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The Fifa 14


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I understand the FBI with full Swiss cooperation are making arrests and raids as i write this; 14 high ranking FIFA officials are being arrested and charged with corruption, money laundering and racketeering.

Three questions...

1. I understand Splatter is not on that list... Why?

2. Will this, nevertheless, be his Waterloo?

3. Planned or not to coincide with this weeks election will it derail his re-election?

Its good news regardless. I will make the following prediction... He will be re-elected but ousted in a coup long before his time is up and arrested later down the line and then charged.

The end is nigh Splatter... If i were u i would wire your ill gotten gains and head for Moscow.

This day could be a real game changer for football. May 27th, 2015. Let us hope so, it is long overdue.

Edited by havanatopia
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I fear that this will have absolutely no impact on Blatter's continual dictatorship. Indeed, would be shocked if it did.

Warner has not been an ally (nor relevant) for some time, so if he is one of those arrested, it's likely Blatter is strengthening his position, if anything. Or like before, merely sacrificing some irrelevancies or his opposition in a laughable attempt to keep the west (well, FIFAs major sponsors at least) happy.

Though I happen to believe football would be in a far better place without his influence, I have a healthy respect for the way he has brazenly manipulated the FIFA cabal all these years, it must take some skill to implicitly endorse vast quantities of corruption yet appear to remain, to the authorities at least, unimpeachable.

I fear his rival stands no chance, nor would expect no real change even if they did win.

The election is sadly democratic; each member nation gets one vote, since virtually all of the football associations owe their money and vote to Blatter, they will not bite the hand that's feeds them, since potentially voting him out may cost them their lines of undeclared income.

Hope that's cynical enough for everyone!

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It's not Warner who's been arrested, it's his successor Jeffrey Webb- along with others- who IS a Blatter ally as far as I know?

I don't think this has anything to do with Sep trying to strengthen anything, it's being driven by authorities in the USA. The Americans have no investment in Blatter so I wouldn't be surprised if they go after Blatter given the chance, but as Webb is chief of CONCACAF, I imagine it's got more to do with bribery and money movement on their own continent rather than globally

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It's not Warner who's been arrested, it's his successor Jeffrey Webb- along with others- who IS a Blatter ally as far as I know?

I don't think this has anything to do with Sep trying to strengthen anything, it's being driven by authorities in the USA. The Americans have no investment in Blatter so I wouldn't be surprised if they go after Blatter given the chance, but as Webb is chief of CONCACAF, I imagine it's got more to do with bribery and money movement on their own continent rather than globally


Fair enough. IF they succeed with investigation and successfully try the charged party, then I suppose there is scope to bring significant pressure to bear on Blatter, purely on grounds that he was supposed to be overseeing an organisation where this stuff was going on. Getting a resignation that way, would all smack a bit of Al Capone being found guilty on charges of Tax Evasion though!


However, if it does go to court it will take years to resolve, more than enough for Blatter to award himself at least one more presidential term!


It's fair to say, Blatter's never lacked self-confidence, so I would not be surprised that if somehow they did get to him, he'd play it out as brazenly as every other challenge he's faced.

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BBC news have just said at least 4 confirmed arrests, maybe more. I guess they are being cautious as they are powerful people. FIFA holding a press conference at 10am (uk time)

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A useful adage for life (and that includes football) is that "If you think something's happening, it's because it is"

When the American justice dept start squeezing those arrested, then the fun's going to start. He's had a good run though, t'would appear that the wagons are circling..

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Fair enough. IF they succeed with investigation and successfully try the charged party, then I suppose there is scope to bring significant pressure to bear on Blatter, purely on grounds that he was supposed to be overseeing an organisation where this stuff was going on. Getting a resignation that way, would all smack a bit of Al Capone being found guilty on charges of Tax Evasion though!

However, if it does go to court it will take years to resolve, more than enough for Blatter to award himself at least one more presidential term!

It's fair to say, Blatter's never lacked self-confidence, so I would not be surprised that if somehow they did get to him, he'd play it out as brazenly as every other challenge he's faced.

Oh yeah, if this is all proven then it will make Blatter's position very difficult, but he's been in 'difficult' positions before and come out smelling of roses. The best hope is that one of those arrested offers up bigger fish in a plea bargain. The Yanks LOVE a high profile bust and bringing down the president of the worlds wealthiest and most powerful sports organisation would be right up their street. But I don't think Blatter is the prime motivation as things stand Edited by chipdawg
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If there was widespread corruption then Septic Bladder must have been in the know - he has been in post for so many years.


No Sh*t.  Its the worlds worst kept secret that the organization is rotten to the core and Blatter is a fundamental part of that.  Its just amazing how nobody has been arrested sooner.


Hopefully this is the start of creating a transparent and non-profit football governing body.  That is the dream.

Edited by Collis1
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If there was widespread corruption then Septic Bladder must have been in the know - he has been in post for so many years.


Just to play devil's advocate (and I caveat not necessarily representative of my own views) ... oh boy his will not be popular...


The FBI have clearly been investigating this matter earnestly. They are confident enough in the evidence they have collected to launch these dawn raids against 14 individuals. It's important also that they were able to convince the Swiss authorities that their evidence was strong enough to secure full cooperation (remember this is Switzerland - Mr Neutral..).


Therefore if there was truly anything on Mr Blatter do you not think:

a) they would have uncovered it during the investigation which was thorough enough to collect the requisite evidence against these other 14. Not only did they collect enough evidence, that evidence was strong enough to convince the Swiss authorities to assist in raids carried out by foreigners (the FBI) within their jurisdiction; and

b) if there were matters relating to Mr Blatter to investigate these raids would not have occurred until that investigation was complete in order to not put that investigation in jeopardy.



Now that's outta the way I'm not sure where my opinion is - whether I believe perhaps Blatter is innocent of corruption or whether this is just the start. The fact that it's a US-led initiative I think they would be gunning for the guy at the top first and foremost - just not sure how to interpret the failure to land him.

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Just to play devil's advocate (and I caveat not necessarily representative of my own views) ... oh boy his will not be popular...


The FBI have clearly been investigating this matter earnestly. They are confident enough in the evidence they have collected to launch these dawn raids against 14 individuals. It's important also that they were able to convince the Swiss authorities that their evidence was strong enough to secure full cooperation (remember this is Switzerland - Mr Neutral..).


Therefore if there was truly anything on Mr Blatter do you not think:

a) they would have uncovered it during the investigation which was thorough enough to collect the requisite evidence against these other 14. Not only did they collect enough evidence, that evidence was strong enough to convince the Swiss authorities to assist in raids carried out by foreigners (the FBI) within their jurisdiction; and

b) if there were matters relating to Mr Blatter to investigate these raids would not have occurred until that investigation was complete in order to not put that investigation in jeopardy.



Now that's outta the way I'm not sure where my opinion is - whether I believe perhaps Blatter is innocent of corruption or whether this is just the start. The fact that it's a US-led initiative I think they would be gunning for the guy at the top first and foremost - just not sure how to interpret the failure to land him.


Think you have over thought this one considering it has only just happened.  Maybe Blatter is elsewhere and will be arrested later, or they don't quite have the goods on him at this stage.


Either way, there is no way that Blatter has not had a hand in the 'alleged' corruption.

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Think you have over thought this one considering it has only just happened.  Maybe Blatter is elsewhere and will be arrested later, or they don't quite have the goods on him at this stage.


I'm just playing devil's advocate, not sure what my own views are yet - as you say it's very early in the day. I'm not going to get drawn in to making accusations of Blatter but I'm sure if most of us were in the pub we'd find agreement in some of our assumptions and presumptions about certain matters.


Just a thought - could be in a Russian airport.

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The FBI only have jurisdiction in the US, presumably they've obtained documentation from US-based media organisations, etc. that implicate those officials. I'd be amazed if any of that paper work directly implicates Blatter. However, I'd be equally amazed if none of those arrested have nothing to link Blatter to any corruption or none of them are prepared to testify against him for a bargain. This is the start of the process against FIFA and it's officials, not the end

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In answer to the SKY reporters question about the calmness of Splatter..."Consequences of what WE initiated" the smug teuton says taking the FIFA press conference.. How incredibly magnanimous of you NOT.. you arrogant toss pot.

Edited by havanatopia
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Self serving and smug press conference from an organisation in deep denial

I hope the whole thing comes down with very long prison sentences handed out and Russia and Qatar striped of the World Cup


Won't need to be that long Monk, at least 2 of the 6 arrested this morning are in their 80's!!

Edited by glynriley
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One thing all seem to be agreed on and that is that Blatter is clever. It's no surprise he hasn't been arrested. In fact given his "Teflon" track record I'd have been amazed if he had. He's much too cunning to have left any concrete evidence linking him to dirty money.


However, for those of us who hate this man with a passion - and believe me, I do - it's a little early to despair. This day has been a long time coming and I'm taking nothing for granted. The first thing is that these charges have to be made to stick. The arresting authorities seem very confident this time and there certainly appears to be a huge weight of evidence judging from initial reports. It will take forever, because legal procedures (especially on this scale) always do, but if convictions are secured, certain other things surely must inevitably follow.


It seems to me that Blatter must eventually be condemned, if only by his own evasion of responsibility. If the little I've so far read is correct, these charges relate to fraud going back 20 years. The stench of (hitherto unproven) corruption has hung over FIFA throughout that time - and it's all happened on Blatter's watch. There are only two possible conclusions. Either he's in it up to his neck, which is what 99% of the football world believe, whether they're saying so or not at this stage, or - and this would stretch credibility to breaking point - he knew nothing about it, in whch case he would have to have been spectacularly incompetent to have been blind to wrong-doing on a massive scale within his own organisation over two decades of his presidential reign.


Either way, he's screwed, finally. If convictions are secured, Blatter is either a crook himself or he's so stupid as to be unfit to hold the post. He may survive the imminent election or he may not, but he won't survive the fallout if these bastards are found guilty and banged up. I will open a bottle of very expensive champagne the day his head rolls.


As previous posters have intimated, the other things that must follow will include a forensic examination of the voting processes whereby two future World Cup tournaments were awarded to Qatar and Russia. Up to this point I would have said the chances of either of those decisions ever being overturned are vanishingly small. This development may, however, prove to be a game changer. If it can be shown beyond all doubt that there was extensive bribery and corruption involved, then the decisions are fatally flawed and invalid and there will be huge pressure for the ballot(s) to be re-run.


In any other circumstances, given the level of investment that's already taken place in, for example, construction of new stadia, one would have said a reversal of the decisons was unthinkable, but if the whole process was fundamentally founded on criminality, then I cannot see that the governments and football authorities of those two hosts can have any defence if FIFA subsequently withdraws the tournament from them. It couldn't happen to two nicer countries...

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we live in hope that this is the end of the road for Blatter :redcard:  :pray:

The Irish FA have announced they will be voting against Sepp on Friday.

England, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Brazil & Argentina; come on and do the same.

Announce your intention now so "lesser folk" may follow your lead.

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Just to play devil's advocate (and I caveat not necessarily representative of my own views) ... oh boy his will not be popular...


The FBI have clearly been investigating this matter earnestly. They are confident enough in the evidence they have collected to launch these dawn raids against 14 individuals. It's important also that they were able to convince the Swiss authorities that their evidence was strong enough to secure full cooperation (remember this is Switzerland - Mr Neutral..).


Therefore if there was truly anything on Mr Blatter do you not think:

a) they would have uncovered it during the investigation which was thorough enough to collect the requisite evidence against these other 14. Not only did they collect enough evidence, that evidence was strong enough to convince the Swiss authorities to assist in raids carried out by foreigners (the FBI) within their jurisdiction; and

b) if there were matters relating to Mr Blatter to investigate these raids would not have occurred until that investigation was complete in order to not put that investigation in jeopardy.



Now that's outta the way I'm not sure where my opinion is - whether I believe perhaps Blatter is innocent of corruption or whether this is just the start. The fact that it's a US-led initiative I think they would be gunning for the guy at the top first and foremost - just not sure how to interpret the failure to land him.


Of course Blatter is guilty; at the very least of collusion if only by definition of being in post and being 'on his watch' but being at the heart of the organisation he is best placed to hide his dealings and use everyone else to be the fall guys. I am more interested in the documents confiscated by the Swiss Authorities regarding the 2018 and 2022 bidding processes.. somewhere amongst that lot and what it leads to and who is interviewed will incriminate Bladder.. of that I am certain. Whether charges can stick remains to be seen.


This is unravelling by the minute.

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The Irish FA have announced they will be voting against Sepp on Friday.

England, Spain, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Brazil & Argentina; come on and do the same.

Announce your intention now so "lesser folk" may follow your lead.


England have already said they will be voting for Prince Ali. Scotland were backers of van Praag so will presumably switch to Prince Ali too

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Of course Blatter is guilty; at the very least of collusion if only by definition of being in post and being 'on his watch' but being at the heart of the organisation he is best placed to hide his dealings and use everyone else to be the fall guys. I am more interested in the documents confiscated by the Swiss Authorities regarding the 2018 and 2022 bidding processes.. somewhere amongst that lot and what it leads to and who is interviewed will incriminate Bladder.. of that I am certain. Whether charges can stick remains to be seen.


This is unravelling by the minute.

Like many people at the top of any organisation he has no morals,no ethics, no shame only greed.

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Of course Blatter is guilty; at the very least of collusion if only by definition of being in post and being 'on his watch' but being at the heart of the organisation he is best placed to hide his dealings and use everyone else to be the fall guys. I am more interested in the documents confiscated by the Swiss Authorities regarding the 2018 and 2022 bidding processes.. somewhere amongst that lot and what it leads to and who is interviewed will incriminate Bladder.. of that I am certain. Whether charges can stick remains to be seen.


This is unravelling by the minute.



Havana - surely you have not committed the cardinal sin of speculating rather than posting facts.

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Guest ashtonphil

Fair play to the journalist Andrew Jennings who has relentlessly pursued FIFA and corruption (under threat) for many years - read his excellent books on it - he provided information to FBI

Bit of a hero for all football fans for me :clap:


This appears a little bit like the invesigation into Lance Armsrong ( David Walsh in the Jennings role)..


Hopefully this will; bring down FIFA hierarchy and Blatter will have to face Oprah.

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Loved the Qatar vote. The top officials in FIFA do a full study and report on the bidding nations, but still manage to miss the small detail that it's chuffing hot in summer!

They claimed games would be played in air conditioned stadiums. A Claim they later admitted was unworkable bollocks.

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Well that certainly isn't a fact ;)

Getting back to my longer post... Erhummm...

If all this goes on while on your watch then, by all definitions imaginable or under the sun you are guilty or, and this is my caveat i perhaps should have added, you are the most dim person in charge of an organisation.

I suppose Splatter features could plead ignorance... Would that mean he could be committed to an asylum?

Jeez... He really is the slipperiest of pluckers.

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Getting back to my longer post... Erhummm...

If all this goes on while on your watch then, by all definitions imaginable or under the sun you are guilty or, and this is my caveat i perhaps should have added, you are the most dim person in charge of an organisation.

I suppose Splatter features could plead ignorance... Would that mean he could be committed to an asylum?

Jeez... He really is the slipperiest of pluckers.

Or it's a complex, ageing multi billion pound per annum turnover organisation which structurally and operationally is not fit for purpose and no one man could be expected to be wholly on the pulse throughout - or in Concacaf, perhaps.

I'm not going to directly throw around any accusation but as I've said above Havana I would bet if we had a pint and talked about this we would have far more in common regarding suspicions and the relative confidence in those suspicions than not, if we disagreed at all. I'mreally just playing devil's advocate.

Ultimately I'm VERY excited with today's developments but also very intrigued: why now, why now and not blatter, why not Blatter, how was the Swiss involvement, what the offences were (not the title) and how/why the U.S. has jurisdiction yada yada yada.

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