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Is it just me or are goalkeepers incredibly overprotected in the modern game?

A goalkeeper could catch the ball in his box and in the process knock over a number of forwards and absolutely nothing would be given. However, if a striker was to even challenge a 'keeper for a ball then a free-kick would be given. This can't be right surely?

I'm all for 'keepers being protect, afterall it can be a very dangerous positions to play in - but I just feel that as the law currently stands it's too much in favour of goalkeepers.

After 3.

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Guest city slicker 71

I remember touching on this subject a while ago under a sub- heading ,this game has been ######ized beyond all recognition. While we all get involved in the 'whose the Robin that can cross the ball best etc etc' what seems to be overlooked is it takes a 110% pinpoint just right for the on rushing striker yet not too near the keeper.

Back in those bad old days a keeper had to fight for his corner( and there were plenty of good uns) we had a few of them, as it stands now some have become very complacent and fumble--- not very entertaining from a purist point of view though all in the name of progress I think not.

Take Murray (when with us) on a run, cuts past one forced wide by the second skips around him THEN, has to check and drop that ball 110% as per above! Move ruined, not his fault just another stipend to interupt the general flow, courtesy of those intefering numpties who have filtered in to the working mans way of life after buggering-up most things outside of it.

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Guest city slicker 71

You could be right there, one of the spin offs of this changed game is inconsistency though that would take me into the murky waters of refereeing standards and officialdom in general.


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I don't know about over-protected. My club teams goalie got smashed up by getting run into/over a couple years ago. Broke his face all up (cheekbone, "eggshell" bone that holds you eye in place and some other little bone) not to mention all the blood. After that I think if anything they don't do enough to protect the keepers, as long as it is called both ways and people are aware of it I think they should be protected.

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According to the laws of the game, keepers are no more protected than any other player.

What a lot of people view as 'overprotection' is merely an application of the laws.

The most common misconceptions are:

When a player jumps for the ball with the keeper. The law usually violated here is the fact that you may not shoulder charge in the air - usually termed jumping at a player - you must jump upwards, not laterally.

When a player challenges the keeper on the ground. Most often the ref will blow because most keepers are facing the challenging player so his 'shoulder charge' usually ends up in the keeper's chest.

Having said that, I do think keepers should be penalised for dangerous play when coming out to collect a ball with one foot up and studs showing, although you can't blame them for doing so when they usually get 'jumped at' by the attacker!


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Tony Cook, a City goalie from the 50s, reckoned Gibson and Cashley had it easy compared to him; but an oppo these days cannot even stand in front of a goalie taking a kick and hold out his arms sideways. Interestingly the traditional shoulder charge has never been outlawed, but you try it on a goalie today and see what happens.

For you younger forum members, for a legal shoulder charge you kept your arms down and rammed the goalie (provided he had the ball) on the shoulder with your shoulder. If you knocked him over the line a goal was awarded!

Last time I played in goal, a friendly in Norfolk, I went out to collect a cross as a forward ran in. Left hand up to collect the ball, right arm straight out with the hand clenched in a fist to deter the forward. This was accepted as I was in goal!!!!

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