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It's now up to over £25 :clap:

I have joined the bidding, I would like to get it for a mate who has lung cancer and is having a charity night next week to try and raise money for him.

If I get it, I will donate it to the auction at his charity night

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It's now up to over £25  :clap:

I have joined the bidding, I would like to get it for a mate who has lung cancer and is having a charity night next week to try and raise money for him.

If I get it, I will donate it to the auction at his charity night

Excellent, may I humbly suggest all bidding stops for Tipps.

I appreciate the e-bay is an auction but we are bidding against a very good cause here.

Perhaps if you write to the club or even place it on ask SL and ask for a more recent players shirt or something similar for the charity auction they are quite often very good at providing a little something.

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Hey Tipps,

If you dont win the Goodridge auction, Hopefully you will. Then i am pretty sure that if you send or drop in a City shirt to the club then, the club will take it to the training ground one day and get all the players to sign it for you.

My Sister did this a while ago - so hopefully they are still doing this, could be worth giving the club a call before hand though, alternativly you could contact the community dept and see if they can do anything to help you.

Hope this helps, good luck fund raising.


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Hi Guy's

Thank's for your kind word's, but I didn't mention my mate's misfortune to stop anyone else from bidding :clap:

As for asking the club for donations, I know that there was a thing a while ago where it was mentioned that clubs get letters from people wanting things all the time and at the end of the day, there are the sick people out there that will make up anything, so to get anything for free, so that they can make a profit for their own gain :Rage:

Club's therefore would be just giving money away for no good cause :clap:

The charity evening is next friday 28th November (7.30pm start) at Yate Town football club.

Just as a little insight into my mate, he is only 29 years old and has 18month old twins!! This is the 2nd time he has been hit with cancer, last time was about 6 years ago and he had to have a testicle removed!!

I know everyone say's it, but this guy really is the nicest bloke in the world, he is also a City fan.

Anyone who fancies popping down to Yate Town to support a worthy cause would be very welcome, who know's...... there could be a signed Greg Goodridge shirt up for auction :clap: .

I think there will be signed shirts from a few clubs there, a guy we know used to scout for Southampton, Norwich and dare I say it.... the blue few!!

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