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Tomorrow Is Massive

Guest Neo

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I currently find myself nervous and yet thoroughly excited about tomorrow.

The World Cup game in the morning is massive. And with all the kak coming out of the Aussie press etc., I am desperate to see us turn them right over.

This really has gripped the whole nation and a win, no matter how it is achieved, is really going to leave a buzz around for weeks to come.

I talk to people who loathe sport full-stop, yet they all seem to have only one answer for where they'll be at 9 tomorrow; in front of the box, watching a game they don't even understand. Brilliant Stuff!

As for City, I am finding myself out of my depression and suddenly (not really sure why) optimistic that are season has started. I find myself once again believing that we will win tomorrow and looking forward to it.

If at 5pm tomorrow England have secured the World Cup and City have secured 3 points, the missus better be careful when I get home, she's going to have the best 2 minutes of her life! :clap:

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That does include getting undressed and lighting a fag!!

However, I agree, tomorrow is massive. We have to stick it up the Aussies and bring the Webb Ellis trophy home. Guiness at 8.00am lovely.

As for City, after last weekend the confidence must be back and the lads buzzing so another three points is a must and nothing less, should be a cracking game of Rugby, Football and a major hangover Sunday!!!


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