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The Official Colchester United V Bristol City Match Day Thread


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Love how we never, ever give any credit to the opposition and always assume that the only reason we are losing is because we've pressed the self-destruct button.

Could it possibly be that there are two teams playing and the other one is playing well?


Meh, I still blame Lee Johnson.

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There's clearly something very wrong for this sort of performance to happen.

What? The opposition take the game to us instead of sitting back. Its a kick up the ads that you cannot take anything for granted.

There is nothing really wrong. It happens

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Love how we never, ever give any credit to the opposition and always assume that the only reason we are losing is because we've pressed the self-destruct button.

Could it possibly be that there are two teams playing and the other one is playing well?

They are bloody Colchester, of course they dont deserve any credit.

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Just came back from work, immediately went on the website. Couldn't believe my eyes. 3-0 down???? How?!?!


You don't wanna know squire... a herd of wildebeest ran amok before kick off and delayed us, then a streaker ran on and slipped on their turds and, to cap it all, the ref made 3 atrocious decisions.. but hey ho.. this is football.. make a cuppa tea, sit back and enjoy the ride. 

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As it happens i am just supping my last Twynings English Brekkers.. thats my store dry from England now have to buy local @ 3 times the price. its a bad day all round!


My wife ordered English Breakfast Tea in a cafe and ended up with a full English breakfast :o

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Any team can have a bad day.  Under estimated the opposition, trying out new tactics, half the team been suffering from a cold bug, team didn't sleep well in the hotel last night, opposition simply rumbled a couple of weaknesses and took advantage, etc.


Trouble is, once you are chasing a game, you can easily concede more by adopting a more attacking stance.


I guess we will have to put this one down to experience, learn the lessons and hope that our promotion rivals fail to capitalise.


Mustn't panic too much if one result goes against you, but don't think we really have the fire power to get 4 (though it's been done before).

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All those horrendous memories of seasons gone by have come flooding back..........when this type n kind of result was commonplace.  It makes you realise what a truly exceptionally season we have had so far.   It has to come down to mental attitude, as these are quality organised players who have gone on the pitch in a too casual, matter of fact way............and have been turned over by a bunch of honest commited  professionals for whom this is a cup final.   SC wil go spare........and rightly so........we have got used to better than this, and to be 3-0 down to Colchester feels like  2012?!!

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