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Any Optimism Left Has Died....forever?


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Like so many other posters on here my level of interest in the club has sunk to a new level not thought possible after all the heartache of many decades watching City.

We now have a situation where whoever we appoint fills only a few with genuine optimism -- the rest know it will be a cut and paste job which will last only so long but almost certainly will not take us forward long term and end up with a sacking sooner rather than later.

We have no possible highlights coming up -- unless beating Tamworth counts!!! Survival in Div3? Is that all we can hope for in the next couple of years??

yes it is becoming the time to sever the artery which has got clogged up between me and City -- and I so wish it weren't the case.


My only hope is that this next appointment does not come from any of the dross mentioned -- but is an inspirational choice, yes from our board??, :facepalm: -- and who will really breathe new life into this ailing club.


.......but after all it is only a game and there is plenty more to do and enjoy out there!!

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Like so many other posters on here my level of interest in the club has sunk to a new level not thought possible after all the heartache of many decades watching City.

We now have a situation where whoever we appoint fills only a few with genuine optimism -- the rest know it will be a cut and paste job which will last only so long but almost certainly will not take us forward long term and end up with a sacking sooner rather than later.

We have no possible highlights coming up -- unless beating Tamworth counts!!! Survival in Div3? Is that all we can hope for in the next couple of years??

yes it is becoming the time to sever the artery which has got clogged up between me and City -- and I so wish it weren't the case.


My only hope is that this next appointment does not come from any of the dross mentioned -- but is an inspirational choice, yes from our board??, :facepalm: -- and who will really breathe new life into this ailing club.


.......but after all it is only a game and there is plenty more to do and enjoy out there!!

Absolutely agree with you here.


The only possible positive I can see if Steve Cotterill does actually come in, is if he could give us an initial kick up the arse and get enough points by winning ugly to save us this season.  I can't see this would be a long term solution and we'd probably need to re-recruiting again next season.


With SO'D you could see where the club had a long-term plan, but Steve Cotterill just looks like blind panic to me.

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Guest Welshback

I fail to see how anyone can describe events of the last few days as "exciting stuff".  Nevermind the nonsense the SO'D was the worst manager we've had.


In my 29 years of supporting BCFC, I've never felt so dejected and disillusioned.


Unless the board somehow get the next appointment right, which I have absolutely no faith in, I may have to turn my back on the club for some time.


I'm sick of how many mistakes the board have made.  

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Absolutely agree with you here.


The only possible positive I can see if Steve Cotterill does actually come in, is if he could give us an initial kick up the arse and get enough points by winning ugly to save us this season.  I can't see this would be a long term solution and we'd probably need to re-recruiting again next season.


With SO'D you could see where the club had a long-term plan, but Steve Cotterill just looks like blind panic to me.

Why do we lose a long term plan because we have lost SOD.It makes no sense.Anyone would think we had just sacked Alex Ferguson.SOD could talk it but couldn't walk it and was taking us down at a rate of knots.If the Board cannot find someone who cannot do better than SOD then yes we have had it. 

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Too much melodrama on OTIB presently. People well and truly pissed off about an appointment we haven't yet made.; talking themselves into corners about never watching the club again they've supported all their lives because the rumoured coach-to-be isn't to their liking. It's ironic that following on from threads complaining about the club handing down to fans lifetime bans for various misdemeanours, some better behaved individuals are promising to place themselves in self-imposed exile!

Obviously, when the going gets tough, it's not just the tough, hard nuts who'll get going.

I have seen umpteen changes at BCFC management, coach and board level. Some changes have excited me and some underwhelmed; some that I've eagerly anticipated have disappointed and some that I feared have worked out to be relatively successful. 50+ years of support later, they've all been and gone, the club's still here and so am I. One things for sure, like the weather in this country, if you don't like what you've got at the moment, just hang on a little while.

It'll always be your club, not the Lansdowns regardless of the name on the title deeds so why give that up? Perhaps City 'Til I Die should be changed for some to City, But Just 'Til I'm Pissed Off.

CTID people.

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It's exciting because nothing is set in stone, we can make our own future, we are not hostage to previous failures and have a plan which will see us right that isnt dependent on empires, singular managers or  finance for it to work

I've supported City since 87 ish, and Im well positive because,  we are the masters of our own destiny.


So rather than being stuck in a depressive woe is us rut, we can do something as a club about it. We are and that can only mean good things. Sure it may not be smooth and there may be stuff to endure on the way, but it's not a disaster, it's not the end of the world, and being a turn coat because of some one ( not the team not the club, not us fans) has been sacked seems a little piquant or churlish, like cutting off your own nose to spite your face.

Chill, enjoy the ride and see where we end up. 

Would really like to know what happy pills you're taking buddy, because as one of the most critical and sometimes negative posters on here, you suddenly seem to have found something to be optimistic about, when most of us are right down in the dumps.


You aren't going blue are you?  :innocent06:  

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That's the thing dude, Im not  a neg, just hold people to task when there are questions to be asked. There is no suddeness to it, I've long championed most of the five pillars as being the way forward before they were adapted and got crucified on here for it, and there is so much potential out there, we just need to capitalise on it and we have the chance to. 

I dont get why so many are at their tethers end

Coach was performing awfully ( cant disagree with that) In relegation zone (that's bad) not much sign of change (little but not enough or consistent)= Head Coach removed

Board took decisive action when required to give team a fighting chance ( Usually this would be praised, however on here, it's gone down as well as a skunk in a brothel(


Same long term plan and development in place ( great stuff)

Staff to largely be kept in situ ( continuity, long term planning, this is all new and is good)


New Head Coach/Manager ( Likely not worse than before, could be, but meh will see what happens)


Young team who can only develop ( great stuff)


Where's the bad stuff?


That's the thing dude, Im not  a neg, just hold people to task when there are questions to be asked. There is no suddeness to it, I've long championed most of the five pillars as being the way forward before they were adapted and got crucified on here for it, and there is so much potential out there, we just need to capitalise on it and we have the chance to. 

That's all fine and dandy, but just can't get any positivity if Steve Cotterill does turn out to be the new manager, as I can't see what parts of the five pillars he's going to compliment.

I dont get why so many are at their tethers end

Coach was performing awfully ( cant disagree with that) In relegation zone (that's bad) not much sign of change (little but not enough or consistent)= Head Coach removed

Board took decisive action when required to give team a fighting chance ( Usually this would be praised, however on here, it's gone down as well as a skunk in a brothel(

The same board who appointed Tinman, Steve Coppell, Keith Millen and SO'D.  Look how they all turned out, so what makes you think they'll suddenly get one right for a change?


Same long term plan and development in place ( great stuff)

Would this be the same long term plan that says we'll be playing passing, entertaining football and then they sack SO'D and we're rumoured to be on the verge of appointing 'Mr Route 1'?


Staff to largely be kept in situ ( continuity, long term planning, this is all new and is good)

This may happen, as it is supposed to be how the club is now set up, but it will be interesting to see how many of these staff ARE here in a few months time, particularly if SOD gets a new post.  We'll have to wait and see on that one.


New Head Coach/Manager ( Likely not worse than before, could be, but meh will see what happens)

Why not?  Our recent appointments appear to have been going all out to beat our previous unwanted records for most goals conceded, consecutive defeats, most games without a win etc.  I know SOD nailed many of them, but previous incumbents certainly weren't far away on many!


Young team who can only develop ( great stuff)

If they are given the opportunity, which a few of our past managers haven't wanted to grant.  Some of these bright young players may blossom, but I can't see Bobby Reid being one, with the ball sailing over his head at great height!


Where's the bad stuff?

Please see my comments above.  Of course, nobody has been confirmed in post yet, but with our board's lamentable record in managerial recruitment over the past few years, I just can't share your optimism that they will miraculously get one right now.

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I am not happy with losing SOD but I am not feeling negative about the club as a whole. We have a academy, youth teams and coaches, and a style of play for all the players from kids to first team, with all the coaches instilling the same things... This will pay off in time..

In the short term the only worry is the first team players and coach.. I am hoping that the head coach will come from within in the future... Maybe we are too early for this part of the plan though.

Whoever comes in has to fit the whole eco system supporting the club / first team.. So it worries me seeing some of the managerial names being bounded about.

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JT what you've written is a blight on modern football, according to those who want a return to 'jumpers for goalposts' to use a pithy example, rather than specific to city

Going from the ubermassive thread you mention, what has been ignored? How are we not building something distinctly Bristol City? Just asking as it's used repeatedly at the moment to beat the club, but no one can come up with specifics. Just 'it's that thing we can get narked over!





Well a lot does depend on the appointment, if someone like Cloggerill comes in then we can safely say that large parts of the blueprint are being put on the backburner. Namely playing something resembling football. The constant changes in direction on the pitch mean we are yet again in a position where we will have a manager with a squad of players he might not have wanted or signed not built with his particular philosophies in mind. We're right at the beginning less than a year after being right at the bloody beginning. I absolutely despise the sacking culture in football generally, I don't for the life of me understand how you can expect a manager to actually build something in a few months. That's not a defence of SOD's record which is admittedly poor at BCFC, but it is (In my opinion) a reason why we should have stuck with him and why we will never ever have any sustainable success until the day comes that we give a manager an extended period at the helm.


on your first point, yes I know. That was largely my point. It is important to consider the whole picture rather than assuming that the ill-feeling that is at it's highest for a long time is based on either emotion or on knee-jerk reactions. It's not about loyalty either, it's about football being a morally reprehensible institution and BCFC being a colossal cluster-**** of a sports team.

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So to save me repeating your epic cut and paste above,  am I right in thinking what you appear to be saying is that, although when SOD said something, it was just words and nothing was proven, when the club give us all the 5 pillars, long term plan crap, it must all be true?


Forgive me if I'm wrong, but many times in your post above, you appear to be indicating the players are employed by the club and not the manager, so managers moving on won't be that important.


If that's the case, imho we're going to be severely limited in how many managers will a)  want to come here to work under that system and b)  be able to make a success of working with players who they didn't recruit and c)  work with an apparently pretty incompetant board, who don't appear to know if they're on their head or their arse most of the time.


Hopefully your optimism will be richly rewarded, but I for one won't be holding my breath.

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1) The Five Pillars havent caused any relegations, crap tactically deficient football has caused 1 relegation and leaves us in the relegation zone again

2) Isnt avoiding relegation over the five pillars a shortermist arguement, something that many have said is not what they want, as to why they are feeling disheartened at the present?

Just saying

I agree.

I just feel that the 5 pillars is a catch-all excuse for whatever crap befalls us.

It's even got a buzz-word heading.

I'd guarantee at least one board meeting has included a discussion on how the 5 pillars can be wheeled out as a protective shield against criticism.

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Absolutely agree with you here.


The only possible positive I can see if Steve Cotterill does actually come in, is if he could give us an initial kick up the arse and get enough points by winning ugly to save us this season.  I can't see this would be a long term solution and we'd probably need to re-recruiting again next season.


With SO'D you could see where the club had a long-term plan, but Steve Cotterill just looks like blind panic to me.

If it is Cotterill at least he will be cheap when he gets the sack unlike the recent expensive ones.

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Hey, I 'snip' too, so is cool


How is 5 Pillars Long Term, crap? It is not just aimed at your response, lots seem dispondant that we have a long term plan, and that it isnt about shortermism, but in the same breath are calling out for shortermism in terms of ripping it up for survival, when it doesnt affect directly tactics or team selection on the pitch

Maybe I haven't made my views clear on this one.  I think long term planning is the best thing that could happen to this club and is very long overdue.  My problem is, I'm not convinced that this 5 Pillars is anything more than a buzz word used by the club and it's yet to be proved that they have actually bought into this concept themselves. 


The players have been bought via a DofF with Limited Head Coach input afaik, as part of the under 24 ( not always), can build their value and sell if necessary mantra that is part of the 5 pillars. Every manager goes to a club and has players he hasnt bought, indeed its a rarity that people do have 'their own' team. It's about maximising potential of the ones already there

Playing devil's advocate here, but what if this DoF has brought in dross that's been the cause of our problems?  I don't particularly believe this is the case myself, but who knows if the problems our problems are as much due to the quality of the players, as it is SOD?  If this is the case, then the DoF is equally guilty and we are asking the new manager to work with that? 


How are we going to be 'limited' define exactly why and how come this will be a problem, when it is endemic to football generally? ditto for making a success of players they didnt buy, look to the continent where many coaches have faff all say in transfer policy and make the best out of what is recruited

This long term planning business would likely work very well with a stable club, that really knows what it's doing.  You'd have to be the eternal optimist to think we in any way resemble that at the moment.  Do you think there is going to be a long line of quality managers fighting each other to join a struggling League 1 side who seem to be in nosedive into oblivion, who sack managers for a passtime, who are perennial under achievers and are going to probably expect the new manager to work with the players who have got us in this position? 


How are This version of the board, incompetent, specifically?

I'm surprised you even need to ask this!  Shall I start with their manager recruitment record, financial management shortcomings, alienating large numbers of the fanbase; either through ticketing incompetance, clumsy effort at kicking fans out of thier seats for the Family Section, blanket banning orders, poor stewarding, East End flags, etc, etc.  You could also add neglecting the Academy for many years and the Ashton Vale fiasco, which showed a stunning degree of either arrogance or incompetence to be out manouvered by the Nimbys at every turn.  


To turn this point on its head, what can you you say the board have actually done to prove their competance in the last few years?  Other than the promise of this 5 Pillars stuff in the last year, I'm struggling to think of much tbh! 

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One advantage of the 5 pillars should be, sacking the coach just results in replacing the coach. The modern trend is not to recruit a manager but his management team; seldom do you see a new manager appointed without his regular sidekick appointed as his assistant. In the case of managers such as Big Sam, you end up with a veritable entourage. The major downside to this is that, come the day that the manager is replaced it's a "one out, all out" approach which causes loads of disruption and horrendous cost.

We should be able to make a like-for-like replacement for SO'D to work alongside Pemberton, Burt et al. To me, this is a major upside to the new approach.

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