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Do You See Football As A Religion?

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To me I feel like it is. There is no option about going to Ashton Gate on a Saturday or Tuesday night, If City are playing it's a necessity like Church on Sunday

To me its a religion without all the crap (sorry religious people)

On Saturday I will be heading to my church to cheer on the chosen disciples on the pitch.

I thank you founders of football

For giving us this chance to celebrate

3pm on a Saturday and the optimism flows

A crowd of strangers unites as a family with one love



And now for another drink :drunk2:

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I used to think that way but as I got older I sort of grew out of it. Don't get me wrong I used to love it, every home and away game for a very long time, so many good memories but I guess I just outgrew the way I was following the team. It got to the point where it was no longer enjoyable and I was starting to moan about the amount of money it was costing and just became bored of the same thing every week. It was like a job but a job where I didn't get paid. I haven't had a season ticket for the past two years, before that I had one for over ten years but I just became emotionally drained by it. My weekends off of work were being ruined by a game of football. At times it felt like I had a life sentance.

So I took a back seat and now only attend every now and then. I find it far more enjoyable this way. I actually now look forward to games now, my weekends are no longer ruined and I have more spare time and money where I can do different activities.

One day I will be back for another ten year stint but right now im happy with the balance i have struck between life and city.

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Maybe more like an addiction ?

No matter how rough the rollercoaster ride is the majority will stil be there.


But supporting City is more than that.

Like many others no doubt, my day starts with meeting up for a pint, catching the train with others, going to the pub, meeting more mates and like minded supporters. Walk to the ground watch the game with more friends - then reverse the process to get home in the evening


Personally have made lifelong friends through watching City over the years that I would never have thought I would due to coming from different walks of life.


Like a mate of mine told me when I was getting engaged, Football will be with you for life, unlike your wife !  (he is now divorced),

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No not for me -Football i Love it's a relaxation and I'm passionate about my team.

But at the end of the day if football is your God it will always let you down.

However the real God never lets me down. 

I am a practicing Christian and support City -I need some stability somewhere! 

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I used to think that way but as I got older I sort of grew out of it. Don't get me wrong I used to love it, every home and away game for a very long time, so many good memories but I guess I just outgrew the way I was following the team. It got to the point where it was no longer enjoyable and I was starting to moan about the amount of money it was costing and just became bored of the same thing every week. It was like a job but a job where I didn't get paid. I haven't had a season ticket for the past two years, before that I had one for over ten years but I just became emotionally drained by it. My weekends off of work were being ruined by a game of football. At times it felt like I had a life sentance.

So I took a back seat and now only attend every now and then. I find it far more enjoyable this way. I actually now look forward to games now, my weekends are no longer ruined and I have more spare time and money where I can do different activities.

One day I will be back for another ten year stint but right now im happy with the balance i have struck between life and city.

Ditto, been there done that got many t shirts, cant say bring back the old grounds cause many aren't there no more.

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as the great bill shankley once said

some people think football is a matter of life and death, its far more important than that.

enough said

And that quote is a load of old bollox. One day will realise how ******* stupid it is.
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Yep, more like an addiction.


Not like a religion for me, which has historically been about indoctrination, oppression and control - the bureaucracy of faith. 


Most fans have no outright respect for the 'leaders' (the board) unlike church elders. 

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as the great bill shankley once said


some people think football is a matter of life and death, its far more important than that.


enough said

That quote works great for people with a sad existence outside of the game.


Have a fulfilling family life and the older you get the football matters less and less.  Still very enjoyable though, of course.

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Football is my religion. without it, I am an atheist.

Football is the only thing that brings all variety of people together for one cause. Nothing else could do that.

Here here

Our Gods are the founders of our beautiful game

Enemies of World War 2 halting battle for a game of football

Each crowd are united by one thing. Different backgrounds and no one cares about that, All ignored because of the sport.

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I'm not sure about Sag burning as that would be a nasty mess. However the fact is That the indigenous English have become largely secular and footy now fills the void.

You can argue football has been around a long time and coexisted with religion previously but these days football is morning noon and night from The Prem to the Skrill constant exposure. Let's face it who among us reads the front of their paper first?

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No not for me -Football i Love it's a relaxation and I'm passionate about my team.

But at the end of the day if football is your God it will always let you down.

However the real God never lets me down. 

I am a practicing Christian and support City -I need some stability somewhere! 

I went up the church and prayed for a city victory against hull in the playoff final, so he's let me down then.

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as the great bill shankley once said


some people think football is a matter of life and death, its far more important than that.


enough said

um no its not

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One difference : Football does not have any 'supreme beings' supposedly bossing the universe (well, there is Becks I s'pose?)

One similarity : Both give you a bloody good excuse to go to war with your neighbours.

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