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Notts County Game Now On Good Friday (Merged)


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Yet another clear example of the club's ineptitude.


I feel sorry for Dave L and Adam B for being the ones in the firing line. Those of the higher echelons at Ashton Gate are the ones that continue to make blunder after blunder. Honestly, a little common sense wouldn't go amiss.

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Reading this thread in full seems to suugest the following questions that I hope Dave will (in time) be able to raise and answer on our collective behalves.

1/ At what point was a decision made to try and renegotiate the day of the game? (Most people don't seem to doubt the wisdom of bringing it forward, but if these talks have been going on for days/weeks or months, why wasn't a 'heads up, this might move' message issued).

2/Supporters who have made arrangements to attend the game need to claim a refund before the game commences, we are approaching a holiday season, why can't this be extended?

3/ We have (from this thread) supporters who have made international travel plans, would the club be open to financially assisting them in rebooking flights or refunding them if they are now unable to travel?

4/ As per point 3, but regarding hotel accommodation.

5/ Season ticket holders, will an exception be made so if the are now unable to make the game their ticket is now transferable (maybe a mate down the pub will give them a tenner for it? Maybe these supporters can register the name of the person using it? If not, a discount on next years?)

6/ Notts County supporters, they've been screwed right over here. Were they considered?

Long and the short of it, it feels like we (supporters) are expected to get on with it as our custom is in the bag and that we will put up with things but without communication from the club, people are shelling out significant money and hoping the game will go ahead as advertised since day one.

If the weather was bad or it was an International weekend, I'm sure people would be more understanding.

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I think there are 2 questions that need to be answered.  The responses may be very illuminating.


Firstly, why was this game ever on the Saturday? I suggest that one or other of the teams asked for it to be on Saturday.  What has happened since?


It's possible that the police asked for the game to be on Saturday originally.  City (and/or NCFC) asked subsequently for it to be put back to Friday.  As part of the deal, the police then said "You can have it back to Friday if you don't mention our involvement at all".  Would explain why the club has provided no explanation around this.


Secondly, why hasn't the club apologised to NCFC fans who are travelling and, more importantly, City fans who are put out by this?  


Why hasn't the Club's Liaison (not during match days) Officer offered any sort of explanation?

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Yet another clear example of the club's ineptitude.

I feel sorry for Dave L and Adam B for being the ones in the firing line. Those of the higher echelons at Ashton Gate are the ones that continue to make blunder after blunder. Honestly, a little common sense wouldn't go amiss.

Sorry, but it's not lack of common sense - it's total contempt for the fans :(

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6/ Notts County supporters, they've been screwed right over here. Were they considered?

Secondly, why hasn't the club apologised to NCFC fans who are travelling and, more importantly, City fans who are put out by this?

I'm not overly happy about this switch as I've now missed the chance to get Friday off work, I've missed enough games through work commitments this season as it is, however, people saying the Notts County fans have been screwed over and why haven't they had an apology? ask Notts County Football Club who agreed to the change of date.I can understand City fans wanting answers from the City board for themselves but Notts County FC are just as guilty.

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What a **** up. Fans coming all the way from Scandinavia to watch a match as well. What a complete waste of money for those poor sods.

Is the boardroom braincell on holiday at the moment?

At the very least the club should compensate these fans. Guess what? They won't.

They didn't know these fans were coming, although they should have had the red carpet out.

They don't care that these fans have been fracked about, because their money is in BCFC's bank account and that's all the club cares about.

If I were Dave L or Adam B, I would put my resignation on the table and give the club advice on sex and travel but, thank The Lord, I'm not.

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Statement from Bristol City Supporters Club and Trust


BCSCT understands the reasoning behind the Notts County game being brought forward 24hrs. However the fixture list was published in June 2013. Why has this change been made at 8 days notice? Many supporters from both clubs have made work and travel commitments for the Saturday.


We are also disappointed that the club statement does not contain an apology for the inconvenience caused to supporters.

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I have only just found out about the change of date for this fixture. I received a text from my son. As a season ticket holder the club has my contact details - mobile number, email address - why could they not email or text to advise of this change - we don't all access BCFC website everyday and I am of that generation who has no inclination to use facebook or twitter - I can barely use a mobile or send an email! Non-existent communication again from the club.

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Statement from Bristol City Supporters Club and Trust


BCSCT understands the reasoning behind the Notts County game being brought forward 24hrs. However the fixture list was published in June 2013. Why has this change been made at 8 days notice? Many supporters from both clubs have made work and travel commitments for the Saturday.


We are also disappointed that the club statement does not contain an apology for the inconvenience caused to supporters.


In all seriousness I think that statement doesn't go nearly far enough, it should have included a request for the resignation of the turnip(s) responsible for this fiasco.


Skimming through this thread, apart from the many who have built holiday and travel plans around the game, including myself and family, I have seen at least two groups who are flying in on the Friday for the Saturday game (the "Club" know this regularly happens) and therefore impossible to change travel plans even if they wanted to, and a suggestion that a group of 6/7 year old kids won't now be able to be flag bearers at the re-arranged fixture.


Disgusting incompetence and arrogance.

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Gutted about this, I was happy to see this game was still a Saturday as my fixtures see me play Friday and Monday.

Would have been my last chance to get in the east end and "say goodbye".

So poor from the club that it borders on unbelievable. Only know about this change because of this thread, I rarely check the City website or twitter / Facebook!

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In all seriousness I think that statement doesn't go nearly far enough, it should have included a request for the resignation of the turnip (s) responsible.

Disgusting incompetence and arrogance.

I agree. Not worded nearly strongly enough.

This goes further than a slight inconvenience, as this thread testifies.

I wouldn't necessarily go as far as to suggest that heads should roll, but the axe certainly needs sharpening!

EDIT: Forgot that this was to be my EE farewell as well!!!

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Massive day for the Club and Club officials today.

Superficially, appears incompetence of the highest order. The timing of the decision, lack of liaison, means of communication, absence of apology... You couldn't make it up.

It can't be quite as bad as it seems.......surely. Not our Club.

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Probably not as they wouldn't have moved the game now!!

Do other supporters have moments where the club they support are so bloody clueless that they make you wonder who puts these idiots in charge of decisions?

Or is it just a Bristol City thing?

Let's not forget that Notts County FC were every bit as responsible for this change as City are.
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Statement from Bristol City Supporters Club and Trust

BCSCT understands the reasoning behind the Notts County game being brought forward 24hrs. However the fixture list was published in June 2013. Why has this change been made at 8 days notice? Many supporters from both clubs have made work and travel commitments for the Saturday.

We are also disappointed that the club statement does not contain an apology for the inconvenience caused to supporters.


Bristol City have not provided reasoning why they appear to not understand how to use a calendar.

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Let's not forget that Notts County FC were every bit as responsible for this change as City are.

Well, we contacted them. It's the lack of apology that riles me.

Why on earth the clubs didn't talk to each other prior to yesterday is the mystery.

Cotterill must be the man responsible for wanting the change so why wasn't this addressed when he took over back in Nov?

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Well, we contacted them. It's the lack of apology that riles me.

Why on earth the clubs didn't talk to each other prior to yesterday is the mystery.

Cotterill must be the man responsible for wanting the change so why wasn't this addressed when he took over back in Nov?

We probably sent an email.......

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Well, we contacted them. It's the lack of apology that riles me.

Why on earth the clubs didn't talk to each other prior to yesterday is the mystery.

Cotterill must be the man responsible for wanting the change so why wasn't this addressed when he took over back in Nov?


Why Nov? The fixtures came out in June. I blame SOD.

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can you imagine the fans checking results friday to see how we are affected seeing our result pop up.

happy easter for those that dont find out in time

Putting the rights and wrongs of the decision aside for a moment...

I have already heard/seen this announcement on radio, newspaper, news website, club website, Facebook, Twitter and here.

Yes, an email/text should be sent immediately to our entire database, but making out that people are unlikely to hear about this is quite simply wrong.

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Putting the rights and wrongs of the decision aside for a moment...

I have already heard/seen this announcement on radio, newspaper, news website, club website, Facebook, Twitter and here.

Yes, an email/text should be sent immediately to our entire database, but making out that people are unlikely to hear about this is quite simply wrong.


Tbh I couldn't care less if the queen announced it. 8 days before the match is just unacceptable.

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Statement from Bristol City Supporters Club and Trust


BCSCT understands the reasoning behind the Notts County game being brought forward 24hrs. However the fixture list was published in June 2013. Why has this change been made at 8 days notice? Many supporters from both clubs have made work and travel commitments for the Saturday.


We are also disappointed that the club statement does not contain an apology for the inconvenience caused to supporters.

That's told them.

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Tbh I couldn't care less if the queen announced it. 8 days before the match is just unacceptable.

Of course it is and I have said that in another post.

What part of "putting the right & wrong of the decision aside for a moment" didn't you understand..?

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Peoples reactions on here are now starting to get a little bi hysterical and losing credability.

The timing of this decision is wrong, now question about it, but suggesting that the club should compensate a group of holiday makers from sweeden it crazy. They still have their holiday and even Mondays fixture. The club will refund match tickets, end of.

The club have fcuked up here, but are not liable for peoples travel, hotels etc.

A gesture of a free ticket to another game for anyone getting a refund would make for some kind of appology, but that is about as far as it should go imo.

They definitely need to learn and never make this total balls up again though!

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I love this forum, I really do.


Bristol City FC make an absolutely monumental cluster **** of a decision and are quite rightly rounded on by all and sundry.


But from out of the gloom come striding the same old posters with the same old agendas.


"Cotterill is to blame" shouts one. Now forgive me if I'm wrong, even if SC did push for this decision to be made, the ultimate call was with the board who could quite easily have explained to Mr Cotterill that the fans have had enough shite to put up with in the last few years, and changing the date of a fixture 8 days in advance, is not on.


But even funnier is the poster showing the most consternation and posting prolifically on this subject, almost certainly wouldn't have been at the game anyway!


Got to love this site!!!

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I am pissed off I cant make the game now as I am working on Good Friday but mostly just want us to win the game which will go a long way to keeping us up .So even though I cant now make it if we win I will still be happy come 5 oclock .

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I love this forum, I really do.


Bristol City FC make an absolutely monumental cluster fuck of a decision and are quite rightly rounded on by all and sundry.


But from out of the gloom come striding the same old posters with the same old agendas.


"Cotterill is to blame" shouts one. Now forgive me if I'm wrong, even if SC did push for this decision to be made, the ultimate call was with the board who could quite easily have explained to Mr Cotterill that the fans have had enough shite to put up with in the last few years, and changing the date of a fixture 8 days in advance, is not on.


But even funnier is the poster showing the most consternation and posting prolifically on this subject, almost certainly wouldn't have been at the game anyway!


Got to love this site!!!


I think they were due to have a bout of <insert random illness here> on Saturday so the switch to Friday may actually benefit them.

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But even funnier is the poster showing the most consternation and posting prolifically on this subject, almost certainly wouldn't have been at the game anyway!


Very true, complaints from people who wouldn't even dream of going. But they'll be away on Friday so they won't be able to chat about "anything but the game in hand" on the "Match Thread"....oh the humanity !

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I have already heard/seen this announcement on radio, newspaper, news website, club website, Facebook, Twitter and here.

Yes, an email/text should be sent immediately to our entire database, but making out that people are unlikely to hear about this is quite simply wrong.


I would disagree with this, you are assuming that everyone has access to FB / Twitter or any part of the web, and also live locally enough to hear the radio or read the paper - the club told us earlier this season that they were checking everyone's contact details - now is the time to use it.


I work with a Polish Dr, who just took delight in telling me his son was flying over next Friday and would be seeing his first City game - you can imagine what he reaction was to the news (though will need a tranlator for some of the reply). The craziest thing was he phoned up YESTERDAY for the tickets, surely someone could have warned the ticket staff that there was a possibility of the game moving ??

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The trouble is Bar BS3, how many times have we had to say this this season?

Lessons Learned are just not being learnt

Twice I believe. Tickets and now this.

Oh, and family section in Atyeo, back in the summer.

Tickets are now sorted, although not perfect, admittedly.

Lessons definitely learn from Atyeo issues.

This late notice fixture change, through choice, should never happen again. It's not good enough.

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On the FootyMad Notts County forum a lot of them can't make it now either. Plus a load of money has been spent on Hotels and travel that will be wasted

Who at the club decides this? They need to see the shit they have caused!!! :grr:

Are these the same Notts County fans who protested on our behalf when City fans were charged more than double the home fans prices for our game up their earlier in the season..?

Oh no, they couldn't have cared less about that at the time.

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Very true, complaints from people who wouldn't even dream of going. But they'll be away on Friday so they won't be able to chat about "anything but the game in hand" on the "Match Thread"....oh the humanity !

I was fairly regular at the Gate in the first half of the season. What peed me off most wasn't the shit catering, the unfriendly staff or the poor football - all par for the course with BCFC.

What really put the brass cap on it was postponements because a couple of our bench-warmers were playing for the Unfriendly Islands or Inner Mongolia. Mind you, it was all for the best. Look how brilliantly we did in the rearranged games :doh:

Read some of the posts on this thread to see why a good number of lifelong fans will not be at the Gate next year unless the club wakes up and smells the coffee.

Sorry, unfortunate metaphor there :(

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I was fairly regular at the Gate in the first half of the season. What peed me off most wasn't the shit catering, the unfriendly staff or the poor football - all par for the course with BCFC.

What really put the brass cap on it was postponements because a couple of our bench-warmers were playing for the Unfriendly Islands or Inner Mongolia. Mind you, it was all for the best. Look how brilliantly we did in the rearranged games :doh:

Read some of the posts on this thread to see why a good number of lifelong fans will not be at the Gate next year unless the club wakes up and smells the coffee.

Sorry, unfortunate metaphor there :(

How did you know that they were talking about you..?!
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I'm not overly happy about this switch as I've now missed the chance to get Friday off work, I've missed enough games through work commitments this season as it is, however, people saying the Notts County fans have been screwed over and why haven't they had an apology? ask Notts County Football Club who agreed to the change of date.I can understand City fans wanting answers from the City board for themselves but Notts County FC are just as guilty.

On reflection you are right.  I hope NCFC are apologising to their fans, who will be more impacted by this.  My main point stands though.  Why ever was this game scheduled for the Saturday?  This will explain everything that is happening now.


Tbh I couldn't care less if the queen announced it. 8 days before the match is just unacceptable.

Wouldn't it be great though. Although, knowing City, it would probably be in next year's Christmas broadcast...


Peoples reactions on here are now starting to get a little bi hysterical and losing credability.

The timing of this decision is wrong, now question about it, but suggesting that the club should compensate a group of holiday makers from sweeden it crazy. They still have their holiday and even Mondays fixture. The club will refund match tickets, end of.

The club have fcuked up here, but are not liable for peoples travel, hotels etc.

A gesture of a free ticket to another game for anyone getting a refund would make for some kind of appology, but that is about as far as it should go imo.

They definitely need to learn and never make this total balls up again though!

I suspect from your alias that you walk to the game!  Your lack of empathy for people who have planned, and paid out for, a great weekend away in Bristol perhaps reflects a naivety.  I expect the Sweden "holiday makers" can afford to miss the game.  But that's not the point.  The service from City to those fans is abysmal and unacceptable.

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Twice I believe. Tickets and now this.

Oh, and family section in Atyeo, back in the summer.

Tickets are now sorted, although not perfect, admittedly.

Lessons definitely learn from Atyeo issues.

This late notice fixture change, through choice, should never happen again. It's not good enough.


Twice? I think your forgetting many of the fudge ups that have occured this season......


Just off the top of my head......


The Reading friendly

Season ticket arrivals

New turnstile entry problems

So say fixed yet problems continued

Stewards contiuning to ask to see tickets

Notts County re-arrangement



Dont get me wrong, I'm not one to openly have pop at the club but to say there has been only two occurences this season where the club has got it spectacularly wrong is being too kind. The club really have to look at their decision making, customer service and communication policies following this season especially as we are going into two season where there will be a huge amount of disruption 

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I suspect from your alias that you walk to the game! Your lack of empathy for people who have planned, and paid out for, a great weekend away in Bristol perhaps reflects a naivety. I expect the Sweden "holiday makers" can afford to miss the game. But that's not the point. The service from City to those fans is abysmal and unacceptable.

As I have aknowledged on several other posts on this thread.

I have full empathy for those who will now miss the game and whose travel/hotel arrangements have been effected.

Bristol City can not be held liable for these costs though, however much they have fcuked up by moving this fixture at such late notice.

People have not been banned from coming to bristol for the weekend! The club are liable for the match tickets only and to suggest otherwise is daft.

On the other hand, that does not mean that they have totally fcuked up here with this late decision and people are understandably annoyed.

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"Cotterill is to blame" shouts one. Now forgive me if I'm wrong, even if SC did push for this decision to be made, the ultimate call was with the board who could quite easily have explained to Mr Cotterill that the fans have had enough shite to put up with in the last few years, and changing the date of a fixture 8 days in advance, is not on.


I don't think the board give a shite when games are played - if SC wants the game moved, it will be moved. Exactly the same thing happened earlier in the season with postponed games due to international call-ups, which were SODs call.

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Twice? I think your forgetting many of the fudge ups that have occured this season......

Just off the top of my head......

The Reading friendly

Season ticket arrivals

New turnstile entry problems

So say fixed yet problems continued

Stewards contiuning to ask to see tickets

Notts County re-arrangements

3 of those come under the ticket issues and its been explained why stewards check tickets, because of constant fraudulent abuse by some "supporters"

No doubt the club are far from perfect and this late fixture change is totally wrong. No question about that.

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When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes. At the time, the incumbent management staff decided it did not wish to switch the fixture. 

In Sky Bet League One, all but two fixtures were switched to Good Friday. 

Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week. 

That left Bristol City and Notts County as the only clubs playing Saturday-Monday over Easter, putting them at a huge disadvantage against their rivals. 

It was only once the Sheffield United-Stevenage switch was confirmed that Bristol City and Notts County enquired to the Football League as to whether a fixture change could still be made. 

The club fully appreciates this puts pressure on supporters who may have made plans for the Easter weekend, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

At the same time, to give the team the best chance of preparing properly for both Easter games and securing its League One status, it was decided to press ahead with the fixture change. 

Supporters who have purchased match tickets will be able to claim a refund up until kick-off (3pm) on Friday (April 18th). 

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

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I don't think the board give a shite when games are played - if SC wants the game moved, it will be moved. Exactly the same thing happened earlier in the season with postponed games due to international call-ups, which were SODs call.

SC's ONLY interest should be what is best for the players. It's the clubs that should have said no, at this late stage.

If fans book arrangements around fixtures on international dates, then they run the risk of hitting changes.

There is NO excuse for changing this future at this short notice. None whatsoever.

On that note, ALL fixtures that are open to the possability of changes due to International call UPS, should be highlighted at the time that fixtures are released. Itvis not something that i can say I have ever considered in advance and should be made clear to help supporters plan in advance.

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"When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes." Surely "each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes" is wholly in conflict with what has occurred?". A short time cannot mean many months.


"Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week." This was actually announced on March 24th (http://www.sufc.co.uk/news/article/20140324-fixture-change-1416498.aspx) so it's taken us 17 days to respond to this. Do we really need the PA to send round a fixture list for us to check over before we can see what's happening?

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When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes. At the time, the incumbent management staff decided it did not wish to switch the fixture.

In Sky Bet League One, all but two fixtures were switched to Good Friday.

Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week.

That left Bristol City and Notts County as the only clubs playing Saturday-Monday over Easter, putting them at a huge disadvantage against their rivals.

It was only once the Sheffield United-Stevenage switch was confirmed that Bristol City and Notts County enquired to the Football League as to whether a fixture change could still be made.

The club fully appreciates this puts pressure on supporters who may have made plans for the Easter weekend, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

At the same time, to give the team the best chance of preparing properly for both Easter games and securing its League One status, it was decided to press ahead with the fixture change.

Supporters who have purchased match tickets will be able to claim a refund up until kick-off (3pm) on Friday (April 18th).

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

NEVER make this mistake again. End of.
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When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes. At the time, the incumbent management staff decided it did not wish to switch the fixture.

In Sky Bet League One, all but two fixtures were switched to Good Friday.

Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week.

That left Bristol City and Notts County as the only clubs playing Saturday-Monday over Easter, putting them at a huge disadvantage against their rivals.

It was only once the Sheffield United-Stevenage switch was confirmed that Bristol City and Notts County enquired to the Football League as to whether a fixture change could still be made.

The club fully appreciates this puts pressure on supporters who may have made plans for the Easter weekend, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

At the same time, to give the team the best chance of preparing properly for both Easter games and securing its League One status, it was decided to press ahead with the fixture change.

Supporters who have purchased match tickets will be able to claim a refund up until kick-off (3pm) on Friday (April 18th).

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

This statement is the most recent story added to the official site but is considered the 4th most important judging by the size and position on the page. Just about sums up the clubs attitude.

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"When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes." Surely "each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes" is wholly in conflict with what has occurred?". A short time cannot mean many months.




Don't forget that this period is BEFORE they are released in the public domain

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3 of those come under the ticket issues and its been explained why stewards check tickets, because of constant fraudulent abuse by some "supporters"

No doubt the club are far from perfect and this late fixture change is totally wrong. No question about that.


The fact that 3 of those incidents come under ticket issues on 3 seperate occasions emphasises my point that 'lessons learned' are clearly not 


As for stewards checking tickets, AFAIK the club said during the season that this practice would not continue yet they are still doing it. The club again should ensure the stewards know this as its clearly an issue for many supporters, myself included. 


No doubt the club are working hard behind the scenes but that should not mask the many PR disasters that have occured this season

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Great! I can't make it now. Joke. Especially when they are trying to encourage me to renew my ST.

Why do the fans and the efforts they make to support the club never seem to matter?

Feel bad for the County fans as well but their club would have had to agree with the change.

I know it would never happen but it would be great to get a 100% boycott of a meaningless game to make BCFC see the depth of feeling when you mess the fans around.

We are the club, without us it's nothing....

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When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes. At the time, the incumbent management staff decided it did not wish to switch the fixture. 

In Sky Bet League One, all but two fixtures were switched to Good Friday. 

Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week. 

That left Bristol City and Notts County as the only clubs playing Saturday-Monday over Easter, putting them at a huge disadvantage against their rivals. 

It was only once the Sheffield United-Stevenage switch was confirmed that Bristol City and Notts County enquired to the Football League as to whether a fixture change could still be made. 

The club fully appreciates this puts pressure on supporters who may have made plans for the Easter weekend, and we apologise for any inconvenience caused. 

At the same time, to give the team the best chance of preparing properly for both Easter games and securing its League One status, it was decided to press ahead with the fixture change. 

Supporters who have purchased match tickets will be able to claim a refund up until kick-off (3pm) on Friday (April 18th). 

Once again, we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

So a refund for people who bought match tickets and now can't make it. What about my ST? Will I get a refund? Of course not!


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"When the fixture lists are released in the summer months, each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes." Surely "each club has a short period to apply to the Football League for changes" is wholly in conflict with what has occurred?". A short time cannot mean many months.


"Sheffield United switched their home game with Stevenage at the end of March, a fact that came to light when the latest PA fixture list was distributed amongst clubs this week." This was actually announced on March 24th (http://www.sufc.co.uk/news/article/20140324-fixture-change-1416498.aspx) so it's taken us 17 days to respond to this. Do we really need the PA to send round a fixture list for us to check over before we can see what's happening?

Why would anyone pour over the Sheffield United fixtures on the off chance they have changed their game, especially when they evidently didn't think it was possible?


SC's ONLY interest should be what is best for the players. It's the clubs that should have said no, at this late stage.

If fans book arrangements around fixtures on international dates, then they run the risk of hitting changes.

There is NO excuse for changing this future at this short notice. None whatsoever.

On that note, ALL fixtures that are open to the possability of changes due to International call UPS, should be highlighted at the time that fixtures are released. Itvis not something that i can say I have ever considered in advance and should be made clear to help supporters plan in advance.

The first sentence makes perfect sense but surely from that you would agree that overruling that is a terrible idea, the end game of everyone at the club is to make it successful first and foremost. It's incompetency to not have identified an opportunity to move the match earlier, but it's not wrong. If SC identifies something that is more likely to help City be successful that should override everything IMO.

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I know it would never happen but it would be great to get a 100% boycott of a meaningless game to make BCFC see the depth of feeling when you mess the fans around.

We could be 1 point above the relegation zone going into this match...hardly meaningless.

Why don't we campaign for a points deduction as well?

Edit: re reading your quote I appreciate now that you may not be referring to the NC match as a 'meaningless fixture'. Apologies, however....what would be a meaningless fixture?

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Why would anyone pour over the Sheffield United fixtures on the off chance they have changed their game, especially when they evidently didn't think it was possible?

It wouldn't take pouring over the fixture list. All it would take is a RSS feed or suchlike/Twitter etc to keep across the news from other clubs. Surely it would be prudent to be aware of your competitors and their actions?

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So a refund for people who bought match tickets and now can't make it. What about my ST? Will I get a refund? Of course not!



I go away next week and return late Friday. Up until yesterday, my plan for Saturday was clear.


Now, as a seson ticket holder and due to the clubs extremely last minute change, I cant make the game and lose out.


They are willing to refund people who purchased a single match day ticket but not season ticket holders.


My final direct debit for this seasons ticket is due on the 22nd April.....maybe, at this late notice, I should cancel my Direct Debit

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It wouldn't take pouring over the fixture list. All it would take is a RSS feed or suchlike/Twitter etc to keep across the news from other clubs. Surely it would be prudent to be aware of your competitors and their actions?

It's a nib from another club. Unless someone is employed to sit on NewsNow or Twitter, which I hope they aren't, it's pure chance whether it would get picked up.

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We could be 1 point above the relegation zone going into this match...hardly meaningless.

Why don't we campaign for a points deduction as well?

Edit: re reading your quote I appreciate now that you may not be referring to the NC match as a 'meaningless fixture'. Apologies, however....what would be a meaningless fixture?

Yep, I meant boycott another fixture, not this one!

I can't go now as I've said but a meaningless game in my opinion would be against a team that have nothing to play for when we are safe....it just seems to me that our attendance at games is simply taken for granted...

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That latest statement still doesn't explain why exactly it took them 10 months to realise it'd be better to have 2 days off than just the 1. Looks like they took the stance of "let's just blame Sheffield United and SOD".

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That latest statement still doesn't explain why exactly it took them 10 months to realise it'd be better to have 2 days off than just the 1. Looks like they took the stance of "let's just blame Sheffield United".

No that's exactly what it explains.

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