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Every Transfer Window?!?!

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We seem to lose money?

I've seen posts where we can apparently only afford 4 new signings and 3 of them were free agents!!

So where does our money go during the season? Surely we won't be spending our transfer budget on wages as they seem to be low

Does SL just pocket it all?

Answers people!!!

How do you pocket a minus figure at the end of the year?

Paying Big transfer fees in this division are a thing of the past, however, we have lost some big earners and this is the transfer window I've been looking forward to more than any for a long time

I hope the club gets this right, there was a post from Harry a week or so ago with a team on it, that's the sort of player I want to see in a red shirt next season.

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I recall SC saying in an Interview regarding Freeman at one stage that SL had offered the money but SC said it would be unfair to ask for him to pay the requested amount.


If SL is happy and willing to part with his money people shouldn't complain consider ourselves a lucky club to be able to keep buying players at fee's others would envy regardless of the loss we may/have made on a few. 

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Every season the same question about the transfer window.....you can tie up deals for anyone already. Previous contract will, more than likely,finish 30th June, new one at new club starts 1st July. Guarantee SC is already talking to targets, whether they are under contract or it's coming to an end

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