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Holloway (Topics merged)

Guest FredTheRed08

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Dont you see that blindly following a club, claiming its support, is being a plastic fan?

When were called Rovers of Bristol FC, play in blue and white and the letter co.es through your door asking you to bend over for the owner at the next home game, are you still going to trot out a line about 55 years of support and this makes you a true fan? Because everyone else will just think you idiot. Have some principles and dignity.

There has to be a line.

A change of name, a change to blue, Holloway. These are some lines we should never cross if we are to keep a shred of pride and dignity.

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Is all this negativity because he would be the manager? Would the same apply if he had joined as a player in years gone by? Fans not turning up for years at a time?

Just curious, is there evidence elsewhere of significant sections of a fan base staying away for months or years because of a managerial appointment, then returning later in droves? Or is this potentially unique to us?

The whole idea doesn't sit easy with me at all but I couldn't say I wouldn't go to games. A decent bit of success and thats maybe 5 years without my club.

I think if football can leave you that worked up then a few relaxation techniques are called for.

Choose to hate it, but don't give up on the club for years at a time. It really isn't personal.

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Let's look at his jobs:

Bristol Rovers - play offs, mid table, sacked. FAIL

QPR - relegated, promoted, mid table, sacked. EVENS

Plymouth - quit to go to Leicester and later admitted to being dishonest - FAIL

Leicester - relegated, sacked - FAIL

Blackpool - promoted, relegated, play offs, left. - SUCCESS

Crystal Palace - promoted, left. EVENS

To qualify the last one, he signed so many players in the summer and made a right mess of things and then resigned as he couldn't handle it. Hardly an overall success.

So, one success out of six.

Amazing that some fans want this man at our club.


I think that's harsh - I'd say he succeeded for the most part at Rovers and QPR too, even if ultimately ended on a bit of a sour note with both clubs.  He also did a very, very good job at Plymouth before - admittedly - leaving in contentious circumstances.


But crucially his last season in Blackpool ended very badly, Palace struggled to promotion based mostly on Freedman's work and then he seems to lose enthusiasm quickly when things went wrong.  Holloway's had a good career and up to a couple of years ago, I'd have said - Rovers connection aside - he'd have been an excellent choice.  But the Holloway of the last couple of years isn't the Holloway who got Blackpool promoted or did well at Rovers or QPR or Plymouth.  I think he'd struggle - and that's nothing to do with his previous allegiances.

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You brought into question my support for this club, I hate that when others do that to other supporters too, a cheap shot. You seem to be obsessed with everything that is not to do with football NOW, but just petty childish dislike for someone because of what happened many years ago.


If Holloway is not appointed then it should be for the right reasons, however I will say that his appointment if it did happen would be   a brave move by the Board, but I can't really see it happening..


You rhetoric is full of hate, I really despair that in this day and age it is still  kicking around like a throw back from the past when football rivalry was just an excuse for a punch up, just why Bristol should be affected with this is a mystery, perhaps though when you look at where both teams are currently there is a clue!! We need to move on educate yourself, think before you open your gob, sure there will be those that will support you on here, there always will, but we need to get real, Oh! and BTW it's 2013

Never questioned your support as I too dont like it. If support is deemed by how many games you attend then for one reason or another I am way down the list.

I questioned what is to support and what fans actually believe in. Blindy following is not imo great support.

As for hate, well I'm afraid its too late for me. Football is the only irrational part of my life and im afraid I am a product of the time then. Maybe it will all be different in the future, maybe not.

All I know is love and hate are born of the same passion. You cannot ask me to care for sometjing as I much as I do the super redsand then turn off how I feel about other things.

On this point of Holloway, we will gave to agree to disagree.

I will respect your podition, but like it or not I feel passionate about this subject.

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You talk of dignity and yet you personally seem bereft of that one thing.

I thought that too in retrospect.

But when you're passionate about something, sometimes things dont come across asyou wish.

Maybe thats Holloways excuse as to why he says what he does about us.

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Let's just put this appointment in perspective, it's going to have to be an absolute cracker to lift this club off the seat of its ass, keeping the majority of fans happy is going to be key but an appointment of holloway could be just what we need:s. Appointing Steve coterill would be an absolutely pathetic show from our club.

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Guest bcfc1982

 Holloway for me,ok he was gas,but that was only becouse he was a shite player,if he was nay good he would have played elseware,..hes a good manager and thats what i want at the gate

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Picture the picture,Hollowhead standing on the pitch at AG,holding a Bristol City scarf above his head after being named as manager.

I'm off to be sick.


Bill you and I and most sane thinking people in the world actually know that the public persona of playing the country bumpkin in his interviews are just that a persona, beneath that persona is still more than enough intelligence to realise that the whole idea of managing BCFC is nothing more than a ridiculously good laugh.



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