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Sod Gone


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If i could set his personal opinions of facism aside, i would have Di Canio. If we are looking to change the club then it needs to be focused, maybe an over discplined manager could be good for the club. Every business needs to have it!


I really, really, really wouldn't and cannot imagine someone less suited to what's actually needed.

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Because his record is terrible....


His recent record isn't great.  He did a great job to get QPR up but then his tactical naivety was exposed in the Premier League (he literally had QPR players screaming at him from the pitch that his tactics weren't working shortly before Norwich scored against them, for example).  But, far worse, at Leeds it seeemd his passion and spark has gone.


And frankly we've tried appointing managers with good past records but worry question marks over their recent enthusiasm before.  It'd be Coppell mark II.

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Agree with you 100% - unless the Board has someone lined up with a proven track record of taking young inexperienced players to the top I fear we're going to struggle very badly for the rest of the season.


We are struggling now so we won't be any worse off. I didn't particularly think SOD should go now, i did think that a few weeks ago, but have you not been looking at the league table this season. As the e-mail states the league table doesn't lie and we have been in the relegation zone most of the season.


I have no ideal who will be the next manager and most of the names suggested do not inspire me at all but it wasn't working under SOD and the board have been brave enough to act early enough to give whoever comes in time to avoid relegation.


Like someone else has already said only time will tell if this was a wise move or not. I hope it is.

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Good riddance.

The arrogance is astounding. It's a massive IF that we will get someone in who will accumulate more points in the remainder of the season than SOD could have.

If we went down would you stand by your views? Probably not.

Mind you, neither would JL probably. It would be someone else's fault no doubt.

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Absolute travesty of a decision, there is nobody on this planet who would get anything more out of this young bunch of players than sod could of. Watch us replace him with someone who hasn't got one iota of sods football knowledge or know how.

Yes we have been very poor this season, but we were improving albeit performance wise not results wise, had we stuck with sod I have no doubt in my mind we would have come good.


Completely disillusioned with this club at the moment. :(


But the results were improving 6 points from 12 games then 9 points from last 6 games, this makes the decision after all the talk of stability even more ridiculous.

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I can't believe this decision.  I've only just got online today and this is madness.



I'm not happy about this.  I'll read through this thread when I can, but I certainly would have given SOD more time.  End of the season at least.


I'd love to know who the key driver on the board was for this decision.

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I think it absolutely has to be a new first-time manager.  The names being bandied either aren't suitable or have their best days past before them or were never much cop in the first place.  We envy clubs who had the foresight to give Adkins, Poyet, Rosler, Robinson, Rodgers, Martinez, Moyes and - hell - even Di Canio their first breaks but the only way we'll ever get a manager of that calibre is to identify them before someone else does.


Yes - inexperience is a risk but there are no experienced candidates who'd not be a risk.  It absolutely has to be a new appointment.  If it were down to me, I'd invite David James to an interview and see what he had to say for himself.  Throw in four or five more intelligent, articulate young coaches and former players who've got their badges and we might just unearth a diamond...

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If i could set his personal opinions of facism aside, i would have Di Canio. If we are looking to change the club then it needs to be focused, maybe an over discplined manager could be good for the club. Every business needs to have it!

No way they'd let that nutter near BCFC.

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Absolute travesty of a decision, there is nobody on this planet who would get anything more out of this young bunch of players than sod could of. Watch us replace him with someone who hasn't got one iota of sods football knowledge or know how.

Yes we have been very poor this season, but we were improving albeit performance wise not results wise, had we stuck with sod I have no doubt in my mind we would have come good.


Completely disillusioned with this club at the moment. :(


Really?? I'm sure there are loads of top managers that could get more out of the players. Not saying SOD was a crap coach but he's not the best in the world surely?

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I think it absolutely has to be a new first-time manager.  The names being bandied either aren't suitable or have their best days past before them or were never much cop in the first place.  We envy clubs who had the foresight to give Adkins, Poyet, Rosler, Robinson, Rodgers, Martinez, Moyes and - hell - even Di Canio their first breaks but the only way we'll ever get a manager of that calibre is to identify them before someone else does.


Yes - inexperience is a risk but there are no experienced candidates who'd not be a risk.  It absolutely has to be a new appointment.  If it were down to me, I'd invite David James to an interview and see what he had to say for himself.  Throw in four or five more intelligent, articulate young coaches and former players who've got their badges and we might just unearth a diamond...

what about millen tinnion Merson etc

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Ship another one out, bring another one in. Einstein's definition of insanity - doing exactly the same thing over again and expecting a different result...


Starting to think the club is rotten.



Could hardly have put it better myself.


What a total and utter shambles. I have kept largely quiet on the board of our club but this decision is, in my view, one that illustrates we are being run by people who say one thing and do the opposite and really have little idea of what they are doing or what they really want. Of all the platitudes the board came out with and with a significant upturn in recent results and then they stun us with this news. Would you believe anything they tell us from here on? I will be taking a huge amount of it with a pinch of salt.


If someone like Di Canio comes in you will have absolutely no chance of seeing the same sort of football, the same sort of philosophy or someone who will give a rats arse about the 5 pillars nonsense. Yes, we will probably see a short term bump although we already started that but you may as well right off another season because that person will want to tear up the squad yet again, may very well be hampered in doing so and either fail or walk. The board really have dropped an almighty clanger unless they intend to quietly tear up what they are publicly telling us and somehow splash the cash and risk a fine or transfer embargo or both. Insane is too mild a word for it and if we should give the board any benefits of the doubt they should come out and tell us the truth... someone has had a huge bust up with Sean and his position became untenable. Don't wrap it up in the crass explanation we have been given because to cut a wage bill in about half, bring in a virtually new team (sorry... a completely new team) and expect or demand better at this early stage in a long term strategy is insulting every single person's intelligence. 

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Really?? I'm sure there are loads of top managers that could get more out of the players. Not saying SOD was a crap coach but he's not the best in the world surely?


Didn't say he was the best in the world, I meant these boys apply themselves and put in 100% effort, so no other coach out there will get anything more out of them, its a young squad slowly improving, sod was the right man to oversee this and nurture them, this may even regress there progress now as stability is key, and you can tell from the players reactions it is not a popular decision.

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Stunned to be honest and not sure how I feel about it.


Reminds me a little bit of when John Ward went. We wait until there are signs of improvement and a couple decen results before sacking him. Lets hope it doesn't end up the same way.


I was beginning to get fed up to be honest but was still hopeful it would work out. It wasn't the results or performances that were getting to me, it was the negativity I felt he was bringing. Team selections, constant concern about how good our opponents were, the limitations of our team and players......he was basically digging himself into a deeper hole.

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what about millen tinnion Merson etc


That's a risk of course.  But I could just as easily give you a list of managers with proven track records who've failed at clubs - O'Neill at Sunderland, Warnock at Leeds, Hughes at QPR and Scolari at Chelsea will do as a starting point.  And it's not about a sticking a load of new managers' names out the hat and picking one at random (I'd suggest Merson and Tony Adams got jobs from their reputation as a player whilst Millen and Tinnion got them through their association with the club) but meeting and interviewing new managers and finding one with the vision, ideas and work ethic to get the top.  But the likes of Steve Cotterill will never be better than half-decent and the likes of Warnock and Holloway have their best days behind them (or need a break at the very least).  Other managers are appealing but too expensive.  So we have to find not just any new candidate but a good new candidate - there's nobody suggested so far who brings up even a flicker of enthusiasm.

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At last, the board have relaised that o'dreadfull's tactics were not only going to get us relegated, but also

there would be hardly anyone in the ground to see it. Worse manager ive seen in 40 years watching

the club.

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Some odd reactions on here. As though we were suddenly storming up the league and playing great football. Well having seen pretty much every home game for many many seasons. I haven't seen much progress. We were hopeless against Sheff U. And only looked better against Orient in the second half because they were attacking us and the game opened up. SOD failed to put out a team with any fight in them last season, and this season we appear to be on course for another drop. People talk about insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome, in reference to the board. Well how about repeatedly playing a short lightweight striker on his own up front every game even when it quite clearly doesn't work. If, who ever comes in, improves results, those over reacting to SOD's departure will come round I've no doubt. Personally I don't care who comes in as long as they can put out a team who can start picking up a few more wins, 'cause under this guy they've been few and far between.

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I cannot wait for this wave of disappointment from the brainwashed lot to dissipate.

Its beyond belief really.

I thought we were supporters of BCFC not SODFC.


He won 2 league games this season. That is piss poor and embarrassing.  Clearly the board think so too, lets move on.

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Just adding my comment before moving on. I think the board have called this wrong and am disappointed with it. For me we needed to stick with Sod as I believed he had turned the team around after ridding us of deadwood. I think this is a knee jerk reaction and can not see us getting anyone better in. That said i will get behind the next manager and team as i always do. No use sulking now decision has been made.

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Really disappointed in this decision. Such a shame! Hope the board have got someone lined up...



Just adding my comment before moving on. I think the board have called this wrong and am disappointed with it. For me we needed to stick with Sod as I believed he had turned the team around after ridding us of deadwood. I think this is a knee jerk reaction and can not see us getting anyone better in. That said i will get behind the next manager and team as i always do. No use sulking now decision has been made.


At last a bit of sense from people who supported SOD.



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Just adding my comment before moving on. I think the board have called this wrong and am disappointed with it. For me we needed to stick with Sod as I believed he had turned the team around after ridding us of deadwood. I think this is a knee jerk reaction and can not see us getting anyone better in. That said i will get behind the next manager and team as i always do. No use sulking now decision has been made.

Pretty much sums up my feelings.

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Guest Pickled Onion

news flash we were heading to league two with SoD in charge


I disagree Monkeh.  I also disagree with your assertion that Warnock is the man for the job.  But hey it's City, so going from a manager who wants to work with a young team and make it the future to a classless dinosaur who is way past his sell-by date is more than possible.


I despair.  

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Just adding my comment before moving on. I think the board have called this wrong and am disappointed with it. For me we needed to stick with Sod as I believed he had turned the team around after ridding us of deadwood. I think this is a knee jerk reaction and can not see us getting anyone better in. That said i will get behind the next manager and team as i always do. No use sulking now decision has been made.


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Guest cider_dog

It is a strange decision indeed.


Arrived at (IMO) by the following factors in no specific order of significance;


1) Results

2) Anti SOD Brigade (minority) pressure

3) SOD's lack of charisma or 'passion' (irrelevant)

4) The board's lack of testes

5) Lee Johnson

6) A 'preferred choice' availability window closing fast


Time for the cliches to roll - 'Galvanise' 'Passion' 'Dogfight' 'Every game is a cup final' 'stability' 'confidence back' 'give the fans something to cheer about'


JL said in his interview it was largely down to results, which in reality were improving.


So there is something deeper at work, I think a personality clash (SOD with the board) and our boo boys were the final nail.


This season is a write off, we will likely just survive with a new manager, but would have done under SOD anyway.


SO what is the benefit of sacking him?

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I disagree Monkeh.  I also disagree with your assertion that Warnock is the man for the job.  But hey it's City, so going from a manager who wants to work with a young team and make it the future to a classless dinosaur who is way past his sell-by date is more than possible.


I despair.  

Just personal prefrence thats all I've always like colin and in my view he's what we need given our current situation,

In hindsight I was wrong about robbins and we should of appointed him but thats by the by

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Joke of a decision which completely goes against everything the board has said. We will get nobody in that is a better option than SO'D. This is summed up when the two favourites at the bookies are Steve Cotterill and Michael Appleton.


Now convinced we're going to be relegated more than ever. I hope the board is happy with this farcical decision.

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It is a strange decision indeed.


Arrived at (IMO) by the following factors in no specific order of significance;


1) Results

2) Anti SOD Brigade (minority) pressure

3) SOD's lack of charisma or 'passion' (irrelevant)

4) The board's lack of testes

5) Lee Johnson

6) A 'preferred choice' availability window closing fast


Time for the cliches to roll - 'Galvanise' 'Passion' 'Dogfight' 'Every game is a cup final' 'stability' 'confidence back' 'give the fans something to cheer about'


JL said in his interview it was largely down to results, which in reality were improving.


So there is something deeper at work, I think a personality clash (SOD with the board) and our boo boys were the final nail.


This season is a write off, we will likely just survive with a new manager, but would have done under SOD anyway.


SO what is the benefit of sacking him?


Is this the only time that Lee Johnson could be the reason for and the solution to the problem at the same time?

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Joke of a decision which completely goes against everything the board has said. We will get nobody in that is a better option than SO'D. This is summed up when the two favourites at the bookies are Steve Cotterill and Michael Appleton.


Now convinced we're going to be relegated more than ever. I hope the board is happy with this farcical decision.

ignore the booikies for about 7 days thats just where the money is going, when odds start to drop from 10/1 to 1/3 thats when you take notice,

and its a results business and we haven't got those so its the correct call, 2 wins in 27 if how JL termed it, no manager lasts with a record like that

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Joke of a decision which completely goes against everything the board has said. We will get nobody in that is a better option than SO'D. This is summed up when the two favourites at the bookies are Steve Cotterill and Michael Appleton.


Now convinced we're going to be relegated more than ever. I hope the board is happy with this farcical decision.

Sacking the Creepy Crawley boss was a joke decision. Take a hard look at. O'driscolls record at bcfc we were heading for the 4th division. The O'drivell love fest confuses me. The bloke will be remembered by me as the worst city coach for me. Breaking all the wrong records. Plus he's an ignorant, arrogant person

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Sacking the Creepy Crawley boss was a joke decision. Take a hard look at. O'driscolls record at bcfc we were heading for the 4th division. The O'drivell love fest confuses me. The bloke will be remembered by me as the worst city coach for me. Breaking all the wrong records. Plus he's an ignorant, arrogant person


Amazes me he doesn't post on OTIB, given those qualifications.

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For the umpteenth time today re the BIB. The SO'D as head coach was not the five pillars on his own. The Pillars are to remain, thus the strategy of the young team will remain irrespective who is in charge.

SO'D even said this on several occasions. So with that clarified again. How have the board not followed the Pillars or acted in the best interests of the club?






You are absolutely right and I well remember your posts earlier in the season when, although you were sceptical about SOD as manager,  you pointed out that SOD remaining  manager was not integral to the success of the 5 pillars strategy.


What you also mentioned back then becomes very important now, in that, for the long term strategy to continue and work, the new manager has to buy in to the boards plan and this will be the crucial part of the appointment. While the temptation will be to appoint some one who will keep us up, I hope it will not be at the expense of the long term  strategy in terms of playing style, bringing on young players, the academy etc. etc.

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Guest not a wurzel

would like to say my confidence in the board is at rock bottom but with the next appointment still to come i'll save my breath.

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would like to say my confidence in the board is at rock bottom but with the next appointment still to come i'll save my breath.

As they said about Jaws 2, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. I was just considering returning, I thought the board had showed their resolve for the long term and then this. Now we have another 4 year plan, how long will this one last? Tuesday night got lots of people giving praise that didn't before and I was just looking at the fixtures for December feeling we could make a real move up the table. I don't get the timing at all, so, so disappointed.

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As they said about Jaws 2, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. I was just considering returning, I thought the board had showed their resolve for the long term and then this. Now we have another 4 year plan, how long will this one last? Tuesday night got lots of people giving praise that didn't before and I was just looking at the fixtures for December feeling we could make a real move up the table. I don't get the timing at all, so, so disappointed.


The timing, other than the fact that Tuesday was a much improved performance, is spot on.


Gives us a bit of time to make an appointment and for said appointment to settle in before the transfer window opens in January. If nothing else, the board have learned that the sacking of DMC was at completely the wrong time.

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It is a strange decision indeed.


Arrived at (IMO) by the following factors in no specific order of significance;


1) Results

2) Anti SOD Brigade (minority) pressure

3) SOD's lack of charisma or 'passion' (irrelevant)

4) The board's lack of testes

5) Lee Johnson

6) A 'preferred choice' availability window closing fast


Time for the cliches to roll - 'Galvanise' 'Passion' 'Dogfight' 'Every game is a cup final' 'stability' 'confidence back' 'give the fans something to cheer about'


JL said in his interview it was largely down to results, which in reality were improving.


So there is something deeper at work, I think a personality clash (SOD with the board) and our boo boys were the final nail.


This season is a write off, we will likely just survive with a new manager, but would have done under SOD anyway.


SO what is the benefit of sacking him?

I got a text from a friend at home letting me know of the sacking.

My first thought was to expect the normal trite sound-bites to flow:  "stand up and be counted", "letting the fans down", "fresh start", "European trophy in 10 years" etc.

The second thought was a replacement:  friend noted that AVB might soon be available, I replied anyone as long as not PDC or NFW.

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Sacking the Creepy Crawley boss was a joke decision. Take a hard look at. O'driscolls record at bcfc we were heading for the 4th division. The O'drivell love fest confuses me. The bloke will be remembered by me as the worst city coach for me. Breaking all the wrong records. Plus he's an ignorant, arrogant person

No wonder you're confused, there was no love fest, just hope that a respected manager would be given time to turn things round.

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No wonder you're confused, there was no love fest, just hope that a respected manager would be given time to turn things round.

he had 46 games in charge won 11 of those and only 2 of those in the last 27 thats plenty of time for a team he built on his own (not other peoples players like with McInnes and Millen) he failed big time but people can't see past that 5-2 smashing we had at home to donnie on johnson,

We have never played attractive football under him every single stat that can be produced is against him yet people seem to think 22nd and another relegation will be fine,

If we dropped again under SoD he's have to rebuild again with more players as we wouldnt afford league one wages and could well be in the gas's situation next season,

It couldn't go on any longer, its the correct call

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he had 46 games in charge won 11 of those and only 2 of those in the last 27 thats plenty of time for a team he built on his own (not other peoples players like with McInnes and Millen) he failed big time but people can't see past that 5-2 smashing we had at home to donnie on johnson,

We have never played attractive football under him every single stat that can be produced is against him yet people seem to think 22nd and another relegation will be fine,

If we dropped again under SoD he's have to rebuild again with more players as we wouldnt afford league one wages and could well be in the gas's situation next season,

It couldn't go on any longer, its the correct call

In your opinion of course, now we'll never know. My opinion is things were getting better and the team was starting to gel, especially away from home. I honestly don't believe we'd have been relegated with him in charge. Now it's all back to square 1 again ffs.

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In your opinion of course, now we'll never know. My opinion is things were getting better and the team was starting to gel, especially away from home. I honestly don't believe we'd have been relegated with him in charge. Now it's all back to square 1 again ffs.


The problem was last season SOD had a built in excuse, he took over after the january window. This season the recent improvement were still not transmitting into wins and league position and having done the deed early enough at least there is a fighting chance for a new man, the we'll never know argument was patented by RR in his argument to prove that he wasn't wrong about Millen, for me it's not about right or wrong it's now all about survival.

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It was the Sheffield Utd result and performance that finally condemned him.


The decision has been made.


No going back now.


We'll never know if O'Driscoll would have saved us or taken us down. But from what I've seen we were going down.


Good luck to the new bloke.


If he avoids relegation he'll be a hero.

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You are absolutely right and I well remember your posts earlier in the season when, although you were sceptical about SOD as manager, you pointed out that SOD remaining manager was not integral to the success of the 5 pillars strategy.

What you also mentioned back then becomes very important now, in that, for the long term strategy to continue and work, the new manager has to buy in to the boards plan and this will be the crucial part of the appointment. While the temptation will be to appoint some one who will keep us up, I hope it will not be at the expense of the long term strategy in terms of playing style, bringing on young players, the academy etc. etc.

Good post, but you know it will be :(

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You can bet, whoever the next manager is will be a lap dog to the board and Lansdown.


It's no secret that SL doesn't get on with SoD... this is his doing imho.


I have no faith in this board or SL anymore... in fact I've always doubted their footballing knowledge...not their money.


I feel sorry for the next manager having to work with this lot...


I hope the fans realise it's the board killing this Club and not the managers.


Spot on Spudski. And I recall you and I agreeing with more or less all these thoughts a couple of managers ago.


Quite how the Lansdowns escape near universal criticism is beyond me. We only owe them money as a club because they've run up the debts. They have an atrocious record of managerial appointments barring GJ. When JL talks of progress made in recent months in his youtube piece I scratch my head to think of anything that will truly improve the experience of Bristol City followers...unless we're in the realms of promises of jam tomorrow.


And in those realms the Lansdowns have form. SL has been long on big talk and short on delivery. 


I have no hope or expectation that they'll find a better manager this time. Or indeed that they are following a strategy. The five pillars thing is infant class management consultant speak. With no independent voice on the Board it's all about the whims of one man, whose track record suggests he's not very good at running football clubs. I feel sorry for his son who looks completely out of his depth.


I feel more sorry for those supporters who bought the Lansdown promises yet again and invested in STs up front. 

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In your opinion of course, now we'll never know. My opinion is things were getting better and the team was starting to gel, especially away from home. I honestly don't believe we'd have been relegated with him in charge. Now it's all back to square 1 again ffs.

out of intrest did you think we got rid of johnson at the correct time?

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Some weeks ago SOD said someone else will work with this Club. SOD have made the basement and another will build further. SOD is a good manager I think but in City his results was very poor. 2 wins so far, this is a resultbussnis. He has not got the results, and that what counts. The board have give him more time then our previous managers. The last games in the leauge we only lost one, so in that perspective he is gonna another chance. Hard to know if it is right to sack him, time will tell. New manager? Why not Di Canio, a crazy one but the passion for his team. Mainthing is that we are climbing in the table and avoid  relegation, dont wont even to think about it. Leauge 2 its not where we wont to be

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Can't say I'm gutted he's gone, but I'm not exactly jumping through hoops either. His managerial record was atrocious but like others have said, results have improved recently and it would have made more sense if he was sacked before the Carlisle game. 


I'm extremely worried that our board don't have what it takes to get the next appointment right. Steve Lansdown, admittedly as owner rather than board member, has a track record that's worse than SO'D's at BCFC! Realistically, there is no manager who I think we could appoint that makes me think 'yes, this a great appointment'. Some of the names being banded about are just dismal - Warnock, Di Canio, Wilson... I mean, do people really think these guys are right for this club long term? We've fallen so far that we are only going to attract managers on their way out of the game or unproven ones.


O'Driscoll didn't work out, and I've felt for a few weeks we were going down with him in charge, but who next? I feel like we're repeating the same cycle every 12 months and now we're relying on a new guy hitting the ground running and the board making the correct decision. I'm sick of it.

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Can't say I'm gutted he's gone, but I'm not exactly jumping through hoops either. His managerial record was atrocious but like others have said, results have improved recently and it would have made more sense if he was sacked before the Carlisle game. 


I'm extremely worried that our board don't have what it takes to get the next appointment right. Steve Lansdown, admittedly as owner rather than board member, has a track record that's worse than SO'D's at BCFC! Realistically, there is no manager who I think we could appoint that makes me think 'yes, this a great appointment'. Some of the names being banded about are just dismal - Warnock, Di Canio, Wilson... I mean, do people really think these guys are right for this club long term? We've fallen so far that we are only going to attract managers on their way out of the game or unproven ones.


O'Driscoll didn't work out, and I've felt for a few weeks we were going down with him in charge, but who next? I feel like we're repeating the same cycle every 12 months and now we're relying on a new guy hitting the ground running and the board making the correct decision. I'm sick of it.

Absolutely spot on fella.


Pretty much my thoughts word for word. Awful situation to find ourselves in all honesty. I wanted it to work for SoD but it just hasn't and although I don't think we would have gone down with him in our charge we will never know.


The problem is where to go now? People calling for Warnock are again thinking short term. He is close to retirement and in two years time we will again be looking at another manager. Plus he isn't going to buy into the clubs vision and is a complete dinosaur. Di Canio? Christ it would be chaos with him here. Simply can't happen. Steve Cotterill? Jeez I think that one would reduce me to tears! There really isn't a realistic target that we could get that would make me think 'yes, that's a great appointment' either.


I don't know what to think tonight. I don't think the board do either. It's just a terrible mess. 

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