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The Official Leeds United v Bristol City Match Day Thread


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Exactly 373 years ago today, the then small wool town of Leeds in the West Riding of Yorkshire, came under attack in what became known as The Battle of Leeds. On January the 23rd 1643 Sir Thomas Fairfax and Sir Thomas Norcliffe attacked the Royalist fortifications marching on St. John's Church in atrocious weather conditions. Simultaneously the Parliamentarians attacked Boar Lane and Leeds Bridge from the south. The Royalists were driven down Kirkgate and tried to escape across the River Aire where many were drowned. After three hours the Parliamentarians were victorious with forty men, mostly Royalists, killed or drowned. While the Royalists recaptured the West Riding later in the same year, with Fairfax retreating to the Parliamentarian stronghold of Hull, It was with Scottish support that he returned to take Leeds in July of 1644 at the historic Battle of Marston Moor which lost all of the north of England for King Charles I. 

One hundred and sixteen years later the white rose of Yorkshire, the symbol perhaps most synonymous for Leeds United Football Club began its story. In 1759, during the Seven Years War, two French armies fought their way across western Germany capturing important towns. They stopped at Minden on the River Weser in modern day North Rhein Westphalia between Osnabruck in the west and Hannover in the east and threatened to attack. An Allied force, made up of British, Prussian and Hanoverian forces and commanded by Prince Ferdinand lay to the north west of the town. The forces under his command included the Kings own Yorkshire Light Infantry as well as five other British regiments. On the first day of August 1759 while marching toward the French front lines the garrison walked through gardens in Minden blooming with roses. The soldiers picked white roses and attached them to their uniforms. They went on to defeat the French that day and ever since the now Rifles Regiment have a white rose emblazoned on their caps in commemoration to those fallen in battle. 10,000 were killed, wounded or went missing on that single day including 7,000 French. The white rose on a blue background became the official flag of Yorkshire only in 2008 but has been used by Leeds United in varying forms since 1984, as the full crest on their shirts until 1998 and since then as part of the existing crescent. Interestingly, Lieutenant General Lord George Sackville, the British Cavalry Commander under Ferdinand, was later court martialed for repeatedly failing to undertake his orders. He would later reappear as Lord George Germain and bear a major portion of the blame for the outcome of the American Revolution while Secretary of State for the Colonies. Perhaps he may have been swayed or became disenchanted by the pro American Joseph Priestley who fled to New England, from his native Birstall, just outside Leeds, when a mob burned his home for endorsing both the American and French revolutions. Yorkshire certainly has more than its fair share of colourful characters.

And, almost finally, on January 23rd 1955 fourteen people died and dozens were injured when an express train travelling from York to Bristol derailed at Sutton Coldfield station. Have a thought for them today as you fantastic fans head north and then south again, especially if going by train.

Enough has been written about Leeds United on the previous thread, notwithstanding my note below. Suffice to say any match, at any time and anywhere proves a stern test even if last year looked like a walk in the park; a tribute to the team and management that is. This season illustrates more than ever the wide gulf between the two divisions and while Leeds are not exactly creaming this division I do think we might head toward a narrow defeat today. I am usually absolutely hopeless with my predictions so hopefully that continues today and we win comfortably. 1-0 to Leeds.


Footnote:- Interestingly the corresponding fixture thread has not archived my words; well if it has they have been literally archived away somewhere. Mods?



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2 hours ago, havanatopia said:

Exactly 373 years ago today, the then small wool town of Leeds in the West Riding of Yorkshire, came under attack in what became known as The Battle of Leeds. On January the 23rd 1643 Sir Thomas Fairfax and Sir Thomas Norcliffe attacked the Royalist fortifications marching on St. John's Church in atrocious weather conditions. Simultaneously the Parliamentarians attacked Boar Lane and Leeds Bridge from the south. The Royalists were driven down Kirkgate and tried to escape across the River Aire where many were drowned. After three hours the Parliamentarians were victorious with forty men, mostly Royalists, killed or drowned. While the Royalists recaptured the West Riding later in the same year, with Fairfax retreating to the Parliamentarian stronghold of Hull, It was with Scottish support that he returned to take Leeds in July of 1644 at the historic Battle of Marston Moor which lost all of the north of England for King Charles I. 

One hundred and sixteen years later the white rose of Yorkshire, the symbol perhaps most synonymous for Leeds United Football Club began its story. In 1759, during the Seven Years War, two French armies fought their way across western Germany capturing important towns. They stopped at Minden on the River Weser in modern day North Rhein Westphalia between Osnabruck in the west and Hannover in the east and threatened to attack. An Allied force, made up of British, Prussian and Hanoverian forces and commanded by Prince Ferdinand lay to the north west of the town. The forces under his command included the Kings own Yorkshire Light Infantry as well as five other British regiments. On the first day of August 1759 while marching toward the French front lines the garrison walked through gardens in Minden blooming with roses. The soldiers picked white roses and attached them to their uniforms. They went on to defeat the French that day and ever since the now Rifles Regiment have a white rose emblazoned on their caps in commemoration to those fallen in battle. 10,000 were killed, wounded or went missing on that single day including 7,000 French. The white rose on a blue background became the official flag of Yorkshire only in 2008 but has been used by Leeds United in varying forms since 1984, as the full crest on their shirts until 1998 and since then as part of the existing crescent. Interestingly, Lieutenant General Lord George Sackville, the British Cavalry Commander under Ferdinand, was later court martialed for repeatedly failing to undertake his orders. He would later reappear as Lord George Germain and bear a major portion of the blame for the outcome of the American Revolution while Secretary of State for the Colonies. Perhaps he may have been swayed or became disenchanted by the pro American Joseph Priestley who fled to New England, from his native Birstall, just outside Leeds, when a mob burned his home for endorsing both the American and French revolutions. Yorkshire certainly has more than its fair share of colourful characters.

And, almost finally, on January 23rd 1955 fourteen people died and dozens were injured when an express train travelling from York to Bristol derailed at Sutton Coldfield station. Have a thought for them today as you fantastic fans head north and then south again, especially if going by train.

Enough has been written about Leeds United on the previous thread, notwithstanding my note below. Suffice to say any match, at any time and anywhere proves a stern test even if last year looked like a walk in the park; a tribute to the team and management that is. This season illustrates more than ever the wide gulf between the two divisions and while Leeds are not exactly creaming this division I do think we might head toward a narrow defeat today. I am usually absolutely hopeless with my predictions so hopefully that continues today and we win comfortably. 1-0 to Leeds.


Footnote:- Interestingly the corresponding fixture thread has not archived my words; well if it has they have been literally archived away somewhere. Mods?



You sly Fox H , you were hoping nobody would notice a cut' n paste job . 

Anyway thanks for the fascinating history lesson , out of interest , did a Lancastrian régiment pass through a garden of Red roses ?


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18 minutes ago, Major Isewater said:

You sly Fox H , you were hoping nobody would notice a cut' n paste job . 

Anyway thanks for the fascinating history lesson , out of interest , did a Lancastrian régiment pass through a garden of Red roses ?


You sir are a cheeky rascal; i never do that.

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I'm home looking after the baby today, but hope everyone has a great day up there and a good result come 5pm

If people are up there for a drink, Tapped (as previously mentioned) is excellent, the Head Of Steam is close to the station and decent or you could visit The Hop, The Cross Keys or The Midnight Bell which are all (kind of) on the way to the ground 

For quick eats go to the food court in Trinity centre, if you like burgers try Almost Famous or Meat Locker in the town centre


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Will be there today.

Not sure what to expect; hoping the energy Pembo has spoken of, and seemed present and correct last Saturday, is there from the start in our performance today, as with Leeds not having won a league game since before Christmas, and their relative proximity to us (3 points today takes us just 4 points off them), an early goal might get their team and crowd a little restless, circumstances considered.

West Ham have done us a favour taking Byram off Leeds this week too; looked a lot more defensively suspect without him against Wednesday, and the fact his replacement doesn't look to be through the door yet also helps, as every little bit does.  He was easily one of their best players in all the games I've seen of theirs this year (which is a few, thanks to Sky) and always looked a cut above his team mates, so is a loss for them.

Imagine it might be a tight one, as they have only scored three more league goals that us (of which the departed Byram, a right back, actually scored three) making them the 7th lowest scorers this season.  They will have 8-goal top scorer Chris Woods back though, and he loves notching against us, so that is not great.

With no malice intended, I do hope we start without Wilbraham today, as felt he offered very little against WBA in the week, and would hope the addition of Gladwin at 6'3" would give us that height Wilbs offers, but coupled with a bit more mobility, and the chance to play Kodjia from the start, which I think it essential in a game such as this, where I think we'll need pace.

Personally, a front 4 (thinking we'll play 4231/451 again) of Bryan, Burns, Gladwin and Kodjia would certainly be interesting, and supported by Pack and Smith, I believe would represent an 'upgrade' on what we've had available prior.  The fact we still then have Agard, Reid, Freeman, Wagstaff and Wilbraham to chuck on as components of that formation gives us a flexibility we've seriously lacked earlier this season.


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4 hours ago, havanatopia said:

Exactly 373 years ago today, the then small wool town of Leeds in the West Riding of Yorkshire, came under attack in what became known as The Battle of Leeds. On January the 23rd 1643 Sir Thomas Fairfax and Sir Thomas Norcliffe attacked the Royalist fortifications marching on St. John's Church in atrocious weather conditions. Simultaneously the Parliamentarians attacked Boar Lane and Leeds Bridge from the south. The Royalists were driven down Kirkgate and tried to escape across the River Aire where many were drowned. After three hours the Parliamentarians were victorious with forty men, mostly Royalists, killed or drowned. While the Royalists recaptured the West Riding later in the same year, with Fairfax retreating to the Parliamentarian stronghold of Hull, It was with Scottish support that he returned to take Leeds in July of 1644 at the historic Battle of Marston Moor which lost all of the north of England for King Charles I.

One hundred and sixteen years later the white rose of Yorkshire, the symbol perhaps most synonymous for Leeds United Football Club began its story. In 1759, during the Seven Years War, two French armies fought their way across western Germany capturing important towns. They stopped at Minden on the River Weser in modern day North Rhein Westphalia between Osnabruck in the west and Hannover in the east and threatened to attack. An Allied force, made up of British, Prussian and Hanoverian forces and commanded by Prince Ferdinand lay to the north west of the town. The forces under his command included the Kings own Yorkshire Light Infantry as well as five other British regiments. On the first day of August 1759 while marching toward the French front lines the garrison walked through gardens in Minden blooming with roses. The soldiers picked white roses and attached them to their uniforms. They went on to defeat the French that day and ever since the now Rifles Regiment have a white rose emblazoned on their caps in commemoration to those fallen in battle. 10,000 were killed, wounded or went missing on that single day including 7,000 French. The white rose on a blue background became the official flag of Yorkshire only in 2008 but has been used by Leeds United in varying forms since 1984, as the full crest on their shirts until 1998 and since then as part of the existing crescent. Interestingly, Lieutenant General Lord George Sackville, the British Cavalry Commander under Ferdinand, was later court martialed for repeatedly failing to undertake his orders. He would later reappear as Lord George Germain and bear a major portion of the blame for the outcome of the American Revolution while Secretary of State for the Colonies. Perhaps he may have been swayed or became disenchanted by the pro American Joseph Priestley who fled to New England, from his native Birstall, just outside Leeds, when a mob burned his home for endorsing both the American and French revolutions. Yorkshire certainly has more than its fair share of colourful characters.

And, almost finally, on January 23rd 1955 fourteen people died and dozens were injured when an express train travelling from York to Bristol derailed at Sutton Coldfield station. Have a thought for them today as you fantastic fans head north and then south again, especially if going by train.

Enough has been written about Leeds United on the previous thread, notwithstanding my note below. Suffice to say any match, at any time and anywhere proves a stern test even if last year looked like a walk in the park; a tribute to the team and management that is. This season illustrates more than ever the wide gulf between the two divisions and while Leeds are not exactly creaming this division I do think we might head toward a narrow defeat today. I am usually absolutely hopeless with my predictions so hopefully that continues today and we win comfortably. 1-0 to Leeds.


Footnote:- Interestingly the corresponding fixture thread has not archived my words; well if it has they have been literally archived away somewhere. Mods?



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14 minutes ago, BigTone said:

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The Coach Station is very cosmopolitan!. When we went from York to Manchester Airport, changing at Leeds,  by National Express a few years ago and then on via Bradford, we thought we were in a different country!

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31 minutes ago, samo II said:

Will be there today.

Not sure what to expect; hoping the energy Pembo has spoken of, and seemed present and correct last Saturday, is there from the start in our performance today, as with Leeds not having won a league game since before Christmas, and their relative proximity to us (3 points today takes us just 4 points off them), an early goal might get their team and crowd a little restless, circumstances considered.

West Ham have done us a favour taking Byram off Leeds this week too; looked a lot more defensively suspect without him against Wednesday, and the fact his replacement doesn't look to be through the door yet also helps, as every little bit does.  He was easily one of their best players in all the games I've seen of theirs this year (which is a few, thanks to Sky) and always looked a cut above his team mates, so is a loss for them.

Imagine it might be a tight one, as they have only scored three more league goals that us (of which the departed Byram, a right back, actually scored three) making them the 7th lowest scorers this season.  They will have 8-goal top scorer Chris Woods back though, and he loves notching against us, so that is not great.

With no malice intended, I do hope we start without Wilbraham today, as felt he offered very little against WBA in the week, and would hope the addition of Gladwin at 6'3" would give us that height Wilbs offers, but coupled with a bit more mobility, and the chance to play Kodjia from the start, which I think it essential in a game such as this, where I think we'll need pace.

Personally, a front 4 (thinking we'll play 4231/451 again) of Bryan, Burns, Gladwin and Kodjia would certainly be interesting, and supported by Pack and Smith, I believe would represent an 'upgrade' on what we've had available prior.  The fact we still then have Agard, Reid, Freeman, Wagstaff and Wilbraham to chuck on as components of that formation gives us a flexibility we've seriously lacked earlier this season.


Interesting points there, Samo.  That was a decent little read, and you've touched upon one of my considerations - how will Leeds be affected by the departure of Byram?  Hopefully we can exploit his absence.

Even with the addition of Gladwin, I'd still expect to see a place for Freeman in the team.

I fancy us to win - but the smart money today has to be on a 1 -1 draw.

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2 minutes ago, reddogkev said:

Interesting points there, Samo.  That was a decent little read, and you've touched upon one of my considerations - how will Leeds be affected by the departure of Byram?  Hopefully we can exploit his absence.

I'd expect to still see a place for Freeman in the team.

I fancy us to win - but the smart money today has to be on a 1 -1 draw.

My prediction!

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Beat awayday ever:

Leeds United 0

Bristol City 1 (Gillies)

First ever football picture on front page of The Times. Our train back to Bristol full of drunken City players :drunk2: 

Let's do it again, guys :city: 

Edited by Aizoon
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57 minutes ago, BigTone said:

Condensed Version



I was beginning to wonder where you had gone Tone. Welcome back.

39 minutes ago, EstoniaTallinnRed said:

The Coach Station is very cosmopolitan!. When we went from York to Manchester Airport, changing at Leeds,  by National Express a few years ago and then on via Bradford, we thought we were in a different country!

Arhhhhh but I thought the meaning of cosmopolitan was such that you could be in any country, including ours no?!

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26 minutes ago, Aizoon said:

Beat awayday ever:

Leeds United 0

Bristol City 1 (Gillies)

First ever football picture on front page of The Times. Our train back to Bristol full of drunken City players :drunk2: 

Let's do it again, guys :city: 

I was there, although didn't get a brilliant view, what an atmosphere though and thousands locked out (all pay on the day then). I remember our coach being stuck in traffic outside the stadium and Leeds fans lobbing bottles down onto the roof!

Low-scoring draw today I reckon although either team could win by the odd goal. I'm more confident about the defence in the new formation but think we might struggle to score.

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17 minutes ago, ashton_fan said:

I was there, although didn't get a brilliant view, what an atmosphere though and thousands locked out (all pay on the day then). I remember our coach being stuck in traffic outside the stadium and Leeds fans lobbing bottles down onto the roof!


I remember it well, especially being stuck in traffic on one of the supporters club coaches on the approach to the ground - young kids of about 10 years throwing stones/bricks at our coach and we really were old men, women and children.

I also remember driving through some streets on the approach and seeing washing hanging out between the houses.

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22 minutes ago, ashton_fan said:

I was there, although didn't get a brilliant view, what an atmosphere though and thousands locked out (all pay on the day then). I remember our coach being stuck in traffic outside the stadium and Leeds fans lobbing bottles down onto the roof!

Low-scoring draw today I reckon although either team could win by the odd goal. I'm more confident about the defence in the new formation but think we might struggle to score.

I got hit on the knee by a metal casting, but didn't feel a thing :D

Highlights were interpreting between a Somerset yokel and a West Riding barmaid, and telling a Leeds fan "Mind you, it'll play Hell with our relegation struggle"...

A draw today will do for me.

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It might be 373 years since the Battle of Leeds but it also feels that long since we got anything up there. Have we beaten them since that cup tie when Gillies scored?

I've only been to see City play there once (2010-ish when Nicky Hunt had one of several performances that rank along the worst I've seen in a City shirt) - it's a good weekend away so I'm envious of the City fans at the game today.

Hoping for a win - it would be nice to get out of the bottom three asap.

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I see Steve Evans is the latest opposing manager to say we should be in the top half of the table with our squad.

Do you think they come out with this because

a) they genuinely believe it

b) it puts more pressure on us

c) it gives them an excuse if they don't win

Always feel myself it is a bad tactic to talk up the opposition.


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7 minutes ago, robin_unreliant said:

I see Steve Evans is the latest opposing manager to say we should be in the top half of the table with our squad.

Do you think they come out with this because

a) they genuinely believe it

b) it puts more pressure on us

c) it gives them an excuse if they don't win

Always feel myself it is a bad tactic to talk up the opposition.


Our survey says ...


c .

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55 minutes ago, Aizoon said:

I got hit on the knee by a metal casting, but didn't feel a thing :D

Highlights were interpreting between a Somerset yokel and a West Riding barmaid, and telling a Leeds fan "Mind you, it'll play Hell with our relegation struggle"...

A draw today will do for me.

You spoke to a Leeds fan after that game?

Me and my brother didn't even talk to each other until we were about a mile away from the ground.

Heads down and get the hell out of there.

Roughest crowd I've ever been in, 47,000 and the majority looked like they'd punch an away fan on sight.

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16 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

You spoke to a Leeds fan after that game?

Me and my brother didn't even talk to each other until we were about a mile away from the ground.

Heads down and get the hell out of there.

Roughest crowd I've ever been in, 47,000 and the majority looked like they'd punch an away fan on sight.

DURING the game! He was a harmless old git - about my age now, as I think of it ;)

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2 hours ago, EstoniaTallinnRed said:

The Coach Station is very cosmopolitan!. When we went from York to Manchester Airport, changing at Leeds,  by National Express a few years ago and then on via Bradford, we thought we were in a different country!

A middle eastern one, perhaps?

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Guest rockinrobin
1 minute ago, Esmond Million's Bung said:

OMG either a return to the dreaded 3-5-2 or Bryan is playing is playing full back, just imagine if it is 3-5-2?. 

who's playing up front with Kodjia ?? I think its 4-5-1

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11 minutes ago, djb6162 said:

He is definately playing left back

the formation is a 4-3-3 when we have the ball, and essentially a 4-5-1 when we dont 


I like that idea, teams should be far more adaptable during a game, I have never understood rigid formations and if the worst came to the worst and full back was injured changing to 3 at the back is another option, professionals should be able to slip seamlessly from one formation to another as the circumstances of the game dictate.

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15 minutes ago, Lympsham Red said:

Suspect that Del Williams is out injured, so Bryan is our only choice at left-back really.

He may be, no confirmation, either way Joe Bryan anywhere near his best form is a far superior player in that position.

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4 minutes ago, EstoniaTallinnRed said:

According to RB Del boy is being rested after lots of bumps and his injury as well

I accept that as the official explanation, but as Devereaux says, his recent performances didn't merit a place today anyway.

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3 minutes ago, Youngish said:

Stockhausen saying on Twitter it's 433 with Gladwin on the left and Freeman in the middle, which surprises me. Thought it'd be t'other way round. 


Typical Stockhausen - official website say Freeman on the left.

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18 minutes ago, Pezo said:

Typical Stockhausen - official website say Freeman on the left.

Tbf Gladwin played on the left for Swindle so this is where i'd expect him to play. Although i do think its worth trying Freeman back on the left as he's not cutting it in the middle. 

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