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The Official Bristol City v Leeds United Match Day Thread


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Good day everyone,

For those who recall the murmurings of Welshness that I briefly explored around the old settlement of Loidis, previously considered the capital of Elmet or, in Welsh, Elfed , might be pleased I have decided to re-visit this, shall we say, odd curiosity of our history. For everyone else, my apologies for the waffle that is about to begin.

According to a genetic study published in Nature (19 Mar 2015) the local population of West Yorkshire is genetically distinct from the rest of the population of Yorkshire, and indeed the rest of England, suggesting that families in West Yorkshire who have been in the area for many generations are descendants of the original Elmetsæte or Forest of Elmet as history has oft referred to.

But before we all go ooooh look the people from Leeds are all taffies we need to go back to 410 AD to understand really what happened. Only then can we eat a subtantial amount of home made pie and go... ooooh look, we are all taffies.. what a shocking revelation. Allow me to explain, not to pontificate as that would be very Roman and, in 410 AD they were no more in these Islands. So they left, leaving Britain as a self governing bunch of rag bag kingdoms of which the lands loosely agglomerated as 'Welsh' was by far the largest. Take a look at this map:-


Pretty unequivocal. One of the reasons the Romans scarpered was because of the barbaric Angles and Saxons who later became the English whom, descending from lands they had conquered in Northumberland and southern Scotland, attacked the Welsh at the Battle of Chester in 616. King Ethelfrith being the Anglian victor over the Welsh speaking Selyf ap Cynan or King of Powys. The Britons were therefore defeated by the Anglo Saxon descendants from Germanic, Danish and Dutch lands. Interesting to remind ourselves that the hitherto kingdoms that today make up Scotland and Wales were British and yet, especially in the case of the Scots, they tend to shout the loudest about not being Brits. Is that the proverbial irony? 

The Battle of Chester cut the final link that the Welsh kingdom had with the north or 'Old Lands' that extended into Southern Scotland and otherwise called Hen Ogled. In the southern part of these lands that included Rheged, Strathclyde, Elmet and Gododdin Brythonic or Briton was spoken as well as Old Welsh. The lands of Hen Ogled, Wales and Cornwall were the dominant lands that made up the Kingdom of Britain. Northern Scotland was for the Picts and only the western fringes of Scotland were Gaelic in origin. To the curious eye that explains why the Southern Scots tend to be a lot more vociferous about independence; its an Irish conspiracy I tell you with the British wanting to get their own back on the English.. what an inglorious bunch of barstards we are.

Which brings me to Massimo Cellino and nothing to do with his 44th manager in 24 years although as an aside; Gary Monk's ancestors came to these shores after the Norman conquests and the Battle of Hastings of 1066. He is a relative newcomer. Cellino, on the other hand, goes back a lot further than that. Beyond even the Angles and the Saxons. A Roman conqueror no less. However, I shall refrain from exploring that here, just now, and wait for another day until I dig more earth into the subject and ensure my current smattering of knowledge is converted into relative facts. For now we simply know the modern day football club owner as "direttore mangiatore" or the gaffer eater. 

Three wins on the bounce for Leeds so can they make it 4? or have they met their Waterloo? Interestingly the Kingdom of Sardinia, from where Cellino hails, is an island that frequently went to war as a British ally against the Kingdom of Naples and Napoleonic Italy in the early 1800's. So perhaps we should consider his more modern ancestry more than his ancient and a be a little kinder on the day, assuming he fancies coming all the way from Sardinia or Leeds to Bristol to watch a game of football.

There were three 'Coalition Wars' where Sardinia sided with the UK and we won 2 of them.. so I am going for superstition and a City win tonight by 2 goals to 1 and somehow there will be an Italian connection to one of our goals. I am still trying to figure that out.

Are we going to see our highest crowd of the season? it is important we keep above the 20k average. Enjoy the match today or rather this evening and roar us on up the table and send Cellino, Monk and co back to whence they came with their tails between their legs.



Edited by havanatopia
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All I can see from that map is that the Southern Welsh come from dementia.

And you seem to be suggesting that the Scots come from the irony age.

Irrespective, God might come from Yorkshire but when He goes on holiday he goes to Somerset.

A magnificent 2-0 win for us.


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13 minutes ago, Chivs said:

All I can see from that map is that the Southern Welsh come from dementia.

And you seem to be suggesting that the Scots come from the irony age.

Irrespective, God might have to drive through Yorkshire but only because when he goes on holiday he goes to Somerset.

A magnificent 2-0 win for us.


I have no issue with that remark.

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To be honest I feel a tad cheated no mention of the following:-

The flat caps, the whippets, the brass bands playing.  The smoking chimneys from real coal fires.  The cobbled streets.  The dry stone walls.  The unspoilt beauty of The Dales.  Chips wi’ bits and fizzy pop on t’way home.  Beef dripping on bread and a pint of hand-pulled real ale.  The curves of a Henry Moore, the colours of a David Hockney and the fast bowling of Fred Trueman.  A proper cup o’tea with proper biccies.  The neighbours that wave from across the street.  The postman that knows your first name.  The tastiest grub.  The friendliest folk.  Emmerdale Farm.Champions of Europe.  

Apart from these minor omissions as always an excellent read.

Thank you 

Edited by Abraham Romanovich
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1 hour ago, havanatopia said:

Good day everyone,

For those who recall the murmurings of Welshness that I briefly explored around the old settlement of Loidis, previously considered the capital of Elmet or, in Welsh, Elfed , might be pleased I have decided to re-visit this, shall we say, odd curiosity of our history. For everyone else, my apologies for the waffle that is about to begin.

According to a genetic study published in Nature (19 Mar 2015) the local population of West Yorkshire is genetically distinct from the rest of the population of Yorkshire, and indeed the rest of England, suggesting that families in West Yorkshire who have been in the area for many generations are descendants of the original Elmetsæte or Forest of Elmet as history has oft referred to.

But before we all go ooooh look the people from Leeds are all taffies we need to go back to 410 AD to understand really what happened. Only then can we eat a subtantial amount of home made pie and go... ooooh look, we are all taffies.. what a shocking revelation. Allow me to explain, not to pontificate as that would be very Roman and, in 410 AD they were no more in these Islands. So they left, leaving Britain as a self governing bunch of rag bag kingdoms of which the lands loosely agglomerated as 'Welsh' was by far the largest. Take a look at this map:-


Pretty unequivocal. One of the reasons the Romans scarpered was because of the barbaric Angles and Saxons who later became the English whom, descending from lands they had conquered in Northumberland and southern Scotland, attacked the Welsh at the Battle of Chester in 616. King Ethelfrith being the Anglian victor over the Welsh speaking Selyf ap Cynan or King of Powys. The Britons were therefore defeated by the Anglo Saxon descendants from Germanic, Danish and Dutch lands. Interesting to remind ourselves that the hitherto kingdoms that today make up Scotland and Wales were British and yet, especially in the case of the Scots, they tend to shout the loudest about not being Brits. Is that the proverbial irony? 

The Battle of Chester cut the final link that the Welsh kingdom had with the north or 'Old Lands' that extended into Southern Scotland and otherwise called Hen Ogled. In the southern part of these lands that included Rheged, Strathclyde, Elmet and Gododdin Brythonic or Briton was spoken as well as Old Welsh. The lands of Hen Ogled, Wales and Cornwall were the dominant lands that made up the Kingdom of Britain. Northern Scotland was for the Picts and only the western fringes of Scotland were Gaelic in origin. To the curious eye that explains why the Southern Scots tend to be a lot more vociferous about independence; its an Irish conspiracy I tell you with the British wanting to get their own back on the English.. what an inglorious bunch of barstards we are.

Which brings me to Massimo Cellino and nothing to do with his 44th manager in 24 years although as an aside; Gary Monk's ancestors came to these shores after the Norman conquests and the Battle of Hastings of 1066. He is a relative newcomer. Cellino, on the other hand, goes back a lot further than that. Beyond even the Angles and the Saxons. A Roman conqueror no less. However, I shall refrain from exploring that here, just now, and wait for another day until I dig more earth into the subject and ensure my current smattering of knowledge is converted into relative facts. For now we simply know the modern day football club owner as "direttore mangiatore" or the gaffer eater. 

Three wins on the bounce for Leeds so can they make it 4? or have they met their Waterloo? Interestingly the Kingdom of Sardinia, from where Cellino hails, is an island that frequently went to war as a British ally against the Kingdom of Naples and Napoleonic Italy in the early 1800's. So perhaps we should consider his more modern ancestry more than his ancient and a be a little kinder on the day, assuming he fancies coming all the way from Sardinia or Leeds to Bristol to watch a game of football.

There were three 'Coalition Wars' where Sardinia sided with the UK and we won 2 of them.. so I am going for superstition and a City win tonight by 2 goals to 1 and somehow there will be an Italian connection to one of our goals. I am still trying to figure that out.

Are we going to see our highest crowd of the season? it is important we keep above the 20k average. Enjoy the match today or rather this evening and roar us on up the table and send Cellino, Monk and co back to whence they came with their tails between their legs.



Condensed Version


Shithole in Wales.

Sorry if you don't like Waffles or the Welsh President Massimo Cellino

City 2-0

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15 minutes ago, Fiale said:

Well hopefully we will win tonight and Saturday, Leeds and Forest are their for the proverbial taking. Current form we are 30% ish chance of making the playoffs.... beat Leeds and forest and who knows....




I wouldn't be surprised if the final league table looked something like that. 


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Ah but @havanatopia Welsh (or Waelsc) was the term Saxons used for any non-Germanic tribesman. It is an over-simplification to suggest the modern Welsh are the descendants of ancient Britons "pushed back" into the bit of land no-one particularly wanted. Mitochondrial DNA analysis presents a more nuanced view.

On another note, people with the surnames Welsh, Welch or Walsh are not necessarily of Welsh ancestry, just foreigners in the areas where they received their name.

Anyway, my contribution to Havantopia's impressive work of scholarship is to note that prior to the early 90s, Leeds was the only place in the UK where it was acceptable to drink Tetley Bitter. It really did taste different there.  Now, however, it's brewed in Hartlepool and tastes horrible everywhere.

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8 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

Ah but @havanatopia Welsh (or Waelsc) was the term Saxons used for any non-Germanic tribesman. It is an over-simplification to suggest the modern Welsh are the descendants of ancient Britons "pushed back" into the bit of land no-one particularly wanted. Mitochondrial DNA analysis presents a more nuanced view.

On another note, people with the surnames Welsh, Welch or Walsh are not necessarily of Welsh ancestry, just foreigners in the areas where they received their name.

Anyway, my contribution to Havantopia's impressive work of scholarship is to note that prior to the early 90s, Leeds was the only place in the UK where it was acceptable to drink Tetley Bitter. It really did taste different there.  Now, however, it's brewed in Hartlepool and tastes horrible everywhere.

Keith Welch can come from Timbuktu for all I care. He's still a legend.


Going for a 1-1 draw. Tomlin to score. Better keep an eye on Tammy though. I feel Leeds might try and take him out...

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13 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Unfortunately I am going tonight, which as some of you know, doesn't bode well.  12 games without a win, and in 6 games this calendar year, I've only seen 1 City goal.  Let's hope it's 13th time lucky!

To balance your bad luck, you should know that the last time I missed a home league game we won 6-0.

I am not going tonight.

Edited by Chris_Brown
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19 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Unfortunately I am going tonight, which as some of you know, doesn't bode well.  12 games without a win, and in 6 games this calendar year, I've only seen 1 City goal.  Let's hope it's 13th time lucky!

Right, OTIB to set up a go fund me page for ChippenhamRed to keep you the hell away from Ashton Gate tonight!! 

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25 minutes ago, Jerseybean said:

Who else was at Elland Road in 1974 for the FA cup replay? I was there as a teenager, when we scored I went totally berserk and nobody within 20 yards of me moved! City till I die and I nearly did back in 1974.

Yes indeed, as a 15 year old. It was a midweek afternoon due the power crisis. Presumably must have been during school half term?

As I said on the other thread, I was on the packed side terrace amongst the home fans and didn't celebrate the goal at all.

In fact didn't move a muscle - the vast majority of Leeds fans that day looked ready and more than willing to punch a City fan if they found one!

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2 minutes ago, Red-Robbo said:

Me too.

It was on a week day afternoon as I recall, or am I going mad??

My main memory however is deciding that I don't like Bovril.

Yes, during miner's strike leading to electricity rationing. Match brought forward from Tuesday (Wednesday?) evening to save the floodlights.

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7 minutes ago, Midred said:

Yes, during miner's strike leading to electricity rationing. Match brought forward from Tuesday (Wednesday?) evening to save the floodlights.

Pretty sure floodlights weren't an option due to the power crisis.

Remember we played Millwall at AG on a Tuesday afternoon too.

Still remember all the power cuts, with evenings spent at home in a darkened house with just the occasional candle, and no TV.

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3 hours ago, Abraham Romanovich said:

To be honest I feel a tad cheated no mention of the following:-

The flat caps, the whippets, the brass bands playing.  The smoking chimneys from real coal fires.  The cobbled streets.  The dry stone walls.  The unspoilt beauty of The Dales.  Chips wi’ bits and fizzy pop on t’way home.  Beef dripping on bread and a pint of hand-pulled real ale.  The curves of a Henry Moore, the colours of a David Hockney and the fast bowling of Fred Trueman.  A proper cup o’tea with proper biccies.  The neighbours that wave from across the street.  The postman that knows your first name.  The tastiest grub.  The friendliest folk.  Emmerdale Farm.Champions of Europe.  

Apart from these minor omissions as always an excellent read.

Thank you 

Well may I remind you young sir to delve into the Match Day Thread archives to find a previous Leeds match for a little detail along your preferred lines; and please don't ask me to send you a link, its hard to find and I am sure you will do so faster than me.

3 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Unfortunately I am going tonight, which as some of you know, doesn't bode well.  12 games without a win, and in 6 games this calendar year, I've only seen 1 City goal.  Let's hope it's 13th time lucky!

Just ... i was going to say 'don't do it' but you know what?.. what the hec, this is the new Bristol City and as Cynic reminds us we can turn any team over in this division.

3 hours ago, Chris_Brown said:
4 hours ago, havanatopia said:


So what did I say exactly that lost you your tongue?

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10 minutes ago, JamesBCFC said:

Bloody hell @ChippenhamRed, I set up a petition to stop you attending after last time!

@havanatopia the Italian connection for our goals would be Diego Di Girolamo.

Arghhhh yes... I forgot about him. The only problem is he was born in Chesterfield although his Dad comes from Naples a staunch enemy of Sardinia back during the three Coalition wars of the early 19th century. We may very well have our connection.. last minute substitute and winner perhaps? Unlikely.

Edited by havanatopia
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58 minutes ago, Jerseybean said:

Who else was at Elland Road in 1974 for the FA cup replay? I was there as a teenager, when we scored I went totally berserk and nobody within 20 yards of me moved! City till I die and I nearly did back in 1974.

Yes, I was there too. Same thing happened - I was jumping up and down and no-one else moved around me. What made it better was I'd just moved up to Yorkshire for work and lived ten miles outside Leeds - really easy to get there.

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3 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:

Ah but @havanatopia Welsh (or Waelsc) was the term Saxons used for any non-Germanic tribesman. It is an over-simplification to suggest the modern Welsh are the descendants of ancient Britons "pushed back" into the bit of land no-one particularly wanted. Mitochondrial DNA analysis presents a more nuanced view.

On another note, people with the surnames Welsh, Welch or Walsh are not necessarily of Welsh ancestry, just foreigners in the areas where they received their name.

Anyway, my contribution to Havantopia's impressive work of scholarship is to note that prior to the early 90s, Leeds was the only place in the UK where it was acceptable to drink Tetley Bitter. It really did taste different there.  Now, however, it's brewed in Hartlepool and tastes horrible everywhere.

Bit like Strongbow then 

27 minutes ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

Yes indeed, as a 15 year old. It was a midweek afternoon due the power crisis. Presumably must have been during school half term?

As I said on the other thread, I was on the packed side terrace amongst the home fans and didn't celebrate the goal at all.

In fact didn't move a muscle - the vast majority of Leeds fans that day looked ready and more than willing to punch a City fan if they found one!

Miners strike,3 day week and power cuts......... ahhh the good old days.

Wasn't allowed to go, listened to the radio while playing football in the local school, which was closed.

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26 minutes ago, 1960maaan said:

Bit like Strongbow then 

Miners strike,3 day week and power cuts......... ahhh the good old days.

Wasn't allowed to go, listened to the radio while playing football in the local school, which was closed.

Yep, but the 3 day week ( & half term) meant 47,000+ could get to Elland Road on a midweek afternoon.



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39 minutes ago, havanatopia said:

Arghhhh yes... I forgot about him. The only problem is he was born in Chesterfield although his Dad comes from Naples a staunch enemy of Sardinia back during the three Coalition wars of the early 19th century. We may very well have our connection.. last minute substitute and winner perhaps? Unlikely.

Or could it be Hordur with the winning goal, we signed him from Juventus? You didn't say he had to be Italian.

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Just now, Taxi for Rennie said:

Tammy is bound to get at least 1.

Wood is likely to get 1.

So it could be 1-1.

However - we are at home, and have our tails up after our crusades in London.

On this analysis, it will be 3-2 to City.

Yes - there will be late goals.



Uncle TFR

......... so don't leave early.



Uncle TFR

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3 hours ago, Major Isewater said:

Sort of ' come and have a curry and a lager ' ? 

So long as he's back by bedtime .

Nah, I think they were on about the screening of the new Bridget Jones flick up Longwell Green. Couple of bottles of chardonnay and an industrial vat of Ben and Jerry's. 

Then they'll paint each others toenails.

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1 hour ago, havanatopia said:


Well may I remind you young sir to delve into the Match Day Thread archives to find a previous Leeds match for a little detail along your preferred lines; and please don't ask me to send you a link, its hard to find and I am sure you will do so faster than me.

Just ... i was going to say 'don't do it' but you know what?.. what the hec, this is the new Bristol City and as Cynic reminds us we can turn any team over in this division.

So what did I say exactly that lost you your tongue?

I don't know why my reply doesn't show, I was trying to quote a section of your post without forcing others to scroll the whole screen for a second time. 

My suggestion was of Magnusson being our tenuous Italian collection through his transfer from Juve.

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4 hours ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Unfortunately I am going tonight, which as some of you know, doesn't bode well.  12 games without a win, and in 6 games this calendar year, I've only seen 1 City goal.  Let's hope it's 13th time lucky!

I'm currently on a run of 9 games without a loss.  8 wins and a draw and an GD of +12.  In four games this calendar year I've seen 7 City goals and 3 opposition goals.

Sadly I'm not attending tonight.

Edited by ExiledAjax
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5 minutes ago, ChippenhamRed said:

Yes, I was at the Newcastle game. Let's hope you're right though!

Yes let's.

If we ever attend the same game then we (and all other OTIBers) should put some money on it being a draw.  I'm pretty sure that's how this lucky/unlucky charm thing works.

For what it's worth I fancy us for the 3-1 win tonight. Tammy, then Leeds, 1-1 at HT then O'Dowda to finally score his first and finally a latish penalty for Tomlin to put the icing on the cake.

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5 minutes ago, Ashtonwurzel said:

I have had a terrible run also - last 10 = won 2 drawn 2 lost 6.

Not going tonight though !!

This must be why success breeds success? As we win more, so more people are on "good" runs; thus the good luck vibes rub off on the players and we continue to win.

Vice versa for bad runs.

I love science.

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I want Leeds 'put to the sword' this evening.

Call me demanding, but this is want I want of my team tonight.

Yes, put them to the sword, lads. I will be happy, you will be happy, Bristol will be happy.

Don't spare them, me babbers.



Uncle TFR


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8 minutes ago, JamesBCFC said:

I've still only seen us lose 2 games in this division. I know you were there for the Newcastle one.

Were you at the home game against Blackburn last season by any chance?

Yes, that was one of the games in my winless run. The last win I saw was the Walsall 8-2. We've scored less goals in the 12 games I've seen since combined.

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5 hours ago, cheshire_red said:

Was it the Battle of Stamford Bridge? @havanatopia

Was what? That was in 1066 and we put the Norweirdjuns to the sword only to be trounced by the Normans a few months later in Hastings. 1-1.... Beating the Welsh tonight though... 2-1.

3 hours ago, Red-Robbo said:

Me too.

It was on a week day afternoon as I recall, or am I going mad??

My main memory however is deciding that I don't like Bovril.

Trying to remember back 42 years;- you are excused for not remembering.

2 hours ago, Nogbad the Bad said:

Yep, but the 3 day week ( & half term) meant 47,000+ could get to Elland Road on a midweek afternoon.



If you left early; the reduced speed limit was a right pain.

1 hour ago, Chris_Brown said:

I don't know why my reply doesn't show, I was trying to quote a section of your post without forcing others to scroll the whole screen for a second time. 

My suggestion was of Magnusson being our tenuous Italian collection through his transfer from Juve.

Good one Chris. 

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3 hours ago, Atyeo's lift said:

Yes, I was there too. Same thing happened - I was jumping up and down and no-one else moved around me. What made it better was I'd just moved up to Yorkshire for work and lived ten miles outside Leeds - really easy to get there.

Remember our win featuring as one of the first news headlines that night (when BBC national news was on at 9pm) and the national press the next day being full of great headlines - none of which I can now remember!

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8 hours ago, havanatopia said:

Good day everyone,

For those who recall the murmurings of Welshness that I briefly explored around the old settlement of Loidis, previously considered the capital of Elmet or, in Welsh, Elfed , might be pleased I have decided to re-visit this, shall we say, odd curiosity of our history. For everyone else, my apologies for the waffle that is about to begin.

According to a genetic study published in Nature (19 Mar 2015) the local population of West Yorkshire is genetically distinct from the rest of the population of Yorkshire, and indeed the rest of England, suggesting that families in West Yorkshire who have been in the area for many generations are descendants of the original Elmetsæte or Forest of Elmet as history has oft referred to.

But before we all go ooooh look the people from Leeds are all taffies we need to go back to 410 AD to understand really what happened. Only then can we eat a subtantial amount of home made pie and go... ooooh look, we are all taffies.. what a shocking revelation. Allow me to explain, not to pontificate as that would be very Roman and, in 410 AD they were no more in these Islands. So they left, leaving Britain as a self governing bunch of rag bag kingdoms of which the lands loosely agglomerated as 'Welsh' was by far the largest. Take a look at this map:-


Pretty unequivocal. One of the reasons the Romans scarpered was because of the barbaric Angles and Saxons who later became the English whom, descending from lands they had conquered in Northumberland and southern Scotland, attacked the Welsh at the Battle of Chester in 616. King Ethelfrith being the Anglian victor over the Welsh speaking Selyf ap Cynan or King of Powys. The Britons were therefore defeated by the Anglo Saxon descendants from Germanic, Danish and Dutch lands. Interesting to remind ourselves that the hitherto kingdoms that today make up Scotland and Wales were British and yet, especially in the case of the Scots, they tend to shout the loudest about not being Brits. Is that the proverbial irony? 

The Battle of Chester cut the final link that the Welsh kingdom had with the north or 'Old Lands' that extended into Southern Scotland and otherwise called Hen Ogled. In the southern part of these lands that included Rheged, Strathclyde, Elmet and Gododdin Brythonic or Briton was spoken as well as Old Welsh. The lands of Hen Ogled, Wales and Cornwall were the dominant lands that made up the Kingdom of Britain. Northern Scotland was for the Picts and only the western fringes of Scotland were Gaelic in origin. To the curious eye that explains why the Southern Scots tend to be a lot more vociferous about independence; its an Irish conspiracy I tell you with the British wanting to get their own back on the English.. what an inglorious bunch of barstards we are.

Which brings me to Massimo Cellino and nothing to do with his 44th manager in 24 years although as an aside; Gary Monk's ancestors came to these shores after the Norman conquests and the Battle of Hastings of 1066. He is a relative newcomer. Cellino, on the other hand, goes back a lot further than that. Beyond even the Angles and the Saxons. A Roman conqueror no less. However, I shall refrain from exploring that here, just now, and wait for another day until I dig more earth into the subject and ensure my current smattering of knowledge is converted into relative facts. For now we simply know the modern day football club owner as "direttore mangiatore" or the gaffer eater. 

Three wins on the bounce for Leeds so can they make it 4? or have they met their Waterloo? Interestingly the Kingdom of Sardinia, from where Cellino hails, is an island that frequently went to war as a British ally against the Kingdom of Naples and Napoleonic Italy in the early 1800's. So perhaps we should consider his more modern ancestry more than his ancient and a be a little kinder on the day, assuming he fancies coming all the way from Sardinia or Leeds to Bristol to watch a game of football.

There were three 'Coalition Wars' where Sardinia sided with the UK and we won 2 of them.. so I am going for superstition and a City win tonight by 2 goals to 1 and somehow there will be an Italian connection to one of our goals. I am still trying to figure that out.

Are we going to see our highest crowd of the season? it is important we keep above the 20k average. Enjoy the match today or rather this evening and roar us on up the table and send Cellino, Monk and co back to whence they came with their tails between their legs.



My take on this history lesson is that it's a bit weird to hark back to 500 AD (or CE).

its obviously more relevant to look at the 9th century after the Vikings invaded. That was when the North South divide started in England in my view. I think the difference in accents etc all dates back to the Wessex / Danelaw split.

So I regard all these games as Wessex v Danelaw. Dragging the Welsh into it! I hope you're feeling a bit sheepish.

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