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Steve Cotterill [Merged + Poll]



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I'm gonna support him from the off, anyway.

Seems an honest bloke, took Cheltenham up twice, this league ain't designed for Spanish football anyway.

My inkling is he'll do us, suprisingly, ok. But we shall see...

Think this above guy got it pretty spot on :P

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It cracks me up that a lot of people on here can dish it out, but can't take it when they're proven to be talking absolute tosh.  Just put your hands up and say "I was wrong". Why lock the thread? Its easy "I was wrong about Cotts".... See.  

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Well I just voted "NO THANKS" simply because had I voted at the time of the OP that is what I would have done.


How wrong I would have been is now easy to see, just as well most of us only play FIFA and dont do it for real :laugh:

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Well I just voted "NO THANKS" simply because had I voted at the time of the OP that is what I would have done.


How wrong I would have been is now easy to see, just as well most of us only play FIFA and dont do it for real :laugh:

Blimey M you could call that integrity!


Me nah! I didn't post originally because I simply had no clue (well at least there was no little dot on the thread and I couldn't be assed to trawl 16 pages and I was able to cast my vote today).


I voted Yes to SC and proud to have done so....:laugh:!


For the record, as it was mentioned above, Jordan Tansley was a complete fruitcake (I am being mild in my comments) who I ignored many months before he was finally sent out to pasture...And Rightly So!

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I have rhe benefit of not having posted in the orginal, but if I had, it most likely would have, in complete truth, been along the line of;

- Surprised and disappointed in timing, amd would have given SOD longer (o dear....);

- worried by this guys reputation;

- he is now the manager, these are dark times, lets get behind him.

Clearly, in hindsight, entirely wrong! However that is a million miles different from saying I want him to fail so I can say 'told you so'. Why on earth would anyone wish that.

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Come on there is so much comedy gold on this thread or is it just plain embarrassing?.


Still in 3/4 years time if he get's sacked, many of you can say "look I was right all along", just like Robbored did over another former manager.


Probably not quite one for the classics yet but certainly getting there and promotion will confirm it's status, actually cheered me up.

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Guest Whooooossshhhh

Throughout the "rights" and 'wrongs', plus the "told you so's" and the "wait and see's" on this thread, I have a gut feeling that this is all water under the bridge now.  Can we just horse on with taking the proverbial out of NLBR?   Surely someone here could start  an NLBR thread?










What day is it, nurse?

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I'm pretty hungover, so can't really be bothered to get annoyed by your cluelessness today. Suffice it to say, even jokingly claiming a journeyman manager who's had a successful start is a legend but our record appearance maker who literally broke his ******* skull in service to this club and has played with blood pissing out of cuts sustained putting his bonce on the line for BCFC is nothing more than an excellent servant?


What a crock of bollocks.


And I mean Journeyman in its truest sense, as defined by the oxford dictionary. Not the ridiculous creation of a word by illiterate football fans.



Now I'm going back to bed.



We've got bellends on here who don't think Carey deserves that status? We might not even go up this season!!


See above and also your signiture.


Judging by the post of Nogbad the Bad that's a quite insulting thing to say! I don't think I'm any of those things? Am I?

Undermining, humiliating, bullying, insulting. Very Tansleyesque indeed.

My main regret about this forum is not the tosh spoken for which we are all guilty at some point or another, but that people don't always debate civilly.

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Ok, here's a way to determine if Mike and Jordan are one in the same, Mike a simple question:

If a team hits the woodwork, should this count as a goal?


No doubt about it in my mind, the outpourings of Litoris become more Tansleyesque by the post.

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No doubt about it in my mind, the outpourings of Litoris become more Tansleyesque by the post.


I'm gonna have to say, that I always liked Tansley's rantings and I didn't ever see him say anything that should have ever have rendered him banned. To this day I still think he was a victim of a bit of a witch hunt and we've lost a decent poster.


Interestingly, I also think that Mike brings a lot to the table in the way of reasoned debate.


I'd hereby like to call for the reinstatement of our scouse friend. He was alright. 

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I'd hereby like to call for the reinstatement of our scouse friend. He was alright. 


Never going to happen, was warned on numerous occasions for a variety of different things, after being banned he then logged back on as different name on here

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Never going to happen, was warned on numerous occasions for a variety of different things, after being banned he then logged back on as different name on here


In the grand scheme of things, especially when you look at some of the hatred that is spouted over on the non football chat forum, is that really so bad?

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Brilliant. I had the foresight to include a caveat.

Well done!

Personally I think it's excellent to revive the thread & review the self confident rants of many "experts" who were so sure but so wrong.

This is not sniping but a valuable life lesson . A little humility & doubt is a sign of intelligence.

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Sorry, I know I said I was out but jesus.



"He started it!!" WOOOOW! 



Like, seriously, wow? how old are you?



do you have no control over your own actions? you're bound by the laws of biology to retaliate are you?


Also, is being a woman really an insult? I mean, if you're going to claim that 'meet me and we'll discuss it wink wink hint hint' isnt a threat then surely the same rules should apply to you? Why is being called a woman insulting to you? what's wrong with women? do you hate all women or something? 

That is the most brilliantly ill-conceived argument ever. Oxford debating society would struggle to counter that. Or understand it.

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I'm gonna have to say, that I always liked Tansley's rantings and I didn't ever see him say anything that should have ever have rendered him banned. To this day I still think he was a victim of a bit of a witch hunt and we've lost a decent poster.


Interestingly, I also think that Mike brings a lot to the table in the way of reasoned debate.


I'd hereby like to call for the reinstatement of our scouse friend. He was alright. 


You missed alot of JT's posts then Fordy.


I myself was the brunt of several really nasty and vindictive outbursts from JT, and I saw a number of others.


I never reported him though and it wouldn't bother me if he returned some day provided he'd learnt his lesson and didn't resort to such childish name calling again.

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or ban the wum.


Disagree, Kid is generally a very good poster and is entitled to his opinion. Just had a bit of a funny 5 minutes over SO'D/Cotts. imo., and he's finding it difficult to accept a manager he clearly didn't like, or deem suitable, from day 1 - for whatever reason - has so far been a runaway success, and his strong misgivings have proved unfounded.


He really can't have any complaints about Tetbury's compilation post. After all he did actually say all the things quoted individually so can have no qualms if they are put together in one post.


Forum's thrive on strongly opinionated and outspoken comments but they will be noted by those who argued against them with equally strongly held views at the time, and we should all be aware our comments can be ressurrected when they've been proved to be wrong or memorably over the top.


That applies equally to all of us, and in this case it seems fair enough to me that someone has pointed out KITR's sustained criticism of SC - much of it personal - that in many people's minds was unfair at the time and over what is now a prolonged period has surely been shown to be very ill judged indeed.

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Disagree, Kid is generally a very good poster and is entitled to his opinion. Just had a bit of a funny 5 minutes over SO'D/Cotts. imo., and he's finding it difficult to accept a manager he clearly didn't like, or deem suitable, from day 1 - for whatever reason - has so far been a runaway success, and his strong misgivings have proved unfounded.


He really can't have any complaints about Tetbury's compilation post. After all he did actually say all the things quoted individually so can have no qualms if they are put together in one post.


Forum's thrive on strongly opinionated and outspoken comments but they will be noted by those who argued against them with equally strongly held views at the time, and we should all be aware our comments can be ressurrected when they've been proved to be wrong or memorably over the top.


That applies equally to all of us, and in this case it seems fair enough to me that someone has pointed out KITR's sustained criticism of SC - much of it personal - that in many people's minds was unfair at the time and over what is now a prolonged period has surely been shown to be very ill judged indeed.


Very good post.


I know "Kid" and he like several others was a SOD disciple and really bought into the young players aspect of the 5 pillars nonsense. What Kid didn't realise as many wouldn't is that SOD has the motivational qualities of a turnip - I speak from more or less first hand knowledge - whereas Cotterill is the exact opposite of what his detractors would have you believe - likewise that's speaking from direct knowledge. Other than that "Kid" knows what he's talking about.


Now that reminds me.....

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Very good post.


I know "Kid" and he like several others was a SOD disciple and really bought into the young players aspect of the 5 pillars nonsense. What Kid didn't realise as many wouldn't is that SOD has the motivational qualities of a turnip - I speak from more or less first hand knowledge - whereas Cotterill is the exact opposite of what his detractors would have you believe - likewise that's speaking from direct knowledge. Other than that "Kid" knows what he's talking about.


Now that reminds me.....


Glad to see you've finally come back to gloat Nick!


Disagree, Kid is generally a very good poster and is entitled to his opinion. Just had a bit of a funny 5 minutes over SO'D/Cotts. imo., and he's finding it difficult to accept a manager he clearly didn't like, or deem suitable, from day 1 - for whatever reason - has so far been a runaway success, and his strong misgivings have proved unfounded.


He really can't have any complaints about Tetbury's compilation post. After all he did actually say all the things quoted individually so can have no qualms if they are put together in one post.


Forum's thrive on strongly opinionated and outspoken comments but they will be noted by those who argued against them with equally strongly held views at the time, and we should all be aware our comments can be ressurrected when they've been proved to be wrong or memorably over the top.


That applies equally to all of us, and in this case it seems fair enough to me that someone has pointed out KITR's sustained criticism of SC - much of it personal - that in many people's minds was unfair at the time and over what is now a prolonged period has surely been shown to be very ill judged indeed.


No complaints at all that my quotes have been brought back up, obviously I feel for the poor bugger who spent all that time compiling a dossier on me! Still, nice to know someone cares ;)


As for the comments being ill-judged, well here's the problem of course as they are taken completely out of context. For example I bet many of those comments were made in frustration after the abysmal showing at Sheff U for example or even Wolves, Brentford away, Rotherham, Cov home etc. The comments about us becoming a typical SC team made after we signed the disasterous Barnett and El-Abd for example... It hasn't all been hunky-dory and my comments were made at least 8 months ago and if you went back you'd find many, many posts saying similar things...


I could go back and lift quotes from you Nogger about how you thought Pitman would leave City to be a prolific scorer in the C'ship or your insistence that there's never been any firm transfer interest for Skuse and he wouldn't leave us for a C'ship club despite me telling you otherwise - but frankly I can't be arsed!

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Glad to see you've finally come back to gloat Nick!



No complaints at all that my quotes have been brought back up, obviously I feel for the poor bugger who spent all that time compiling a dossier on me! Still, nice to know someone cares ;)


As for the comments being ill-judged, well here's the problem of course as they are taken completely out of context. For example I bet many of those comments were made in frustration after the abysmal showing at Sheff U for example or even Wolves, Brentford away, Rotherham, Cov home etc. The comments about us becoming a typical SC team made after we signed the disasterous Barnett and El-Abd for example... It hasn't all been hunky-dory and my comments were made at least 8 months ago and if you went back you'd find many, many posts saying similar things...


I could go back and lift quotes from you Nogger about how you thought Pitman would leave City to be a prolific scorer in the C'ship or your insistence that there's never been any firm transfer interest for Skuse and he wouldn't leave us for a C'ship club despite me telling you otherwise - but frankly I can't be arsed!


All of the 'ill judged' comments by 'so many' on this thread were at, rumour stage, after he was employed, you know before a ball was even kicked, the usual hysteria like going down to crowds of 7k, the same hysteria caused when Wilbraham signed like i'll never set foot inside AG if we sign him, as I said i'm sure in about 3/4 years time those people will be in a position to say I told you so, but that is more about statistics than actual football knowledge.


PS:- I think Nick is entitled to gloat, because a select band are happy to gloat every time at any little setback in SC's reign.

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All of the 'ill judged' comments by 'so many' on this thread were at, rumour stage, after he was employed, you know before a ball was even kicked, the usual hysteria like going down to crowds of 7k, the same hysteria caused when Wilbraham signed like i'll never set foot inside AG if we sign him, as I said i'm sure in about 3/4 years time those people will be in a position to say I told you so, but that is more about statistics than actual football knowledge.


Yes, I know that and as I pointed out I didn't actually appear on this thread saying I didn't want SC as manager. My point was merely that if you go back and look at the Sheff U away match thread of whatever they'll be plenty of comments slagging off SC, the team, the board etc - yet it is only mine that have been resurrected! In context, some of the comments / frustrations were well founded. I remember saying for weeks on end for example that if SC continued to play with Flint and El Abd then we'd go down and it was only after the former got injured and he was forced to change it that our form dramatically improved.

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Glad to see you've finally come back to gloat Nick!



No complaints at all that my quotes have been brought back up, obviously I feel for the poor bugger who spent all that time compiling a dossier on me! Still, nice to know someone cares ;)


As for the comments being ill-judged, well here's the problem of course as they are taken completely out of context. For example I bet many of those comments were made in frustration after the abysmal showing at Sheff U for example or even Wolves, Brentford away, Rotherham, Cov home etc. The comments about us becoming a typical SC team made after we signed the disasterous Barnett and El-Abd for example... It hasn't all been hunky-dory and my comments were made at least 8 months ago and if you went back you'd find many, many posts saying similar things...


I could go back and lift quotes from you Nogger about how you thought Pitman would leave City to be a prolific scorer in the C'ship or your insistence that there's never been any firm transfer interest for Skuse and he wouldn't leave us for a C'ship club despite me telling you otherwise - but frankly I can't be arsed!


Indeed you could Kid, no problem with that, that's why I said such potential scrutiny of previous comments 'applies equally to all of us'.


As I said, I've got no problem with strongly opinionated or outspoken comments, within reason, and those of us who feel strongly enough to put our heads above the parapets to give them, or to make enthusiastic predictions which could always go either way, are always likely to be proved wrong occasionally.


Still not convinced by Skuse though, and Pitman will come good in the Championship, mark my words.   :yes:  ;)

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Yes, I know that and as I pointed out I didn't actually appear on this thread saying I didn't want SC as manager. My point was merely that if you go back and look at the Sheff U away match thread of whatever they'll be plenty of comments slagging off SC, the team, the board etc - yet it is only mine that have been resurrected! In context, some of the comments / frustrations were well founded. I remember saying for weeks on end for example that if SC continued to play with Flint and El Abd then we'd go down and it was only after the former got injured and he was forced to change it that our form dramatically improved.


The thing is kid, El Abd was signed under the DOF regime that several on here advocate is the only way to go, a DOF (or whatever his job description is) that one poster doesn't even rate and Flint has by all accounts this season is becoming/become the centre back that we all hoped he would become when he was signed, so one down for the DOF and one up for SC and his coaching staff.

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Have loved reading through this thread from the start again....so many people with egg on their faces with their no no no no and one more no's...hilarious looking at it now.

Just shows what an opinionated game football is.

Anyway I've just recast my vote, it's a yes from me !! Hehehe :-)

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Im another who didnt vote originally, and i dont think i commented, but ill post what i had said to my dad when we spoke about it at the time

-disappointed to see sod go, thought things were starting to turn around (slowly)

-dont know much about cotterill

-happy to give most managers all my backing (only a select few that i wouldnt have liked)

Would have voted no strong feelings either way

Looking back on it, I thought it was another random roll of the dice from the board, which it might have been. No masterstroke to see here, please move along.

I suspect I voted 'no strong feeling', my post was more sat on the fence than a finely balanced cat.

I have consistently said and thought that the timing for Cotterill has been favourable. Even whilst we had that god awful side that got us relegated, my attitude was that until these ridiculous contracts are run down we are screwed.

SOD was a scapegoat, in that respect. Cotterill's had a lovely clean canvass to work from.

On a personal level, I actually like Cotterill. He's got spirit and soul, man. He's put a bit of spunk back into the club.....errrr ...... analogy gone a bit weird.......... withdraw from thread, withdraw from thread, withdraw from thread

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I really like cotts as a manager, my dad maintains that cotts best decision was going to Pompey as he was in a no lose situation due to the financial constraints and he still managed to stabilise them

As said before i had no string feeling either way but i went to the first few games expecting the worst after listening to the 'experts' on here, not sure ive been happier to see a manager prove fans wrong

My main concern re cotts now is because id like to see some stability in the club management wise eg Wenger and ferguson but im not convinced cotts will be that manager but I'll enjoy this while it lasts and thats just a personal issue and one that im sure many others arent too fussed about

I laugh with my old man about this just showing how much fans know. But tbf, how much did the board really know? Like I say, I very much doubt that his appointment was part of any masterplan.

What I like about Cotterill is his genuinity. He just seems to be going for it in the only way he thinks best. His enthusiasm and personality seems contagious, he doesn't seem to give a flying fxxk about image or what people think of him, rough around the edges or not. He's obviously got a bit of bollocks about him.

He's like Johnson, only more sincere. Just hope he's more prudent and that he appreciates BCFC is bigger than he will ever be; that he's a servant, not a lord.

Bill Shankley always had the priorities right, but I'm probably getting a bit carried away now.

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I'm not anti SC in anyway, but will admit I was uncomfortable with how his appointment came about.

He has certainly changed the side for the better. But as posted on another topic by "Myolman" http://www.statto.com/football/stats/england/league-one/2013-2014/table/2013-10-19



This table is from a year ago, look at the two at the top back then, and look where they are playing this season


But am convinced if S'OD had stayed in charge we would be in the basement by now

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Really? We had lost one in eight at the time of his sacking. Things were beginning to improve.

And in those 8 games a few of them were in the cup and we won something like 3 games, and don't forget that one loss was at home to Sheffield United, a contender for one of the worst games at Ashton gate in our history

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Really? We had lost one in eight at the time of his sacking. Things were beginning to improve.

Indeed. It wasn't amazing but things were beginning to turn around. I personally felt it was the wrong decision at the time. 


You can't knock what SC has done so far though it is early days. The squad assembled is very good and should be in the top two with Freeman, Agard and Korey as those are Championship standard players.

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Not to mention the one loss was because of an own goal, hardly comprehensively beaten - and thus it could easily have been eight games unbeaten.


I was against SOD's sacking and only wish him well - he's now in a job that suits him to a great extent imo. I was also against Cotterill's appointment but the same can now be said of him. I didn't get carried away with what Cotterill did last season and said I'd judge him on this season. 12 games in and I can't have any complaints, let's just hope we can continue it in the next 34 games. I see no reason why we can't.

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And in those 8 games a few of them were in the cup and we won something like 3 games, and don't forget that one loss was at home to Sheffield United, a contender for one of the worst games at Ashton gate in our history


7 were league games, 1 was a cup tie against Dagenham... Cotterill was at the helm for his first game which was round 2.

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Not to mention the one loss was because of an own goal, hardly comprehensively beaten - and thus it could easily have been eight games unbeaten.


I was against SOD's sacking and only wish him well - he's now in a job that suits him to a great extent imo. I was also against Cotterill's appointment but the same can now be said of him. I didn't get carried away with what Cotterill did last season and said I'd judge him on this season. 12 games in and I can't have any complaints, let's just hope we can continue it in the next 34 games. I see no reason why we can't.


The whole thing was a disgrace, the boards backing of SOD saying its a long term project then a week later sacking him and the appointment of SC, not the appointment but the manner of how it was handled (although I was against it and thought the board rushed it).


Clearly its worked out which is great and we are doing well but we haven't won nothing yet which is why its best to remain neutral and support the team. I still cant stand his interviews but now I just either put it on mute or ignore it altogether ;)

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The whole thing was a disgrace, the boards backing of SOD saying its a long term project then a week later sacking him and the appointment of SC, not the appointment but the manner of how it was handled (although I was against it and thought the board rushed it).


Clearly its worked out which is great and we are doing well but we haven't won nothing yet which is why its best to remain neutral and support the team. I still cant stand his interviews but now I just either put it on mute or ignore it altogether ;)

Conversely, I like his interviews. Just says what he thinks, no bollocks.
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