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A Lack Of Gratitude From The Club


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I may have missed it among everything thing else yesterday, but the thing that struck me about the email from JL, the interviews with him on the Beeb and Youtube, and the articles on the OS, were the lack of public thanks and gratitude to SOD. Regardless of whether I felt the decision was right or not, I was disappointed by that. Normally when a manager is sacked the club/chairman etc place on record their thanks and acknowledge that they tried (unless you are Tony Pulis). They don't appear to have done that? If that is the case I think that is unprofessional, unless it is something SOD specifically requested.

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Jon L said this: "We've made a lot of progress as a football club. Sean has helped to implement our strategy and we thank him for that. He's obviously very disappointed. He's put a lot of hard work in..."



All of which is fair enough. I've no doubt he did work hard.


I think Lansdown Jr took some plain-speaking lessons from SOD and basically told it like it is. No point praising someone to the skies when you're sacking them for failing to do their job satisfactorily.

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Why would you thank a man that has failed at this club and has been paid well?


How arrogant. Like him or loathe him, I don't think anyone can doubt he wanted what was best for the club.


I'm sure you are paid perfectly well (in relation to your job and market value), if your employer decided they no longer wished to employ you, I'm pretty sure the least you would expect would be a thanks for the effort you put in whilst they did.

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You've got to be joking.

Get sacked and expect to be thanked. Only in football.

Get sacked and get escorted of the premises by security more


I can't remember a single person ever getting thanked for their hard work when getting fired!  Only in football indeed! 

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You've got to be joking.

Get sacked and expect to be thanked. Only in football.

Get sacked and get escorted of the premises by security more like


Don't be a fool. Yes it hasn't worked out but nobdy can doubt the hard work he has put in on and off the pitch.

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Don't be a fool. Yes it hasn't worked out but nobdy can doubt the hard work he has put in on and off the pitch.

Super, have you ever been sacked from a job? if you were  would you expect to be thanked?  I am not on about being made redundant, I am on about being sacked because you are not performing to the level that is required!


Just because someone somewhere once thanked a manager after sacking him, it seems everyone has to be sacked.  How many people have stopped going because of SOD?  how much has he cost the club in dropping attendances?


Now for me I didn't want him sacked, but they made that decision as he wasn't producing, you don't get thanked for not producing.  Sorry.  it seems football is allowed to step out of the real world sometimes!

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Super, have you ever been sacked from a job? if you were  would you expect to be thanked?  I am not on about being made redundant, I am on about being sacked because you are not performing to the level that is required!


Just because someone somewhere once thanked a manager after sacking him, it seems everyone has to be sacked.  How many people have stopped going because of SOD?  how much has he cost the club in dropping attendances?


Now for me I didn't want him sacked, but they made that decision as he wasn't producing, you don't get thanked for not producing.  Sorry.  it seems football is allowed to step out of the real world sometimes!


Maybe not thanked but not told to **** off that's for sure. It didn't work out but it wasn't for his lack of effort.

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Hmm shall I report this?

No. Perhaps not. Only in football can some get sacked for being really bad at their job and not deliverin and then get thanked for screwing it up


Do what you want you usually do.

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Hmm shall I report this?

No. Perhaps not. Only in football can some get sacked for being really bad at their job and not deliverin and then get thanked for screwing it up

. I don't believe it's only in football ,bankers seem to get this as well. Plus a golden hand shake
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A thread for morons. Have fun.


Are you surprised?


What I find amusing is that the people who are most vocally gleeful about SO'D going and saying that anyone could do better will almost certainly be the first in the queue to start slagging off the next manager (whoever it happens to be) when he does something they don't like.

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Would you like a bit of a broader brush?

I think we have one in the 6 miles range....


I am delighted he has been removed but I will give the next guy fair crack at the whip to get it right.


Course you will.

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From the Bristol Post : "When push came to shove, the fact certain individuals on the board found O'Driscoll difficult to work with mitigated against him being afforded more time."

I'd say it was conjecture by Andyy Stockhausen rather than fact, unless some off the record comments have been made but he's probably right.  As much as board members, it's well documented that SL struggled with having good communications with Sean.  Also, Jon Lansdown has pointedly used the word 'passion' quite a bit as a key quality for the new Head Coach.  


SL has always liked to have good communications with the managers whether it be GJ, KM or BT  and I was surprised to read that he still keeps in touch with Tony Pulis.   There is no doubt that SL wouldn't have had that 'matey' relationship with So'd and whilst that wouldn't be the key factor it wouldn't be helpful from So'd's perspective.

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It was probably a mistake to start this thread. I have been a bit suprised by some of the responses which have seemed a bit OTT. I would not suggest a thank you for failure and poor record, but a thankyou for at least for giving it a go which IMO he did. He tried against a background of massive belt tightening, awful PR from the club and a somewhat (to me) incomprehensible 5 Pillars strategy. He ultimately failed to deliver on the pitch and maybe had to go even if the timing is odd.

I was wrong to suggest there was no thanks, but from reading some of the responses, it seems even the little that was given was going too far for some.

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I was talking about people on here.

Well the enough as  far as I am concerned, he wasn't employed by us, he was involved in taking us down and i volved in winning hardly any games in league 1, while giving of an air of inevitability that we are crap.


Now I wanted him to stay, but in all intents and purposes he has done little for the club, his sacking tells you this.  So to take a team down and then to leave them in the bottom 4, after signing almost a whole new starting 11 what is there to be thankful for?  He had it coming, as far as I can see, especially as early on he made negative comments about the fans.


He is paid to get results while building for the future, he may started the 2nd part, he has failed at the first part, to be thankful to him?  noway, there could be a good chance the next manager comes in and gets rid of most of his signings, then where will SO'Ds legacy to us be, what will there be left to be thankful for?

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It was probably a mistake to start this thread. I have been a bit suprised by some of the responses which have seemed a bit OTT. I would not suggest a thank you for failure and poor record, but a thankyou for at least for giving it a go which IMO he did. He tried against a background of massive belt tightening, awful PR from the club and a somewhat (to me) incomprehensible 5 Pillars strategy. He ultimately failed to deliver on the pitch and maybe had to go even if the timing is odd.

I was wrong to suggest there was no thanks, but from reading some of the responses, it seems even the little that was given was going too far for some.

His job as head coach of the first team was to get results, the rest of the stuff he has a whole team doing that, that is the whole idea of the settup.  So when you take that into account, his first job first and foremost is to get the first team playing well and winning, that is his task, he doesn't even have to negotiate player contracts.  To me now he has been sacked, he has failed, and miserably.  


His job, okay the players he wants to sign, chose his assistent, train them employ tactics, win games


he signed 10 or 11 players, are they an improvement?  A few by in large no, or not yet

He chose his assistant, he buggered of, so we have his 2nd choice, so he got that wrong as well.

I'll let you contemplate if he got his tactics right, he certainly didn't win many.


Thankful for trying?  Everyone loves a trier!.  he quite rightly has been pilloried by some, and not by others who wanted him given more time (my camp)  But i will not be thankful for someone leaving us in our current position, if he had been given more time (which I think he should)  fine, but you can only judge on the time he was actually here

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Well the enough as  far as I am concerned, he wasn't employed by us, he was involved in taking us down and i volved in winning hardly any games in league 1, while giving of an air of inevitability that we are crap.


Now I wanted him to stay, but in all intents and purposes he has done little for the club, his sacking tells you this.  So to take a team down and then to leave them in the bottom 4, after signing almost a whole new starting 11 what is there to be thankful for?  He had it coming, as far as I can see, especially as early on he made negative comments about the fans.


He is paid to get results while building for the future, he may started the 2nd part, he has failed at the first part, to be thankful to him?  noway, there could be a good chance the next manager comes in and gets rid of most of his signings, then where will SO'Ds legacy to us be, what will there be left to be thankful for?


To be told by some on here to **** off and called a fraud is embarrassing. Yes it hasn't worked out and maybe it was the right decision but for god sake why do some of our so called fans have to make themselves look like idiots.

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I hope when the Lansdowns eventually leave that they get the same gratitude from the fans...


Along the lines of...'yep thanks for your effort and money... but you were useless at running a club... now go and find another toy to play with...and take the board with you...'


I don't actually want that... but thought... if you can't beat 'em join 'em... everyone else seems to have no gratitude...so hey ho! :facepalm:


However... on a side note...


Whilst the Lansdowns are in charge we will not have a strong manager, who speaks his mind and does it his way.


We will only have Managers who are lapdogs and are willing to work with the board and owner on their terms.

Which is a massive mistake... as they know **** all about football.

They need to let a manager come in and do his job without wanting to be 'friends' with them and wanting to interfere.


Coppell found this and now SoD has found it... because SL and a few on the board couldn't get along with him personally.


Some of our Board and owner are a joke for behaving like children.


They run this football club like a financial business ( no surprise there ) Looking for profit from quick fix's.

They talk the talk... like the banks and investment companies... but do the opposite.


As for a manager with passion... I despair. :facepalm:


SoD is one of the most passionate managers regarding football. He showed his passion in words and time. What other manager has spent that amount of time consulting with the fans or talking in depth about tactics and football in general?

He lives and breaths football...


We don't deserve a decent manager if our board and owner and certain fans can't see that.


If passion is only judged by body language, battle cry's, waving of arms and being loud and a 'character'... then god help us all.


This isn't about SoD... it could have been any manager in his place.

This is about the inept running of this Club by an owner and board that have no idea about running a club, or allowing their football managers to get on with the job in hand.


Someone else will come in and it will be the same old, same old... it's written on the wall.


Why can't people see the failure of these idiots in charge...?


The managers always get the blame... they can't all be rubbish...


All I hear from previous managers I've met are words along the lines of ' lovely friendly people...but run like an Amateur outfit'


I've spoken to at least 5 managers, (I won't count the caretaker) we've had, at work and social functions and they've all said the same thing...


The owner and board are the problem... however nice they are and however passionate and however much money they've put in, they've failed this club on the footballing front. :grr:

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Are you surprised?


What I find amusing is that the people who are most vocally gleeful about SO'D going and saying that anyone could do better will almost certainly be the first in the queue to start slagging off the next manager (whoever it happens to be) when he does something they don't like.

I think this is the first time I've ever expressed an opinion on the exit of a manager (except for Dicks out!), leave it up to the board, that's their decision, but surely you must agree that the results and the football under S O'D have been dire? So no, I'm not gleeful, just sad for the club that it hasn't worked out.                      New manager will be given every chance to succeed. Can't get any worse can it?

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Guest Opeth67

Perhaps some of you don't know but It is good manners and correct etiquette in business to acknowledge the hard work someone senior contributed to in a business. Even though Sean failed (in the time he was given) he worked hard and did his best (even if it did not work out).


What JL said in the interview about Sean's work was spot on. Not too little, not too much. 

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It was probably a mistake to start this thread. I have been a bit suprised by some of the responses which have seemed a bit OTT. I would not suggest a thank you for failure and poor record, but a thankyou for at least for giving it a go which IMO he did. He tried against a background of massive belt tightening, awful PR from the club and a somewhat (to me) incomprehensible 5 Pillars strategy. He ultimately failed to deliver on the pitch and maybe had to go even if the timing is odd.

I was wrong to suggest there was no thanks, but from reading some of the responses, it seems even the little that was given was going too far for some.

SOD was "thanked" by the board once a month when he received his pay packet. A monthly amount the majority of us mere mortals can only dream of.


SOD wasn't here because of his love of Bristol City, he was here for the sake of his career.


After overseeing the worst run in our history, I am not suprised the board didn't go overboard with the gratitudes.

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Don't be a fool. Yes it hasn't worked out but nobdy can doubt the hard work he has put in on and off the pitch.


How can you make this statement?


I don't know what he did off the pitch i only saw him on match days and in press conferences. For all i know he spent the rest of the week in his office with his feet up.

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How can you make this statement?


I don't know what he did off the pitch i only saw him on match days and in press conferences. For all i know he spent the rest of the week in his office with his feet up.


Maybe that's the reason he was sacked.

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Guest Rowley Birkin

Spudski's absolutely spot on with his comments, and is obviously aware of things.

I know of at least one popular former employee, absolutely loved by the fans, who didn't get as much as a phone call to thank him for 16 years service, which I find embarrassing arrogant and hugely disrespectful.

Absolutely no class I'm afraid.

Expect the next poor sod to be a budget signing, or Mrs Lansdown.

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I resent 'maudlin'; I am not ''maudlin' - I am incandescent with rage. The Board has fracked up AGAIN - this time possibly terminally.

This is not some sentimental attachment to an ex-manager, it is a deep concern for the future of this club.

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I hope when the Lansdowns eventually leave that they get the same gratitude from the fans...

Along the lines of...'yep thanks for your effort and money... but you were useless at running a club... now go and find another toy to play with...and take the board with you...'

I don't actually want that... but thought... if you can't beat 'em join 'em... everyone else seems to have no gratitude...so hey ho! :facepalm:

However... on a side note...

Whilst the Lansdowns are in charge we will not have a strong manager, who speaks his mind and does it his way.

We will only have Managers who are lapdogs and are willing to work with the board and owner on their terms.

Which is a massive mistake... as they know **** all about football.

They need to let a manager come in and do his job without wanting to be 'friends' with them and wanting to interfere.

Coppell found this and now SoD has found it... because SL and a few on the board couldn't get along with him personally.

Some of our Board and owner are a joke for behaving like children.

They run this football club like a financial business ( no surprise there ) Looking for profit from quick fix's.

They talk the talk... like the banks and investment companies... but do the opposite.

As for a manager with passion... I despair. :facepalm:

SoD is one of the most passionate managers regarding football. He showed his passion in words and time. What other manager has spent that amount of time consulting with the fans or talking in depth about tactics and football in general?

He lives and breaths football...

We don't deserve a decent manager if our board and owner and certain fans can't see that.

If passion is only judged by body language, battle cry's, waving of arms and being loud and a 'character'... then god help us all.

This isn't about SoD... it could have been any manager in his place.

This is about the inept running of this Club by an owner and board that have no idea about running a club, or allowing their football managers to get on with the job in hand.

Someone else will come in and it will be the same old, same old... it's written on the wall.

Why can't people see the failure of these idiots in charge...?

The managers always get the blame... they can't all be rubbish...

All I hear from previous managers I've met are words along the lines of ' lovely friendly people...but run like an Amateur outfit'

I've spoken to at least 5 managers, (I won't count the caretaker) we've had, at work and social functions and they've all said the same thing...

The owner and board are the problem... however nice they are and however passionate and however much money they've put in, they've failed this club on the footballing front. :grr:

Every manager has to work with their owner. Do you think Nigel Clough tell Darragh McAnthony to shut the f up?

The difference with our board from some is they. don't interfere with playing decisions. SOD has stood - and fallen - on those alone.

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So the posts in general on the subject arent sentimental onces that hark to a better time or what could have been?

How have the board 'fracked' up Aizoon?  Please, explain, with the emotions removed


The future of the club with the 5 pillars is actually sound, we will have or will be getting finances in check because we have to we have youth and salable assets coming through, we have a redeveloped ground  to be done. and an unwritten future as to what can be achieved

The club are working on the poor PR side of things, at least they are trying which is more than it was, sure they may not get things right, but they are learning. So what is the deep concern about>


Yes posts labelling him a fraud and being told to **** off are much better. Not sure we deserve anything better than what we are getting. Embarrassing.

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So the posts in general on the subject arent sentimental onces that hark to a better time or what could have been?

How have the board 'fracked' up Aizoon? Please, explain, with the emotions removed

The future of the club with the 5 pillars is actually sound, we will have or will be getting finances in check because we have to we have youth and salable assets coming through, we have a redeveloped ground to be done. and an unwritten future as to what can be achieved

The club are working on the poor PR side of things, at least they are trying which is more than it was, sure they may not get things right, but they are learning. So what is the deep concern about>

Sigh. I've said this all before, but:

I believe that Sean would have kept us up this season by a decent margin, giving time for the club to develop on the basis of the Five Pillars.

I believe that we we'll not get a new manager who is capable of carrying on this process, and that we will end up with a leapy arm-waver instead.

I believe that the players who came here because Sean was in charge will quietly make their excuses and leave. In particular, I would be amazed if JET is still at the Gate at season's end.

I believe that, by the season's end, we will be in a relegation struggle, with the New Messiah on his bike as well.

Those are, of course, just my opinions. We'll never know about the first one, but the other three can be verified as the season unfolds. Perhaps the mods would like to pin this so we can check it ;)

The cause of all this is a Board that didn't have the guts to stick to its own programme and is now flailing about up the creek without a paddle or a clue.

The Board can't organise ticketing, catering or stewarding. Why should we expect it to be any more competent on the football side of things?

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My comments aren't about SoD, it could of been any old manager in place.


What bothers me are the board and owner.


They won't let a decent manager get on with his job without interfering.


You would have thought they would have learnt after Coppell.


People don't get it... we will continue to have manager after manager.


Lapdogs will fail and strong minded individuals will be sacked.


Top managers like Fergie, Wenger and Moyes are left to get on with it.


Owners like Madjeski let their manager get on with it... they just set a budget, then say go.


Our lot meddle and interfere... seems they can't help themselves.


This isn't about SoD leaving... it's our inept board.


My god Brian Clough would have had a field day with this lot.

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My comments aren't about SoD, it could of been any old manager in place.

What bothers me are the board and owner.

They won't let a decent manager get on with his job without interfering.

You would have thought they would have learnt after Coppell.

People don't get it... we will continue to have manager after manager.

Lapdogs will fail and strong minded individuals will be sacked.

Top managers like Fergie, Wenger and Moyes are left to get on with it.

Owners like Madjeski let their manager get on with it... they just set a budget, then say go.

Our lot meddle and interfere... seems they can't help themselves.

This isn't about SoD leaving... it's our inept board.

My god Brian Clough would have had a field day with this lot.

And your evidence for "meddling and interfering" is what??

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For some reason when I wish to respond to a quote, and 'press' quote... the quote won't come up in my post... very strange.


Anyhow... in answer to how do I know they 'interfere and meddle'... by talking to previous mangers who have been at the Club and talking to various coach's and agents and players within the game.

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Sigh. I've said this all before, but:

I believe that Sean would have kept us up this season by a decent margin, giving time for the club to develop on the basis of the Five Pillars.

I believe that we we'll not get a new manager who is capable of carrying on this process, and that we will end up with a leapy arm-waver instead.

I believe that the players who came here because Sean was in charge will quietly make their excuses and leave. In particular, I would be amazed if JET is still at the Gate at season's end.

I believe that, by the season's end, we will be in a relegation struggle, with the New Messiah on his bike as well.

Those are, of course, just my opinions. We'll never know about the first one, but the other three can be verified as the season unfolds. Perhaps the mods would like to pin this so we can check it ;)

The cause of all this is a Board that didn't have the guts to stick to its own programme and is now flailing about up the creek without a paddle or a clue.

The Board can't organise ticketing, catering or stewarding. Why should we expect it to be any more competent on the football side of things?


Unlike now you mean?


You and many others think the board made the right decision in appointing SOD, so you were happy with their judgement then. It's not their fault (entirely) that SOD failed to a) keep us up last season and b) keeps us out of the relegation zone this.


We can only hope that this appoint is as well received, but the actual man does exactly what it says on the tin.


AS for JET, if he continues to perform, he'll get his move (if he wants one) but it will probably be upwards and not following SOD around the basement leagues.

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Cogent response. I could pick bits out of it - in particular about the Board torpedoing its own plan. It's perfectly clear that Sean expected to be judged on the season, not on the first third. I'd say that was a reasonable expectation.

As to the rest, let's see what happens between now and March. I hope I'm wrong, but we shall see. The first test will be who the Board chooses as the new manager. My blood runs cold when I see some of the suggestions here.

PS Sorry, that was a reply to RMLF. I hadn't realised that so many were poised over their keyboards waiting for me to post ;)

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That's true... it can be taken either way. I'm not going to name names on here, as they are all still in the game. It would be foolish to do so.


However, I understand if you choose not to believe.


But I feel passionately about this subject, and can't sit by and not say something when I know what I've been told.


In the big picture it means nothing as it's just fans talking on a forum.


But when you get out their and meet these people like I have, and hear the same things being said, you can't help but feel frustrated. Especially when you know you can't do anything about it...


That's why I fear this Club will go no where with this board and Lansdown in charge.

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For some reason when I wish to respond to a quote, and 'press' quote... the quote won't come up in my post... very strange.

Anyhow... in answer to how do I know they 'interfere and meddle'... by talking to previous mangers who have been at the Club and talking to various coach's and agents and players within the game.

Try talking to some ex-managers and players from other clubs and you'd realise the Lansdowns. are virtually uninvolved in team decisions compared to most.

We have people on Otib constantly calling for them to. be MORE involved.

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Whilst I was supportive of what he was trying to achieve here and am not totally convinced he would not have succeeded in the future I would agree with those who have said that the club doesn't have much in terms of results on the pitch to thank him for.


However, there's always a however with me, we are trying to re-invent ourselves as a club that develops youngsters and a HUGE part in that, and something the club spent 12 months banging on about the importance of, was being awarded level 2 Academy status. It was revealed at the time that we were recommended for this by the assessors that SOD had been pretty heavily consulted in the writing of the document that ultimately impressed them enough to grant us the level we were going for. For this he should receive gratitude and despite ultimately failing with the first team, he may have set us up for good times in the future with his input in this area.

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If you listen to Jon Lansdown only yesterday - his primary focus and purpose is to look after the first team.

I think we can all agree, he performed that task abysmally.


Ok you twist that knife as hard as you like, we get that you don't like him and are cock-a-hoop that he has gone. But regardless of what his primary responsibility was, he also had an important input into an area where we got a very good result and you're just gonna have to lump it. I for one will choose to remember that in the same way that many realise Tinnion was a dreadful dreadful manager but remember that he did some good for us as a player.

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I don't really have an opinion of like or dislike in any way on the man himself.

I'm a little too mature to engage in that sort of nonsense.

You are correct in that I am most definitely thrilled he has been sacked because he was taking us down to League 2, and I would prefer not to be going to Accrington Stanley if possible.

Kaiser has come to his conclusions on the basis of what he's seen and on what he thinks is best for BCFC. I've come to an opposite conclusion based on the same evidence. So it goes. It doesn't mean that either of us loves or hates O'Driscoll.

Some people here really need to grow up.

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Kaiser has come to his conclusions on the basis of what he's seen and on what he thinks is best for BCFC. I've come to an opposite conclusion based on the same evidence. So it goes. It doesn't mean that either of us loves or hates O'Driscoll.

Some people here really need to grow up.


Excuse me. I didn't go for the hyperbole of love or hate. I simply said he didn't like him. Which is true, he doesn't like him. 


I also think it is fair for me to have right of reply when I was discussing an area that SOD actually achieved some sort of success for us which could actually have a huge impact on us as a club in the future, only for The Kaiser to come in with another dig at him failing in his main role (a point I had already admitted so did not require compounding). 


I don't think I need to grow up for pointing out I believed him to be acting in a churlish manner.

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Excuse me. I didn't go for the hyperbole of love or hate. I simply said he didn't like him. Which is true, he doesn't like him.

I also think it is fair for me to have right of reply when I was discussing an area that SOD actually achieved some sort of success for us which could actually have a huge impact on us as a club in the future, only for The Kaiser to come in with another dig at him failing in his main role (a point I had already admitted so did not require compounding).

I don't think I need to grow up for pointing out I believed him to be acting in a churlish manner.

I didn't say that you were one of them. I've had a bellyful of people giving me a hard time on the basis that I'm emotionally obsessed with O'Driscoll, because I think his sacking was a huge mistake.

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I hold no opinion of like or dislike of him.


I think he did a very poor job managing the football club - has nothing to do with like or dislike.


Stop taking things so literally. Like / rate whatever.


If you want to be literal, do you like him? No, because you don't like or dislike him. My point remains. Just because he was shit at his main role doesn't mean he didn't help achieve one good thing in his time here.


Reply if you like, don't reply if you like. I'm done replying to you, it's too much like being at work.

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