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Park and Ride - Long Ashton (Merged)


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You really couldn't make it up. 

Good on the Evening Post for doing a bit of digging and highlighting this farcical situation. Could only happen in Bristol. 

Isn't this the point of a Mayor though? Sort out the shambles that is public and private sector incompetence for the greater good and benefit of the people who pay his wages? Probably to busy filling in his expense forms mind. 

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1 minute ago, Moor2Sea said:

You really couldn't make it up. 

Good on the Evening Post for doing a bit of digging and highlighting this farcical situation. Could only happen in Bristol. 

Isn't this the point of a Mayor though? Sort out the shambles that is public and private sector incompetence for the greater good and benefit of the people who pay his wages? Probably to busy fill in his expense forms mind. 

I'd imagine there's very little interest from North Somerset to bother with it. Marvellous Marvin has no control over that. 

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11 minutes ago, Tomarse said:

Translation: North Somerset Council and those particular ****kers who tried to stop the access road into AV are stopping it...

As someone who lives in North Somerset I'm ashamed by these action from a so called 'forward thinking council'. How they have the cheek to call themselves is ludicrous.

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14 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

I'd imagine there's very little interest from North Somerset to bother with it. Marvellous Marvin has no control over that. 

Well, if Bristol bothered to threaten that they would say at the next administrative boundary review that they'd highlight this as an issue of North Somerset acting contrary to the general public interest and behaving like total plonkers, I'm pretty sure they might see some movement. North Somerset probably has already given up trying to hold on to any land north of the new road anyhows. 

There's no issue here apart from people not being arsed. Football matches don't take place during high commuting hours or - with the possible exception of the weekend before Xmas - at peak shopping hours. Using the space for football and rugby parking is therefore perfectly compatible with use of the car park by commuters and shoppers. 

Green Capital my arse. Let's build another 1,000 space car park for football and rugby supporters and waste more scarce land. Total, utter joke. 

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1 minute ago, Moor2Sea said:

Well, if Bristol bothered to threaten that they would say at the next administrative boundary review that they'd highlight this as an issue of North Somerset acting contrary to the general public interest and behaving like total plonkers, I'm pretty sure they might see some movement. North Somerset probably has already given up trying to hold on to any land north of the new road anyhows. 

There's no issue here apart from people not being arsed. Football matches don't take place during high commuting hours or - with the possible exception of the weekend before Xmas - at peak shopping hours. Using the space for football and rugby parking is therefore perfectly compatible with use of the car park by commuters and shoppers. 

Green Capital my arse. Let's build another 1,000 space car park for football and rugby supporters and waste more scarce land. Total, utter joke. 

I quite agree. Completely arse-backwards if you ask me but it's obvious politicking from N. Som. 

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This is why we need a regional Mayor. This fighting between neighbouring countries file has held the region back for far to long now. We would have a nice tram system if it wasn't for BCC and SGC fighting over where the end of the line would be. One wanted Cribbs and the other wanted Aztec West or somewhere around there. The Cribbs option was obviously the best option. Fast forward and now we have a bloody guided bus route to look forward to and isn't their going to be a stop at Cribbs? Bloody ridiculous.

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Isn't it about time 'Bristol' started flexing some muscle and put the North Somersets' and South Glos' in their place. It's a metropolitan area i admit but it's dominated by the city of Bristol isn't it? Show some gonads FFS ( I live in South Glos BTW) and act like a big city not a village! The rest would be screwed without you.

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7 hours ago, Up The City! said:

This is why we need a regional Mayor. This fighting between neighbouring countries file has held the region back for far to long now. We would have a nice tram system if it wasn't for BCC and SGC fighting over where the end of the line would be. One wanted Cribbs and the other wanted Aztec West or somewhere around there. The Cribbs option was obviously the best option. Fast forward and now we have a bloody guided bus route to look forward to and isn't their going to be a stop at Cribbs? Bloody ridiculous.

But didn't North Som recent,y vote AGAINST a regional mayor as part of the proposed devolution settlement? So a regional mayor wouldn't really solve the issue. Unless, as someone else has mentioned, there are boundary changes in the pipeline. 

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29 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

But didn't North Som recent,y vote AGAINST a regional mayor as part of the proposed devolution settlement? So a regional mayor wouldn't really solve the issue. Unless, as someone else has mentioned, there are boundary changes in the pipeline. 

The other three did so it'll eventually go through. 

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21 minutes ago, CyderInACan said:

Yes but NSCC will stay independent presumably?

No it only needed 3/4 to have the metro mayor. This isn't Avon being recreated, though 

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Only in Bristol and on the same day, politically Bristol is, has and always will be a joke, a ******* shambles and just when you think that red trousers was a big enough disaster up steps marvellous Marvin FFS.



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8 hours ago, Tomarse said:

The other three did so it'll eventually go through. 


7 hours ago, Tomarse said:

No it only needed 3/4 to have the metro mayor. This isn't Avon being recreated, though 

As far as I understand it, if a council doesn't want to be involved in the metro mayor scheme, they don't have to be. Thus, this would have no effect.

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North Somerset voted against the metro mayor (because they felt they would be the poor relation in the group with less control) so that idea is now dead baring the unforseen, the council will probably push for a link up with other Somerset councils down south as a better option.

As for the service itself I've used it many times just park up, get on the bus then get off first stop along Hotwells Road and walk back easy. 

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2 hours ago, xerox6060 said:

North Somerset voted against the metro mayor (because they felt they would be the poor relation in the group with less control) so that idea is now dead baring the unforseen, the council will probably push for a link up with other Somerset councils down south as a better option.

As for the service itself I've used it many times just park up, get on the bus then get off first stop along Hotwells Road and walk back easy. 

I think, but need to check, the 505 stops even nearer the ground, at Bower Ashton


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4 hours ago, xerox6060 said:

North Somerset voted against the metro mayor (because they felt they would be the poor relation in the group with less control) so that idea is now dead baring the unforseen, the council will probably push for a link up with other Somerset councils down south as a better option.

Not sure whether I've misunderstood what you've said but the devolution/metro mayor deal is still very much on.....North Somerset voted against it assuming that would scupper the plan but the other 3 councils voted for it and are pressing ahead.

The only issue now is that Theresa May isn't keen on metro mayors although devolution would still be on the table......the more important element of the deal.


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This was the problem of getting rid of Avon. You have one of the biggest cities in Britain and parts of it are administered by three different councils. Trying to get all of that lot on the same page is impossible. Also, everything is being paid for three times. There are three transport departments, three education departments etc etc.

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1 hour ago, Monkeh said:

North Somerset are assholes, this is the same council that doesn't fix pot holes unless on of their councilers happen to live on that road


I complained several times to NS council about the potholes over several years. Eventually after numerous emails I received a phone cal from the highways department and the guy said very simply that they don't have the funds to repair not only the potholes but country lanes as well. 

They have a team of "assessors" whose role it is to assess the various potholes and have measures ffs!....

But apparently it's all the governments fault.......

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51 minutes ago, Robbored said:

I complained several times to NS council about the potholes over several years. Eventually after numerous emails I received a phone cal from the highways department and the guy said very simply that they don't have the funds to repair not only the potholes but country lanes as well. 

They have a team of "assessors" whose role it is to assess the various potholes and have measures ffs!....

But apparently it's all the governments fault.......


That sums Councils up though. A few years ago a mates wife used to work for one of the Council offices. He used to bring in a brand new reclining chair for our office every year and used to get laptops frequently (all brand new). Basically if the Council didn't take their "new stock" citing they didn't need it, the cost would then come off of their budget for the next year. Therefore meaning that there was no budget for when they actually needed any new equipment if they didn't take them.

It's a disgrace how places can be run like this and have NHS cuts etc. Maybe things have changed but I doubt it very much.

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3 hours ago, Monkeh said:

North Somerset are assholes, this is the same council that doesn't fix pot holes unless on of their councilers happen to live on that road


There are far to many career politians in NSC with there own agend. The likes of Ashton and co are absolute thunder****s.  If you want a real laugh step down a tier and go to a Portishead Town Council meeting.. its even worse.

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14 hours ago, xerox6060 said:

North Somerset voted against the metro mayor (because they felt they would be the poor relation in the group with less control) so that idea is now dead baring the unforseen, the council will probably push for a link up with other Somerset councils down south as a better option.

As for the service itself I've used it many times just park up, get on the bus then get off first stop along Hotwells Road and walk back easy. 

But not for evening matches(Closes 9pm) or Sunday games, closed all day. Farcical

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1 hour ago, Tomarse said:

There are far to many career politians in NSC with there own agend. The likes of Ashton and co are absolute thunder****s.  If you want a real laugh step down a tier and go to a Portishead Town Council meeting.. its even worse.

been to a few, complete joke mate

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16 hours ago, RedRaw said:

Not sure whether I've misunderstood what you've said but the devolution/metro mayor deal is still very much on.....North Somerset voted against it assuming that would scupper the plan but the other 3 councils voted for it and are pressing ahead.

The only issue now is that Theresa May isn't keen on metro mayors although devolution would still be on the table......the more important element of the deal.


Yes sorry it will all take place unless Mrs May has a change of plan I was just saying North Somerset's involvement was dead unless things change dramatically, it will run without them.

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12 hours ago, Monkeh said:

North Somerset are assholes, this is the same council that doesn't fix pot holes unless on of their councilers happen to live on that road


What pisses me off is we no longer have an archaeologist in north somerset

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