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SOD was willing to put up with large financial restrictions, cut the squad, cut this, cut that, he played our academy players. No manager will take us on with our record 


Of course someone unemployed won't want the job!!

Of course there will be people lining up to take the role on.


It never ceases to amaze me that people still believe that we are the only club making these changes

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The Fourth Division beckons - but City can do it without me. The Board is showing once again that it knows frack all about organisation, frack all about the fans and frack all about football.


City will win a couple of games under New Manager Syndrome and then plummet like a stone. Well, they can do it without me. I've had enough of incompetent suits fracking up my matchday experience and fracking up my football team.


O'Driscoll was the one chance of putting back together the club that the suits had ruined. The club is, to coin a phrase, doomed.


Frack off, Lansdown, and take fracking Lindley's with you.

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This has re-invigorated me in support for this club.


We had a man who was leading us down and we've cut him out and have the chance to bring in someone fresh.


To be 22nd in this division is absurd. As JL stated, the league table doesn't lie.


We went from expansive cavalier football losing goals at the back to dour rubbish locking up at the back, playing one up front at home and always, always liable to concede.


He didn't seem to have any idea what he should be doing - despite his legendary monotone stuff on the radio.


He is gone - we are the better for it - and we need to move on and up,


Division Four next season. No doubt whatsoever.

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Worse? We got relegated last season, we are in a relegation zone again we've won about 4 league games this Calendar year ( not checked) it cant get much worse.

The Pillars will work, that I'm sure of, but that doesnt mean that a head coach has to stay in order for it to be acheived. It's about taking a step back and gain perspective rather than the mass panic on here

If things arent working on the field, then change is initiated so that some one who can potentially make the change so it does work is initiated. It's not about dynasty building or in this case panic. For once. This is a well thought out and judged decision by the board as it gives us time to affect change and hopefully turn the season around rather than leaving it too late and proceed to oblivion. Makes perfect sense from where I am

To be honest, I do get where you're coming from, it's just that on the face of it this decision reeks of short-termism and panic. You may well be right in your assessment but my gut instinct is this is another royal ****-up by Lansdown and his pals
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Toys Pram Thrown? Suck it up Aizoon, we're here for the long run. Take a step back, ditch the panic and the emotion and look at the table. Based on results since he took over the board have in this case made the right decision, we have a chance to change, there is no doom. Sure we may fail, but it is no longer a guarentee as it appeared under SOD


The Pillars will remain so things are good. For once. all is good for the club and the knee jerking because a false idol has been sacked, is bizarre in the extreme


Not an idol - the man who could have done the job. If we were here for the long run, we'd have stuck with O'Driscoll. No panic, no emotion but disgust. We are totally fracked now - watch and see.

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What a blooming joke.

I'm fed up with this pathetic club. The board are a shambles.

What then, Mr Lansdown, was the point in giving sod time when we were rooted bottom and on a 20 game win less run? We are slowly turning the corner. The ship has swung around, and about to feel the full wind in her sail...

I could understand it more if we lost on sat with another dire performance, but this makes no sense after a decent display against one of the leaders.

Is this for real? They keep asking us to be patient, and buy into their philosophy, then do this.

We deserve to go down now.

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Toys Pram Thrown? Suck it up Aizoon, we're here for the long run. Take a step back, ditch the panic and the emotion and look at the table. Based on results since he took over the board have in this case made the right decision, we have a chance to change, there is no doom. Sure we may fail, but it is no longer a guarentee as it appeared under SOD


The Pillars will remain so things are good. For once. all is good for the club and the knee jerking because a false idol has been sacked, is bizarre in the extreme



I shouldn't worry about it. Panic is the most highly contagious thing on planet earth.




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This has re-invigorated me in support for this club.


We had a man who was leading us down and we've cut him out and have the chance to bring in someone fresh.


To be 22nd in this division is absurd. As JL stated, the league table doesn't lie.


We went from expansive cavalier football losing goals at the back to dour rubbish locking up at the back, playing one up front at home and always, always liable to concede.


He didn't seem to have any idea what he should be doing - despite his legendary monotone stuff on the radio.


He is gone - we are the better for it - and we need to move on and up,

Well i'm glad it's re-invigorated you, because by the looks of it city have disillusioned far more fans today than re-invigorated.

Who on earth would take the city job now? Life expectancy: 10 months.

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What a blooming joke.

I'm fed up with this pathetic club. The board are a shambles.

What then, Mr Lansdown, was the point in giving sod time when we were rooted bottom and on a 20 game win less run? We are slowly turning the corner. The ship has swung around, and about to feel the full wind in her sail...

I could understand it more if we lost on sat with another dire performance, but this makes no sense after a decent display against one of the leaders.

Is this for real? They keep asking us to be patient, and buy into their philosophy, then do this.

We deserve to go down now.

Ummm, we DID lose on Saturday with another dire performance. keep up.

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Flippin heck - shocked at that. Thought the green shoots may have been appearing against LO. Now we'll never know.


Struggled with SoD to be honest. Had the right ideas but somehow didn't seem to effectively implement them.... was it the players or him? His public persona wasn't brilliant either and he made the fatal error of criticising the fans. As much as I was willing him to succeed, for whatever reason it just didn't seem to click.


I think the Board took note of the missing thousands. Fair play .. they've shown some balls. Absolutely critical now to get the right man for the Club .. and make sure it's for the long-term.  

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The Fourth Division beckons - but City can do it without me. The Board is showing once again that it knows frack all about organisation, frack all about the fans and frack all about football.


City will win a couple of games under New Manager Syndrome and then plummet like a stone. Well, they can do it without me. I've had enough of incompetent suits fracking up my matchday experience and fracking up my football team.


O'Driscoll was the one chance of putting back together the club that the suits had ruined. The club is, to coin a phrase, doomed.


Frack off, Lansdown, and take fracking Lindley's with you.


Like what happened under O'Driscoll you mean?

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What panic there is from the Board; yet another manager sacked, yet again the real problems not addressed. The Board stands accused of total incompetence in every sphere - the mind boggles at who they might appoint as manager!


How many of the players who came here because Sean was coach will stay? How many of the players who we got on loan because Sean was coach will stay? Does the Board seriously think that JET will stay in January?

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What panic there is from the Board; yet another manager sacked, yet again the real problems not addressed. The Board stands accused of total incompetence in every sphere - the mind boggles at who they might appoint as manager!

How many of the players who came here because Sean was coach will stay? How many of the players who we got on loan because Sean was coach will stay? Does the Board seriously think that JET will stay in January?

Derek Williams already tweeted that he is 'gutted'.

SOD clearly had the backing of the players.

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Who knows what happened in the meeting they had. SOD might have had some say in this too. 


I think he could have been given more time but our position is simply unacceptable. 


The fans have not got rid of him. The league position is the reason. 


I don't see what other option we had. We are 18 games into the season and we can't keep waiting for things to turn round. We had a few decent results but our performances have been no better. 


I really like SOD and his preferred style of play but it just wasn't working. 

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Who knows what happened in the meeting they had. SOD might have had some say in this too. 


I think he could have been given more time but our position is simply unacceptable. 


The fans have not got rid of him. The league position is the reason. 


I don't see what other option we had. We are 18 games into the season and we can't keep waiting for things to turn round. We had a few decent results but our performances have been no better. 


I really like SOD and his preferred style of play but it just wasn't working. 

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A decision the board may have been forced in to with the fans missing in their droves. The reaction on here doesn't lead me to believe that the outpour is representative of the fanbase, far far far more damning is the significant amount of ST holders that don't bother turning up anymore - real fans who committed for a season but for one reason or another voted with their feet.


Odd feelings about this. 5 or 6 weeks ago I'd have been happy (or as happy as you can be when someone loses their job) but now I'm reticent.

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Did they give him enough time? Probably not. This comes equally as a suprise considering the good performance against Leyton Orient (and previous good string of games), then again look at the wider picture. Playing league one football in the relegation zone, something far worse than this club should be. Personally I would have given him until the end of Christmas.  

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Not surprised at all, just bemused.

1 point from 2 home games seems to have pushed the board over the edge.

Just don't understand why we never follow a long term plan through though.

My BIG worry is Hollowhead,they couldn't could they?

Oh they would, you do realize when you enter AG your actually entering into a theater that is one big continuous panto.

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Did they give him enough time? Probably not. This comes equally as a suprise considering the good performance against Leyton Orient (and previous good string of games), then again look at the wider picture. Playing league one football in the relegation zone, something far worse than this club should be. Personally I would have given him until the end of Christmas.  



So the silent majority of supporters wanting to give him a chance should have to suffer the loud minority?


Always has been the case, and always will be.

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Derek Williams already tweeted that he is 'gutted'.

SOD clearly had the backing of the players.

This was also retweeted by Marlon Pack.

Strange that this decision comes after an ok run, and after a good performance against a team who are flying this season. I'm gutted too to be honest.

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Always has been the case, and always will be.


not sure thats fair. looking at playoff finals etc proves there are at least 30k people willing to go to bcfc games


only 5k of them went last tuesday. the majority are voting with their feet

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I think the Board took note of the missing thousands. Fair play .. they've shown some balls. Absolutely critical now to get the right man for the Club .. and make sure it's for the long-term.  


No they haven't (shown some balls, that is). They've done the exact opposite - bottled it. And contradicted everything they've been saying in the process.


As for making sure it's for the long term, wasn't that what this was supposed to be about? If ten months in the job is long term, then God help us.


The chaotic state of things at the top is now truly frightening. There has been a leadership vacuum ever since SL took a big backwards step (which he's entitled to do - I'm not criticising him for that). We also lost Colin Sexstone soon after. I wasn't his greatest fan, but he was a very experienced sports administrator and a strong personality. In their place we have have SL's inexperienced son (and I'm afraid I would have to question SL's judgement on that one) and the invisible Keith Dawe.


To cap it off, they've now dispensed with a very experienced manager who was very slowly beginning to produce signs of improvement in what was effectively a completely new team this season. Too slowly for some, obviously. This is a panic move - precisely the sort of thing we've been blaming our current plight on. More of the same. If you were worried before, frankly you should be soiling yourself now.

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There have been mixed views about SoD. It seems to be 50 - 50 on he should have been given more time v I'm glad he's gone.

At the same time there has been almost 100% criticism of Jon Lansdown / the board. I'm not a great fan of either but a lot of the criticism is, IMO, unfounded. Many people have said that SoD had to work under financial constraints which is true to a certain degree. However the board backed him to bring in a lot of players, either permanent signings or on loan, who should be good at league 1 level. The budget he was given was more than a lot of teams in this league - e.g Lee Johnson has a budget of approx 75p at Oldham.

The board also gave SoD plenty of time when other clubs would have panicked and sacked him much earlier. If he had to go, now is the time, as it gives a new manager time to look at the players before the January window

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I've been out all morning with no Internet access and poor mobile signal. My son texted me to say Sod had gone, i texted him to ask how he knew and he said email from JonL, i told him it must be a wind up. i really didn't see it coming. Then frustratingly I couldn't find out more until I got in a minute ago. I am still staggered, so off to read this and other threads to see if other people are as shocked as I am.

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There have been mixed views about SoD. It seems to be 50 - 50 on he should have been given more time v I'm glad he's gone.

At the same time there has been almost 100% criticism of Jon Lansdown / the board. I'm not a great fan of either but a lot of the criticism is, IMO, unfounded. Many people have said that SoD had to work under financial constraints which is true to a certain degree. However the board backed him to bring in a lot of players, either permanent signings or on loan, who should be good at league 1 level. The budget he was given was more than a lot of teams in this league - e.g Lee Johnson has a budget of approx 75p at Oldham.

The board also gave SoD plenty of time when other clubs would have panicked and sacked him much earlier. If he had to go, now is the time, as it gives a new manager time to look at the players before the January window

I find the fact that its 50/50 on SOD strange.

Most managers are sacked when there's a clear majority against them?

Something has happened. Perhaps he questioned Jon Lansdowns credentials when he refused to sanction a loan signing. Just guessing.

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I actually feel for sod. We have been in every game this season, silly mistakes have cost us 15+ points! I suppose that could come down to coaching or the players just not having the metal. I question the timing, but I guess if your going to do it now is the latest possible it could come, and after almost half the season we have picked up a mear 15 points, pretty pathetic. I can see why the board have done it, but there was just such a fine line for sod doing well and not doing well this season. I think what also let him down was his focus on the opposition and negativity, we shouldn't be where we are- the question is who would want to come into this merry go round circus of a club!?

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When the players ran out onto the field on Tuesday, there were 5.078 people in the stadium. I think that had more than a little to do with it.


You sure that's right. It was quiet alright, but not that quiet, surely?

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The whole things a mess now. Back to square one. Just who is there out there?

It's going to be the same for the next manager and he won't get the time he needs either I doubt. I wanted it to work for SoD but in all honesty he has been given as long as possible to turn this around. Can anyone say he has started to turn it around?

Sadly it's a result based business and as much as I wanted him to stay it's almost impossible to argue against this. Surprise surprise the board have got it wrong again.

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Absolute travesty of a decision, there is nobody on this planet who would get anything more out of this young bunch of players than sod could of. Watch us replace him with someone who hasn't got one iota of sods football knowledge or know how.

Yes we have been very poor this season, but we were improving albeit performance wise not results wise, had we stuck with sod I have no doubt in my mind we would have come good.


Completely disillusioned with this club at the moment. :(

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Absolute travesty of a decision, there is nobody on this planet who would get anything more out of this young bunch of players than sod could of. Watch us replace him with someone who hasn't got one iota of sods football knowledge or know how.

Yes we have been very poor this season, but we were improving albeit performance wise not results wise, had we stuck with sod I have no doubt in my mind we would have come good.


Completely disillusioned with this club at the moment. :(


If that's true then we've definitely had it.


Guess we'll find out soon enough.

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Absolute travesty of a decision, there is nobody on this planet who would get anything more out of this young bunch of players than sod could of. Watch us replace him with someone who hasn't got one iota of sods football knowledge or know how.

Yes we have been very poor this season, but we were improving albeit performance wise not results wise, had we stuck with sod I have no doubt in my mind we would have come good.


Completely disillusioned with this club at the moment. :(

Agree with you 100% - unless the Board has someone lined up with a proven track record of taking young inexperienced players to the top I fear we're going to struggle very badly for the rest of the season.

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If i could set his personal opinions of facism aside, i would have Di Canio. If we are looking to change the club then it needs to be focused, maybe an over discplined manager could be good for the club. Every business needs to have it!

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In interviews. I imagine he is very different in training

So many people fall into a trap of not LISTENING when a speaker is not very animated or attractive.It is precisely when presented with this type of person that one should pay more attention to the content because this type is not one to court the limelight And rarely speaks without having something worthwhile to communicate.

Gobshites are ten a penny and empty vessels make the most noise.

Now,anyone else want to embarrass themselves by calling O'Driscoll boring ?

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