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Pembertons Comments On The Main Site


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Reading the site article about pemberton its not hard to read from that that he feels this was a seriously wrong call by the 'board'

the usual response from the assistant when his boss is sacked is some bland blathering about how this happens and how we'll move on, but he seems to come across as being both suprised and put out by it.

i would not be suprised to see him exit as well, which would make a mockery of JL's insistence that nothing changes except SODs post.


Also nothing has been said of Keith Burt, and his role going forward. will wait to see how that unfurls.



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It is interesting reaction for sure.

I'd have been very interested to have seen the players' reactions when the announcement was made.


Makes you wonder what faith the players and remaining staff have in the board, seeing as they largely seem to disagree with this decision.

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So the caretaker manager, the captain and it would seem the majority of the players not to mention about 50% of the fans all believe this was a huge mistake. Do we seriously believe that only Jon Lansdown is infallable?

money is always right

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Guest Redrobbin

Never a truer word spoken, good luck Sean you deserve a hell of a lot better! Sadly some our inept fan base couldn't see the bigger picture.

Agreed. Maybe as some have been calling for; we need a re shuffle in the board room.

One thing is for certain the vice chairmen's job is safe!

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Pemberton will say that , SOD got him in


Or because it's the genuine truth - no bias intended.


Pemberton may be interested in taking over, which may be what SO'D would personally prefer if the club want to continue with what he was looking to implement at the club.

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Guest EDoubleD

Interested to see how different we play. Pemberton coaches them day to day, but now he gets to pick the team and formation. And wonder how he'll handle jet.

Club have said all the coaches stay . Can see how that will happen as people will want their own coaches in.

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