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"i'm A Winner."

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"We were abysmal today, and that's tough for me to take because I'm a winner."



:laugh: - I am happy for him to prove it - but his career hasn't really been a testament to that. It's like his "never been sacked" no, but there again let go, mutual consent, released is the same thing buddy - in fact I have seen some good people sacked at places because they have maybe made a balls up, but the poor people tend to leave by mutual consent.....

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in all fairness his last comment was that he can see why he keeps changing the team like every other manager i suppose!!



i thought a little bit of fine tuning after SOD and we would start to get the results.


SC has just ripped it all up and started again .Groundhog day, journey men ,constant formation and personnel changes.


Still at least he believes he's a winner .Now proove it Mr C.

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On a personal level of course the blokes a winner, regardless of on field success or otherwise, he cant lose.


Thanks to questionable BCFC boardroom decisions our 'chosen one'  is laughing all the way to the bank, month after month, while sitting comfortably (thanyou very much) on a demanded & granted incomprehensibly long contract..

I still hope he turns things around but as games go by I'm fearing yet another huge balls-up of an appointment by the footballing experts & powers that be at BS3....


Why do we continue to screw things up at all levels, again & again?? - Supporters need something to believe in yet all we seem to get is everpresent fingers crossed & hope for the best situations while all too often fearing the worst.


Cant deny SC is one of lifes winners though... just hope his personal luck translates itself onto our teams fortunes soon, Very Soon before its Too Late.


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Thanks Steve. As long as you're a winner I can relax tonight after that shower of shite.

Talk is ******* cheap. Heard too much of it the last few years. All very well saying all the right things but acting on words is a completely different thing.

It's ok though. He's a winner.

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It doesn't matter that you're a winner SC....Are your players!?


It does not matter if they are not your choices, it matters that you do the job you were employed to do....Keep Us Up!


Can you and Can they do it!???....And will they bother showing up next Saturday....about 3000 season ticket holders wont!


I remember 82 very well. The only time I felt worse than this was the day we thought it was all over only to be saved at the 11th hour, the rest of it you took because it was the way back....But this is as bad a feeling as I've had since then...


Osbourne skinned at FB while Maloney sits on the bench El Abd is poor Osbourne needs to partner Flint...Why cant you see the wood for the trees....?

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Guest cider_dog

He IS a winner.


3.5 year contract for a lower league journeyman manager.


That's like winning the lottery.


Sad thing is, with all that cash all he will do is buy a bigger gold necklace and more hair gel.


We deserve better, but life is seldom fair...

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One of the many reasons I was horrified by the appointment of Cotterill is that he's got a long habit of saying moronic things in the press that piss the fans off and cause disruption. He's really not very bright at all.

I hope we scrape by this season, but I wouldn't bet on it sadly.

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One of the many reasons I was horrified by the appointment of Cotterill is that he's got a long habit of saying moronic things in the press that piss the fans off and cause disruption. He's really not very bright at all.

I hope we scrape by this season, but I wouldn't bet on it sadly.

What do you mean, he says moronic things? In last night's Post he said

that City must not slip back into the bottom four. It took a lot of intelligence to work that out.

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Well let me effing tell you something cotts I'm still on poxy coach 1 coming back which is bad enough but the pathetic spineless gutless performance was a utter disgrace so tell me again how the f..k your a winner???

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First of all, I must say that Mr SC was certainly not my number 1 choice to replace O'dismall.


However bad we were today (and it sounds very bad) all SC was saying is "how it is" - we all like to think we are winner's so give the guy a break. He is not the one that has put us in this position - it's been brewing for along time. The fact of the matter is he is trying to get us out of this mess whether you like him or not as a person.

It cracks me up - so many threads over and over and over and only a few hundred (if that) could be arsed to go to the Questions and Answers session a month back (held at the ground where you could have had your say to the people we are all moaning about - the board and the manager).

The club is in a mess but it's not all Steve Cotterill's fault. We need to give him 100% for the final 13 games. If we dont then we have no chance of staying up. It really does crack me up that so many fans think that slagging him off is going to help matters.

Dont get me wrong, I am completely disillusioned by what is happening at our club. But for once, lets try and say something positive. 

What about "bloody hell, that interview with cotts after the Shef Utd game was really passionate. He aint having any of it. His attitude is about being a winner etc etc etc, lets hope that rubs off with the players and they accept the kick up the ass after a shocking performance. All the forum is saying he is a failure. FFS, this boy is not going anywhere. The board are gonna stick with him whatever happens. 

Im fed up like all of us but dig after dig at Cotts is not gonna change a thing (well apart from a few who feel better typing their frustration on a keyboard),


League 2 beckons as of today...but lets back them until the final whistle! 


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Funny the amount of losers that keep stating they are winners, you don't often hear winners stating they are winners,they don't need to, because they are, losers need to make you think they are winners.


Just standard BS soundbites from a okay manager

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The players are treated like they've already 'made it' when most of 'em have done f' all apart from signing a contract so far (same goes for our 'winner' manager too... Landsdown was gearing up for Championship stability even preparing to kick on towards the Prem a few short years ago. We all know that went wrong & is'nt the fault of this group of players or managment. However the facilities Landsdown funded, state of the art training facilities, training pitches & buildings were geared for the type of playing staff we'd hope to have here now... they are not here, the facilities must make the squad think they are deserving of such pampering.

NO THEY ALL MUST EARN THE RIGHT TO FEEL THAT WAY, THEY MUST ALL DO SOMETHING & SHOW SOMETHING TO MERIT THAT FEELING, the feeling that they are someone, that they are winners! Its as if they have already made it while actually proving nothing.


So get a gurt big padlock on all the molly-codling facilities, mothball all that nonsense. nomore cosy super training time.... whack up a couple of glorified sheds with a couple of showers & get 'em all back to basics, SC included.

Ban designer rags etc get 'em into sports direct trackies & make em f'ing hungry for it again... let 'em splash about on a muddy olfd field somewhere & when/if they show promise, hunger & determination only then make life easier for them once again... Its a reward, a privaledge not a right to be treated like stars, they have to prove they want & deserve it all over again or the goodlife is over.


Get out the padlocks & make 'em fight to get back in again... (maybe an afternoon handing out parcels in one of Bristols foodbanks will help refocus their ego's... a bit of voluntary work somewhere might just get them counting their blessings & make them think of all thats required of them, -its not a lot to ask for or expect of them afterall, COYR's JUST DO IT!!   

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Over his entire career he has won 248 games and lost 193.


So he's right. Get over it FFS.


118 of them came at Cheltenham - considering the club at the time  - it's like padding your stats or K/D ratio by killing noobs in lowbie zones in a game.

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Guest GoingUp

The players are treated like they've already 'made it' when most of 'em have done f' all apart from signing a contract so far (same goes for our 'winner' manager too... Landsdown was gearing up for Championship stability even preparing to kick on towards the Prem a few short years ago. We all know that went wrong & is'nt the fault of this group of players or managment. However the facilities Landsdown funded, state of the art training facilities, training pitches & buildings were geared for the type of playing staff we'd hope to have here now... they are not here, the facilities must make the squad think they are deserving of such pampering.

NO THEY ALL MUST EARN THE RIGHT TO FEEL THAT WAY, THEY MUST ALL DO SOMETHING & SHOW SOMETHING TO MERIT THAT FEELING, the feeling that they are someone, that they are winners! Its as if they have already made it while actually proving nothing.


So get a gurt big padlock on all the molly-codling facilities, mothball all that nonsense. nomore cosy super training time.... whack up a couple of glorified sheds with a couple of showers & get 'em all back to basics, SC included.

Ban designer rags etc get 'em into sports direct trackies & make em f'ing hungry for it again... let 'em splash about on a muddy olfd field somewhere & when/if they show promise, hunger & determination only then make life easier for them once again... Its a reward, a privaledge not a right to be treated like stars, they have to prove they want & deserve it all over again or the goodlife is over.


Get out the padlocks & make 'em fight to get back in again... (maybe an afternoon handing out parcels in one of Bristols foodbanks will help refocus their ego's... a bit of voluntary work somewhere might just get them counting their blessings & make them think of all thats required of them, -its not a lot to ask for or expect of them afterall, COYR's JUST DO IT!!

. So basically send them all to train at the sags ground.
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Just an example of the egotistical b******* he has spouted in the media throughout his career.


Although I have to say he actually seems to have improved somewhat with the media since his Portsmouth and Forest days where you could say with complete confidence that every single defeat would be put down to the referee or his own team missing heaps of chances. This is the guy after all that I remember saying his team had 'missed 19 sitters in that game'. Now fair enough, I didn't actually witness the game in question, but I think I've seen enough football to struggle to believe that his team had not only created, but managed to miss, 19 'sitters' in one game. You can also look at his interview with Sky after we beat Forest 1-0 the other year if you wanted an example of the crap he has been known to talk to the press.


As for being a 'winner' unfortunately Steve that isn't a title you can give yourself. It is meant to be given to you by other people after achieving success. So if you want people to think of you as one (I can assure you not many people do at the moment) then instead of telling us, build a successful team and invite people to give you that label. Just a thought.


Although Aizoon is correct when he says that he is not only louder than our previous manager, but also manages to avoid sniffling so full credit to him for that. My only issue with Cotterill is most of the time when he speaks I wish he was quieter, much quieter. As my mate said the other day, when he is on the radio it sometimes takes you a while to work out whether it is the manager of our team or a standard caller into Twentyman.


'The thing is Geoff, I'm a winner Geoff'.

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He's a winner in the sense that he seems to have brainwashed our board into handing him a 3.5 year contract for a job that his previous managerial records indicate he shouldn't have in the first place. He's also managed to get the job at a time when the club shouldn't have even been looking for a new manager, with it being one of the most ill-timed managerial appointments I've ever witnessed. Not his fault though, of course he's going to accept the offer when it's handed to him. Shame on the board for making the decision to sack a manager that had lost 1 in 7.


You reap what you sow. Unfortunately us fans are the ones that have to suffer the consequences for the board's incredibly poor decision-making.

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Guest NailseaRobin

**** me. Nothing wrong with his interview. A lot of our fans must be ******* morons. He is clearly fuming about the performance today. People have taken his comment completely out of context. What do people expect him to say? Today was a terrible result but without reading other topics I bet our moronic fan base are calling for Cotterills head. Probably saying something along the lines of, "I always thought we should have appointed Warnock". ******* stupid! Cotterill is the best we are going to get for the situation we are in and the sort of players at his disposal

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He may think he is a winner - and at Cheltenham he was. But since then his record has generally been pretty average apart from 18 games at Notts County.


14 league games at City. 4 wins, 5 draws and 5 defeats. And if you consider that 2 of those wins were in the honeymoon period that most our our recent managers have seemed to enjoy, that record looks as bad as SOD's this season.


As some have said on here, the only way he is possibly a winner is that when he gets sacked from this job, he will get a big pay-off.

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. Shame on the board for making the decision to sack a manager that had lost 1 in 7.




Or another way of expressing it, is a manager with the worse win ratio in City history (if you discount caretakers and Copout) who had taken just one point out of a possible six in his last two games.


We're both just using statistics to bolster arguments.


I prefer to look forwards rather than backwards. Looking backwards condemns us to walk into life's lamp posts.


Would you sack Cotterill? That would just take managerial churn to the max. The theory didn't work over at the dark side of our city.


Given that he stays, what to do next?

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Guest GoingUp

He's a winner in the sense that he seems to have brainwashed our board into handing him a 3.5 year contract for a job that his previous managerial records indicate he shouldn't have in the first place. He's also managed to get the job at a time when the club shouldn't have even been looking for a new manager, with it being one of the most ill-timed managerial appointments I've ever witnessed. Not his fault though, of course he's going to accept the offer when it's handed to him. Shame on the board for making the decision to sack a manager that had lost 1 in 7.


You reap what you sow. Unfortunately us fans are the ones that have to suffer the consequences for the board's incredibly poor decision-making.

^. ^

This.well said.

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Or another way of expressing it, is a manager with the worse win ratio in City history (if you discount caretakers and Copout) who had taken just one point out of a possible six in his last two games.


We're both just using statistics to bolster arguments.


I prefer to look forwards rather than backwards. Looking backwards condemns us to walk into life's lamp posts.


Would you sack Cotterill? That would just take managerial churn to the max. The theory didn't work over at the dark side of our city.


Given that he stays, what to do next?


SOD's poor form was admittedly depressing, but I was looking forwards and not backwards when we had lost 1 in 7 (the loss being through a Flint O.G as well). We then proceeded to sack a manager who had a reputation for benefiting clubs in the long-term and replaced him with a friend of the boardroom, who has had an uninspiring career as a football manager. I usually back a manager for longer than most in recent years (Millen, Del, SOD etc), but it's incredibly hard to back a manager whose appointment I found incredibly frustrating and didn't agree with in the first place. Nothing against SC, it's the board's fault, as I've said above.


Would I want Cotterill to go? If it was down to me, I'd get rid at the end of the season because I simply do not rate him as a manager (Burnley, Pompey, Forest fans would support me on that). I'm all for a long-term plan, hence my support for McInnes and O'Driscoll, but it'd be a huge shame if we finally stuck with a manager for the long-term, only for that manager to not be a very good one. This isn't a post in the heat of the moment after today's performance, I've been saying it since SC was appointed.

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'I didn't see that coming'

Well SC that is your job. You should see that coming and have a Plan B if it happens.

Spot on. I said the same thing today. There is no plan B
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SOD's poor form was admittedly depressing, but I was looking forwards and not backwards when we had lost 1 in 7 (the loss being through a Flint O.G as well). We then proceeded to sack a manager who had a reputation for benefiting clubs in the long-term and replaced him with a friend of the boardroom, who has had an uninspiring career as a football manager. I usually back a manager for longer than most in recent years (Millen, Del, SOD etc), but it's incredibly hard to back a manager whose appointment I found incredibly frustrating and didn't agree with in the first place. Nothing against SC, it's the board's fault, as I've said above.


Would I want Cotterill to go? If it was down to me, I'd get rid at the end of the season because I simply do not rate him as a manager (Burnley, Pompey, Forest fans would support me on that). I'm all for a long-term plan, hence my support for McInnes and O'Driscoll, but it'd be a huge shame if we finally stuck with a manager for the long-term, only for that manager to not be a very good one. This isn't a post in the heat of the moment after today's performance, I've been saying it since SC was appointed.



Own goals still count mate!


Well, I think - as I keep saying - it's an entirely moot point as to whether we'd be better off or not. What anyone's done in the past elsewhere doesn't mean nowt (and personally I think Sean's miracle worker rep is slightly overinflated by his fans) because - as we've seen - we've had players who were good elsewhere but then poor here.


What's fact is we're no better off than when he was sacked. And what I think is also becoming clear, is that Steve (or Keith Burt - or both) managed to muck up the transfer window and opportunities for strengthening where the side needed it.


Looking forward here, I'd shift Osbourne back in the middle and bring Moloney into his position. Rest El-Abd. Rest Jet - at least for half the game - and put Pearson into a forward midfield role. And if Kelly's available play him rather than Pack.


Dunno what you do about the keeper conundrum - none of them has exactly inspired confidence.

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I don't understand why people or us fans would be pissed off though on this one?

He is saying we were abysmal, he is saying the players let him down - they did, he is saying the fans were superb and were let down - they were.

I thought the interview was of a pissed off manager who thought his team were appalling and let him and us down.

Which to me is honest and bang on the money??

Sure he said we were shite which we were but he has said so many stupid things including the winner comment.

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I listened to the interview and it didn't really annoy or offend me at all.

Now had he come on, said we were unlucky, the players tried or that it was the refs fault I would have been pissed off.

He didn't. He was annoyed and said the players were awful and we've got to work much harder.

I thought it was honest and exactly what I'd expect.

It was fine as interviews after shite performances go.

Apparently in the radio interview he said he didn't see it coming....

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A 0-3 loss? After he put in hard work on the training ground??

Why would he?

Apparently they did nothing they trained on this week.

I blame the players here.

He didn't see it coming because he didn't recognise how bad the performance was against Tranmere was last week. Apparently we were tired. Yet somehow tired old Sheff Utd managed to hammer us today.


I'm not saying the players shouldn't take any blame but the manager should too. I prefer not to have to hear how bad we were from a manager. He should tonight be saying how we took advantage of a tired Sheff U side like Tranmere did to us last week.

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