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Wot No Annual Accounts?

Guest Timbo7

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Last set published on 05 December 2012


I understand the FFP/SCMP regulations require publication in December!


More music the Board is not ready to face perhaps?


Hands up who expects a (Not the) AGM this Year - could this be why SL chose to take advantage of new Companies Act to abandon obligation to stage a real AGM?

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The have to publish them as we are a Plc


No we aren't. There are only a couple of publicly listed football clubs left in the UK and we aren't one of them.


The accounts will need to be filed by the relevant deadline (9 months after the balance sheet date, so the end of February 2014 by my reckoning) as the companies in question do not qualify for exemption (or for the filing of abbreviated accounts) on the grounds of size.


The fact nothing has been filed yet really isn't an issue.

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could this be why SL chose to take advantage of new Companies Act to abandon obligation to stage a real AGM?


Forgive my ignorance, but when was this decided? I don't remember seeing anything on the forum about changing the format of the AGM (or indeed amending having an AGM at all) but I could have missed it!

The Companies Act legislation which permits a private company (such as Bristol City Holdings Limited) not to have an AGM has been around for several years now, although the requirment (or otherwise) to hold an AGM is also subject to the provisions of the company's Articles of Association. Interested to hear if BCHL has made any changes in respect of this recently.

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Forgive my ignorance, but when was this decided? I don't remember seeing anything on the forum about changing the format of the AGM (or indeed amending having an AGM at all) but I could have missed it!

The Companies Act legislation which permits a private company (such as Bristol City Holdings Limited) not to have an AGM has been around for several years now, although the requirment (or otherwise) to hold an AGM is also subject to the provisions of the company's Articles of Association. Interested to hear if BCHL has made any changes in respect of this recently.


You are correct of course the 'new' Companies Act was in fact given Royal ascent in 2006 - I'm just showing my age!


On your material point:


  • a resolution was proposed (at the AGM in 2008 or 09) to take advantage of the change in legislation by discontinuing AGMs (to be replaced by informal 'supporters' meeting');
  • the resolution was quickly rejected by the shareholders on a show of hands - the Chairman (SL) then threw a bit of a tantrum and said something like "I'll get what I want next time because the Board holds most of the shares"
  • the resolution was again proposed the following year and passed by block vote before the AGM (which incidentally was held on a Thursday morning to keep attendance to a minimum)
  • Since then we have had an informal 'supporters' meeting' each year soon after the accounts are published but NOT a formal AGM

I am aware that the Company has no statutory obligation to publish the 2012-13 accounts until sometime next year BUT if I remember correctly the requirements of FFP/SCMP require publication before the turn of the year.


My OP simply refers to my suspicion (when the end of the AGM was first proposed) that the Board would at some point simply choose not to listen/answer to the minor shareholders at some point in the future - I suspect that point may have now arrived.  

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In other word you are slagging off lansdown just for the sake of it

Why is it so important to you all our debt is his he pays all our bills and he is redeveloping the ground using his own money

As with almost every single post you make on this forum I am left wondering whether you realise that it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak (or type) and to remove all doubt.

I know it's an alien concept to you, but try to make sure you understand a post before replying to it with your usual garbage.

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