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The Official Champions v Fulham Match Day Thread


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Good morning from an overcast but hot (29 c) and humid Manila. 

No first match day thread against Fulham would be complete without paying our respects to a man whom we can all agree was a shining light in the game. My thanks to the Fulham Bard, John Henry Ellen..

Where the ball weighs like a ton

There is a man who wears the number eight

Shining like a burnished sun

We marvel at his ball control

His reading of the game

A star amongst a galaxy

Bobby Robson is his name

He played with Arthur Stevens

Jezzard and Johny Haynes

And along with Charlie Mitten

Their legend still remains

God bless you Bobby Robson

And thank you for all you've done

Because to those of us who saw you

You were a favourite son

The pain is over Bobby Robson

As you enter heaven's gate

And we shall fondly remember you

As one of Fulham's great.


Fulhanham or Foulham and a few other iterations so named because it was the place of birds down by the river was part of an extensive fenland that surrounded the city of Westminster. It became the centre of the temporal lordships for the Bishops of London who built the Palace of the Bishops. It remained their summer residence for nearly a 1000 years until they moved to the Old Deanery at Deans Court in 1975. In the grounds of the Manor House, as it was then known, Dr. Henry Compton, later one of its resident Bishops, famously planted a greater variety of trees than any botanical garden in the British Isles of the time. To place the Manor of Fulham into some sort of geographical perspective consider that it covered the whole of what is now Hammersmith & Fulham, Ealing, Acton and Finchley. It was one of many owned by the Church all within easy reach of London, essential for attendance at court and Parliament but away from the over-crowded city. The main building dates from the 7th century. Upstream from the Palace is All Saints Church where many of the Bishops were laid to rest. Some may recall the scene in the film The Omen where a Priest is speared by a flag pole falling from the top of the church tower; this was filmed at All Saints.

The first significant building downstream is another temple of worship, Craven Cottage. Fulham have played football on this site since 1896. They remain the oldest professional football club in London, founded in 1879. Lord Craven built the cottage in the 18th century, from where Fulham's ground was so named, and it remained until it was burned down in 1888. The pavilion style building, at one end of the currently named Johny Haynes Stand, sometimes confused as 'the' Craven Cottage, was designed by Archibald Leach who was the architect of a number of football grounds at the turn of the 20th century. The stand alongside it, also designed by Leitch, remains to this day and is a rather attractive piece of work with a delightful red brick exterior and no doubt has listed status.

The history of this part of London is absolutely filled with interesting facts. I suggest anyone with a whiff of interest in it which encompasses football should delve further and when visiting west London dive in and discover this part of the north bank of the Thames.

Those who just want an insight into todays match between City and Fulham might find the following link a little more interesting:-


I remember those days when City and Fulham played together in the third tier.. back in the Keegan era. They carried on their rise up the ladder while we stumbled, got going again and only reached what is now the Championship. And so, after an 18 year hiatus we lock horns again in a league encounter. I think this will be a highly entertaining match and one to remember. Fulham come having improved their form of late but they are still finding their feet at this level. City need to be aware of playing against a very strong squad one that Steve Cotterill has said is probably the strongest in the league. I hope we can keep their strikers quiet which will not be easy given they have scored more than any other team, along with QPR, so far this season. I still believe we can gain our 3rd win of the season today though, 3-1. Wilbs and Kodjia first half and Kodjia second half in reply to a Smith penalty. UTC. Go cheer us to victory everyone.

Bishops Palace and Fulham.jpg

Edited by havanatopia
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Cheers me dears... Port... It was a genuine spelling error but a nice coincidence.

Interestingly Leitch, the architect, was prolific when it comes to football stadia and one can always be fairly close to his work if you just consider red brick facades; Ibrox, Fratton and Highbury being three prime examples. 

Edited by havanatopia
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Finally, we have a match on Saturday!

Hava, great stuff again, can't believe we haven't played them for 18 years, those Keegan days still seem fresh in the memory. 

City to win 2 - 1, Kodjia to score a lovely double; McCormick is bound to score their consolation goal.


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24 minutes ago, pongo88 said:

Wot - no mention of Tommy Trinder? "You lucky people". Havana, your standards are slipping!

He crossed my mind as did Rodney Marsh but one cannot always mention the obvious. I also became embroiled in a dreamy hark back to sprunting when i was a nipper and understandably lost my train of thoughts. 

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Like most games in this league, not an easy one, and they should be full of confidence after beating Reading, coming back from 2-0 down, Joint top scorers and looks a strong bench with some real options. I am sure their fans are thinking this is winnable.

Equally, most of the teams around us have real tough fixtures. Real chance for us today. Finders crossed!

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3 hours ago, WhistleHappy said:

March 1969 ... Ashton Gate ..

Bristol City vs Fulham  6 - 0  (biggeast City win I ever saw, was just a teenager then .. (where's all those years gone ;))

goal scorers/teams that day? anyone know?

If we can do half as well today - that'd be fantastic - COYRs still crazy after all these years!

Scorers : Mar 1 1969 Fulham (H) Garland 2, Galley, Sharpe, Skirton, Ryan og  ;)

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Guest Redrobbin

Does seem like the game is already over, rather like the reading game. 

Do hope I'm wrong; but two nil down. A mountain to climb. 

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